Monday, October 15, 2018

Elizabeth Warren submits results of DNA test to Boston Globe

Must we talk about Elizabeth Warren?

She intends on running for President of United States in 2020 so she sought out a DNA test that will support her claim to native ancestry. This is Elizabeth Warren getting in front of what she knows will confront and dog her. So yes, Elizabeth Warren intends to aggressively force herself on all of us.

The posts at Legal Insurrection get comments numbering like this; 3, 15, 20, 2, 7, 180 for Elizabeth Warren. The post is by William Jacobson and details his previous arguments. Additionally Jacobson appeared on Fox tonight putting forward the same points. The numbers come from Boston Globe who revised them several times today so the Legal Insurrection post was updated frequently.

Crucially, and I did not know this, native people in the United States refuse to cooperate with DNA studies. Their tribal leaders instructed their people not to take DNA tests so information about them is scant.

For that reason South American DNA is used for comparison.
The analysis of Warren’s DNA was done by Carlos D. Bustamante, a Stanford University professor and expert in the field who won a 2010 MacArthur fellowship, also known as a genius grant, for his work on tracking population migration via DNA analysis.
The Stanford professor advised 23andMe. Commenters at Legal Insurrection feel fairly certain that Warren submitted to all the testing sites and kept at it until she found one that supported her claim.

Turns out Elizabeth Warren has trace amounts of native DNA material, half as much trace as an average American with mostly European ancestry.

But all this DNA testing is irrelevant for ancestry 6-10 generations back when you've claimed direct ancestry and cultural difficulty on applications for educational carveouts intended for genuine tribe members. She took the place of a person who grew up on a reservation and who doesn't have to look back generations. She took the place of someone who doesn't have to make up stories about her parents eloping because her mother's heritage was unacceptable to her father's family. Warren cannot escape her lies used to parlay programs established for disadvantaged people to her own non-disadvantaged advantage.

But our media, our universities and our Democrat party will her ignore them. Now she can say her DNA test shows she has a native ancestor.
The Warrenites and the press will simply claim this is no longer an issue because she took a DNA test and the results showed Indian DNA. That’s it. No longer do we need to dwell on this right wingnut conspiracy. And, the Boston Globe will claim, she wasn’t born in Kenya either so the deplorables can go back to obsessing over their guns and marrying their sisters. 
They already do. Read any Twitter thread on this development. Here's one for you, if you'd like to see how they think.

See how Warren is shifting the discussion from her unethical claiming native heritage where there is none to exceedingly flimsy and challengeable DNA discussion. She'd much rather have her supporters distracted arguing about DNA than arguing about her unethically stealing an academic spot.

And this is what Democrats excel at; perverting government programs and government itself, the work of government departments to their own aims. So that NASA becomes a Muslim outreach program, ATF becomes gunrunners for busting a series of moves on 2nd Amendment protection, DOJ and FBI become agencies protecting Democrat malfeasance first and protecting themselves second, IRS to crush political opponents, Federal agents raiding Gibson guitar, EPA claiming the rights to all private water, and so on with too many examples to reasonably put here, but name any government program and it's been distorted from its original intent to another purpose to benefit Democrats from food stamp program to housing, to voting rights to immigration. This is what Elizabeth Warren did and she cannot escape her own past. If Warren thinks she gets one up on Trump, boy, are we ever in for some great entertainment. We're going to see a woman age at 100x the usual rate. She'll come out of it bruised and battered and looking like Hillary.

As candidate Trump said he'd give a million dollars if Warren could prove her native ancestry. So naturally Elizabeth Warren asserts this is proof and that Trump owes her a million dollars. She's daring Trump to bruise her.

In his remarks before boarding for Florida and Georgia to see recovery efforts, Trump answers a reporter's question about Warren @ 3:33, "Who cares?" It's a good press session besides.

He cares. He'll say something his next rally. He'll dismiss the DNA evidence that is less than yours and mine, and he'll make sure nobody forgets her original false claim that led to her entering Harvard taking the place of someone authentic.

Legal Insurrection posted a statement released by the Cherokee Nation rejecting Warren's attemppt to use DNA evidence to prove she's Native American. 

But Jacobson is not done with Elizabeth Warren today. He's posted another, Elizabeth Warren misappropriated "the identity of one of the most victimized people in history"
“This is a woman who built her political narrative claiming that other people are rigging the system. She tried to rig her career by claiming a status to which she’s not entitled.”
Man, I'm telling ya, When William Jacobson gets righteously indignant, he sure can be indignant righteously. 

He shows his Tucker Carlson segment today. It's very good.



edutcher said...

I'm assuming the chiefs don't want their people tested because it will show they're all European and Asian, as the genome says.

As for The Donald, when Ed Ames probably had more Indian in him when he played Mingo, you can bet Trump is going to have fun with the idea Fauxcahontas has less Indian in her than your average paleface.

ampersand said...

She's directly descended from this gal. so she's got the rainbow tribe vote locked up.