Monday, April 28, 2014

An Emerging Donald Sterling Side of the Picture (Is it too late?)

Legendary Hollywood producer Robert Evans said 'There are three sides to every story - yours, mine, and the truth.'   So far, we've only heard an explosive audio tape, which in it of itself did manage to cause quite a stir, alleging one 81 year old Donald Sterling, asking, pleading to his girlfriend 'not to bring black people to his games'.

The question at hand, for the purpose of this post, I suppose, is to question the prevailing interpretation of the partial audio tapes.

An interpretation of the context behind the explosive comments, has come to light on a blog called Steve Sailer: iSteve. The post reads kind of like a Behind The Music segment, except, Donald Sterling (I keep wanting to type Rod Serling) is not a musician. He is a billionaire, who also happens to be Jewish.

I excerpt the iSteve post titled Donald Sterling: The Elderly Cuckold's grasp for dignity here...
We don't have the beginning of the conversation, (the taped explosive conversation) which would presumably be very interesting. The parts of the recording leaked have the flavor of a well-rehearsed entrapment. But here's early on in what was leaked (no doubt by Team Stiviano*):
V: ... I'm sorry, sweetie. Everything was OK and perfect.
DS. I'm just telling you, you told me you were going to remove it, so Dennis, the second Dennis looked at me and made that comment.
What was "that comment" that the second Dennis made that so wounded the 80-year-old sugar daddy? (read more)
In order to understand the context behind the surreptitiously recorded comments of one Donald Sterling, I had to temporarily, as it were, put myself in his shoes. Why would he say the things he said?

After reading the post, my conclusion is that what Donald Sterling didn't want her to bring to his games was her predilection for instagramming herself with sports stars, "broadcasting it" (in his words) like she (his girlfriend) was in the market...  In that context, when he says 'I don't care if you sleep with them... just don't bring it to my games'... makes sense. He was telling her, in other words, don't rub it on my face with the Instagrams, for all the world to see, that I'm really not enough of a man for you.

Dodger slugger Matt Kemp and
Donald Sterling's mistress V. Stiviano

In that context, the skin color of the men his mistress instagramed herself with, could be incidental, collateral, but not necessarily the source of Donald Sterling's pleading with her, not as much as the sport stars penises. Still, I say it could be, because when it comes right down to it, I really don't know what is in his heart, even though I've read Sterling does have an unsavory racial past. 

It's a sordid affair, no doubt, but, I brought it up yesterday and everybody in America is entitled to at least a phone call, a defense, a last meal, after the hair is clipped, before the switch is flipped and the game of musical chairs is allowed to continue, uninterrupted. Sorry Chickie.

ht Michael Haz

* Stiviano is the young mistress that recorded Donald Sterling.


Third Coast said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Reverend Al has to say about this. Let the 5 minutes of hate begin.

Aridog said...

Chicken Little was right, this is a non-story, a made up entrapment. Book to follow?

Lem said: ... I've read Sterling does have an unsavory racial past.

Well Sterling is a Democrat. Quick, name one influential Democrat who hasn't a sketchy racial past? One who has spent a whole lot of time living within the minority culture and residential area? Seriously, find one that doesn't expect the minorities of color (they pick them, you, we don't) to stay on the gratitude, mind you.

Like Ted Kennedy, minority savior du jour in his day, was famous for bringing loads of minorities to his family Cape Code compound for long weekends of fun in the sun.

Oh, wait...

Aridog said...

Please, understand I live in screwed up circumstances. My home is in a 90% Arab Muslim neighborhood and I get along fine. My church is in the immediately adjacent Hispanic neighborhood and the parish membership is about 90% Mexican. I enjoy my parish and its people. For a good part of my life I've worked in the immediately adjacent 85% African American neighborhood, and enjoyed it.

One place I positively hated was my stint in far suburbia with Muffy and Buffy on both sides...say hey, they lie more than all the rest combined.

One place I dearly loved was when I lived in Korea, where 99.9999% of the folks around me were Korean. Got along fine there, too. Even learned the language enough to be as fluent as say an 8 year old.

Go figure.

I was a Democrat until I realized that Democrat = Hypocrite in today's world. I figure they're just eating one of their own by attacking Sterling...old white dude fits the new consensus bad people, right?

Third Coast said...

John Hinderaker at PowerLine has an excellent analysis on the subtext of what actually happened between Sterling and his Squeeze.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Sterling has been the longest-tenured owner in the NBA..." is also a "generous" NAACP donor... who happens to be Jewish... All that apparently does not get a "ghetto pass".

I guess you cant buy those.

KCFleming said...

Sterling needs to read David Mamet's book: he Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-hatred, and the Jews.

Well, it may be too late for him.

deborah said...

The only opinion I want to hear is that of Queen Shouty.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Donald Tokowitz Sterling (born Donald Tokowitz; April 26, 1934) is an American business magnate and former attorney."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is pretty obvious Donald Sterling did not want his girlfriend flaunting other guys in his face (black or whatever race they were). But that is what happens when you are eighty and date a young whore.

I noted Althouse says he is not much of a Democrat because he hardly gave any money to candidates. But Sterling did qualify for an NAACP award which they typically don't give to old white Republicans.

The Dude said...

I don't have an opinion, but I do have a question - why does professional basketball exist?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The Big Bang Theory did a pretty good job of playing the trope for laughs.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

why does professional basketball exist?

Gymnastics by another name?

Paddy O said...

That's how I understood it after first reading it.

Also, another key issue is Magic Johnson, hero of the Los Angeles Lakers.

Which isn't to excuse the racism, but more to understand what was happening in that conversation.

Also, he's totally going to get a pass. It'll be out of the news soon, that's the pass. If he was a Koch, it would be featured for weeks.

Shouting Thomas said...

@Queen Shouty says:

Nobody seems too concerned that a private conversation, illegally recorded, between an old guy and his well paid mistress serves as the pretext for this denunciation.

Do we really want to live this way? Should we have to censor ourselves even in our intimate private lives lest we be subject to denunciation by the volunteer informants?

Shouting Thomas said...

My other opinion is that I wish I had enough money to hire a beautiful young whore.

If I ever do come into the money, I'll be sure to keep my mouth shut about my opinions even in the most private moments.

I guess there's no honor among whores. Disappointing, huh?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Wow you guys have convinced me. There really are no Democrat racists.

The Dude said...

Other than you, ARM.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Basketball does have a not so subtle sexual connotation... innuendo to it.

The basket, the hoop, dunking donut hole...

I was remembering the story of basketball announcer extraordinaire Marv "yes" Albert, how his name was found tied to a dead dominatrix little black book.

There was also a girlfriend of his that accused him of sexual assault, rape... apparently Marv would go a little crazy after calling basketball games.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Also, he's totally going to get a pass.

After all the hue and cry?

KCFleming said...

"Should we have to censor ourselves even in our intimate private lives lest we be subject to denunciation by the volunteer informants?"

Yes, or at least we are quickly moving to that situation.

We now live in Soviet America.

Better to trust no one.
Say and write nothing except what is approved by the right-thinkers.

Time to read Private Truths, Public Lies: The Social Consequences of Preference Falsification

AllenS said...

From 1990 to 2008, Donald Sterling has given donations totaling $7,500 to Democrats only.

Cliven Bundy has given nothing to either party.

Paddy O said...

"After all the hue and cry?"

It'll be in how long the huing and crying continue. No one will say it's fine, but they will move onto other things, like talking about what the rancher said.

AllenS said...

... because racism!

Shouting Thomas said...

And, yes, Sailer is right.

We've moved into new territory. This is a shakedown attempt.

Assholes and idiots like ARM seem down with that. The KGB and Statsi never lacked for volunteer informants. It's an ugly side of human nature, but there are always going to be low lifes like ARM.

Do you want to live in a shakedown society where any private conversation can be the pretext for denunciation?

AllenS said...

Althouse from 1990-2008 gave $450 to Russ Feingold.

They are both white.

KCFleming said...

This is why Oprah makes everyone she becomes at all close to (friends and family) sign nondisclosure confidentiality agreements.

Only one wouldn't sign.

Shouting Thomas said...

That "Preferences" book looks interesting.

Yes, few Soviet citizens dared to publicly speak out against the corrupt and repressive state, and everybody secretly hated the state and held it in contempt.

We now exist in a similar situation. Everybody hates the censors and informants, but we have to pretend otherwise for the sake of self-preservation.

edutcher said...

Another Paula Deen, mayhap?

If the Lefties are that afraid of their own bolting the reservation that they have to go all Anita Bryant (or is it Joe Stalin?) on one of them periodically to keep them in line, how tenuous is their hold on the country as a whole?

Maybe all they have is the NSA surveillance and IRS blackmail anymore.

Lem said...

Also, he's totally going to get a pass.

After all the hue and cry?

You got it.

A reign of terror doesn't work if heads don't roll.

KCFleming said...

Best advice for rich people siring pretty young things?
Go full Oprah on them.

They want your money and gifts?
Sign on the dotted nondisclosure line.

Or marry someone worthwhile and quit letting that little frankfurter tell you what to do.

Trooper York said...

Basketball has long been at the nexus of race relations in this country. Along with tap dancing it is one of the few businesses that have come to be dominated by African Americans.

I had season tickets for twenty two years at the Garden. I remember the salad days of the old Boston Celtics that had an almost all white team. As did the Utah Jazz at the time. I mean they had a few black stars like Robert Parrish or Karl Malone but the bulk of the team was white. They had the white "superstars" like Bird, McHale and Stockton but the key factor was the back of the bench which was all white. Not so on teams like the Knicks or Sixers which are almost all black with one or two white scubs like Bob Thorton or Brian Quinett.

The discussion was all about the question of how the league would fare with an almost all black league and almost all white fans. This was mitigated by an unexpected factor in the white Europeans who came into the league. Especially the ones from Russian and Eastern Europe who were a lot tougher than their white American counterparts.

Professional basketball is still very profitable but it is not the force it once was. Of course this is more the function of the lack of superstars who the fans could idolize. The golden era of Jordan, Bird and Magic is over and most people don't like Lebron or Kobe. So it has declined somewhat these past ten years.

The college game remains popular in tournament time but I think that is a function of betting. All in all it has been a sad decline.

Trooper York said...

Of course it could be that I just got old and got tired of going to the games which are much too expensive and troublesome to get to in the scheme of things.

So I could be wrong.

William said...

I think most vices transcend political affiliation. Adultery, wearing your wife's underwear, heavy drinking--neither Democrats nor Republicans are more likely to fall into these trapdoors. The one vice, as Aridog points out, that Democrats truly excel at is hypocrisy. Well, that and child molestation.......If Sterling is able to refurbish his reputation, that will be the PR miracle of the century. The fact he has already won a couple of NAACP awards indicates that he just might pull it off. Never count a billionaire with a good PR firm out.

chickelit said...

Lem wrote: Sorry Chickie.

No apology needed. I think the Bundy and Sterling stories are media tar balls lobbed into the social media, designed to divide and not to solve anything.

And the Sterling kerfluffle smells like a shakedown. There's motive and there's a crime.

Rabel said...

"The girlfriend, one of whose aliases is V. Stiviano, released the tape or tapes, perhaps seeking revenge after she was sued by Sterling’s wife to recover her community property interest in the gifts that Sterling gave to Stiviano, which included a house, two Bentleys and a Ferrari."

Sterling has issued a response:

"She hath abated me of half my train;
Look'd black upon me; struck me with her tongue,
Most serpent-like, upon the very heart.
All the stor'd vengeances of heaven fall
On her ingrateful top! Strike her young bones,
You taking airs, with lameness!"

Gotta admit, the old bastard has a way with words.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rabel said...

There's been some follow-up:

Stiviano - "Thou art a knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-livered, action-taking whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd, in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch: one whom I will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deniest the least syllable of thy addition."

Sterling - "Dissembling harlot, thou art false in all!"

Stiviano - "He is deformed, crooked, old and sere,
Ill-faced, worse bodied, shapeless everywhere;
Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind;
Stigmatical in making, worse in mind. "

Sterling - "Thou hast the most unsavoury similes."

Stiviano - "Away, you cut-purse rascal! you filthy bung, away! By this wine, I'll thrust my knife in your mouldy chaps, an you play the saucy cuttle with me. Away, you bottle-ale rascal! you basket-hilt stale juggler, you!'

Sterling - "Villain, I have done thy mother."

Then it started getting ugly.

The Dude said...

Must be quotes from Othello.

Aridog said...

After reading all this about "V. Stiviano" I'm left with the impression that the list of who she hasn't fucked would be the short list.

Meade said...

Airdog is without sin. Let him throw the first stone at the prostitute.

chickelit said...

@Meade: Is you wife at all interested in the legal aspects of the Sterling story? Violations of privacy, etc?

Meade said...


AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

Contributor Occupation Date Amount Recipient
BOULDER,CO 80301 NOT EMPLOYED 3/2/04 $2,0000 Kerry, John (D)

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90210 BEVERLY HILLS PROPERTIES 11/30/89 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)
BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 9/27/91 $1,000 Davis, Gray (D)
PORTLAND,OR 97201 RETIRED 3/21/96 $250 Bruggere, Tom (D)

PORTLAND,OR RETIRED 10/7/97 $250 Peters, Linda B (D)

BEVERLY HILLS,CA 90212 REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER 9/9/91 $1,000 Leahy, Patrick (D)

PORTLAND,OR 97201 Retired 8/6/99 $1,000 Bradley, Bill (D)

AllenS said...

For whatever reason, I'm unable to provide a link, but you'll get an idea on what I've provided. Sterling has not given any money to the Republicans. Neither has Bundy.

AllenS said...

MADISON,WI 53705 UW-MADISON LAW SCHOOL 12/30/91 $250 Feingold, Russell D (D)

MADISON,WI 53705 UW-MADISON LAW SCHOOL 9/15/92 $200 Feingold, Russell D (D)

Both are white. Both are Democrats.

Meade said...

What's your point, Allen? Smear a political party with the racism brushes of Sterling and Bundy? Sort of a fight-fire-with-fire approach?

AllenS said...

My point is this: it is what it is.

Meade said...

"Both are white. Both are Democrats."

Should we burn them at the stake for being, as you say, "white" and "Democrats"?

AllenS said...

No. No need for that. Just an understanding what what is, and what should be the determining factor on race. I think that you're the one who brought that race shit up in the first place. Some of your best friends aren't white, is that correct?

Aridog said...

Here's some NAACP quotes for us...and BTW, Sterling already has a NAACP Lifetime Achievement Award from 2009. This must be very embarrassing...

Leon Jenkins, president of the Los Angeles branch of the civil rights organization [NAACP], says of the much-maligned Sterling, “He has a unique history of giving to the children of L.A.,” revealing that the owner donates anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 tickets a game to youth groups for nearly every Clippers home game.

Jenkins said the NAACP decided to honor Sterling because of "a body of work. Mr. Sterling's organization has on a consistent basis brought in the minority community. He has also over the years contributed to a number of minority charities. Compared to other L.A. franchises, his organization gave more money than the others."

AllenS said...

Do you find anything false with my statement, Meade?

William said...

Donald Trump has, over the years, taken on a lot of flack for his life choices and hairstyles. But give him credit. The man knows how to negotiate relationships with inappropriate women........I understand that Stirling said some offensive things, but has anyone here ever encountered his kind of bigotry. It may be racism, but it's clearly not virulent racism. If you did a survey I'm sure you wouldn't find many men who allow their women to screw sports stars but draw the line at taking selfies with them.

AllenS said...

Remember, Meade, you are the one who showed up here, and tried to prove that commenters here were racist because of the Bundy situation.

See how that works?

Meade said...

"I think that you're the one who brought that race shit up in the first place. "

I'm not surprised you think that, Allen. But it was you who persistently brought those questions up. And no, that was not what I said. I won't call you a liar but at the very least, you are mistaken.

AllenS said...

One more time ---

Do you find anything false with my statement, Meade?

Meade said...

"Remember, Meade, you are the one who showed up here, and tried to prove that commenters here were racist because of the Bundy situation."

I wasn't trying to prove anyone was racist. Why do you think that?

And what's wrong with showing up here?

Meade said...

Which statement do you want me to verify for you, Allen?

ricpic said...

JAP or Shiksa?

A Shiksa laughs easier
She has an upturned nose
Even her madness is easy going

In comparison to a JAP
Who is "mentally challenging"
When all a guy wants

Is to get laid

Shiksas Rule!

Aridog said...

TOP Toad sez ...

Which statement do you want me to verify for you, Allen?

Start with that you are a liar, once again...let me quote you on point:

Meade said...

AllenS said...
"Do you have a lot of black friends, Meade?"

The few friends I have are non-white. I try to avoid people who self-identify as "white".
April 24, 2014 at 8:18 PM

Now parse away you odd fuck.

BTW..what does "non-white" mean ... the question was ho0w many are "black." Easy concept.

Icepick said...

I think most vices transcend political affiliation... wearing your wife's underwear....

That's a vice? I mean, it's bad taste, but a vice?

Meade said...

Aridog said...
"TOP Toad sez ..."

Why do you try to dehumanize people like me, Airdog?

"the question was ho0w many are "black." Easy concept."

No, the question was "do you have a lot of black friends".

Why do you lie, Airdog? But thanks for running down Allen's lie that it was I who "showed up here, and tried to prove that commenters here were racist because of the Bundy situation" when what I wondered was whether or not bloggers here like Michael Haz who had been supporting Cliven Bundy over the past two weeks would try to get a little distance from him now that Bundy had expressed such blatant racism.

And I think I got my answer. Thanks.

Icepick said...

“He has a unique history of giving to the children of L.A.,” revealing that the owner donates anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 tickets a game to youth groups for nearly every Clippers home game.

That's (1) a way to fill the seats so things don't look so awful on TV and (2) cruelty to children in most years. Granted, the Clips are decent this year, but I believe they've also got the worst record in the NBA since Sterling bought them. They've probably got the worst record over that time, percentage-wise, of any team in major American sports.

chickelit said...

He has a unique history of giving to the children of L.A.,” revealing that the owner donates anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 tickets a game to youth groups for nearly every Clippers home game.

Good deeds get punished along with bad thoughts by the emerging thought police. That's just the way it will be for a while.

Icepick said...

And no, that was not what I said.

But it is what you insinuated. It was the weaselly approach of a true used scum bag. Also the approach of a lawyer, who may or may not be used.

Meade said...

Aridog said...
"BTW..what does "non-white" mean"

I'll tell you what - you tell me what "white" means and I'll tell you what "non-white" means. Maybe you can give an example. Maybe you consider yourself "white". If so, exactly what is it about you that makes you "white"?

Meade said...

Is Donald Sterling "white"? Cliven Bundy?

Meade said...

Is Icepick "white"?

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, God, Meade, do you have to collapse into utter stupidity?

Shutting up really would be the best thing your could do.

Icepick said...

Is Icepick "white"?

Light tan at the moment, except for my feet and ass, which are a blindly bright Canadian white.

Ethnically I'm English, Scottish (not Scots-Irish, but Scottish), German and allegedly Irish, though I'm not sure where the Irish comes in. And the German is primarily Hessian.

So I'm not as white as Benjamin Franklin might wish, but I'm pretty danged white.

Aridog said...

Top Toad...sorry, I got busy for a bit there. I gather that your definition of "non-white" is a white wigger. Made up fantasy man. Like you. Too funny.

Those of us who have dated, lived with, married, loved and had children we adore with, various hues of people, including black, are amused by you, to put it simply.

You asked me to define what white is...okay, you married a white woman, so use that as a reference. Nothing wrong with that, or her, just you.

chickelit said...

I am eumelanin-challenged but not so pheomelanin challenged -- if only because there's so much surface area.

Meade said...

I think I get your attempt at humor, chicken little, but is it really truly a "challenge" for you?

chickelit said...

I'm eumelanin deficient then, Meade: it sounds treatable.

Meade said...

Will you seek treatment?

(I know -- you're still only funning, right?)

chickelit said...

I suppose if it really correlated with something useful -- otherwise sunscreen is nice and suffices.