Sunday, April 10, 2016

de Blasio time: "Bill de Blasio Hates Freedom"

NRO:  This week, New York mayor Bill de Blasio signed a ban on using snuff or chewing tobacco at Yankee Stadium and Citi Field. It sounds trivial, but this is actually a damned big deal...

In a free country, many things happen in many places that might bother you. If you’re in a bar and you don’t like second-hand smoke, or profanity, or strippers, or liquor, you leave. No one forces you to be there. If you’re in a park and you don’t like second-hand smoke, or scantily clad sunbathers, or a hippie giving a speech on a soap box, you walk away. No one is forcing you to be there either. The freedom to do things other people don’t like is the essence of a free country. You’d think New York’s politicos would have heard that.

The mayor of America’s largest city believes he has the power to forbid you to do things that are linked to gum disease...

Of course, Bloomberg tried the same thing, in 2012, when he persuaded the New York City Board of Health to ban sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces. The ban was struck down following a lawsuit from the soft-drink lobby. Who’s going to stand up for snuff and dip? Roughly 150 million Americans drink soda every day; only 1 million Americans use smokeless tobacco at all. Personally, I find it repulsive. But I don’t want to be in the position of saying, First they came for the tobacco chewers, and I didn’t speak out, because I didn’t chew tobacco . . . 

Frankly, conservatives have been much too casual in the defense of small freedoms, and much too passive in accepting bureaucratic edicts. We focus on the big fights — the right to bear arms, for instance — and forget about the littler ones.


ndspinelli said...

The Teeny Tiny fascist mayor of Chicago did the same thing. The Cubs owner is a conservative and has lashed back. Shit like this is why we have the Trump phenomenon.

Trooper York said...

De Blasio is on the road to indictment.

He will be resigning soon.

edutcher said...

What else do you expect?

Ah, smoking is not good for you, and it's been deemed that anything not good for you is bad; hence, illegal. Alcohol, caffeine, contact sports, meat...

Scratch a Lefty, find another Dr Cocteau.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Are they banning chew for players? How do you do chew in the stands? Spitting in a cup?

For a socialist, De Blasio is always about what's in it for him. Follow the money (and the money interest of his supporters) to figure out why he takes positions he takes.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I'm alright with chewing. It's your face and your life.

Chewing OK. Spitting....not so much. Gross.

ricpic said...

Reporter: Mr. Bharara, the Mayor has begun to wear a dot on his forehead. Any comment?

Preet: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......................too late.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Isn't the problem that these people spit that stuff everywhere?

The most capitalist country in the world, Singapore, banned chewing gum once the public officials got tired of cleaning it off of stuff.

Leland said...

Smoke and chew are two different things to me. Smoke is more than a nuisance if you are a non-smoker, and if I purchased a ticket to be there in that seat next to the smoker, the smoker can also go somewhere else. Smoke has an ion charge to it, and smokers clothing is saturated, so the smoke will always travel to the nearest non-smoker to bond with their clothing. I'm not against smoking in your car, in your home, or if you have your own business. But I'm cool with smoking bans in public places, because it will always affect the non-smokers. I also oppose public urination.

Chew is something that affects no one but the chewer. Yeah, spit is gross, and if your not spitting in a cup; then you need to find another place to soil. But if you spit in a cup, dispose of the cup, then your habit can also be called a nuisance, but it can be ignored. When I do go somewhere else, my clothes don't smell like an ash can, my eyes are not irritated, and I can still smell the hot dog vendors.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, You spit in a cup if you're even a halfway decent human. It's the same w/ sunflower seeds. Spit them in a used beer or soda cup. Dispose of properly. Like, on a fascist maypr's head.

Titus said...

We have a new law in Cambridge where if you need a bag you have to pay 10 cents, otherwise the business owner can get fined $300.00 for giving you a bag.

This is in every business in the city.

I don't recycle anything.
