Saturday, April 19, 2014

Harry Reid's Facebook page

Finally something truly cheering on Facebook, Harry Reid's Facebook page. Comments are full, too full they expand so hidden treasures in there tucked away easily overlooked. A cheerful read indeed. Opening and clicking, amusing pictures, heartening links all the way down, delightful uplifting commentary to all Harry's entries.

The most extraordinary case of profound deafness I've ever seen. Harry Reid's posts followed by comments are two entirely separate conversations. Harry against everybody. He presumes to lead.


Chip Ahoy said...

10,000's comments, over 7,000 on first entry alone. It's the "see previous comments" thing to touch opening them in increments.

I'm noticing just how closed a world Facebook is. The links repeat. They're interesting links but repeated over and over. But none of my Reid .gif which is just the sort of thing that fits, but it does not exist in their world and they seldom venture out of it. Apparently.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So what's the thing we're all supposed to be so hateful about on this? That Harry doesn't maintain Althousian control over conversations?

edutcher said...

I'd look, but I'm afraid I'd turn to stone.

Shouting Thomas said...

So what's the thing we're all supposed to be so hateful about on this?

The notion that something is "hateful" is, as usual, introduced by you, Ritmo.

The "hate" and "hateful" obsession is yours.

I gather that you are employing the contemporary juvenile obsession of the left, which is that disagreement with any leftist position is animated by pathology.

AllenS said...

Oh My God! The comments are brutal. Does Asshat Reid look at them? He can't possibly read the comments. If he did, he'd have to admit this Facebook idea is making him look really bad.

Shouting Thomas said...

As to all the angry, threatening righty comments on Reid's FB page:

Why waste your time doing this? It's about as sensible and effective as writing bitterly negative comments on a book review page on Amazon about a political treatise you obviously haven't read.

AllenS said...

ST. It's the only way for these people to express themselves.

Shouting Thomas said...

If he did, he'd have to admit this Facebook idea is making him look really bad.

Actually, no.

The contemporary leftist theory is that white men are "angry bigots."

Any display of anger on the part of white men is conclusive proof that they are bigots, according to this theory.

bagoh20 said...

I get great pleasure from reading those comments to him. I assume that it will effect him some to find out how much he is hated. The advantage of this is that it shows how many people feel that way, and that he can't dismiss it as a few bigots. I know it won't change him, because he's a truly evil man, and that prevents him from doing what's right no matter how clear it is.

It does please me to see him called out, and pleasing me is what the internet is for.

bagoh20 said...

Even R&B won't defend him. That's pretty damning.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

disagreement with any leftist position is animated by pathology.

Ha ha ha... Well in your case! Come on. A guy who uses the word "shouting" to describe himself! No. No unusually strong negativity there. Nope.

ndspinelli said...

Great find, folks. And on the topic of Althouse, she has a box wine hangover sweat going on this morning. The title of her post about the poor response to posts should be, "You're not doing you're homework!!" It is classic Shakespeare.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Even R&B won't defend him. That's pretty damning.

Never bothered to read it. Some of us have better things to do than to comb over some senator's Facebook page.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

the bad faith left will still pull the lever for a corrupt a-hole like Harry Reid. That is what is wrong with our nation.

At this point - less and less. At this point the only way harry wins is with election fraud.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The "left" doesn't care about senatorial or congressional leadership April and knows that whoever's in charge there will be labelled by the right as the focus of all evil in the universe anyway.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It looks like the comments are a true testament to the enduring civility and dedication to mature democratic exchange on the right. They are showing how capable they are of making reasoned, objective comments regarding the nation and our government and how surely such responsible people as they deserve to lead it.

Unknown said...

This is a Harry Reid specific topic. Care to share your adoration for him, R&B?

bagoh20 said...

When the long term leader of the Senate is making an ass of himself and demonstrating the ugliest of petty partisanship, you are supposed to not care or be restrained by civility, but the womb, and children of a former Republican governor should be ridiculed on every talk show and comedy skit, because Republicans hate women or something.

Unknown said...

Harry Reid doesn't deserve civil discourse.
Perhaps after he apologizes to all the American citizens he labeled "domestic terrorists”, then. Reid should apologize to the Koch family for vilifying them in the same manner the socialist Nazi party vilified the Jews.
Harry should also apologize for lining his pockets with tax payer funds. He should apologize for nepotism.
Perhaps after Harry Reid can explain to us all of the money he has receive through political kick-backs. Then. Why can’t Reid explain the details of the Chinese Solar deal? Is it a secret?
If Harry wants to denounce himself and apologize and stop acting like a leftwing tyrant, then I will gladly offer him civil discourse.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Myrna! The justifier of all things. If Myrna had something to do with it, that purifies it. It's sanctification by beautification! Attaching Myrna's name to things makes those things immediately beautiful, proper, always awesome, and invincible! She didn't "shout", she sweetly sang. And if we used the word "scream", it would mean that all voices sounded along with hers were as sweet as a plucked harp. Like honey! She created a reality distortion field as transcendent as Steve Jobs'. She made it so that when Steve Thomas yelled, harangued, berated, condescended, and humped the legs of others, it was really a much more lovely thing than anyone realized. Except Stephen.

April - someone as new to democratic republicanism as you might want to realize that somewhere between adoration and obsessive hatred lie many things. Like apathy, for instance.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. The Koch brothers as the new victims of Nazi genocide and mass slaughter. Hilarious.

Shouting Thomas said...

You are stupid, Ritmo

Really stupid.

Your refusal to even read and absorb other's comments in the constant in all your posts.

What a stupid, infantile man you are.

Unknown said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

Why do you come here to make a fool out of yourself, Ritmo?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Because it's so fun to watch an Old Dawg like you hump my cyber leg!

Happy Easter, you crazy old fu - I mean, you crazy old goat.

Unknown said...

Once again, dare to question the corruption of a democrat "leader" and you're labeled a "hater".

gosh - that's new.

The morally dead left are not self aware and do not understand that certain people who abuse the public trust - are worthy of scorn and judgment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You really didn't question much of anything, though, April. You accused an old awkward man of every big, bad nasty word you could think of, (including "Nazi" vilification and tyranny), and pretended to offer it in a spirit of good faith at the end. Which was actually kind of weird.

On another note, I can't believe I never noticed your small avatar was a gif of a Pulp Fiction Uma Thurman.

Shouting Thomas said...

Your recollection of anything is highly suspect, Ritmo, since you are utterly bereft of common decency and goodwill and you don't even bother to read other commenters' posts in good faith.

My avatar was designed by a long time friend, Cathera Lane, a black woman.

She died of liver cancer several years ago.

You are one of the most utterly stupid, morally vile individuals I've ever encountered. Your life must be utter hell.

Shouting Thomas said...

You are also an utter waste of time and energy, Ritmo.

Thankfully, I'm off to a family gathering.

As I said, it's hard to imagine just how utterly empty and vile your life must be, that you expend so much energy on a weblog comments session for the apparent purpose of engendering as hateful a reaction as possible.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep blaming others for your "hateful reactions", Thomas. That sort of guilt mongering must somehow make you the mature example of wisdom, goodwill and good faith that you constantly proclaim yourself to be.

I wish I could lack as much control over myself and blame as much of it as I could on others. Oh wait, I don't.

Unknown said...

The manner in which harry Reid has vilified American citizens is Naziesque. You don't think so?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My avatar was designed by a long time friend, Cathera Lane, a black woman.

Did anyone mention Stephen Thomas' avatar? Why is he banging on about this again?

Stephen, you're loved. And blessed. With all the love and blessings you have for others.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The manner in which harry Reid has vilified American citizens is Naziesque. You don't think so?

Not really. But I admit I haven't been following him as closely. Can you quote something he said that struck you as Nazi-like and vilifying?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are also an utter waste of time and energy, Ritmo.

Thankfully, I'm off to a family gathering.

Lol "thankfully". Glad to know that it's family obligations that keep you from obsessing on me. I suppose everyone must have restraints and boundaries that work for them.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter you assholes.

Anonymous said...

You are blessed with much stupidity Shouting Thomas.

Aridog said...

Another off track thread I'll skip, but for one thing...

Shouting Thomas...what a lovely memorial to your late wife. Your love for her shows through on every page. I'd like to think I care as much, anyway I try.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, my avatar is in memory of a dear old friend, and my pseudonym is in memory of my wife.

Methadras said...

Harry Reid's page appears to be troll bait, but that's just me.