Sunday, March 6, 2016

Springtime for Donald

Instapundit: A week ago, Jimmy Kimmel pressed Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane into service to revive their Bialystok and Bloom characters from the Broadway and film remake of The Producers in search of the next big not a chance it can succeed effort:

Yesterday, this photo (below) made the rounds on Twitter after a Trump rally in Orlando, Florida:

As Twitchy notes, “Donald Trump’s voter pledge is a news photographer’s dream.” In asking his supporters to raise their right hands and pledge they’d vote for him in the Florida primary, Trump had to know he was creating a photo op where the cameraman in the back of the room could compose a shot that implies every Fuhrerprinzip cliché that Kimmel, theWashington Post, Louis CK and numerous others have been throwing at The Donald in recent weeks.

As Iowahawk describes the image, it’s perhaps the first “Self-Godwinization” in presidential history. Of course, as with his quoting the line “better to live one single day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep,” which turns out not to originate with Mussolini but predates his rise to power, Trump can point to how Americans pledged allegiance to the flag prior to WWII, so there’s plausible deniability – but c’mon. Trump knew just such a photo would go viral on Twitter, and is likely thrilled that it did.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump for Hillary!

XRay said...

Yeah, AA, almost seems that way. A tad over done me thinks.

So, off topic a little. I'm still on the fence about our choices this year. My pick, Fiorina, got no traction.

As an addition to all the great discussion here re Trump and others, here's an interview Playboy did with Trump many years ago. I'd have to say he hasn't changed much since that time. It also, in my opinion, allays suspicion of his being a democrat at heart.

Perhaps I'm being overly swayed by one interview, but should DT become the nominee I will feel much less uncomfortable pulling the lever for him. Especially when considering the alternative.

Meade said...

It's all fun and games until someone loses 6 million or so untermenschen.

ricpic said...

Before the media whores get their message out that Trump lost Saturday you might want to know that Trump picked up 90 delegates to Cruz's 60. The lead lengthens.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Trump has turned the tables.

For a long time the GOP worst nightmare scenario was a candidate saying or doing the wrong thing. George Allen's "macaca" comes to mind. GOP history is littered with George Allens.

Here comes Trump and blows that up and then some.

That alone makes me consider him.

Meade said...

Be sure to consider what you'll have (and not have) once the explosive dust and ash eventually settles.

chickelit said...

Be sure to consider what you'll have (and not have) once the explosive dust and ash eventually settles.

We'll have lots and lots of conflicting little news sources instead a few big lying ones.

edutcher said...

The irony is, if there's anybody who inspires that kind of fanaticism, it sure ain't The Donald.

ricpic said...

Before the media whores get their message out that Trump lost Saturday you might want to know that Trump picked up 90 delegates to Cruz's 60. The lead lengthens.

The early news was doing just that.

Meade said...

It's all fun and games until someone loses 6 million or so untermenschen.

You mean 14 million.

The Nips did about 30 mil, the Russkies (mostly Stalin) did 52, and the Red Chinese 66.

The VC, NVA, and Khmer Rouge between them did about 6.

bagoh20 said...

As always, It's genius!

Amartel said...

Remember how we were all INSTRUCTED that Hitler comparisons were juvenile (JEJEUNE) and insulting and strictly off limits? Godwins Law would be applied with extreme prejudice. Yeah. Good times.

Meade said...

Godwins Law is not what many people have come to understand "Godwin's Law" mean.

The rule of Lemnity said...

We'll have lots and lots of conflicting little news sources instead a few big lying ones.

Coincidently, that was one of my tweets yesterday.

"In 1983, 90% of US media was controlled by fifty companies; today, 90% is controlled by just six companies."

bagoh20 said...

"We'll have lots and lots of conflicting little news sources instead a few big lying ones.".

There is nothing he can't do, if we just give him the power. I can even see an end to the seven deadly sins. Everything will be different.

chickelit said...

Meade said...It's all fun and games until someone loses 6 million or so untermenschen.

I heard they're lighting ovens in Idaho and erecting fence posts in Wyoming.

chickelit said...

Bags: wrote: There is nothing he can't do, if we just give him the power. I can even see an end to the seven deadly sins. Everything will be different.

What I meant by my comment about the media was that big centralized media is threatened. A similar thing happened a half century ago when TV supplanted print media. When JFK won a presidency largely because of televised debate. It sounds quaint now, but it must have been a big deal then. I don't know first hand -- I was too young.

Trooper York said...

Trump really knows how the troll the pussies.

chickelit said...

A similar thing happened a half century ago when TV supplanted print media.

I oversimplified that because I left out radio's role. Radio had undermined the print media's monopoly for 30 years prior to TV.

Meade said...

"Trump really knows how the troll the pussies."

Yes, vote for Trump because trolling pussies is the most important role of the top administrator of the law and commander of our armed forces.

Trooper York said...

You can only hope he will give these sanctimonious cunts a stroke.

He should grow a little mustache.

Meade said...

You should grow a pair
of mustaches.

Trooper York said...

Somebody must still be passed out drunk so Junior has access to the laptop.

Meade said...

I haven't seen anyone passed out drunk since Troomper York's first wife. Peace be upon her.

bagoh20 said...

There are essentially three candidates left: Clinton, Trump, Cruz.

The three with the absolute lowest approval ratings. Each have different reasons for being so disliked.

Of the three, personally, I prefer Cruz's reasons for being disliked:

He's not physically attractive,
He's preachy,
He wants to take things away from the connected,
He's scary because when he got a little power, he actually did blow things up for as long as he could,
He's a scary staunch conservative.

I can live with all that.

Electability? Who knows. Are the polls right?

I do know that this was the year the Republicans had it in the bag, past tense.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Obama trolls along with the best of them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He wants to take things away from the connected,

Prove it.

I do know that this was the year the Republicans had it in the bag, past tense.

They must not want it.

W. fatigue and Palin fatigue and Romney fatigue and Jeb fatigue.

At some point, even the party running on the slogan, "This time it's going to be different!" must get tired of itself.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If saints have gotten us where we are, maybe it's time we let a crook handle thing. It can't get any worse.

Trooper York said...

I am sure that Cruz will be a terror to his wife and all of her co-workers at Goldman Sachs.

edutcher said...

I love how some Cruzzer tried to say she's in the banking business.

If your wife works at the little branch round the corner where the government lets you visit what's left of your money, she's in the baking business.

If your wife works for GS, Louie, you got some 'splainin' to do.

bagoh20 said...

Of the three, personally, I prefer Cruz's reasons for being disliked:

He's preachy

That works so well. Carter wore out his welcome real fast with that.

Amartel said...

"Godwins' law for thee but not for me."

bagoh20 said...

I think you run out of stuff to go after Cruz on pretty quick. The attacks would have to be all prospective and policy related - suggesting he would take away your birth control pills or some other boring shit. There just isn't much record to go back to. Hillary and Trump both have a treasure trove of stuff to pick at and release day after day, and it's stuff the media will love running with. Lots of dirt just laying there to be dug up. Trumpers won't be moved by any of it, but everyone else is very open to listening to and being turned off by the kind of stuff he has out there to exploit.

bagoh20 said...

"That works so well. Carter wore out his welcome real fast with that."

Nobody was ever more preachy than Obama, and he won twice. Besides, style can be worked on, but you can't change your record, and Donald has a overloaded trash barge he's dragging along.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary and Trump both have a treasure trove of stuff to pick at and release day after day, and it's stuff the media will love running with.

People become bored with it and tune it out. The more dirt, the less interest.

I realize there's a segment of the "business community" who think a squeaky-clean lifestyle is the only way to maintain reputation, though.

This stuff really isn't your strong suit. And I'm wishing you'd learn, because we're running out of time.

bagoh20 said...

I'm certainly not saying that Cruz is a great candidate. I don't think he could win in a normal year, and I don't think Trump could either, but Hillary is an unprecedented opportunity for either one of them. Once the election is behind us, I'd rather have President Cruz in office. I'm much more confident he would avoid making big mistakes. I know it's a low standard, but Trump has screwed up a lot of opportunities and left a lot of people worse with his management, and I don't think we can afford much more of that.

bagoh20 said...

"People become bored with it and tune it out. The more dirt, the less interest."

What planet are you floating on? The entire media is about nothing but dirt, and the most successful stuff in pure dirt, like reality shows.

rcocean said...

Interesting Wikipedia article about the "Bellamy Salute". Also, the Wikipedia article shows MSM liberals were lying, dishonest sacks of shit even in the 1940s.

Does all this screeching about Trump being a fascist really work? Do the Libs do it to keep themselves entertained or do they think American voters are stupid enough to take it seriously?

I find it annoying.

bagoh20 said...

"If saints have gotten us where we are, maybe it's time we let a crook handle thing. It can't get any worse."

Are you sure? You still live in the best nation in the world, with the best economy in a world of struggling economies, and many of them are struggling precisely because they are even more authoritarian, protectionist, and closed than we have been. Be careful what you wish for. Calling people to blow it all up when you live in the big house, is risky.

bagoh20 said...

"do they think American voters are stupid enough to take it seriously?"

Are you sure they're not. It worked for Obama, twice.

Trooper York said...

"The entire media is about nothing but dirt, and the most successful stuff in pure dirt, like reality shows."

That's it right there. Reality Shows are "Pure Dirt." That is the attitude of pundits and the press and all of the people who don't understand what is going on.

I was checking out some of the commentary and the press and the pundits were aghast at the idea that Trump was joking around about the size of his junk. They couldn't believe it. They were disgusted by it. They spent the first half hour of their shows talking about it.

You see most of these guys are on television. But they don't understand Television. Or the Internet. Or Social Media. Trump does. As he has proven again and again. He captures the narrative and becomes the story of the day. Every time. Hillary doesn't have a clue. She is going to go around virtue signaling and calling out Trump as though her record and reputation is something akin to George Washington transgendered as a lesbian grandma. In the meantime Trump is going to be doing stuff to peel off significant segments of her base. Look
he can do an episode of "Donald Trump's Cribs" where he is hanging with some of the dudes he has helped over the years. When the black electorate sees that Trump is comfortable with and very friendly with their peeps all the demonetization of people like Andrea Mitchell and Chris Matthews and James Carville and Megyn Kelly don't mean jack shit.

An election is ultimately a popularity contest. You can rail against this fact and say it shouldn't be that way. That it should be a high minded pursuit of truth. Well it ain't. It never was and never will be. It's ratings. It is the lowest common denominator. Obama won because he was more popular. Appealing to the lowest common denominator. Any reasonable comparison of Obama's credentials to either McCain or Romney would be no contest. But he won. So when people tell me that the Republicans have to be better than that and that appealing to the lowest common denominator I have to say fuck that.

An election is getting ratings. Trump knows how to do that. He knows how to get people to vote for him by watching his show even when they think he is a dick and don't like him. But you know what. They feel like they know him. They know he is not Hitler. They know he is not
Mussolini. And all the hysterical posturing in the world is not going to change that.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

I think you run out of stuff to go after Cruz on pretty quick.

I know we've covered this ground and some just put in the earplugs, but here are a few...

Cruz anointed to take control of society - that'll wear well.

Wouldn't help any candidates who wanted to primary R officeholders

Voted for the Corker Iran sell out

Voted for the TPA deal as I've noted.

He has a number of flip flops, if you have the guts to scroll down.

And then there's his vote to keep OCare going.

No, they can't lay a glove on him.

That works so well. Carter wore out his welcome real fast with that.

Nobody was ever more preachy than Obama, and he won twice.

He won once, and stole it once, but he kept the preaching to a minimum until after '12.

Trooper York said...

Now I know that bags is going to say that I am blind and that anything Trump does is right and that he makes no mistakes. I don't think that. He makes tons of mistakes. He is vain, pompous and thin skinned. He is a big mouth and he can be a bully. But what you don't understand is he knows how to play the television game. How to dominate the media cycle every day. He will throw something up that will take over the narrative and take it out of the hands of the media that tries to destroy him with their virtue signaling and their demands that the Republicans not use that tactics of the Democrats. That conservatives have to be pure. Not stoop to the levels of Harry Reid or Barney Frank or Al Sharpton or Barack Obama.

Guess what? Trump won't do that. When he is running against Hillary he will do the same thing. Look at how he trashed Little Marco. When the Little Guy came out guns blazing mocking Trump he turned around and brought out the Fat Guy to give his endorsement. Took over the news cycle.

There is a lot of talk about how Trump is a sexist. How the Super Pacs and the Democratic party will promote that he is a sexist pig. Well you know Trump will do? He will have a press conference with Kathleen Wiley who will tell America how Bill Clinton raped her. How Hillary enabled him by threatening her when she came forward the first time. He will turn the media cycle on it's head. Where does Hillary go after that? How does she whip up the millennials who carry mattresses around the campus because all of those frat boys are rapists?

Or when Hillary trashes him on foreign policy? How he can not be the commander in chief? Trump will bring out the American Soldiers who were left to die in Benghazi and who have endorsed him to Swift boat her ass. He won't stand off like Bush did with Kerry. He will put them front and center on TV 24/7. The media won't be able to spin that.

Or how about "Black Lives Matters?" When Hillary starts spouting that bullshit Trump will bring out the families of crime victims. The families of cops who were murdered by the criminals that the Democratic Party claims as a major part of their base. Just as he did with the black father who had a son murdered by an illegal alien. When Trump appears with them the media will have to cover it. They will scream and protest that they can't believe that Trump went there.

So you do you think that the One True Ted would do any of that? No I agree. He is too good, too pure, too much of a gentleman to do that. Theres the rub boys. Theres the rub.

Amartel said...

Oh puhleeze. Obama's Preachy Finger could star in it's own show. It's been out and about condemning our various infinite sins since even before he was elected. It's his vice president. When Obama's busy watching the NCAA tournament or Game of Thrones or Real Housewives or taking a nap, viz., every day from 10 am until 5 pm, it immediately assumes the duties and powers of the office as Acting President. When Obama and Preachy Finger are unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office, the power transmits to Obama's Middle Finger. Middle Finger has also seen a lot of camera time.

Amartel said...

The people are bored with all things Clinton. Bored with their disgusting scandals, automatic dishonesty, endless needy greed for money and power, tired campaign tactics, and bored with the lame and transparently partisan media defense of their disgusting scandals. Bored and disgusted with feeling obligated to defend them all the time.

Amartel said...

The whole "it can't get any worse" schtick shows a serious lack of imagination.
It can totally get worse, so much worse.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

He is too good, too pure, too much of a gentleman to do that.

This has been the trouble with the Republican Party for 65 years and we've reached critical mass.

But to amplify the point, notice how the One True Ted always has somebody else do his character assassination?

Rubio, his own flacks, never him.

And, when the time comes to really get in Hillary's face, not the way he made a show of calling McConnell a liar, but nose to nose, he'll bug off.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Cross posting from an older thread where I am trying to explain to R & B why this Trump is Hilter meme is going to totally backfire. Why Trump is doing what he is doing, with this optical event of hands raised and how it helps him to have the media etc attacking him on this.

Sorry for the spamming of the below.

"Psychology matters"
@ R&B

Of course it does. I see the techniques that Trump is using as opposed to the manufactured robots that the parties (Dem and Rep) churn out. Having been in sales most of my life and having had extensive training in how to "sell" to people, I am familiar with Trump's techniques and have used those myself, often, and as such...they don't work on me or anyone who is aware. There isn't necessarily anything evil or Hilterish in it as far as I can see with Trump. This isn't to say that those techniques are not subject to being perverted to evil control. I just don't see that as yet happening and to have the media and others JUMP to that conclusion is just as bad as if it really were happening.

The main difference that I observe in Trump's campaign speeches as compared to the others is that Trump encourages audience participation. Asking questions directly of the audience. Getting them to respond both verbally and physically by raising their hands or clapping. He gets them to feel a part of the process. They get to feel that they are in control and not just passive receptacles. This is opposed to Cruz's technique which has been noted to be preachy, lecturing. Cruz's groups are supposed to listen and receive the wisdom from on high. Passive and receiving.

This photo op, where his audience has raised their hands is another way for him to get his audience to "bond" or feel commonality with him. When the media and the pearl clutching commentators immediately spring to the meme Hands raised = Hilter = Nazi supporters, the audience now feels personally attacked....yet again. The media already calls them rubes, rednecks, ignorant, racist and all sorts of other things. be attacked now as Nazis because of a photo taken where they were merely raising their hands is only going to cement their feelings.

Their take on it is I am NOT a Nazi or a racist and the more you tell me things about myself that are NOT true (in their opinion) the more I will hate you and cling to my own beliefs and my candidate. In other words, attacking the audience (unfairly to their minds) is a counter productive technique and will boomerang on the GOPe, the media and THIS is what is dangerous.

The GOPe has dissed and kicked these people to the curb and here it is again...or so they feel. The GOPe has turned its own base into powerless outsiders. Trump makes them feel like insiders and like they have some control.

Crowd control, speaking to large groups to persuade....all things that I am quite familiar with and have been trained to do as has Trump. Not that I am comparing myself to Trump, but rather to the training and techniques it takes to be successful in selling.

I'm not disagreeing with you (Ritmo) but rather trying to explain why it works and why it doesn't work to attack either the messenger or his audience.

bagoh20 said...

That's fine Ed, but now you're pretty much done with the negatives about Cruz, and it's gonna be hard to get people outside of conservatives that those things make Cruz a monster. Alternatively, the Dems with the media's help will fill up your entire screen for months with negative Trump stories, because they exist out there everywhere, but most people outside of New York have not heard them yet. The real kicker is that it's the kind of stuff that has legs and gets headlines. Defrauding regular people, business failures, infidelity, illegal hiring of foreigners, offshoring jobs, paying off officials, major flip flops, etc. Some of that may not matter to some of us, but it's great stuff to paint a picture of a bad man. Maybe it will backfire, but that's not what recent history has shown.

Amartel said...

OMG, Rubio's totally working for Cruz. On the DL, all stealth-like.

bagoh20 said...

"Now I know that bags is going to say that I am blind and that anything Trump does is right and that he makes no mistakes."

Not you Troop. You see it, but as I've said before, you just don't care, or see it as a positive, but many Trumpers don't even want to hear about it. The thing you need to see is that Trumpers are not at issue anymore. They are in the bag, locked up tight. That's why what DBQ just said misses the point. Of course attacking Trumpers as Nazis will only harden them, but most voters are not Trumpers. Everybody else doesn't want to be associated with that idea so strongly that it does make a huge impact. They are not OK with it. They have to face their moderate and liberal friends, and they are not committed enough to let being called a racist stick to them. They live in a different environment. Many voters will do whatever it takes to avoid that association. Pussies? sure, but have you seen how pussies dominate the internet? Some are not even shaved.

Chip Ahoy said...

Well then by all means whatever journalist do to sway must be yielded to and we must all see that and submit.

You didn't see Trump handle the reporters after New Orleans. He calls them liars, dishonest by nature and the crowd roars. They ask their stupid ass questions about his junk and the size of his hands and the crowd roars. The crowd knows the question is bullshit. Brought up again to force Trump to deal with bullshit. Nobody is having it.

Push has come to shove.

Trooper York said...

You see bags you dismiss Trunp as a reality show star but don't follow it to its most natural conclusion. Who are the most distasteful reality show stars? The Kardashians of course. They have sex tapes, divorces, alcoholism, bastard children and a father who wants to be a mother. And they top the ratings. People vote for them despite all of the faults you can list. They give them ratings, popularity and unimaginable wealth.

What you don't get or refuse to acknowledge is that Trump is playing it differently. He is not going by the old Meet the Press rules. You have throw all of your bromides and certainties out the window. Trump is doing something different and all the experts are baffled. They say there is all this dirt. All of these contradictions. All these horrible thngs that Trump does wrong according to the dictates of what has gone on before. But as you have so astutely said people don't care. Not just me. Most if not all of the Trump voters. I don't think they are stupid. I don't think they are being hoodwinked. They get it. They don't care. And there are lot of us. More every day. Some in unexpected places.

You are right. This election is a reality show. You have to play it by reality show rules. You can tell me how horrible that is and how it should not be so. But you know what. You are going to be voted off the island.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump can be thrilled with it (pick your reason why) but of course it's a disaster. His supporters are now just getting off on martyrdom and the pretension to self-victimization, which one would hope had some limits. They're sick of being called racists? That's nice. When you re-make more than the requisite number of elements from the Nuremberg rallies you're in trouble. There is a confusion here between what his no-matter-what crowd feels just tickled over and the fact that not everyone - including everyone who might have supported him - is tickled by. Normal people feel nauseous when someone you had some respect for goes foul. You can love your grandmother, but once her dead body is discovered in the apartment after three weeks incommunicado and the cats are eating the corpse YOU WILL THROW UP.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

That's fine Ed, but now you're pretty much done with the negatives about Cruz

You are joking.

That's just the beginning. How did they go after Lurch?

"I was for it before I was against it".

And that doesn't even start with the creepy evangelism and Ted's weird Dad.

But it's cute you don't want to see it. Keep one thing very much in mind - the whole world knows Donald Trump, nobody ever heard of Ted Cruz, so it's going to be easy to paint him in a dark light.

Amartel said...

OMG, Rubio's totally working for Cruz. On the DL, all stealth-like.

With Cruz, but nice try at the sarcasm, there.

(amartel is horrified at the mere suggestion the One true Ted would make a deal with the Dark Side)

Why do you think Teddy kept his mouth shut during the debate? The Whigs and the Cruzzers both want to take down Trump and Rubio is desperate to stay in the race.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump isn't a Nazi, or a racist or a whatever________ ...
Trump is a ridiculous fool who is easily mocked. See video above for starters. And that is just a small taste of what's to come.
You could argue that the pop-culture war doesn't matter. But you'd be wrong.

Amartel said...

"Why do you think Teddy kept his mouth shut during the debate?"

Because you never interfere with an enemy while he is the process of destroying himself.

Rabel said...

I'll bet that Cruz was the guy who always raised his hand in class and the teacher pretended not to see him.

bagoh20 said...

Trooper, Train wrecks get a lot of eyeballs too, but nobody votes to be in one. Honey Boo Boo did pretty well, but nobody wanted to be in that family. Being more popular than some other train wreck does not mean you are actually popular, or that people trust you because they watch you play in the mud every week.

Amartel said...

The One True Trump's big contribution - and it is a worthy contribution - has been to showcase that the media is not inviolable and can easily be a target of scorn and contempt. They fully earn it. Of course, Cruz did that most ably during the CNBC debate early on and Newt "Establishment AGW Fan" Gingrich did a fine job of that last time around. I was ever so briefly on that bandwagon. Trump gets more attention because he's more outrageous about it but that outrageousness has a downside as well. Ill-considered comments in the moment that have to be dialed back and explained after the fact.

Amartel said...

Cruz is not working with Rubio.
Please just stop it.

Amartel said...

I'll be Cruz was the guy in class who was teaching the teacher. Given the state of indoctrination education in these United States I would have been in my usual spot on a back bench enjoying every moment of that.

Rabel said...

Matthew Broderick approves my comment if no one else does.

Meade said...

Trooper York said...

Well that is where we disagree bags. I say people vote with their eyeballs when they watch TV. It has become pretty much the same thing in real time voting. If you think it is something different you are sadly mistaken. I think the people who liken Trump to Jesse Ventura or Arnold Schwarzenegger are on to something. They are right. The celebrity phenomena is right on the ball. That is a major part of what is happening with Trump. Add on the factor of giving the finger to the establishment and the media and you have a winning mixture.

The thing is those guys won. You can be as appalled as you want but the fact remains that they won.

edutcher said...

Amartel said...

Cruz is not working with Rubio.
Please just stop it.

Can't handle reality? The idea the two of them team up to take out the guy on top is that impossible you can't conceive of it?

This is politics. This is how things work. One True Ted included.

And April, he didn't get that billion dollar empire by being stupid.

The worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent.

Meade said...

"The worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent."

Overestimating your bird-flipping celebrity messiah might be worse.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Amartel you are right that Cruz went after the media. But not in the repeated visceral way that Trump does. In a way that resonates with us peons. It is a matter of style. Trump is low brow. Cruz is high brow. Rubio is Chanel eyeliner brow.

chickelit said...

I'm probably the only one here who has met Meade in person.

So Meade, am I a racist for supporting Donald Trump?

chickelit said...

Meade wrote: Overestimating your bird-flipping celebrity messiah might be worse.

Why bring Obama into this, Meade?

Meade said...

How would I know?

Are you?

chickelit said...

Meade: You implied that Trump supporters are racists. I just wanted to know if they meant total strangers or people you had met.

Meade said...

Who brought up Obama?

A.: (in order)
Troomper York
Troomper York
Amartel (4 times)

cliff claven said...

Why is it only the thin skinned Jim Dolan that censors comments on this blog. He has a private blog that is tacitly censored, and he censors comments on this blog, that he is trying to take over.

chickelit said...

You're really not that good with logic, are you Meade?

chickelit said...

You're new here aren't you "Milton"? (except you were the one Trooper was deleting the other day). Several of us post here and we can each delete commenters on our own posts as we see fit. I have deleted "Titus" on my posts when he went negative and personal bringing up my wife and children. If you start reminding me of Titus, I'll delete you as well.

Meade said...

But you won't delete me, will you?

chickelit said...

But you won't delete me, will you?

This isn't my post so I have no powers of deletion here, Meade. But if you wrote what Titus wrote in one of my posts, I'd delete you as soon as I saw it.

Meade said...

Must have been bad (or, as Titus would say, must of been bad). Hey, question for you: Does Lem have the power to delete anything and everything? And one more question: Do you have the power, on your own posts, to put comments on moderation?

Meade said...

By the way, I just scrolled up, looking for where I, as you said, implied that Trump supporters are racists. I never did.

chickelit said...

Lem wrote the generic comment policy you see just above the comment box. If he couldn't step in and enforce it, why write it?

I believe we do have the ability to moderate comments in our posts. I've done that on my own blog, but not here I believe.

chickelit said...

Meade said...By the way, I just scrolled up, looking for where I, as you said, implied that Trump supporters are racists. I never did.

It's really a cumulative accusation on my part, supported by your SNL link.

Meade said...

Now who's having trouble with logic?

chickelit said...

Tell me, Meade.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Louis CK goes there.

"Please stop it with voting for Trump. It was funny for a little while. But the guy is Hitler. And by that I mean that we are being Germany in the 30s. Do you think they saw the [crap] coming? Hitler was just some hilarious and refreshing dude with a weird comb over who would say anything at all…

I get that all these people sound like [bull crap] soft criminal opportunists. The whole game feels rigged and it’s not going anywhere but down anymore. I feel that way sometimes.

And that voting for Trump is a way of saying “[frack] it. [Frack] them all”. I really get it. It’s a version of national Suicide. Or it’s like a big hit off of a crack pipe. Somehow we can’t help it. Or we know that if we vote for Trump our phones will be a reliable source of dopamine for the next four years. I mean I can’t wait to read about Trump every day. It’s a rush. But you have to know this is not healthy.

If you are a true conservative. Don’t vote for Trump. He is not one of you. He is one of him. Everything you have heard him say that you liked, if you look hard enough you will see that he one day said the exact opposite. He is playing you. "

Trooper York said...

I only delete the lawnboy because he is a worthless cunt. He indulges in orgies of deletions
at his meal tickets blog and they protest all the time how one commenter who they dispise continues to post and repost the same comments over and over. Just what the miserable cunt does here.

Now he is coming with a sock puppet to dox me on a thread that I can not delete. So be it. That is the tactic that you have to expect from the lawnboy. He tried to elicit information earlier today because that is how he rolls.

Trooper York said...

You should really listen to LouieCK to validate your true conservative credentials.

I think you get a t-shirt and a secret conservative decoder ring to go along with it.

chickelit said...

April quotes Louis CK: If you are a true conservative. Don’t vote for Trump.

Self-described true conservatives vote for Cruz. GOPe fans vote for Rubio. We already know this April. It's an election, April, so long as it's fair.

Trooper York said...

By the way having Mitt Romney tell you who is a true conservative is the just about the same thing as Fred Wilpon telling you who is a "True Yankee."

To argue what Louie CK and SNL and Jon Stewart and the entire news media think is a "True Conservative" is just about as ludicrous.

chickelit said...

The comedic talent displayed by Hillary people, and Bernie people, and Rubio himself is sidesplitting. At least Cruz does have a sense of humor. Of the ones left standing, I'd pick Cruz as a second choice.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm trying to talk you guys off the ledge.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I guess Louis CK isn't a clear cut prog. He is saying that after 8 years of Obama, we need a conservative.

Trooper York said...

No he isn't April. You don't know who LouieCK is. He is a very, very liberal comedian. He does not want a conservative. He hates Trump for a lot of reasons. One of the main ones is that Trump can win were the One True Ted can not.

Are you going to take his advice when he tells you not to vote for Ted because he is going to arrest women who get abortions and give everyone in America a gun. Because that is what he thinks.

So citing LouieCk to conservatives just shows how culturally out of touch you really are babe.

Trooper York said...

The author you cited is a moron. I have listened to LouieCK for hours and hours on the old Opie and Anthony show. Liberal tirade after liberal tirade. He only shut up when pushed back by Anthony and Nick DePalo. Are you aware of what he said about Sarah Palin? He is pretending to be a reasonable guy but he is full of it. He is a dyed in the wool Sanders guy. If you have ever seen his phony Woody Allen style TV show you would know it.

Meade said...

Don't listen to Troomper, Apr. He supports a war criminal wannabe.

Trooper York said...

By the way I don't think we are the ones on the ledge.

We are all out getting fitted for our brown shirts.

According to LouieCk and friends.

edutcher said...

Meade said...
The worst thing you can do is underestimate your opponent.

Overestimating your bird-flipping celebrity messiah might be worse.

Last time somebody said that, they lost at least a third of their commentariat.

Amartel said...

LouisCK lecturing conservatives on how to vote is neither funny nor enlightening. He's dressing up the dumbshit lefty Trump=Hitler theme with some bits of wisdom gleaned from anti Trump pieces in Nat Review and WSJ. I bet he had some minion do his reading for him so he wouldn't be exposed to uncomfortable viewpoints, the priss. Lefties have their own overbearing uniform wearing, psychologically damaged, will to power would-be demigod to worry about. At least in the GOP we are telling the establishment who is in charge. You can't say the same so why don't you goose-step back over to your side of the great divide and work on that. Ya fecking bunch of silly kents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

yeah - CK is a chicken sh*t... like all the group-thinkers in the entertainment industry. If CK is a conservative, he must hide it for consumption. which is sad.

I too am sick to death of the Hitler comparisons that only go one way against any and all GOP . (Even though Hillary is the She-Nixon, the She-Mussolini)
I thought the rest of what he said was spot on, but you already know my feelz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop - Yeah I can understand why some NYers feel that Trump will resonate there.
Trump will not resonate in other locations west.

bagoh20 said...

Trooper: ". I think the people who liken Trump to Jesse Ventura or Arnold Schwarzenegger are on to something. They are right. The celebrity phenomena is right on the ball. That is a major part of what is happening with Trump."

Been there - done that. Both Jesse and Arnold were unmitigated disasters. I voted for Arnold for many of the same reasons you support Trump. Arnold was tough talking businessman and gonna change things. He called the entire legislature "girlie men" to their face and ridiculed them effortlessly. We loved it out here. Unfortunately, like Trump, it wasn't really who he was politically. He was a liberal at heart, and besides, there is a system of government in California just like federally that is designed specifically to prevent a strongman getting his way without continuing popular support. Also just like California, the nation is not unified and in line with changing things like us wingnuts would prefer.

In the end Arnold turned out worse than the guy we recalled to get him there. We are in deep shit here now paying energy prices double what the rest of the nation pays for as long as we can see, and lots of other legacy Arnold crap, all becuase we voted for a tough talking Democrat dressed up like a Republican reformer. Talk is cheap, and none is cheaper than that from a guy running for office.

ndspinelli said...

Arnold just endorsed Kasich. Just like Trump endorsed Bubba, Hillary and Obama.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chick - you really shouldn't indulge Larry when he does that... asking to clarify blog policy. He's just trolling you and has no intention to work decently in your blog's interests, whatever the post. He is intending to make whomever he can look like a joke, and asserting some type of authority over it stemming from whatever influence he has or had over Lem. But it isn't anything he ever intended to take to a constructive place. He mistakes pluck for wit, and annoyance with introspection. If he weren't an idiotic hypocrite, that might not be so bad. But has no sense of decency or personal responsibility. It's not in his pay grade, as someone else might put it.

ndspinelli said...

Ritmo, BINGO!

Meade said...

Amartel said...
"Godwins' law for thee but not for me."

Exactly, Amartle!

ampersand said...

So is the guy on the right an ambidextrous nazi?