Saturday, April 26, 2014

Must Sell Mint Los Angeles Clippers Do To Personal Reasons

USA Today - "The NBA is investigating whether racially insensitive comments in an audio recording obtained by TMZ were made by Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling."

"The remarks heard on the recording are disturbing and offensive, but at this time we have no further information," NBA executive vice president of communication Mike Bass said. He also said the league is conducting a "full investigation."
Via TMZ. Click here for the explosive audio. But first, please remove any children... old and infirm from the room as a precaution. Safety Matters. And lastly, remember to send some Love the Lem's way.


Rabel said...

You talkin bout this guy?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Oh my. Somebody should frame that before it gets taken down.

sakredkow said...

Cliven Bundy: "Now that guy's a racist!"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"NAACP Honors Generous LA Billionaire Donald T. Sterling

Does that mean what I think it means?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's too late for the NAACP to call for a huddle.

Donald Sterling and #BoycottClippers are 1 and 2 on Twitter.

Rabel said...

Q. Why did Donald Sterling buy an NBA franchise?

A. The auction house in New Orleans closed down.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is it racist to wonder how white a guy must be to misspell the word "due"?

Rabel said...

Is it racist to assume you know the race of someone you've never met based on their comments and posts?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not racist against shih-tzus. ;-)

I mean, they can be a bit annoying, but no more so than the currently vogue pit bull fetish. ;-)

Befeore the shih tzu avatar there was one of a white man. But I digress, it's a good question to ask if comments and posts give away "race". I don't think they can, if someone does state something along those lines explicitly about themselves in them, but it still reminds me of how during the O.J. Simpson trial (recently mentioned by Icepick) an attorney asked if one of the witnesses had heard a voice belonging to a white man or a black man.

Totally different idea, but generally you're right. You can't tell. Unless they upload post after post challenging blacks to stop being sensitive to racism (and never balanced with any criticism of "whites", either). Pretty much only conservative whites do that, in 2014.

Rabel said...

Pro tip => stop digging.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do you know something I don't?

I doubt it. Point stands. Getting off on inciting racial insensitivity is a conservative American white man's game.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Qué Lem hablan español?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This post is not about dogs. Ritmo.

Meade has a dog blog. just saying.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Point taken, Lem. You are the headest of honchos here.

But if I may, I have a "is this racist question of my own to ask". And that is, would it be racist if I saw the clippers there and associated the question with the inability of many black barbers to cut white people hair? They seem to either suck at it or not understand the role of the scissors in cutting non-curly hair.

Perhaps that makes me a racist, but I will have my hair cut properly, God dammit. ;-)

Rabel said...

Now you have greatly offended me, Ritmo.

Anyone who would confuse Lem's little rat dog with the great and noble breed that is the Shih Tzu should be banned from polite society.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


I'm actually listening to the linked tape, and it sounds like this guy's a premium douche. Whatever he thinks of "perception", does he have to be so damn controlling? This is at just 1/3rd of the the way in, so perhaps there's more. But then, WTF's up with the recording? Does everyone in L.A. record every phone conversation they have? What a completely loony place. How does anyone with the tiniest bit of money or fame stay sane there? (Or for that matter, how do all the starfuckers who apparently make up the balance of the population do so? Whoops, rhetorical question).

In any case, what a messed-up place. Talk about a defunct culture: L.A.

Rabel said...

Oh, sorry about that. I walked away for a minute and an unauthorized user accessed my blogger profile.

Now where'd that little bitch put my crazy lady pic?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Everybody is going for a walk today.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'll have to carry the plastic bag. Rabel and Lem are looking at the camera from different directions and pretty soon will have their tails wrapped around each other.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do conservatives prefer small dogs? Serious question. (About a trivial topic, I know. But I'm genuinely curious).

edutcher said...

Nobody got mad when it came out Tommy Hilfiger didn't like black people wearing his stuff.

And he's black.

chickelit said...

I had to laugh the first time I heard R&B tear into Lem regarding shih tzu's on Althouse. I made a chirbit -- see of you can guess whom I was impersonating: Chirbit: W.F. Buckmo on Lem

Here's the original script I used:

Rhythm and Balls said...
The shih tzu proclaims who is full of shit.

Anyone who can read into that quote anything other than a complete negation of anything resembling an honorable mention is drunk. It's the most dishonorable mention ever. Also, I don't share a common viewpoint with Althouse on most things, so why would I want approval?

The last time I spoke at length with Lem was when he was on another one of his fantastic benders.

This time his precise excuse for engaging is unclear.

7/3/13, 9:58 PM

Rabel said...

Go for a walk? In Memphis?

How do you do something that good and then basically disappear?

Oh, I see. He married Elizabeth Vargas of ABC. She's currently in the drunk tank, I think.

Rabel said...

"Do conservatives prefer small dogs?"

Check with Ari and Bags. That's the wife's dog. I swear.

Lydia said...

Nobody got mad when it came out Tommy Hilfiger didn't like black people wearing his stuff.
And he's black.

Hilfiger is black? News to me.

And apparently he never made a comment about not liking black people weariing is clothes.

chickelit said...

There's really nobody to like or to respect in this tawdry "news" story.

Lydia said...

Sheesh. That should be "wearing his clothes."

chickelit said...

@R&B: Your 6:33 and 6:47 comments are faint echos of concern troll comments made on Crack Emcee's blog regarding Lem. As I don't link to that blog, I can't provide full context, but it was basically a histrionic post by Crack about Lem's Levity and some commenter (presumably Inga because of tone and tenor) wondered aloud why Lem, allegedly a person of color, would hang around people like me.

I thought that took some chizputz.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Way to bring up better times, CL.


33 and 47 weren't concern trolling, they were actual zings. I never followed Crack's blog, so your memory will have to serve a rather limited purpose in reminiscing on whatever happened there. In any event, I'm not even sure why he categorizes his post with the "is this racist?" tag, because it seems that everyone, himself included (in the end), seems to agree that the Clippers guy's out of line. I'd almost categorize his own "is this racist?" tag as oppositional concern trolling, because it betrays his obvious discomfort with the link. The Clippers guy's a douche - does anyone really disagree?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes. It might be a good time to remind slavery-lovers that rape is not a form of love. TJ fathered children with his slave. They were basically available as human "sex-bots", should the inclination arise. (In me, it wouldn't). Rednecks are sometimes known to have sex with their livestock, so "using" a slave in such a debased way was, you know, "natural". Or whatever. In any event, the "new open-mindedness" dictates that we thoughtfully consider the contributions of being a slave to a wonderful family life, so obviously experts are in order. The prima facie case must be a bit harder to make.

Chip and the authority had to be wrong. Also, the so-called authority won his acclaim in economics, not history. Which is like calling Noam Chomsky an authority in political study on account of his rightly notable accomplishments in linguistics. It doesn't make sense.

ken in tx said...

I'm libertarian. I prefer Bostons and Pugs. My wife likes Shih-Tzus. We are without a dog now and make do with the neighborhood cat. Who is a nice companion, but he is not really a dog. He just sort of hangs around.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I thought the girlfriend was latina.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lem said...
I thought the girlfriend was latina.

The trashy account I read said black, your trashy account may differ. When I looked at the picture I thought she was southeast asian. Enquiring minds want to know.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Here is the 'official' TMZ version - black and Mexican.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is a part of the recording i recall where it sounded as though she was saying she is half black. So it seems as though Sterling racism is complicated.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Lem said...
Sterling racism is complicated.

Not necessarily, see R&B's comment.

chickelit said...

I still don't see why this story is newsworthy here. Are there any Clippers fans here?

Crack Emcee on the other hand was member of this commenting community and still is a lauded member of the Althouse commenter community. He is held in high esteem by former co-bloggers of Lem's as well as by Althouse and Meade, despite his virulent and spiteful racism. This is hard for me to square.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You would think NBA stars would identify with a guy with money getting set up.

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
Yes. It might be a good time to remind slavery-lovers that rape is not a form of love.

Who here are the "slavery lovers," Ritmo? Let me guess -- they are people who speak up against people like Crack.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

CL seems not to understand the nature of scandal. The guy's a billionaire. His opinions are important to take note of.

Not only is Crack less important in the world, he's less likely (i.e. not likely at all) to wield power in the wrong way that Mr. Clippers does.

Neurotypicals are interested in the human condition and find stories worth discussing if they can relate to the person or the situation. You might be lucky enough to have never been told by a date who gives you a hard time about whom you can and can't (or should and shouldn't) associate with, but that might not result from having many dating experiences.

And, if you don't understand why people make a bigger deal about what financially or politically powerful people do, then you need to psychoanalyze your co-bloggers for their obsessions with people like Barack Obama, Harry Reid and George Soros.

Shouting Thomas said...

Nah. Not interested.

Don't care.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Who here are the "slavery lovers," Ritmo? Let me guess -- they are people who speak up against people like Crack.

I think people trying the horrifically absurd and convoluted argument (or defense thereof) that slavery was good for Afro-American family life might be trying a bit too hard to cast the repugnant institution in a positive light.

Again, your issue with Crack is your own business. Sometimes I think he's a goof, sometimes a bit full of it, sometimes right-on-target. I don't seem to have this allegiance problem with him that a number of the crowd here have.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rabel said...
The Jefferson story is unproven

Not really.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's a loser's game to judge earlier societies by today's standards.

In this, you're right. And I don't try to judge earlier societies by today's standards - but neither do I try to defend them on the basis of that difference. That's a difference people here might try to understand.

The Jefferson story is unproven and your understanding of 18th century Southern aristocratic culture displays a limited study of that history - limited not by volume but by source as you are clearly a well indoctrinated individual.

If you consider knowledge of human genetics to be a form of indoctrination then good luck finding a nice faith healer if, Heaven forbid, the children of anyone you know should be struck with an inherited illness.

The proof is beyond question. The Hemmings family has male Jeffersonian lineage. If it was not him, it was a brother or other male relative - but those alternatives are only scientifically possible, not socially probable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chromosomes are not scientifically unproven concepts! Lol.

Shouting Thomas said...

If you guys really don't have anything better to do than this, I suggest that each of you put a bullet in your head.

I suspect Hell will be morons blabbering about racism into eternity.

Or, perhaps, it already is.

Really, put yourselves out of your misery. Quit wasting electrons. Try a shotgun.

chickelit said...

I think people trying the horrifically absurd and convoluted argument (or defense thereof) that slavery was good for Afro-American family life might be trying a bit too hard to cast the repugnant institution in a positive light.

Here I believe you have erred in construing people's comparative statements (some aspect is worse vs. better) as some sort moral good vs. bad thing.

Your sleight of hand was to assert that Chip S. thought that slavery was in any way "good." Of course, that's exactly what the other side wants to hear and what you want to feed them.

edutcher said...

Lydia said...

Nobody got mad when it came out Tommy Hilfiger didn't like black people wearing his stuff.
And he's black.

Hilfiger is black? News to me.

That's supposed to be Hilfiger?

News to me.

Unless he had the Mother of All Chemical Peels.

Shouting Thomas said...

It's Saturday night, ARM.

Can't you get drunk and get laid, instead of wasting your time on inane moral posturing and stupid blabbering?

Masturbate if that's the best you can do.

This is just the usual clown show. Same old clown shown as the last million renditions.

Shouting Thomas said...

Who loves the Negroes more?

Christ in heaven, do you have to manufacture morons in such huge numbers?

chickelit said...

And, if you don't understand why people make a bigger deal about what financially or politically powerful people do, then you need to psychoanalyze your co-bloggers for their obsessions with people like Barack Obama, Harry Reid and George Soros.

As if we don't all have obsessions with certain people in the news. Your latest one was Chris Christie a few nights ago.

How many bowls of pot set that one off?

Shouting Thomas said...

There has to be a way to pull everybody's head of out of their asses and put an end to this stupidity.

You folks really don't see that you're engaging in a laughable repeat performance of inane blabbering worthy of a Monty Python skit?

Shouting Thomas said...

I read this book not too long ago. Maybe this is the explanation for the bizarre obsession.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Everybody gets Clipped at least once.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your sleight of hand was to assert that Chip S. thought that slavery was in any way "good."

Whatever his motives, (and I usually trust them), he was dead-wrong. (Or at least that's how it appears. With Chip S. I usually try to do a better job of giving the benefit of a doubt).

Moral and practical arguments are of course different. You're right to see that. The problem, however, is when people don't prove their vested creds in disavowing an interest in a moral absurdity - such as American slavery was - before proceeding to attempt a rational argument. Chip seems to think his economist did that by marrying a black woman, but I'm not convinced he succeeded - whatever his supposed caveats.

It's just an absurd argument. Even 60 and Synova and Deb chimed in afterward to change the subject and say that fathers are important, too. So it seems that no one else was able to challenge the idea that treating people like pets promoted stable families in any normal sense.

At some point, people rushing to defend dolts like that Cliven person should ask whether the association does become a bit too close for comfort, though. How far off the farm does one have to go before you stop assuming a reason to give credibility to nutters, with a likely agenda of simple unadulterated back-asswardness?

Shouting Thomas said...


Look, this jabbering about racism is now the mark of a complete idiot.

Stop doing it.

Go find something else to do.

I will now take my own advice.

This obsession is a fucking moron obsession. Hard to regard anybody who engages in it as a serious sentient human.

Stop it. Take drugs, Look at dirty pictures. Anything. Shut the fuck up about this moron crap.

See you around.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chris Christie said he had to think about whether deciding to allow the state to get out of the way of saving a father's son's life wasn't some sort of really complicated issue. He's also generally just as corrupt, despite presenting his simple foul-mouth trash talk as a needed clarion call for NJ voters. I've given him the benefit of their doubt, too - but now I just find nothing redeeming in him.

You're free to disagree - although I doubt you'll present a good reason for doing so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Get the fuck out, then - toy guitar player. At your blog you can choose the inane topics. Here, Lem and Co. get to do that.

chickelit said...

I'll take ST's advice.

I get to watch "American Hustle" tonight and try out a new experimental cocktail. Details (if successful) latter.

ndspinelli said...

Being a Jew has protected Sterling for over 3 decades. The NBA is a Jewish league in its origins. Baseball is a WASP league in its origins. The NFL is the most diverse in it's origins but hardly diverse in any real sense. They had a Greek, few Catholics, and WASPS. Sterling has been an embarrassment from Day 1. Stern was his protector but Stern is now gone.

ndspinelli said...

American Hustle is a 4 star flick. well written, acted, and shot.

ndspinelli said...

Sterling had a knockout Asian girlfriend, maybe some Latin blood, but she looks Asian. He is still married.

Rabel said...

"The Hemmings family has male Jeffersonian lineage."

I didn't dispute that. Throwing it on Tom was political.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rabel said...
I didn't dispute that. Throwing it on Tom was political.

Did you read the link? The Thomas Jefferson Foundation concedes that he was the father.

Rabel said...

"The Thomas Jefferson Foundation concedes that he was the father."

So? They've got a disgruntled former ally's hate letter and nothing in the way of hard evidence.

I'm not so much concerned with whether he had a Black concubine as with the impulse on a part of our society that revels in denouncing the sins, real or imagined, of our forefathers.

If they're going to follow that line to denigrate a man like Jefferson, they need to prove it and they can't

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is not denigration to acknowledge reality.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Chick mentioned the 'estimable' Crack before...

This story must present a bit of a quandary for him. No?

Who does he side with? A gold digger or a racist?

All the story needs is a new age angle and we have a Crack trifecta.

Chip Ahoy said...

Man, 72 comments sure does go fast when you skip half of them.

Tommy Hill Finger is not black. I looked. He's David Gregory's twin separated at birth AICMFP.

Chip S. said...

I see that the usual race-and-slavery derangement has set in, this time w/ complications from McCarthyism.

Ritmo and "Reasonable" Man have apparently decided to smear a dead man to make some wobbly political point. I'm just here to tell them both to sod off.

Here's a wiki quote about Robert and Enid Fogel:

Fogel married Enid Cassandra Morgan, an African-American woman, in 1949 and had two children. The couple faced significant difficulties at the time due to anti-miscegenation laws and prevalent sentiments against interracial marriages.

Here's an excerpt from one of Enid Fogel's obits:

“Over the years, Enid has been both my most confident supporter and my keenest critic,” Robert Fogel wrote in his autobiography posted on the Nobel Prize web site ( “No individual has done more to help me pursue a career in science than my wife...."

The point I made in referring to this was, I thought, pretty obvious: you can't reasonably attribute Fogel's findings to some sort of racist motives. The fact that Th. Jefferson fucked a slave girl has exactly jack shit to do with my point. I mostly added it in anticipation of some stupid remark about Fogel being some typical racist wingnut.

I don't see how any reasonable, fair-minded person can read about the Fogels and find any parallel whatsoever to Jefferson and Sally Hemings. But ARM didn't stop there. He decided to draw a parallel w/ misogynists, stopping about an eyelash short of wondering if Fogel ever stopped beating his wife. This is much worse than just the usual cheap rhetorical trick. It's slander motivated by nothing more than the urge to smear someone whose arguments can't be refuted on the basis of facts.

I have no patience for that sort of bullshit anymore. It's contemptible.

BTW, I provided that last link the other night, so neither of you McCarthyites can claim ignorance on this.

Ritmo's errors of basic logic disappoint, but that too is his standard recourse when unable to mount a coherent counterargument. I'll simply remind him that my original point was quite simple: It was not "doltish" to challenge the conventional crack-wisdom about the status of the black family under slavery. As evidence of this, I pointed out that one scholar who did just that was subsequently awarded a Nobel Prize for that work. To explore the reality of black family life under slavery is not to endorse slavery. It's simply an exercise in free inquiry. I would think that would be obvious to anyone as smart as Ritmo thinks he is. Maybe he thinks free inquiry is racist, b/c Thomas Jefferson was for it.

Ritmo also seems to have added a novel twist on the old "appeal to authority" fallacy--the appeal to lack of authority. In Ritmo's world, economists aren't qualified to examine data that's too old. That's the exclusive province of historians who don't know shit about statistics. Bad news for you, sport: that debate is over.

Here's a couple of pro tips for you:

1) "A > B" does not imply A > C, unless it is also stated that B > C.

2) "A > B" does not imply "A is good." If Ned Stark preferred having his head chopped off cleanly to being drawn and quartered, that does not mean that he liked having his head chopped off.

Got it?


(Hint for those who need everything spelled out for them: In 1) and 2) above, A = black family life under slavery, B = current African-American family life, and C = all other states of human existence. Bundy is asserting A > B. Some people here are asserting A ≥ B. Fogel's data indicated that A > D, where D = previous beliefs about black family life under slavery.)

ndspinelli said...

ChipS is loaded for bear! My main man.

Chip S. said...

The wrist is at about 90% now, nick.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chip, what exactly is your point here? Do you have one? Because all the As + Bs + Cs ---> Ds in the world don't change the fact that fact-less logic is meaningless, an exercise in airless geometry. Science is the application of logic by incorporating the wonderful addition of FACT into it. You might want to look into it; very powerful stuff. Much more powerful than rationalism for rationalism's sake, or economics for economics' sake, while pretending people aren't getting more emotional about the hero worship of this founder or that economist than about the science of the much-more-besmirched-than-Jefferson Hemming's family's invasion by Jeffersonian DNA.

You acknowledge this fact and the obvious conclusion of how it got there. (Note to the morally interested: "Fucked" in this context is the most airbrushed of euphemisms). But you avoid not only explaining how this is observation of fact promotes your argument (not reiterated here) of an idyllic black family-life under slavery, but how an economist, winning an award for his use of a certain methodology, can use those facts to bolster his shittier ideas.

The Nobel press release of 1993 mentions his methodological innovations, their use in understanding the economic importance of railroads, the economic importance of slavery, and the economics of mortality rates. Nothing about the awesomeness or under-appreciated greatness of slave family life. But then, the Nobel committee isn't citing his having a black wife, either - which you seemed to believe was very important in establishing his non-racist creds (the relevance of which awaits explanation) and even more important, pro-slave-family ideas. Well, that's bureaucracy for you, I guess.

Other misuses or controversies of the Nobel committee include the fact that it was founded by the guy who invented dynamite while wanting to promote peaceful endeavors globally, as well as awarded to the inventor of chemical weapons. And I await your surely forthcoming praise for Barack Obama's important contributions to a more peaceful world - because, you know, that's what the Nobel guys in Stockholm did.

rcocean said...

Let me summarize for anyone who didn't read the other 70 comments.

Ritmo/ARM - Racist, racist.

Everyone else. - wow that's dumb.

Ritmo/ARM - Racist,racist.

Everyone else - Wow, that's dumb.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

ChipS. the topic was Sterling. I noted that the argument that he was not racist due to his having a black girlfriend was a weak argument. Your post does not address either Stirling or the inherent weakness of this particular argument.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

rcocean said...
Let me summarize for anyone who didn't read the other 70 comments.

Ritmo/ARM - Racist, racist.

Everyone else. - wow that's dumb.

So your argument is that Sterling's comments were perfectly acceptable?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

This is the behavior in question.

Mr. Sterling can be heard chiding a former girlfriend, identified by the website as V. Stiviano, saying he was angry that she had posted a picture on her Instagram account of herself and Mr. Johnson.

“It bothers me a lot that you want to broadcast that you’re associating with black people,” Mr. Sterling is alleged to have said. Later in the recording, referring to her Instagram postings, the person says that “you don’t have to have yourself with, walking with black people.”

Now, it may be the case that Sterling did not say this, although he has so far failed to deny ownership of these sentiments. Sterling has every right to have these view and I would defend his right to make these statements. Nonetheless, they are unquestionably racist. What is there to argue about here?

The Dude said...

Sterling is a democrat donor. Say no more.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Sixty Grit said...
Sterling is a democrat donor.

Opposition to racists isn't, or at least shouldn't be, a partisan issue. At least some people get that.

The Dude said...

Yeah, we still like you as much as ever, ARM, even though you are a racist lefty.

William said...

Beautiful women have their own race and they don't so much suffer discrimination as luxuriate in it......This woman seems to be nothing but bad news. Embezzlement and surreptitious taping. It's rare that in this crazy, mixed up world that two people who deserve each other so much are able to find each other......The NAACP gave this man a lifetime achievement award. Bundy was not named man of the year by any conservative organization.

Shouting Thomas said...


I sorta like gold diggers like this woman.

I'm not saying I find her morally admirable. I've just always had a soft spot for scoundrels.

The old guy apparently thought the pussy was worth the price.

Like all Johns, he just underestimated the final cost.

Aridog said...

R & B said ..

I await your surely forthcoming praise for Barack Obama's important contributions to a more peaceful world - because, you know, that's what the Nobel guys in Stockholm did.

Did the Norwegian Nobel Committee move to Sweden recently? Or was that just for 2009?

chickelit said...

Did the Norwegian Nobel Committee move to Sweden recently? Or was that just for 2009?

Props to Aridog for reminding us that the Swedes award the science prizes while the Norwegians award the pseudo-science ones.

chickelit said...

Well, "American Hustle" was pretty good, but I was reminded that that I was hustled a bit by the trailer which I saw way back around Thanksgiving.

Oh and the new cocktail was a flop so it's back to the lab before I publish.

AllenS said...

Once Sterling figured out that the woman was nothing more than a gold-digger he could concentrate on her tits and ass more.

Amartel said...

Hahahaha. The predictably oblivious and stupid left reacts to the "news" that one of its own looks and sounds just like those extremely extreme extremist conservatives they keep telling us about (big ole silly bigot with a gold-digging girlfriend):

"Getting off on inciting racial insensitivity is a conservative American white man's game."

[Sure guy, in upside down backwards land.]

Then digs EVEN deeper questioning Lem's "authenticity".

[Noice! Yeah!! Git 'er done!!!]

Plus, bonus avatar cruelty.

[Has not yet begun to dig.]


Buh buh buh "Thomas Jefferson"


"Why does racism make you so uncomfortable?"

[Par for the derp course.]

There's racism [the real thing] then there's raaacism [manufactured, self-serving political outrage designed to change the topic from lefty failures]. This here is reverse-raaacism. Good times ...

The people who have a direct complaint about the racism in this case (the girlfriend, the Clippers) will likely continue on the payroll despite the racism. There's money to be made.

Unknown said...

What's poor Meade gonna do? The comments from this big wig super star limelight Clipper's owner are a lot worse on the racism scale than anything Cliven Bundy said.

Unknown said...

It doesn't matter anyway - we are all guilty of racism by default and association. Ever watch a basketball game? Racist. charged by the neo-fascist left.

Government control -- or you're a racist.

Replaced soon with:
Government control -- or you're a misogynist.

Trooper York said...

Hey I have been away from the internets for a couple of days so you have to catch me up to speed.

So as I understand it Donald Sterling the senile owner of the LA Clippers is mad at his estranged ex-mistress who stole from him because she is hanging around with black people. She taped him telling her not to hang with black people because when black people actually get a job they break out in a rash.

Dust Bunny Queen said... is my unpopular opinion on racism. Let the flaming begin.

I take the (somewhat) Catholic view of both homosexuality and racism. Love the sinner because they may repent, decry the sin. Both are sinful/wrong when acted out. But when tendencies are not acted on, the person is triumphing over those inherent feelings.

Like an alcoholic or drug addict. You are what you are, but you are responsible for acting out or suppressing your addiction.

For instance, a person can have racist feelings. Be uncomfortable around people who are not of their own group. This goes for blacks who don't want to be around whites or asians who only want to associate with their own group. Is it right? Probably not. BUT.... We are entitled to associate, or not associate, on a personal level with whomever we want. When people actively act negatively in expressing their racism either verbally or with discriminatory actions, that is sinful and wrong.

People can sit in their houses and express all the racist feelings that they want. Is isn't right, but they have the right to THINK what they want. Acting it out is another thing entirely.

Same thing with homosexuality. What you do in your personal life is between you and your God or your conscience.

Imposing your beliefs upon others, in any aspect of your beliefs, is just wrong.

Trooper York said...

I agree with you DBQ. So they are allergic to work. They can't help it. It is just that their bodies reject it like a bad process weave. It's nature vs. nurture. The heart wants what it wants. Right?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Um....not exactly what I said.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I've just always had a soft spot for scoundrels.

Well that certainly explains a lot.

But it still doesn't give him license to control speech and command everyone else to avoid discussing "adultery, thievery, murder, lying… racism".

What a god-damned cunty control-freak!

Shouting Thomas said...

These asshole outrages over racism have to come to an end one day.

Some folk singer needs to write a broadside ridiculing assholes like Ritmo and ARM.

This shit has been idiot wind for a long time.

Only the dumbest of the dumb carry on about it.

Amartel said...

1. Racist:
a. Animosity toward other races: prejudice or animosity against people who belong to other races

b. Belief in racial superiority: the belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or inferior

(h/t for the definition to April from the other day)

2. Raaaaacist: person who is winning an argument with a leftist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The most sanctimonious thing I can think of is dictating what others can speak about.

Look, everyone! Administrator Shouting Thomas is changing his avatar! Isn't it pretty? Still has all the red, white and black in it, just in a slightly different arrangement.

May the Lord shepard you through your constant fears of dangerous race wars. Pussy! Queen Shouty! Off with the heads of the race-discussers! Dangerous race wars are afoot! Censor the people!!! Queen Shouty must have her way!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The one with a self-confessed soft spot for "scoundrels" offers his services to humanity by demanding to shut others up. That's fucking rich.

I think the really soft spot was your fontanelle. Appears it was so soft that it collapsed inward, turning the contents inside to mush.

What a queen Tommy is. It's likely he'd dress in drag, were he only not ugly enough to crack mirrors.

Unknown said...

Yes! I agree! Off with the heads of the race-discussers! We fear the dangerous race wars they are provoking! Off with their heads!

All topics must be pre-approved by Queen Shouty beforehand!

chickelit said...

All topics must be pre-approved by Queen Shouty beforehand!

Isn't that Althouse's current comment policy?