Friday, May 27, 2016

clouds and rain

Nice blue band of sky in the center where the darkest clouds of all form independently.

Barry didn't always appreciate being the leader of me. Our situation was happenstance. He could have used a better subject. Nevertheless from the very beginning of existence Barry was never without an answer. For some reason it was impossible for Barry to say, "I don't know." And I thought that was awesome.

"Barry," I asked this sage of five, "what makes the clouds move through the sky?"

Barry has answers for everything. Because my respect was complete, because I was awestruck by his abilities, it was a very long time before I realized he was making things up. Because he didn't know. And to shut me up.

Nearly a decade went by and I was still looking for Jesus in the sky pushing clouds with a stick. Now imagine my disappointment not just in there being no cloud stick Jesus but also realizing my older brother has always been a big fat bullshitter and I am the main bullshit upon but only because of my constant annoying stupid questions.

On the other hand I cannot complain. For a little boy Barry did a fantastic job of explaining things, I should say explaining everything.

1 comment:

MamaM said...

I was impressed with the one handed broom action. If Jesus was up there moving things along, it's a cinch he'd know how to handle the broom with aplomb. One doesn't see to the daily chore of sweeping up a woodshop without learning to walk backwards and add some one-handed whisking to the repertoire.