Sunday, March 13, 2016

Overherd At Lem's

What we need is to shed all the mandated safety equipment we have to carry into battle so we can fight and win the real fight that the competition is engaged in.
That photo has been around the block. I have to say that it always reminded me more of a white knight going into battle than a cowboy.

I'd like some specific examples of "safety equipment" we need to shed.

ADDED by Lem


bagoh20 said...

I was actually referring to things like minimum wage, overtime rules, mandatory insurance, Obamacare, paid sick leave, as well as the endless safety rules. Most egregious is workers comp California style which alone cost each of my workers about $4,000 every single year that they would receive in pay and bonus, but which instead by law goes almost entirely to doctors, lawyers and insurance companies to pay fake or trumped up claims. We've never had a serious injury in 30 years. The loss of the very tip of one finger once is the worst we've ever had. We have had many many claims for things that have no visible injury and that never seem to prevent the injured from working under the table somewhere else while collecting from us.

chickelit said...

@Lem: Hey, if water can catch fire in Cleveland, it can catch fire anywhere.

bagoh20 said...

There is a brand new one that requires anyone above 6 feet on a ladder or even in a forklift cage to have a harness attached to a cable to the structure. So even to go up a normal step ladder to get a truffle off a shelf you need a harness system installed ahead of time in that and every other possible location. Not to mention making sure people use it, use it correctly and if they don't you get sued and fined. Now why would any company choose to manufacture things overseas instead?

California passes on average 1200 new laws every year, many of them are this type of thing. No employer follows them all. It's impossible. Their main function is to pay lawyers, and send jobs away, and the legislators absolutely know this.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Crazy regulations.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our lawmakers are out of control. We need a decade of NO law makers.

ricpic said...

I think those biking helmets kids have to wear are overkill. I rode everywhere on my Schwinn, had the usual collisions, falls, scrapes, probably banged my head on the asphalt a few times though I don't remember exactly. Fell down once while running, broke my fibula, Helmet wouldn't have helped there. Don't like the whole idea of kids thinking they're protected when the only protection is taking certain precautions AFTER a few accidents.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I always thought it would be cool to be an under-cover detective for insurance fraud.

chickelit said...

I always thought it would be cool to be an under-cover detective for insurance fraud.

Isn't that called channeling spinelli?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is it?

Rabel said...

Lem, the pool sprinklers are most likely due to the heat you're putting out when you stroll in wearing your euro-thong. Safety first!

Third Coast said...

This is the perfect article for this post. We can get illegal immigration mostly under control, but can we control the bureaucrats? Tens of thousands of coal miners thrown out of work within the span of a few years due to basically a single regulation from the EPA. Does Kevin Williamson and his ilk care? What the hell, those miners would die sometime anyway.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

California passes on average 1200 new laws every year, many of them are this type of thing.

But, but, but, states rights!

We're talking about a federal election.

By all means, simplify or get rid of federal regulations that serve no purpose.

Apparently California doesn't need to though as it attracts tremendous economic activity just by being a powerhouse for tech, entertainment, people who aren't fans of living under 7 months of cloud cover, and now electric autos.

I advise against confusing the issues that matter on the state level in an election where the federal government's chief executive is being decided. America is not a substitute for whatever you're having a hard time getting done in California.

deborah said...

Okay, I'll bite...channeling deborah?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tag team of under-cover grl-sleuths hiding in the bushes with binoculars... we are this close to nabbing the jerk who is collecting monthly checks for a so-called "back injury" while he builds his new deck and hot-tub. Tough luck, buster.

Third Coast said...

Balls, the trouble is, if one lives out here in shit kicker country, those California laws sometimes fall on our industries like a golden rain shower. Think automakers trying to comply with their insane green agenda.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A green agenda is not insane. No earth, no economy.

If you want to make poison, sell it to China. If you want to make pollution, sell it to China.


Third Coast said...

It's killing coal miners and their families as we speak.

chickelit said...

deborah said...Okay, I'll bite...channeling deborah?

Perhaps it should have been "people will think deborah posted this"?

I can change it if you like.

deborah said...

If you're saying I worry too much and foresee the flaws in suggested plans, leave it! But I am against govt over-regulation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Coal's been a dying industry for a long time. Read my lips: There will be no revival of it. IN cases like this, Bags is right. Local politics matter. Do you know why Elon Musk built Tesla in Silicon Valley instead of in Michigan? Because it was all about the battery technology, expertise for which was centered there. It could have been Michigan and it wasn't, but at least that's a state that understands the future matters and competition can't be avoided. If coal country wants to deny science indefinitely and not get on the bandwagon of lining those Appalachian mountain ridges with windmills instead of smokestacks, then their governors are to blame. They are lying to them no less egregiously than the federal establishment and corporate media have been lying to people.

bagoh20 said...

The Tesla Battery factory went to Nevada, because California regulations. The same thing happens from federal regulations moving companies overseas. Government regulations and taxes are the main reason companies leave - not cheap labor. It's not cost of the pay that goes to employees - it's all the additional costs that go to government or people who add nothing to the value of the product.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The same thing happens from federal regulations moving companies overseas.

Fine. But just be a stand-up guy then and take responsibility for outlining to us exactly how much like China you want us to be.