Thursday, October 4, 2018

I am almost there!

I am almost half way through my goal of getting 1,000 Instagram followers. Currently I am at 469 and growing. Pretty good for a couple of months work.

Mostly I post cooking, gardening and tarot card photos. Each brings its own following. In addition I follow a bunch of conservative sites and they then follow me.

Here is a video that was popular. I made my Mexican chicken which is a recreation of a dish I used to get at Mezcal's on Court Street.

I simply dice up four chicken breasts. Saute them in olive oil and garlic. Then I thinly slice and shred three or four Chorizo sausages in put them in the pan. That sheds a great deal of oil and liquid that coats the chicken. Then I add a veggie that I had previously prepared. Sometimes peas. This time Trader Joe's peppers and onions. I add a couple more onions to beef it up. Mess it all around to coat all of the stuff in Chorizo juice. Mix in some brown rice. Looks like this when it is done.

My recipes are never as precise or informative as Chip's stuff. I found that out when I had to send my granddaughter some when she went to college. I generally just throw a little of this and a little of that and make a busta chote out of it. I don't need no stinking measurements or listing of ingredients. I just know what shit to throw in it to make it taste good. Waddayagonnado?

They seem to be popular on Instagram though.


The Dude said...

You post rocks and food. You are eating the wrong one.

Trooper York said...


You always get wisdom and insight from Sixty Grit.

Trooper York said...

I tried to post pictures of my wood but Instagram said it was against their standards and practices.

They call it the Anthony Weiner rule.

edutcher said...

In the immortal words of El Kabong, "HO-Laaaaayyyyyy!!!!!!!".

deborah said...

Man that looks good, love chorizo.