Friday, October 5, 2018


Oh yeah - we have achieved fire - not all that hard really when you have a ponderous pile of flammable material drying in the hot sun., to wit:

Bradford pear root and branch, twigs, leaves, sticks, chunks, random shop scrap - how brightly it will burn!

All it took was a bit of scrap paper and voom! 

It didn't take long to burn down to this:

At night it looked like this:

Who brought the marshmallows?

It is still smoking this morning, and I hope, burning out the silver maple stump that the fire pit is built on.

We had a nice sunset, probably due to all the extra smoke I put into the atmosphere:

Nice sunrise this morning, too:

No, wait, that was a couple of days ago, but it is still a good one.

My Mexican sunflowers are blooming - they are a treat this time of year. They are growing next to a white oak tree I transplanted from my old place - they hitched a ride in the root ball and are currently taller than the oak tree. Cool!


ricpic said...


Silver maple stump at the base of it all,
Burning burning burning, burning down in fall.

Dad Bones said...

I'd like to be sitting by that fire and enjoying an anthropomorphic sunset rather than sitting in my house and listening to my furnace burn natural gas because it's a little chilly here.

The Dude said...

Logically I should have saved all those combustibles for a cool day. It is over 80 here and the heat put off by that fire was unbelievably hot. But at least that pile is gone for now.

ndspinelli said...

All silver maples are good for are burning. My old man considered them weeds.

The Dude said...

I have gotten tons of beautiful wood from my silver maples - in fact, the only one left in my yard might be living on borrowed time - heh heh...

deborah said...

I get you, Nick, but I feel kinda sorry for them :( I have a bean pole one in my back hedge that I'm keeping for now. It's about 15 ft. tall.

Mmmm I can almost smell that wood smoke. When I went out to walk the dog today there was the most luscious scent of fallen leaves, thought not that many have fallen so far.

ricpic said...

Burning burning burning the great pile reduced;
Up went smoke: not a sausage in the house...forsooth.