Friday, November 13, 2015

Illegal Migrants in Paris show us what is on the way to the USA!

Hey Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush and Hillary and Bernie Red Depends Sanders. Pay attention to what is a happening in Paris today. Murders. Shootings. Hostages. It's like it is Chicago or something.

How do you think the people of Europe are feeling about letting in all of those migrants from the Middle East right about now. What do you think about taking in massive amounts of immigrants from Syria or Libya or anywhere that has more camels than Chevy's.

Let's give everybody amnesty! Let's not deport even dangerous criminals but give them sanctuary! Let's bring some more cute terror dudes like the Boston Marathon killers! Everybody can make the cover of the Rolling Stone.

Ongoing coverage from Instapundit and Legal Insurrection and Ace of Spades.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks for the post Troops.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey! put Hillary in charge. she's great at this stuff. Especially if you make a generous donation to the Clinton Foundation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not only that, Troop - but lets open the prison doors too! Sanctuary for criminal illegals! Prison reform!

ricpic said...

I don't know if the ordinary sane Europeans can overthrow Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, break out of the EU, unseat the socialists. If they can't all is lost.

Trooper York said...

Sorry if I am overdoing it Lem. It is a slow day today.

Trooper York said...

I don't know. I think a lot of people are taking Grandpa's jack boots out of the closet. It is not going to be pretty.

That parade in Poland is showing you how it is going to go.

AllenS said...

Islam is incompatible with Western Civilization. It's nothing more than that.

Third Coast said...

Heard our idiot RINO governor, Rich Snyder (Michigan) on the radio this morning talking about, among other things, how we Michiganders should be compassionate and welcome a few more thousands of Syrian "refugees" to our state after talks with Obama. I'm guessing this bullshit might come to a screeching halt.

Trooper York said...

I think people will wake up when the government moves a bunch of these migrants to their town. It is the same thing that happens to liberals when they actually have to deal with the people they champion.

If they want to bring these murderous towel heads here lets send them to Democratic Districts to all of the people who vote for bringing them in.

The people in France are getting a wake up call. You know what? They will start killing a whole bunch of the them and deporting even more. If they want to stay in power. Otherwise we are going to see a takeover by nationalist parties like the National Front.

Which might not be a bad thing.

Trooper York said...

I would worry about Antisemitism. But you know what? Most of the Jews have left or are leaving France and the rest of Europe. Antisemitism is the provenance of the left these days. So the anger and the violence will be target at the Muslim invasion of Europe.

Trooper York said...

That is what the liberal have wrought. This is what Obama has wrought. What Hillary has wrought. By creating failed states in Libya and Syria. With abandoning Iraq. There is a wave of illegal immigration that is engulfing Europe. It will reach us shortly.

What will the Presidential contenders have to say about it?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The EU spends very little on military/ defense. Most of the spending is for social programs. Enjoy.

AllenS said...

What causes this? The limp wrist, is what causes this.

bagoh20 said...

The President just told Stephanopoulos yesterday that ISIS is contained and not expanding. The first person arrested in Paris today claims to be Syrian, with ISIS, and that it's a ISIS operation.

Relax, these guys are junior varsity.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the pro-democrat hack media must be freaking. They lie for Hillary, play suck-up crutch for her with breathless headlines like " Hillary had her best week yet!" even though she was caught lying. Now the hacks gotta lie about Paris. Watch.

* A shadowy character made a video - it was his fault. *

Methadras said...

Whatever happened to the guy who made the video? Is he still in jail? Is he paying a price for Cankles lies?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I hold our hack media, Hillary, and ISIS in the same level of contempt.

Trooper York said...

Yeah they definitely did this because of a video.

I think they just released "Forget Paris" in Syria.

They really, really hate Billy Crystal.

Trooper York said...

Just think. Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush and Hillary and Bernie Red Depends Sanders and Obama want to import a whole bunch of these Syrian "refugees" into America. So they can do the jobs Americans don't want to do.

Third Coast said...

It'll be interesting to see how many different euphemisms the Prez and MSM use to avoid having to say the word ISLAM. Guessing us Americans will all be warned about the anti-Muslim backlash in the form of burning mosques that always occurs after these events. I'm already feeling ashamed of what I'm thinking right now.

Methadras said...

Oh, but they are just innocent refugees after all. We must have compassion for their plight. Oh wait. I guess you can't go into their no-go zones, but they sure can go into your zones at will. Europe is filled with fools. So are we it looks like. This is coming our way en masse and they are going to hit the soft targets like they've done here. Except ours will be worse I think.

Trooper York said...

Just think of the Super Bowl. The World Series. Shit. The Little League World Series. Any Broadway show or opera or ballet. These barbarians want to shut all that down. They want to kill. They have shown they will kill.

But we should worry about a feces swastika and the Confederate Flag.

Trooper York said...

Do you think that Donald Trump's "Deportation Force" might be popular in France right about now?

What a terrible idea right? I mean rounding up terrorists and criminals and law breakers who are stealing American jobs and the food off the table of everyday patriotic Americans. What a horrible, horrible thing!

EEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! Let's jump on top of the table and lift up our dresses and cry.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It'll be interesting to see how many different euphemisms the Prez and MSM use to avoid having to say the word ISLAM.

The non-existent anti-Muslim "backlash" will be reported by hack press as a BIG DEAL.
100 dead in Paris... so what? Someone somewhere in American is thinking distrustful thoughts about Islam.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

@piersmorgan: These murderers aren't refugees.
Nor are they real Muslims.
They're terrorists who've hijacked a religion for nefarious gain. #paris

Piersmorgan is a moron.

Trooper York said...

Is he a legal immigrant? Can we revoke Piers Morgans visa? He is doing a job an American can do. American Idol is ending why can't Ryan Seacrest get his job?

American Jobs for Americans!

edutcher said...

Good one, Troop.

That is exactly what's happeneing.

We've had the Sudeten, now it's Czechoslovakia, and Poland's next with Western Europe just over the horizon.

And Idiot BOY wants to bring in more A-rabs.

Trooper York said...

Do you think that Donald Trump's "Deportation Force" might be popular in France right about now

Love to know what the odds in Vegas are on President Trump.

And, yeah, this is a nice kick in the pants who say, "Oh, we can't be mean".

Kudos, dude. I mean that.

Trump fan said...

As we used to say on my job. What makes a liberal turn into a conservative. It happens when one of thier family members. Gets raped killed or robbed

rcocean said...

Dead up to 140. Wow.

ndspinelli said...
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rcocean said...

How long before the liberals start worrying about backlash?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The imaginary non-existent back-lash is always worse than the crime. Just ask Piers.

Third Coast said...

How long before the liberals start worrying about backlash?
I imagine the backlash has already started in the minds of voters.

Third Coast said...

This is bad, but they say climate change will be a lot worse.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

Al Gore is in Paris doing a climate meeting. He would have been a large target.

Naw, we couldn't get so lucky that this human gas bag was hiding at the top of the Eiffel tower.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

NRO - Obama comments: “This is an attack not just on Paris. It’s an attack not just on the people of France. But this is an attack on all of humanity and the universal values we share...”.

Andrew Struttaford at responds:
"Unfortunately, that is not quite right. As Andy notes, these atrocities may well turn out to be just the latest reminder that “all of humanity” does not share the “universal values” the President seems to assume.

Wish-thinking is not a serious policy option."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- What hell for those people. shot on sight.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You know, on one hand I wonder, "But aren't these the good people stuck fleeing that madness?"

And then I remember, yes. And so were the parents and grandparents of Europe's current Jihad Squad. And look what their kids and grandkids are now up to.

It's not that refugees are intrinsically good people (though they might be). They're intrinsically weak people. Too weak to fight for something sensible and sane and civilized in their own homeland.

Now that might be their fault and it might not be. But it is technically true.

And jihadists are the biggest cowards of all.

So maybe there is something to the link you draw, after all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Powerline report:

"No one – and I mean not one person on TV or in the print media – has mentioned the fact that the terrorists are of Arab origin [&] are Muslim"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Heard our idiot RINO governor, Rich Snyder (Michigan) on the radio this morning talking about, among other things, how we Michiganders should be compassionate and welcome a few more thousands of Syrian "refugees" to our state after talks with Obama.

Dearborn is practically a mini-Beirut.

If you want some real shock value, check out a YouTube video on how Dearborn protests, and the causes they're all about.

That's the wake-up call you guys need, and need to broadcast. Not endless screeching about Messicans or shariah.

edutcher said...

Trump fan said...

As we used to say on my job. What makes a liberal turn into a conservative. It happens when one of thier family members. Gets raped killed or robbed

Oh, Good Lord, no. Maybe in the Good Old Days (Troop can tell you).

They try to empathize with the bad guys and want to understand what led them to commit such acts. Always it turns out to be something we did that drove them to rage.

john said...

Montana said - It's not that refugees are intrinsically good people (though they might be). They're intrinsically weak people. Too weak to fight for something sensible and sane and civilized in their own homeland.

Ed Abbey, certainly no conservative, once said that the Mexicans should be caught at the border, given a rifle, a case of ammunition, and instructions to head back south to finish their revolution.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Muslim majority police force in Dearborn MI basically arrests Christians for free speech. Why haven't these cases gone to the Supreme Court already? This is pathetic. Their community basically has immunity to enforce norms that are threatening, aggressive, uncivilized and un-American. And idiotic.

Again, this is the stuff that matters. Not Mexico.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

The Muslim majority police force in Dearborn MI basically arrests Christians for free speech. Why haven't these cases gone to the Supreme Court already?

Reasonable question. Where's the ACLU?

edutcher said...

PS Mexico matters, too.

Both matter.

William said...

I just don't understand the Muslim end game. Various countries in the Middle East are soaked with blood and terror. What's the point of massacring random French citizens? Do they simply want to make the west as uninhabitable as their native lands.......I would give a pass to some of the Christians fleeing Iraq and Syria, but as a general rule I don't think such Mideast refugees bring a lot to the party. Fuck them......Who do you think will be the first politician to say that this massacre should not be the occasion of indulging in Islamophobia and thus use the massacre as the occasion of being a self righteous asshole. The smart money says Obama. He probably had to bite his tongue when offering condolences to France.

chickelit said...

He probably had to bite his tongue when offering condolences to France.

I've long understood that Obama's obvious antipathy towards Britain stems from his father's legacy transmitted through Stanley Anne: Britain raped Kenya and must therefore be despised. But why France? His qualms about defending France could likewise stem from African colonialism. Expect him to bend to prevailing winds though because francophobia is not as visceral for him as anglophobia.

Chip Ahoy said...

Confronted with modernity Islam finds it impossible to reform. America may suffer a grand mal type of schizophrenia but our collective mental disorder doesn't compare to the straight up psychosis of Islam that attacks host countries even as their own populations bleed into them. Impossible of existence at home, impossible of existence away from home, impossible of existence. Too bad, you lose.

Speaking of psychosis. Threadjack alert.

On another favorite site a link is provided to 25 or so baddest ass quotes of all time. Among them: "I wish the entire human race had one neck and I had my hands around it!" Spoken by a criminal condemned to death whose last word were, "Yes, hurry it up, you Hoosier bastard! I could kill a dozen men while you're screwing around!"

Carl Panzram

Waiting execution he wrote a detailed summary of his crimes and nihilistic philosophy. Beginning with a straightforward statement:

“In my lifetime I have murdered 21 human beings, I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, arsons and, last but not least, I have committed sodomy on more than 1,000 male human beings. For all these things I am not in the least bit sorry."

Almost the end of threadjack.

Stimulated by events in Paris tonight Twitter has become obnoxious, as it does, honestly I don't know where the people I follow come up with these people but they come out of the woodwork arguing about ancillary liberal concerns, emphatically expressing again their enlightened urban worldview.

For example: "Once. again. this. is. not. about. your. personal. gun. rights."

Oh fuck off, little boy.

And others of the sort, "this is not the time to politicize gun control"

Actually, it's a perfect time to yell it from the mountaintops. And while up there yelling also yell rejection of being told to shut up." In other words, "Shut up."

One particularly active tonight is the actor James Woods who is having several arguments at once with I have no idea whom. And I don't really care about that, it was just so odd having the man exercised tonight and being expressive in real life on Twitter while simultaneously getting this information on the incredibly psychopathic Carl Panzram and learning the real life Carl Panzram was played in a movie by real life present day actor presently activated on Twitter, James Woods in Killer: A Journey of Murder.


edutcher said...

William said...

I just don't understand the Muslim end game. Various countries in the Middle East are soaked with blood and terror. What's the point of massacring random French citizens?


Do what we say or we will do more of it.

General George Crook once observed, "The American Indian inspires respect for his rights only as long as he inspires terror for his rifle".

Of course, that was among the hoity-toity East.

Out West they just said, "The only good one is a dead one".

virgil xenophon said...


TR (who had spent considerable time out West as a young man) once said of the Indians that if asked to describe four Indians "I'd say that the old saying 'the only good Indian is a dead Indian' applies to three of the four and I wouldn't inquire overly much about the health of the fourth, either." LOL!

virgil xenophon said...


I'm happy to announce that my beloved New Orleans received its first 10, 000 Syrian "refugees" (compliments of Obama) yesterday. Ain't life grand!

virgil xenophon said...

PS: Should have said first boatload of its share of 10,000 total. (Can there be time to torpedo all the follow-on ships?)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama would import terror cells if he could. Because he has all that terror beat and is focusing on the real terror - climate change.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The odds that Obama imported terror or sleeper cells? High.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey LEM - You're gonna like this:

Piers Morgan:

These murderers aren't refugees. Nor are they real Muslims. They're terrorists who've hijacked a religion for nefarious gain.

David Burge:

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has a PhD in Islamic theology from Islamic U of Baghdad. What are your credentials?

AllenS said...

Soon people, soon, there will be massive candlelight vigils.

Islam is killing people from Western Civilization, and we light candles.

Obama just told George Stephanopoulous Friday morning that ISIS has been controlled.

Everything that Obama touches or talks about turns to shit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama and Hillary should be laughed off the stage for their incompetence.

I wonder what the media will do to twist this to benefit their foundation-donation-big-money candidate?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

CBS scrambling to re-write and re-compose their pro-Hillary debate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Steve Capus, the executive editor of CBS News and the executive producer of “CBS Evening News,” said in an interview late Friday that he was in the middle of a rehearsal for the debate when news broke about the slaughter in Paris.


via Drudge link.

Aridog said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

The Muslim majority police force in Dearborn MI basically arrests Christians for free speech.

That is an outright lie. The police force here, where I live, is NOT majority Muslim or even slightly close to it. I was at, in person, eyes on the activity, all the Arab festivals usually cited for this assertion (they're a block from my house) and those who were detained in one of them were hardly expressing Christian values. Those weenies sued the city and won a few hundred thousand and henceforth the city police did NOT take part in any festival activities. Period. The festival then hired the sheriff to patrol the site...a site they paid a permit fee to have for a couple of days. The radical Christian evangelicals, almost all from out of town 1000+ miles away, have succeeded in shutting down the festivals 1st Amendment of them. Maybe they take their pigs heads on poles and racial slurs to your towns next...better be careful you don't have any festival espousing anything other than their version of "true" Christianity, even if religion is NOT any part of your it wasn't and never was here. I'm Catholic and am not welcome in those vaunted "Christian"circles anymore than any Muslim.

There are radical Muslims and other Muslims need to speak out and shut them down in concert with the rest of us.

Dearborn is practically a mini-Beirut.

Oh, please...just please. We still have a ratio of Christian churches to Mosques of 5:1 or more. Those of us who live here, the Irish, the Italians, the Polish, the Maltese, and sundry Anglos, plus the long time settled Lebanese (dates to around 1910) really grow weary of this assertion.

Aridog said...

That said, the egregious events of the past couple days do not reflect anyone I know and live with here...yet every time the Muslim issue comes up my town gets accused of being fanatic Islamics. My neighborhood is almost all Shia' and I assure you the Sunni's of ISIS are not especially welcome.

It does help to know your enemy when you go to war, a lesson I learned the hard way. Just because they might sound similar or look similar does not make them the same...lose track of that and you die in war. Those who adhere to the Dearborn is Sharia etc. are of the same ilk as Sharon Angel...that ignorant wench who said most of this stuff and assured Harry Reid re-election. Sharon Angel has never been here, let alone lived here.

I am NOT, repeat NOT, defending the crazies...I just wish people would think and actually notice who the crazies are and not just lump everyone in the bunch based upon faith or ethnicity.

Aridog said...

That said, I'd be fine with a total shutdown of immigration, legal and illegal (if possible?), for a year or two. It would make the "sorting" easier. I doubt we're capable of that anymore.

deborah said...

Obama letting the refugees in. How will that play out for Clinton?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's possible to confuse your own proud perceptions with those of people living a more immediate reality.

There are many in Europe wedded to the idea that life there is a paradise, also. Getting at the heart of the what detailed cultural norms encourage or discourage behaviors that concretely impact safety and freedom is more than just a matter of simple regional pride. Much more.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The only one I'm aware of who takes a strong and even potentially successful, credible stance at trying to democratize, modernize and civilize Islam within an acceptable, recognizably American ideological framework is Zuhdi Jasser.

The rest have either written it off, converted, become atheists or aren't even Muslim. Power of pride, man. Power of pride.

It gave them empires before. And "unity". Lots of it. Freedom and respect for individual liberty is a huge distraction from that.

ricpic said...

In terms of Chip's threadjack and the statement he quotes from an unrepentant criminal in the electric chair: the thing that amazes me is that there are people who grow to adulthood and don't know or have willfully forgotten that career criminals are bad to the bone, that they revel in being bad to the bone, that they're bad period, no reason, no trauma in youth or abuse by parents, they're just bad. And cannot be reformed and must be imprisoned. It amazes me because we all experienced criminals as kids. There was always the kid to avoid in your third grade class or your fifth grade class. He did bad things. Exclusively. He had a "look" and you knew, perhaps instinctually, to avoid him. I can't believe a single person grows to adulthood without having had such an encounter or encounters. And yet there are a significant number of supposed adults who, having swallowed the liberal poison un-know their own experience. Amazing.

Aridog said...

R & B those two links are pathetic and if you believe them I've underestimated you. It is not simple "pride" that causes me to correct falsehoods, which I did to you remarks. Relying on falsehoods merely feeds your enemy's purposes and make you look foolish. MY neighbors are not perfect and some don't do enough as I inferred, but we are NOT under Sharia Law nor are Christians persecuted here in even the most general sense. Just sitting off wherever one is and saying so doesn't make it so. The "visitors" to the last Arab festival here wanted to cause trouble, came from far away, had no intent to "modernize and democratize" Muslims, quite the opposite, and they succeeded by inducing too many people to believe their non-sense. Then they all went home quite satisfied with themselves and their muck raking.

I repeat: I live here, know more Christians than Muslims, and I was at the festivals annually until they were crushed by Evangelicals, in a small but noisy & vulgar group...who do not live here.

No worries...keep it up and we'll have a real war and those who'd otherwise have taken our side, will step back. Don't think so? Witness Paris on my birthday.

Aridog said...

BTW...I do NOT favor admitting ANY of the current batch of Syrian "refugees" to the USA. Too many young military age men and too few families...they aren't coming to better their lives but to ruin ours. Again, witness Paris.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I never said anyone lives under "sharia law" in America and anyone who thinks that is as stupid as someone who thinks Mexican immigration threatens anyone or anything in America other than a few cents an hour on the minimum wage. But I don't see what was "fake" about the videos or threatening about the last two in the slightest. Again, some cultures make great claims for what they feel to be provocative or threatening. Fucking Nazis were given the right to march through neighborhoods in America populated by Holocaust survivors and you consider any of these videos as provocative or threatening as that. That's amazing. It also shows that you are afraid of Muslims being completely irrational and not amenable to the responsibilities required with freedom. If you weren't, you wouldn't be as afraid as you are of "making them angry" like they were the Incredible Hulk or the kind of people bin Laden and other terrorists claim them to be - always trigger-happy and unable to control themselves before they pop off at the slightest provocation. And completely humorless. They need to come to terms with alcohol and reform their religion of any doctrine containing any mention of "jihad", however broadly that term is interpreted.

Aridog said...

R & B ... I'd guessed after all the time we've communicated on this forum that you knew me much better than you seem to now. Many times in my life it has been necessary, for me, to identify the friendly or ambivalent from the enemies. Survival depended upon it and it had nothing to do with "fear" and I absolutely don't "fear" any of my neighbors, but I do pay attention just as they do. Now and then a lunatic pops up, as one did a few years ago and went stalking people, in a "Rambo" outfit & AK-47, in the park 3 blocks from my house, in the was his own Muslim neighbors who quietly called the police and enabled his capture. Turned out he was a medial student in Detroit that was wigging out...more a fan of irrational websites than any Mosque.

My theory is if you try to lump everyone who looks alike, prays somewhat alike, speaks alike, etc. in to one group, you are recruiting for the real enemies you have around you...thus I react when I read screeds about "Dearborn" as some kind of "Muslim" haven rife with radicals. The community I live in has been here for over 100 years when Henry Ford opened up his factories. Facts about Muslim are similar to those about Christians, there are many versions of the faiths, dividing at the apex in to Sunni & Shia' just as Christians do with Catholic & Protestant, then split more as you go down the ladder. Not all of either ladder are splendid people as history has shown us. Thus I tend to "defend" those who are reputable people and live just as I do, whether they pray like me (I'm a bit scant in that department), look like me, speak my language as their first, etc., if they deserve it. Long ago I had to learn to do this because when you strolled in to a village of 2-300 with your 8-9 men you'd better know how to spot the enemy among those who just wished to be left alone by both "sides"...if you failed very often you were ambushed and dead.

I've probably not said this all very well, but I've tried. I've lived most of my life either as a national minority in Asia down to local community minority, as I do today, and I give everyone an even break until they earn the title of "enemy." Or not.