Wednesday, April 23, 2014


"A Facebook argument had apparently sparked a completely unrelated shooting at the start of the weekend. Best friends Jordan Means, 16, and Anthony Bankhead, 18, got into the online spat with a man in his 30s. The man is said to have followed his final post by appearing in the flesh and shooting the two teens to death."

"Two other men were fatally shot later in the weekend as they sat in a car that was also occupied by two kids, ages 3 and 7. The children were physically unharmed but no doubt will join those who are as mentally scarred by living in Chicago as were some combat veterans who returned from the war in Iraq." (read more)


The Dude said...

They remain solid democrat votes.

AllenS said...

An American tragedy.

Calypso Facto said...

A gun-free Utopia of the left's policies and government.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Facebook control.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Facebook legislation.

ricpic said...

That great liberal, Senator Moynahan, was right just once in his life, when he counseled benign neglect of black, er....disfunction.

Icepick said...

Chicago, Chicago, that toddling town

Also, Moynihan was right about a lot of things regarding race relations, but he had an unfortunate habit of noticing things, which is strictly forbidden in this day and age.

Icepick said...

And I'm surprised Lem doesn't have anything up about this yet:

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy hailed as patriot, ripped as lawless deadbeat
Burning Man organizer plans ‘Bundyfest’ — 30 days of anarchy next to standoff site

Nice Brown Shirt activity from the dipshit set. I think the ranchers that showed up to help Bundy out should set up a counter demonstration when Bundyfest starts. Not at the site of the Bundyfest, but at Harry Reid's homes in DC and Nevada. Call it a Harryfest dedicated to, among other things, discussions of Second Amendment rights.

For the record, I haven't followed the Bundy thing and don't really have an opinion on the matter. But I don't care for Brown Shirt-like tactics, and my default position is that whatever Harry Reid is for must be pure evil. That's only a default position, and I'm willing to be convinced otherwise on specifics, but it works pretty well in practice.

Unknown said...

A bunch of bands are going to mock Bundy? How Jon Stewart/Colbert of them.
Nice to see the leftards stand shoulder to shoulder with the most corrupt senator in US history.

Unknown said...

I like your idea- Icepick. Why not stage the same sort of mocking in front of Harry Reid's various homes?

Unknown said...

DBQ as always right on.

Shouting Thomas said...

No dis can go unanswered.

Not even an internet dis.

Calypso Facto said...

RE: Bundyfest, I think someone should just airdrop the rotting cow carcasses of the cattle the BLM shot into the gathering.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Nice Brown Shirt activity from the dipshit set.

Cool. SO.... the 420 crowd is going to go south and annoy a whole new group of people. I bet half of them won't get the message and wander on up to their traditional partying grounds. They will arrive in a cloud of smoke and haze of other drugs and wonder ....WTF???? where is everyone?

Shouting Thomas said...

The hipsters hate cowboys. No surprise there.

Cowboys represent old fashioned masculinity. According to hipsters, that's the cause of all evil in the world.

The Dude said...

The anarchists side with the federal government now? I don't think they know what the word "anarchist" means.

Icepick said...

Sixty, about half the anarchists are simply leftists tools. The other half are idiots. Both ripe fodder for feeding the machine.

Shouting Thomas said...

The Burning Man people aren't anarchists.

They are people who are deeply confused about their sexuality. They are struggling to find a way to escape the Evil Eye of the left, which views masculinity as a pathology.

bagoh20 said...

"How desert-like is the Bundy ranch?"

It's just outside Las Vegas, so extremely deserty. Nothing but rock, sand, alcohol and former problems buried in shallow graves. Perfect trap for boneheads.

deborah said...

Ice, like you, I have not been following Bundy. So I was surprised by this encapsulation on BHTV:


deborah said...

"Cowboys represent old fashioned masculinity. According to hipsters, that's the cause of all evil in the world."

Y'ud better smile when you say that, pilgrim.

Icepick said...

Nothing but rock, sand, alcohol and former problems buried in shallow graves. Perfect trap for boneheads.

That's the best laugh I've had today, and the little one has been very cute this morning, so that's a high bar to cross!

bagoh20 said...

I think Bundy's legal position is clearly a loser, but that does not automatically mean the Federal government is right here.

2 things: 1) The Feds were the first to not keep their end of the deal by keeping title to the lands and collecting ever more all these years since these states were crated, when they were suppose to be selling them off to local interests with control returning to local authorities. 2) The use of SWAT teams and physical force to deal with an unpaid bill was just stupid and is what made this a dangerous situation, and is not how the government should be acting. Frankly, I'm fed up with authorities from local police to Feds so often and quickly resorting to breaking down doors and shooting people as a first response.

It is possible for two sides of a conflict to both be wrong. I think that's the case here. The Bundys will lose financially in the long run, but that was always the case, so they all could have skipped the confrontation and ended up with the same result. After generations there working that land, the Bundys will lose their stuff to the Feds(us) through legal maneuvering. I don't feel good about that. I feel like a member of a gang of bullies.

Icepick said...

Oh, God, not BHTV. I thought we left that behind along with Pharaoh's charioteers when we left -strike-Egypt-/strike- A-House.

Icepick said...

Seriously, who wouldn't like to see BHTV at the bottom of the Red Sea along with Yul Brynner's army?

deborah said...

Left behind with Althouse? Dude, don't fence me in.

deborah said...

"The use of SWAT teams and physical force to deal with an unpaid bill was just stupid and is what made this a dangerous situation, and is not how the government should be acting. Frankly, I'm fed up with authorities from local police to Feds so often and quickly resorting to breaking down doors and shooting people as a first response."

True. Why didn't they just throw him in the slammer till he got the picture?

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Deborah - (re: Glass/Brennen) interesting. Even if Bundy is a freeloader, and it looks like he is, the feds coming in with guns - shooting 6 cattle - is an over-the-top heavy handed reaction to most Americans. Esp when Harry Reid stands to gain financially.

bagoh20 said...

Normally, if you owe the Feds money, your bank account just magically shrinks or gets locked. I think this whole thing was made into a mess by someone with power issues. The wild cowboys are working for the Feds and someone should get canned over the decision to go into town drunk brandishing guns.

Christy said...

Bundy is an inarticulate angry man who has cut off his nose to spite his face. Too bad. The fight against this unjust system needs a better advocate. Who? Who of ability would want to align themself with this mess? Even to stick it to Reid?

deborah said...

April, thanks. See I didn't know it was six cattle.

Bago, true, it could have been someone with an anger management problem, etc. And excellent point about garnishing his bank account.

Christy, I don't even know what he looks or sounds like. What it has boiled down to is wag-the-tail bread and circuses.

Rabel said...

"The hipsters hate cowboys. No surprise there.

Cowboys represent old fashioned masculinity. According to hipsters, that's the cause of all evil in the world."

I must disconcur.

Rabel said...

"Too bad he was - and apparently still is - misunderstood."

That much of your comment is certainly correct.

See page 7.

ricpic said...

In your screwed-up head, Meade, in your screwed-up head.

And you spelled disfunction wrong, putz.

XRay said...

@Rabel. Your 3:20 link a great one for seeing how even the clearest of thought and intention, which I believe Moynihan showed there, can be so misinterpreted/misconstrued by others for their own political purposes. Further, the systemic issues/problems that Moynihan addressed have yet to be dealt with in a serious manner, and certainly not by this administration.

Icepick said...

XRay, why would Dems want to deal with those issues when they are such rich fodder for gaining votes and power? And Republicans have correctly surmised that blacks will never vote for them under any circumstances, so they needn't bother.

Rabel said...

It's understandable that you were misinformed. Moynihan was attacked viciously after the memo was leaked. He backtracked a bit and as a media favorite he drew, over time, a more sympathetic coverage. That coverage distorted the reality of the truths that Moynihan exposed and I can see how that filtered version could work its way into your perceptions.

Learning from our errors is the key.

William said...

I'm curious about the Facebook dispute. What can you possibly say at the remove of the Internet that would make someone want to hunt you down and kill you? That's some heavyweight trolling.......At how many murders does the indignity of stop and frisk become a viable alternative to the indignity of shot and killed?

Meade said...

Rabel said...
"That much of your comment is certainly correct.

See page 7."

Okay but you need to understand page 6 before you can understand page 7. Moynihan, in his report, then enumerates "countercurrents that pose a serious threat to the welfare of the blacks, and the stability of the society, white and black".

Countercurrent number 6 is "The Nixon Administration" and he lists the problems within the administration saying, "[t]here has been a great deal of political ineptness in some Departments, and you [Nixon] have been the loser."

Learn from the errors of your misperceptions and improve your reading skills, Rabel.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Meade is here to troll again?

Nice to see not total censorship over at the other place.

How are those traffic numbers looking Meade? 18.8 percent drop isn't very good is it?

Trooper York said...

On the Real Housewives of Atlanta there was a weave pulling attack by Porsha Stewart on Kenya Moore. Kenya called Porsha a stupid ho. Porsha jumped up and physically attacked Kenya and pulled her off of the couch by her weave. Demonstrating that her go-to response was violence.

Nobody was surprised.

You can learn everything you need to know about life by watching Reality TV.

Trooper York said...

At one point Porsha grabbed the scepter out of Kenya's hand. She was waving it around and acting like a Queen. Not a Palladian style Queen. Your regular crown wearing queen. Porsha said "Don't you be waving your scepter in my face you no account ratchet ho."

Kenya said she would stop if Porsha could spell scepter.

Hilarity ensued.

Rabel said...

Well, there you are.

If you'll take a read on your 1:28 and compare it to your current ... exposition, I'm confident that you'll see that you have made the same error in ignoring the second side of Moynihan's proposal.

You're a bright guy so, you'll get it, but in the spirit of cooperation I'll point out that it's a lot like the difference between a two way street and a one way.