"In the photographs - from the country's official Central News Agency (KCNA) - Kim Jong-un observes a unit of women conducting a multiple-rocket launching drill. He strides around a fishery station. He gives a pilot on flight training a pep talk. He enjoys the facilities at a renovated youth camp."

But who are those men meticulously taking notes? They're not journalists, but soldiers, party members or government officials, says Prof James Grayson, Korea expert at the University of Sheffield. What is happening is a demonstration of the leader's supposed power, knowledge, wisdom and concern, says Grayson. It's "on-the-spot guidance", something instigated by his grandfather Kim Il-sung in the 1950s. "It's part of the image of the great leader offering benevolent guidance," says Grayson.
Despite the fact that tablets are available in the country, paper notebooks remain the favoured medium. "These are pictures that will be broadcast on television and shown in the state media, so those who are there want to be seen recording Kim Jong-un's every word," says Grayson. "It's about presenting him as having broad knowledge - however, it's ridiculous, he can't possibly know about all of these different things. It's important, however, that the apparatchiks that surround him are seen to be hanging on his every word."
They must hang on to his every word or they'll hang at his very word.
Never be the first to stop applauding.
Just shoot him. do it. what are you waiting for?
Those are the kind of journalists our POTUS wishes he had more of.
The Dalai Lama and other Eastern monks also have scribes who follow them and write down every utterance, believing their words holy.
I suspect that practice was lifted by the NoKos.
Little known fact: "Kim" is a common Korean nickname.
His real name is Cliven Jong-un.
And your hooves are cloven.
One of the men standing there is Chuck Hagel(D). He's on a tour of communist countries looking for information on government controlled health care. The tour proceeds swimmingly.
Press Corps: "How do you spell that, Dear Leader?"
Jongie: "M-E-A-D-E"
Meade does his moron act again.
"And your hooves are cloven. "
Pogo, isn't it a sin to lie?
Meade said...
Little known fact: "Kim" is a common Korean nickname.
That's a lie.
No fair - Allen googled!
They're just writing down what he's saying, namely, "Herro-o-o! Do you know how fucking busy I am? Now take your weapons of mass destruction and GET THE FUCK out of here".
Actually, Not Chuck Hagel - but Tom Harkin(D). Tom Harkin(D) is taking carful notes regarding the government run health care system in North Korea. This after a successful trip to Cuba.
Come on Meade. If you're gonna troll, at least come up with better material.
That was Yahoo comments quality snark. You can do better. Get your game on.
Actually, it was true to form for Meade.
All things must be filtered through his white guilt.
He feels awfully guilty about something he did, thought or said about black people.
His sole obsession in life seems to be projecting that guilt onto other white guys.
The topic of Lem's post is not me but why people surround Kim Jong-un, take notes, and study his philosophies on topics such as civil rights, government, forced labor, happiness and freedom in a similar way to the people who surround Cliven Bundy, take notes, and study his philosophies on topics such as civil rights, government, forced labor, happiness, and freedom.
I appreciate all your personal attention but, please, let's stay on topic. Oh and "keep it civil". Thanks.
It's lawnboy! Your keep couldn't find any shrubbage related work for you today?
Any comment on your wife's (not yours although I'm sure you dog blog is tearing up the web traffic charts) 18.8 percent drop in web traffic from last year?
Couldn't have anything to do with your little censorship hissy fit could it?
Good of you, TOP Hobbit, to put words in Lem's mouth. That he said none of them in this post is irrelevant to you, as you introduce topics Lem never mentioned.
Oh, and you ignorant twit, "Kim" is a common surname, not a nickname of any kind in Korea. In your sad attempt at sarcasm you could at least get the nomenclature correct.
Fact is Kim, Park (same as Pak), and Lee (same as Yi & Li) are the most common Korean surnames. So, yeah, staying on topic by associating it with an Anglo given name is not staying on topic.
I suspect you don't know that in Hangul and spoken Korean, including in the Romanization of same, the surname is said first, with given names following. In other words, "Cliven" is a given name same as "Jung-un," not Kim.
I know that because I lived in Korea for a couple+ years and served with ROK soldiers as well...and it is likely AllenS knew some ROK's as well, so he knew you were again one punk lying fuck.
And off topic to boot.
Yeah, where'd he get that bullshit in italics, and then, why did he attribute it to Lem's post?
Italics don't necessarily indicate a quote. They could indicate a concept or they could be used for emphasis, for instance.
I used quotes when I was quoting Lem.
Cuz' he's a liar, that's why. Can't help himself.
Lem is not a liar, Airdog. Please "keep it civil". Thanks.
Hobbit...no one said you quoted Lem, what we said is that you attribute stuff to him he did not say in this post. They are you concepts only, and off topic.
Like I said, you lie and can't help it.
I think the word for that is pathological.
Old mealticket Meade walking back his lies already.
Some men would find it emasculating to be financially supported by their much more successful and educated sugar momma, but not Meade.
Does she have a little bed with your name on that you get to sleep in at the foot of the breadwinners bed?
"Does she have a little bed with your name on that you get to sleep in at the foot of the breadwinners bed? "
What's with the childish taunting, Meade?
I mean "yes".
Or, if you prefer -- yes.
Hobbit man, I did not say Lem lied, I said you did, by inference to Allen's query.
And fuck you on the keep it civil shit...anyone here goes to your mommy's place and tries to tell her what she said when she said no such thing would be chastised or deleted.
Yet you are quite comfortable coming here, and elsewhere I'm sure, going off on tangents, outright misrepresenting what others say, and generally taking a thread off topic.
"What's with the childish taunting, Meade?"
You mean the hobbit stuff? It's just something Airdog does, trying to be cute.
And he IS!!!
It's good for a man to know his place Meade, I'm glad that you are embracing your role.
Some people are destined for greatness, some are destined for mowing lawns and having to sexually service geriatric feminist shrews to get a piece of a retirement and taxpayer supported pension they did not earn, while living in a house they did not pay for.
"Some people are destined for greatness"
Yeah. Like Fred-4-Prez?
Sockpuppetry is Inga's gig lawnboy, not I, please do try and keep up.
I realize that your lack of education puts you roughly on par with Bitchtits Mahal, but I would think that at least some of your sugar momma's booksmarts would have transferred to you, if only by osmosis.
I've got a little time before I go to the gig.
You got anything to do today, Meade?
"You got anything to do today, Meade?"
Not too much. Why? Do you need your diaper changed again?
Lem...see how you friend the TOP Hobbit helps your subject threads?
I actually had something to say on the subject because I too take copious notes in small notepads like the one linked...a habit I picked up in 1968 (in the Army) and never stopped. I have computers and tablets at my disposal in our house, but hand written notes are far better as legal "contemporaneous records." I usually record the important notes on a computer later anyway...unless I want no one else to see them.
It is wise to take detailed notes when in the company of authoritative imperious leaders...in order to clarify the directions, orders, or "guidance" you were given. It helps keep one out from under the bus, so to speak.
In other words, I don't find the Norks behavior odd at all. I do find it to be pretty much useless, as defensive records, in North Korea as you can be killed there if dear leader has bad gas some evening.
That's what I figured.
I have grandchildren, Meade.
Unlike you, I play the role of adult. In real life.
Raised my children through the deaths of their mother and their step mother. I am built out of very tough stuff.
A foolish man like you would do well to show respect, and to ask for guidance.
Meade said...
My mistake, MomJeans. You are boring in almost exactly the same manner as was Fred4. But now I realize you have your own singular boring style. Congratulations.
7/6/13, 6:21 PM
Can't even keep up with your own lies eh, Meade?
No, Fred-4-President-Mom-Jeans, I can't.
Teh TOP Toad:
Must. Have. Last. Word.
Sorry I disrespected you, Shouting Sir Thomas. You are a very important and authoritative person. I will try to take better notes on a real paper notepad in the future. Please forgive me and do not throw me under the bus. Thank you, Sir, and may your cover band continue to make the most magnificent dear cover song music the world has ever had the privilege and honor of hearing.
You are really losing it these days lawnbitch, a little early onset dementia kicking in?
You will be muttering to yourself about sockpuppets in your mind in whatever shithole nursing facility Althouse sticks you in when she tires of slumming it with the garden help, while I will continue enjoying my youth and good health.
Oh wait, you didn't sign a prenup did you? Maybe you won't get a piece of that unearned taxpayer funded golden retirement after all.
Better make sure no younger lawn care professionals come by Meade, you wouldn't want your mealticket trading you in for a younger and scoring more diversity points version.
"Airdog's" new name for the TOP Hobbit...is TOP Toad, cuz' it's more suitable for a grass and garden keeper, not to mention a better likeness.
Waiting the Must. Have. Last. Word. entry...5, 4, 3, ...
How about a summary insult for everyone here, you know, and mock any of us who tried to go on topic.
Common dickwad, you know you can do it!!
I would think Meade would be more of a Bottom Toad.
I've played with the musicians you and your wife idolize.
The Old Dawgz will be playing again this fall at Bethel Woods, site of the original Woodstock Festival.
Why be so foolish?
One of the ironies of the music biz is that the people who are kicking you in your ass on the way up will be the first to kiss your ass when you reach the top. I've been through it before.
The Dawgz are going to surprise you.
"I've played with the musicians you and your wife idolize."
You've played with Crack?
You idolize a talentless race baiter who just got a mysterious rash after arriving in San Francisco?
I guess one talentless loser idolizes other talentless losers. However, your idol Crack does not get to be taken in by an old white lady to live in her house. Must be your white privilege.
Since you want to know, here's one of the originals that will be on The Dawgz first CD.
I've been dealing with jealous fools like you all my life, Meade.
Doesn't affect me much. Just part of the game.
To the extent that it does affect me, it just encourages me to make you eat shit. Get ready, because that is coming.
Now, I'm going to go play a gig with my friends in The Dawgz. You can only wish that you had the friendships that thrive though hardship that I have with these guys.
Crack got a mysterious rash? I hope he gets well soon.
I wonder who Kim Jong-un and Cliven Bundy idolize.
According to TOP's resident Al Sharpton wannabe, he is heading to the free clinic to deal with his mystery rash.
While you were too busy trolling over here to do your censorship routine, hilarity ensued on the Madison is racist thread. I haven't had such a good chuckle since he told us what a whore his mother was.
The fact that Althouse will tolerate you doesn't speak well for her, Meade.
The ass kissing of a black racist says volumes about your moral failings, too.
Thanks for the link but I wasn't able to get that tune to play, Howlin' Steve.
I did notice you're thinking about buying a trumpet. If you're strapped for cash, let me know and I might be able to loan you a little. I'm flush this month as my corn futures contracts have been hitting some strong upticks ever since early February.
Hey, why can't you guys try to be little nicer to Crack? He's really not such a bad guy once you get to know him.
Yes, let's be nice to the guy who calls everyone Nazi's, racists, and has in the past advocated for the rape of family members based on skin color, all to assuage the white guilt of some retard gardener who lucked into having mooching off a feminist divorcee who in turn mooches off the taxpaying public.
On second though, how about not.
I know I'm stupid but I don't think it's true that I'm harming Crack, Howlin' Steve.
In fact, I'd like to think the ass licking has helped him a lot. For example, I hear he has a new job, a radio show, and he has a new band now.
Before the ass licking, he had none of those things.
Perhaps that is how he got the rash.
Should Ann be tested? Have some confessions to make Meade? I bet she doesn't go to the free clinic.
I doubt it. We were both wearing condoms.
Howlin' Steve: I still can't get that tune to play. It runs silently up to the :21 mark and then just sticks there. Got a mirror site?
First her son, now her second husband.
No wonder she is such a shrew.
But to return to the original topic of the thread, before lawnbitch decided to troll.
I think that the paranoid nature of dictators inside of bubbles leads to a constant need for reinforcement of how great they are.
I imagine Obama has similar staffers.
TOP Toad sez...[Ref: ST's embedded audio]
Thanks for the link but I wasn't able to get that tune to play ... I still can't get that tune to play. It runs silently up to the :21 mark and then just sticks there...
Know what, Toad, I think you are lying again. It plays fine on two different browsers for me...and I bet it does for everyone else. So, you are either lying or computer incompetent...take your pick.
PMJ ... reference Obama staffers and note taking, literally...it is something they must do for survival.
Failing to do so will eventually leave one holding the bag and that could entail prison time at worst, or humiliation at best. Been there, done that, faced investigation, and established innocence by contemporaneous records.
When you are in a position where you have to follow orders, even if you don't agree with them, you'd better have a dated record of it (and a page sown notebook is perfect) or you'll take any blame that accrues later.
TOP Toad also sez...
I hear he (Crack Emcee) has a new job, a radio show, and he has a new band now.
If you are not lying again, and that news is true, then I am very happy for Crack. However, I'll believe it only after I hear it from him, or other credible source. He does know how to reach me, by various means, including telephone.
What you seem to miss is that I, and some others, like Crack and I suspect he knows that. We all hit our rough spots after all. You on the other hand are just a hopeless pity receptical....who has diahrea of the mouth on topics he has no experience with or knowledge of...again proven on this thread.
ST: I'm hoping you'll let everybody know when the CD is for sale. I enjoy what I've heard here and on the Old Dawgs website. I'm not a musician but I'm a blues man.
Hey, all you people, Meade, Crack, Shouting, Garage, York, etc, stop taking yourselves so seriously. We are all semi-anonymous people on the inter-tubes. Why do you care so much about what other semi-anonymous people think or say about you?
Ken in SC....presuming I might be in the "etc." part of your observation, I must clarify my spot. I do not care what the TOP Toad thinks of me, he is a liar after all. I do care that he intentionally interrupts and side-tracks discussion on Lem's blog for his own personal amusement. This is not behavior he would allow on his wife's blog, nor would she. That he's comfortable doing it to Lem's community says a lot about him. YMMV.
Thank you.
That is all I care to say on the subject.
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