Monday, April 7, 2014

CBS Plays Crank It Up!

"What is it about Tesla and its ability to make major media outlets look like fools?"
The latest example came a week ago today when CBS' 60 Minutes aired a report on Tesla and its amazing electric car. It was basically the kind of coverage that any automaker would kill to have (and must have left flummoxed General Motors executives wondering why they never got it for the plug-in Chevrolet Volt).
Just one problem: As the Associated Press reported, a CBS editor made what is being called an "audio error" in dubbing the sound of a loud traditional car engine over footage of the much quieter Tesla electric car. The Model is whisper quiet, no matter how hard you push it.
Apparently, CBS loves to... Crank it Up ;)

Auto website Jalopnik broke the story of the fake sound and CBS was in retreat all week.


Calypso Facto said...

Why don't they just go ahead and change their initials to FBA (Fake But Accurate) at this point?

Or maybe CBS stands for Can't Believe Shit, so it's OK?

Amartel said...

See BS
Say BS (for Frenchies).
Hear BS.

All BS, all the time.

Hagar said...

Tesla is trying to get New Mexico to spring for tax breaks and goodies for a proposed 5 billion dollar battery factory.

I suspect this is another Solyndra writ large, and very much hope the State will not fall for it.

Shouting Thomas said...

O'Reilly got all cranked up about Tesla last week, and how it was going to save us from CO2.

He shrugged off without comment the reality that the electricity to run the Tesla has to be produced by a generating plant running on coal, gas or nuclear fuel.

Tesla doesn't fix the CO2 "problem." It just relocates the site of the CO2 generation.

Amartel said...

"He shrugged off without comment the reality that the electricity to run the Tesla has to be produced by a generating plant running on coal, gas or nuclear fuel."

Details, details, details ...

bagoh20 said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

That was weird how Jeff Gordon lost that race towards end today.

I like number 24.

Calypso Facto said...

Of course some of Musk's other companies are being investigated for green energy fraud, but I'm sure THIS one's different.

bagoh20 said...

A refreshing feel-good moment between teachers and students, and a great prank.

Amartel said...

An "audio error?" How does it happen that audio get dubbed IN erroneously? It doesn't. It happens on purpose. This was a pro-Tesla piece, they're selling Tesla. Elon Musk made a cool-looking elite toy that's PC and they LOVE it. (Ergo, it must be funded. Too bad for you Chevy Vote and Progressive Prius.) One problem, though: It doesn't SOUND cool. It sounds like unicorn turds dropping lightly on Gaia's dewy mossy visage on the first morning of the extinction of humanity. Sacre blah, can't have that. Voila, audio error.
I have a gas-and-oil-sucking world-destroying S4 that sounds a lot like that audio error.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It doesn't SOUND cool.

This is how I imagined the NAFTA giant sucking sound Ross Perot talked about would have sounded like.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Adam Corolla test drives a Tesla

I'm Full of Soup said...

No one as yet explained to me how this car is energy efficient when it weights 1,000 lbs more than a comparable Lexus. IOW, how can it have a 1,000 pound disadvantage and be more energy efficient. I don't believe that is scientifically possible.

Paddy O said...

For $5 billion, I would promise not to use any electricity.

Aridog said...

Shit! It's no fun when I arrive on a thread and Calypso Facto and Amartel have already said all the good stuff.

deborah said...

And why did they think no one would notice, is the question?

The rule of Lemnity said...

And why did they think no one would notice, is the question?

Its possible it was done on purpose, to get noticed. Get noticed" at any cost, including "integrity".

Integrity doesn't get noticed.

That's why Obama can lie with impunity.

bagoh20 said...

After hearing him for years, Adam Corolla is one of the rare people for whom I respect his opinion on things he knows something about because, he just seems willing to come to whatever opinion the evidence shows him, and has few sacred cows.

I want a Tesla now, but I am way too cheap to spend even $60K on the base model. A guy in our hang gliding club has one, and it's just beautiful. He plugs it at our landing zone while he's flying.

Still, the range of 265 miles is great most of the time, but who wants such a great and expensive car and not be able to use it for long drives? Drive for 3 hours and have to stop?

bagoh20 said...
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deborah said...

"Its possible it was done on purpose, to get noticed. Get noticed" at any cost, including "integrity"."

Can't agree. Integrity is news organizations bread and butter. They were in deep doo-doo that time they made the fake gas tank explosion on that pick-up truck.

Chip Ahoy said...

That is a problem, though, when you want to show something but the experience is not picked up explicitly on the camera or on the mic, how do you goose it just so to convey the experience?

deborah said...

Lem, I have an alternate explanation. It this was shown on 60 Minutes it was the equivalent of getting people into the showroom. The number who saw the program vs. the number who would find out about the tomfoolery would justify the hit to 'integrity.' How are CBS and Tesla connected?

This doesn't quite make sense though. I'd think people interested in the big engine sound would be pissed off at the waste of their time going to the showroom It should be marketed to people to whom a quiet car is one of their top criteria.

Aridog said...
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Aridog said...

None of it makes sense...except that the "fake, but accurate" has been the CBS meme for some time now. They keep doing it.

Now anyone with one iota of mechanical sense would know from the get go that the electric Tesla car would not make those noises. There is no blending, cutting, or vacuuming done, ...e.g. auxiliary & collateral noises... so the electric energy is a direct transfer from the rotor within the stator motor, almost silent.

No one who likes loud combustion engine noise would ever even go to a Tesla showroom expecting to find it. CBS's ignorance is astounding, if not done on purpose.

"60 Minutes" is always an hour of your life you can never get back.

Deb does have a point...what is the connection between CBS and Tesla...that apparently isn't connected to the Chevy Volt or the Toyota Prius.