Saturday, March 12, 2016

Some Expert Analysis of the Trump Rally in Chicago from Breitbart,

Just like Trump turned the phony “war on women” rhetoric on its head when he accused Hillary Clinton of enabling her husband’s abuse in a way that the GOP establishment never did (or never even tried because they lacked the intestinal fortitude and are so afraid of not being liked by their mainstream media/elite “bettors”), he is the only Republican candidate using the organized chaos in Chicago on Friday night to call out Clinton, Sanders, and left-wing activists/agitators who shut down a political rally in a way the truly peaceful Tea Party protesters never did. Republicans could have been unified in pointing out that conservative activists peacefully opposed Obama/Democrats while left-wing agitators who embody the “Salad Bowl” (instead of melting pot) America that so many Americans rightfully fear are engaging in mayhem and violence. They could have been unified in flipping the script. Instead, Messrs. Rubio, Kasich, and Cruz did what every establishment Republican does in times like this–self-loathingly blame your own. You’d expect that from Rubio and Kasich, but Cruz’s response–blaming Trump–showed that inside, he may actually be the political careerist who has many of the same ladder-climbing characteristics of Hillary Clinton.

Trump would not be the best GOP candidate to defeat other Democrats. But he is the perfect candidate to defeat Clinton because he, unlike more conventional Republican candidates whose voices/arguments the mainstream media try to mute, has the megaphone to call her out on issues like Benghazi and her email scandal and go around the mainstream media’s filters to get his criticisms of Clinton directly to the people. The Clinton/mainstream media machine would eat Cruz/Rubio alive. And their reactions to the Chicago chaos reinforced that even more.
Because of Trump, Americans who are watching biased mainstream media reports of the Chicago chaos will at least consider that left-wing agitators may be more to blame than Trump’s supporters who just came to see their candidate give a speech. And by challenging the mainstream media’s preferred narrative of “peaceful” left-wing agitators and “violent” conservative citizens, Trump has done much more good for the right than Kasich, Cruz, Rubio did this weekend.]

I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head. Of course I think Trump has to stand up and force the issue. He has to force the government in the form of the Police and the Secret Service to protect his rallies.

He was rushed today by a Bernie Sanders supporter. Who was also active with Black Lives Matters and even supports ISIS. These are the people that Cruz and Rubio and Kasich and the media are making excuses for and claiming are motivated by Trumps words.

When are they going to tell us it was from a Youtube video?


rcocean said...

I agree completely. Cruz's response was so PC, so typical of RINO's throwing other Republican's under the bus to appease the left, that I'm starting to hope Trump gets the nomination.

We can't afford to run another guy who won't fight the MSM.

Trump fan said...

Can't stand the people who support Hillary!!!!

edutcher said...

I have been saying all along Trump is a first-rate tactician and the Breitbart piece backs that up.

A couple of days ago, the anti-Trump crowd was chortling over one of his supporters who had smacked a protester being arrested and the whole Michelle fields thing - which even Breitbart has repudiated. Now everyone sees what he is up against and I think public opinion is turning.

There's also one other issue. Ted Cruz is clearly working with the party establishment to knock Trump out of the race. I've said Cruz ended his campaign last night by going on MSLSD to blame the demonstration on Trump and doing the same thing Kasich and Rubio have done.

He may not have intended it, but, if he read the meeting addressed in the earlier post correctly, he may have had a feeling all parties would be acting in concert.

Reading the after-action reports of this campaign will be fascinating.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm starting to hope Trump gets the nomination.

lol. Because up until now, you've been hedging?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


So Breitbart rejected the story or the actual event?

The elbow punch was a real thing. by a Trumpster.

I don't agree with leftist thugs shutting down speech. In the same way I don't agree with Trumpist thugs shutting down free speech.

Trump fan said...

It's a plot by the Hillary people. (Move on, BLM).. HOW could anyone in thier right mind support that bixxch... Unless of course you are married to one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

People are confusing rallies and conflating incidents.

There have been legitimate issues of out-of control anger and rage at Trump rallies.
Like here.

Trump needs to calm his supporters down.

Trump Rally in Chicago- Cancelled due to organized threats and actual thuggish behavior by leftist Bernie nut jobs.

I don't condone either one.

edutcher said...

Breitbart said the claims of the woman and WaPo reporter were mistaken identity.

"Trumpist thugs shutting down free speech"? "Trumpist thugs"? Nice, convicting the guy before the trial. Maybe you do belong with Cruz.

Do you know if the man was provoked?

That was certainly the strategy last night.

As I say, some people just need somebody to hate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If I flip you the bird, ed, does that give you the right to physically assault me?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The elbow-in-the face incident happened after some guy flipped the bird. Bird-flipper didn't touch anyone.

That's all it takes to provoke a Trump supporter? Thin skin.
Some Trump supporters need serious rage control.

We already know leftists are rage filled creeps... who do creepy organized thuggish things like shutting down free speech--- which comes naturally to them... Do we really want to descend to their level? "whaaaaa he provoked me... because I heard things that I don't like." Not cool.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- I do not blame Trump for the actions of others. Still, he should signal to his supporters that they need to be respectful and not give in to rage.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Legal Insurrection makes one of the best arguments around, (see sidebar) and reminds us of what the leftwing lie-and-faux-outrage machine is capable of and how they did it to Sarah Palin.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

If I flip you the bird, ed, does that give you the right to physically assault me?

Depends, what else happened? During the Vietnam war protests, the Lefties were taught to get on the cops' nerves so the media would kick about police brutality when the cops let the creeps have it. and usually well-deserved.

And, with a lot of guys, giving somebody the finger WILL get you smacked, goes with the territory, so spare me the indignation.

Look, this has nothing to do with how much you hate Hillary, you just want to call Trump and anybody who likes him a lot of names.

You made a big deal about nagging everybody with your demand they pledge to support the nominee when it still looked like the One True Ted had a chance. All us "Trumpist thugs". You want to soil your hands being around us?

Because St Ted showed he's on the same side as Rubio and McConnell, the way I've said all along, so quit making excuses. You just hate the guy for whatever reason and you'd rather see Hillary in than him. Admit it and the rest of this is just a lot of bloviating.

There are people out there trying to turn the country into the last days of Weimar, but that's OK with you. You'd rather bitch about one guy than do something about all the Lefties, the Whigs, and the phony "Conservatives".

so be it. at least we know where you stand.

ricpic said...

Two things: the Trump supporters who assembled peacefully to hear Trump speak do not share any of the blame for what happened. How are those peacefully assembled responsible in any way for the violence visited upon them or for an attempted assault on their candidate? Secondly, in light of that attempted assault Trump should make a public request for beefed up Secret Service protection and make the request directly to the President. Given the extreme danger Trump is in it would be a legitimate justified request. Obama will either say no, with accompanying innuendo that Trump's a fascist and is to blame for the danger he's in -- a win for Trump, or he'll say yes, with accompanying innuendo that Trump's a fascist and is to blame for the danger he's in -- a win for Trump. Barry won't be able to control himself. And this time when he pulls his snark the kettle will blow.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As things stand today, If Trump is the nominee, I'm going to do my duty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ed- I skip past your delusions and strange obsessions.

You're free to discuss the points I raised. You never do, because they are inconvenient.

Bird Flip dude didn't do anything. He never touched or threatened anyone yet he was physically assaulted by a Trump supporter. At a Trump event - not a bar.
At least we know where you stand on that issue.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

& no, I don't blame Trump for any of it.

Many of his supporters have lost their minds. Want to help Trump? Get a grip.

rcocean said...

"lol. Because up until now, you've been hedging?"

I have been a Cruz supporter. However, unlike others I don't believe in helping the Democrats destroy someone who might end up being the nominee.

Trooper York said...

Thank you April. You rendered the Romney Rubio Rhino Rhetorical Roundelay perfectly.

Trump needs to signal his supporters to be respectful.

They should not call illegal immigrants illegal. He should not point out the crimes they commmit. The drugs they peddle. The murders and rapes they commit. You need to use the correct respectful words. No illegal immigrants. Anchor babies. Show some respect.

They should not call out the murderous Muslims who cut off peoples heads and murder their former friends at a baby shower. All Muslims are peaceful. They are the religion of peace. Unlimited immigration is the only fair solution. Be respectful and extend your neck for the knife. Show some respect.

The Black Lives Matters criminals and their families can disrupt any event and you need to stop or you are a racist. They can stop your ballgame. Your Christmas shopping. Your brunch. You have to be respectful. If they want to bum rush the stage and attack the candidate and take the mike....well you have to be respectful. You don't have white privilege. You don[t have any privilege. Well you can pay the bill and shut up. Show some respect.

You should show respect. Shut up and sit down and stop talking Mr. Trump. You and your low class low born supporters. Show some respect for your betters. The ones that went to Harvard. The ones that are pundits and conservative commenter's and media personalities. Just shut up and vote the way they tell you. Show some respect.

Listen to Ted Cruz and Little Marco and Bernie and all the rest. Show them all the respect they have earned.

edutcher said...

April, you're starting to sound like Ritmo. And you've been needing a grip for some time.

But for the rest of you, a black Trump supporter has died of wounds after being shot by Chicago protesters.

At the Trump rally in St Louis, the Lefties swore at and harassed Trump supporters, so maybe we know why the "Trumpist thug" took a swing at the creep.

The Donald is not running away. Where, O where, is the One True Ted?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop - Where did I mention PC?

to clarify - "respectful" as in - stop shoving girls and smashing faces with elbows AT TRUMP RALLIES. Especially when you want to whine when the leftists do it.

You want to change the subject to PC? I've stated time and time again that one of the few things I like about Trump is his PC busting. Do you not recall?

The Black lives matter fraud - which all stemmed from the Ferguson fraud that was perpetuated by liars from the top down Obama administration - and now police officers are being shot... If Trump wants to walk into that mind field and smash the dominate paradigm - I hope he can and does. In the mean time, his supporters should calm down a bit. and yes - it's a small percentage of them compared to the thousands of leftist rent-a-thug/ stomp-your-speech peeps.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

*correction: minefield

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop - If I were to shut up and obey -I'd be a Trump supporter. That's the herd mentality now. mooo.

Trooper York said...

April you are buying into the media/democrat/Cruz/Rubio/Romney narrative. The guy who hit the protester got arrested. All I ask is that the protesters who disrupt and attack Trump supporters get arrested. But they are allowed to vent.

Do you think illegal immigrant criminals deserve more respect. Do we have to talk about them the way Univision demands? Because that is what you are saying when you saying Trump has to change his tone.

The Black Lives Matters Criminals in Chicago were the front line troops in this disruption.
How much respect should we show them? How about as much as they show Christmas shoppers and brunch goers?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - not that any of ya will read this but... this... A MILLION TIMES this.

Trooper York said...

I think Trump was totally wrong in what he did.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop - I did say above that I didn't blame Trump for the actions of others.
I think some of his supporters have issues. That is different from the media narrative - they are blaming Trump himself. I disagree!

Why - the media are now blaming Trump for the word "loser"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop: Do you think illegal immigrant criminals deserve more respect.
Me: No. oh wait.... NO!

Troop: Do we have to talk about them the way Univision demands?
Me: No.

Troop: Because that is what you are saying when you saying Trump has to change his tone.
Me: Some of his supporters and yes like the guy who was arrested, need to get a grip and not give the media any ammunition.

William said...

I don't think every Trump supporter has attained the high level of civility attained by our college administrators. The protesters should remember that when they come to demonstrate............I'm pretty sure a certain percent of Trump supporters are assholes. A certain percent of the human race are assholes. I believe, however, that the percentage of Black Lives Matter and Soros sore heads who are assholes is astronomically higher.....,...Remember the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. I saw the demonstrators engage in riotous and lawless acts. The media were muted in their criticism and sometimes openly supportive of the rioters. The police were operating in a stressful and abusive environment. If they varied one click off professional standards, the media fell on them like a pack of wolves. There was a wide variance between what I saw and what the media was telling me I was seeing. I get the same sense of discordance in their reports of Trump and his followers.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

btw - not that any of ya will read this but... this... A MILLION TIMES this.

Aside from the whining, I don't get what he's trying to say. The NR crowd had their shot like everybody else. Of course the fact they sold out to the Whigs hurt them more than anything.

I love that line about the existential crisis Conservatism faces or whatever drivel. Bill Buckley never saw Conservatism as a club where you had to pass all the litmus tests to get in and a word of heresy would get you black-balled. The Cruz crowd, dominated IMHO by the Libertarians, seems to want to do just that. Conservatism is what the One True Ted and his acolytes say it is and, if anybody brings up facts to the contrary, PAY NO ATTENTION TO THAT MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN.

Goldberg doesn't like Trump being short on specifics. I've asked a hundred times, here and elsewhere, how does Cruz do anything if he's as hated in DC as he's supposed to be. Turns out it may all have been an act and he's a lot more connected than he lets on.

Hell, I remember the Reagan Presidency being described as a "riverboat gamble" back in '80.

But some people want to believe all the dozen or so other contestants' followers were all sane, but only Trump's were all zombies. You may have sold it to yourself, but anybody who knows how you calculate probability will tell you the odds are against it.

Trooper York said...

I read your link. Here is a paragraph that I think sums it up perfectly (It is by noted blowhard douchebag Jonah Golberg):

"Oh, and just to be clear: Donald Trump ain’t no Lou Reed, he’s more like Vanilla Ice or Andrew Dice Clay. Just because a performer — and that’s what Trump is, a performer — has a marketable formula doesn’t make him a genius. Justin Bieber made $58 million in 2013. I’d rather have his pet monkey tutor my kid."

Lets parse this paragraph. First of all he praises Lou Reed who is an overrated drug addict who is a charter member of the overrated Hall of Fame. Beloved of snotty hippies and afirmative action law professors he is about the worst Musical choice you could think of for an example. Even a commmie like Springsteen would better. He could have picked Sinatra or Mick Jagger or the Beatles or anyone. He picked a pretentious loser drug addict who had one song that was popular.

Then he trashed Justin Beiber. Look I am not a big Justin Beiber fan. But have you ever heard any of his music? My grand kids listen to him. He is the typical teen idol singer. Like Ricky Nelson or Frankie Avalon or Michael Jackson or Justin Timberlake or dare I say it Sinatra back in the day. He is a performer. A talented performer who puts out some decent music in his genre and made a lot of money. Only time will tell if he has more of a career. Even though he has lasted for a while already.

Hating on the Beebs is a class signaling move. Sort of like hating on Vanilla Ice and Andre Dice Clay. Justin Beiber is no Vanilla Ice. It is popular entertainment and the gross attitude low life low class people like that this pompous cunt is signaling that is not worthy of someone like him.

Well you know what? Fuck Jonah Goldberg and the BMW he drove in on. Fuck everyone that thinks like that. If you love Lou Reed so much you should be voting for Bernie Sanders you pompous twat.

Trooper York said...

That is what this election is about. It is Jacksonian. It is the low class revolting. On both sides. In both parties.

For the Democrats it is the communists who champion Bernie.

For the Republicans it is the capitalists who champion Trump.

Everybody else wants the Duopoly. Same shit. Different day.

Trooper York said...

Cruz has exposed himself. The Constitution is not as important as his personal ambition.

Did his wife go to that meeting of all the rich dudes who met up with all the private jets to plan on how to stop Trump and his vulgar low class legions?

Or did she just relay the message from her Bosses at Goldman Sachs?

bagoh20 said...

Primary politics has very little to do with the Constitution, and this mud wrestling is a huge distraction that means nothing more than we need more proctologists.

bagoh20 said...

"The Constitution is not as important as his personal ambition."

Another straw man goes up in flames. Congratulations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's what they should have done, by golly!

bagoh20 said...

I watched "The Sons of Katie Elder" today. One character says to the Deputy who is hell bent to arrest the brothers guilty or not: "You're like an owl, the more light you shine on him, the less he sees."

deborah said...

In Ohio, Trump beating Kasich by 2.5 (RCP average). Jonesin' for the polls in next two days.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

The Sons of Katie Elder !

Great movie!! Boy that Dean Martin- he was a great singer- but that wop pasian (sp?) had no business acting. Although it has a great movie fight. Like a WWE match. 10 min of punches, and at the end of it not one pretty hollywood face has even a bruise.

And that is how I tie my comment into this thread- lots of punches, big head-snapping reactions, breakaway chairs smashed over backs- and at the end of it? Turns out it was all a fake fight just for the cameras.

rcommal said...

Whatever happens, I hope that how we have home-schooled our kid will give him at least some basic, fundamental, varied tools to at least survive, if not thrive, against all of the incoming storms from all directions that no doubt will continue for at least the next 1-5-10-20-40 years.

rcommal said...

We are living in interesting times. I wouldn't have wished that Old Chinese Proverb on my kid, or on yours, much less on [given the demographic reality here at lem's] your grand-kids or great-grand-kids. Still, here we have found ourselves, and I find it clearer and clearer, every day, about the various sorts of people who don't have much to lose, personally, and therefore get to throw up shit the consequences for which they, personally, won't have to pay.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

In Ohio, Trump beating Kasich by 2.5 (RCP average). Jonesin' for the polls in next two days.

Most of those polls were late last week.

What happened Friday is going to throw everything out the window. Kasich tried to pull a few tricks with how the ballot was structured, but it looks like it will backfire, people saying they'll just vote Trump.

FWIW Some Lefty idiots raised a Mexican flag in Chiraq after the rally was shut down bragging, "We stopped Trump".

That'll be worth another 5 points.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ed re: Jonah G link "I don't get what he's trying to say."
Say no more.

ricpic said...

Jim in St Louis -- Dean Martin was a pretty good actor, IMO. Why? He was relaxed and that's half the trick in acting. And the spelling is paisan.

Trooper York said...

The true test of an actor in those days was if they could pull off a Western.

Dean showed his acting chops in Rio Bravo. He was typecast as a drunk but the scene in the saloon where he was going to fish out a coin from a spittoon was pretty damn good.

Some contemporary types could pull it off. Dean, Glenn Ford and Richard Widmark. Even Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster. But Cagney and Bogart and Sinatra not so much.

deborah said...

Rio Bravo was one of my dad's favorites and I watched it many times with him. It's the only VHS, home recorded, that I'm keeping.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I thought that I read the Trump protestor who elbowed the protestor was arrested and spent the night in jail because he could not make $2500 bail. Yet the whackjob who tried to get his hands on Trump was released from custody within a few hours? Disparate treatment IMO?

I'm Full of Soup said...

April- if you want to see how the media buries incidents committed by libruls, good DiMassimo and see how many news articles you see from mainstream media. Yet everyone has seen the old guy elbow the Trump protestor thousands of times.

How would DiMassimo been covered if he had rushed at Hillary?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Not "good DiMassimo"- I meant to type "Google DiMassimo".

Methadras said...

Oh noes, leftist retard apparatchiks disrupt a trump event in Chicago? OH NOES!!!