Thursday, March 17, 2016

Trump prefers a political Vice President

This video is part of reporting on The Christian Science Monitor about the world doubting Trump could make America great again. The report offers another video about how the world feels. It goes on, Paris debated banning him, Australian prime minster is trembling. The world is transfixed with mixed emotions.

Do their opinions matter?

Of course.

But do their opinions matter any more my opinion matters to them about their political situations? No. Of course not.

If you must form an opinion about our activities, and you must, then you'll form them around our decisions made without the interference of your various self-interested opinions. That is, we feel the same way as you and say the same thing you'd say to us, that is, "piss off and mind your own business."

But the guy did ask. And since they've been asked and they are kind enough to answer, let's not drop the whole distraction and listen a moment.

Zhu Feng, analyst S. China Seas issues, Nanjing University: He's a real American. Not below standards of American politics. New face for new force. Carries a lot of real hope for a lot of Americans.

Well, that was different.

Brian Hogan, heads teachers union, Ontario: The desire for change is apparent both north and south of American border. Americans angry in a lot of ways. There is a lot of rancor in that country." (something incoherent about accepting a job from a racist )

Clive Hamilton, professor of public ethics, Australia: Trump's backers feel vulnerable to economic, financial immigrant invasion.

Andrei Klimov, Russian upper house member: (mundane description of desire for change) He obviously appeals to a lot of people out there, who maybe say, ‘I don’t know where Ukraine is. I don’t understand what we’re doing in Syria. I don’t want to feed refugees. Why can’t we just look after our own?

Does he know where Tennessee is? Can he go to a map and point to Rhode Island? He's saying Trump supporters are unworldly ignorant and protectionist. Here, they don't care about Ukraine and shouldn't have to care about Syria, and  actually they're tired of playing bottom to an orgy of bottoms. And that is the polite way of stating it.

Mark Triffitt, lecturer public policy, Australia: the insecurity people feel “lends itself to a mind-set that America should retreat and go back to a world which is very difficult to reconstruct, one that is built around a dominant manufacturing sector, one centered on an unambiguous sense of American power.”

Yes, Mark, I see what you mean. I'll accept that. Except nobody, absolutely nobody over here wants to go back in time to an earlier era. Nobody wants to reconstruct the past. That is so-called 'progressive' conceit leaking through. You left out the part about not having representation in Washington. You left out the whole part about out of control government and both political parties unifying into one huge entity antithetic to its own population that supports it. You didn't even mention Roberts Chief of Justices, What analysis can be complete without describing Washington sucking the life out of the nation? All the analysis that you poke with a stick from the outside does take the temperature of the inside. Even then, wherever you poke you'll take a different reading. I'm not arguing with you, I'm contributing to your argument.

Kayhan Barzegar, director of Middle East Strategic Studies Tehran, Iran: Trump could endanger US interests “considering the reality that US power ... requires engaging others [in] solving the world’s common problems.”

Shut up.

Who asked you? Oh, that guy did. Apologies. Okay, then. Yes, what you said is true. There's a chance he is irrational as Iranian leadership. Two irrationals and something's gotta give. We're sort of counting on that. Stop agonizing about your treaty. Iran already broke it and continues to mess with arrangements and persists with provocations. Yes, two irrationals operating in the same sphere, somethings gotta give.

Daniel Friedrich, teacher, Berlin: Has trust in America's checks and balances on power.

Josefina Ponce, waitress, college student, Mexico: Maybe I don't understand Americans the way I thought I did.

Andreas Schwab, member of parliament, Germany: America will suffer a bad image. His victory will blow a huge hole in the unity of the Western world.

Wow. That was great. Thanks for asking all those irrelevant people their irrelevant opinions. Everyone has so very much to learn.

*guitar riff, Fleetwood Mac, "Oh Well"*

Don't ask me what I think of you might not give the answer that you want me to.

Oh! Trump said he's narrowed his v.p. choices from 17 to 5 and would prefer they be political to balance his business, you know he's very great at business, acumen, not just regular, I mean, you know, c'mon, sharp, acumen.

He's interesting to watch in this mode. The audience is sympathetic and understands his partial sentences. He breaks off mid sentence having made the point with half of it. It's a strange speech pattern. He says, "you" while gesticulating to himself meaning, "me" and everyone knows what he intends. His language is interesting to me and entertaining.

I saw him a few time in the reality show You're Fired or something. As executive taking in information from a herd of cats, his decisions did not seem all that stable. If his reality show persona or mode is the executive we get then we're in trouble. He seems reasonable here.


ricpic said...

You're not getting how the world feels. You're getting how the connected feel. Of course they fear and therefore hate Trump. He's going to take a sword to their arrangements and their corruption. Change, baby. Isn't that what they all profess to want? ha ha ha

deborah said...

I've never seen it, but my sister LOVES The Apprentice. I think she feels she's getting valuable information on transactions, the business world, etc.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No one is wringing their hands over Hillary and a possible indictment. Funny, that.

Methadras said...

At this point, it almost makes sense if there was a Trump/Cruz ticket. I think Cruz would take it.

edutcher said...

A reality show is not reality. It is a show about surreality.

Consider the Cardassians.

If Trump wants a guy who knows politics, he's thinking straight.

And he's obviously taken the sage advice of Troop and myself.

AprilApple said...

No one is wringing their hands over Hillary and a possible indictment. Funny, that.

If there's a grand jury presentment, that will change. And the FBI seems to be ready to call the Choom Gang on it.

BTW, there's always George Ramos' pointed question, "If indicted, will you drop out?".

Now there's an ad.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

At this point, it almost makes sense if there was a Trump/Cruz ticket. I think Cruz would take it.

He would, his Senate career is going nowhere.

But does Trump want a guy who's disliked even by the Conservatives in the Senate (or House, for that matter)? A Jeff Sessions or Mike Lee (or Tom Cotton, as Troop suggested) would seem to be a more amenable choice.

deborah said...

Cruz would be a gross choice.

bagoh20 said...

I thought we were gonna blow it all up. We're not even nominated yet and we're looking for a guy who can get along with the establishment, you know, someone they like.

I guess I'm a little slow, but I had no idea that "blow it all up" referred to the establishment's inflatable sex toys. Who gets sloppy seconds?

bagoh20 said...

Even I don't want Cruz in the VP slot, although he could tear Hillary up without referring to her long lost menstrual cycle. V.P. is a useless job. If he's not President, keep Cruz in the Senate to fight President Clinton's coming vigorous destruction of the rule of law.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Cruz would be a gross choice.

No, he's schooled in the law, but, as a political choice, it would be tone-deaf.

At some point, there would have to be some kind of coalition formed in Congress that would support his initiatives. For that, he would need an ambassador from the Administration to iron out the details.

Cruz might well be an able Solicitor General and could have a "Kitchen Cabinet" role as an advisor on the Judiciary, especially SCUS picks, steering us away from any more John Robertses.

bagoh20 said...

I thought we were gonna blow it all up.

No, that's your thing. Shur down the government and issue executive orders.

We're not even nominated yet and we're looking for a guy who can get along with the establishment, you know, someone they like.

Nobody said anything about being liked, but, unless you're a fool (and missed the last 20 minutes of "Lawrence Of Arabia"), your job is to make things work better for the average working stiff, not destroy them.

Unless you really want to see what the Weimar Republic was like in the 20s.

Trooper York said...

Sessions will be either Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense. Cruz will be the first appointment to the Supreme Court.

I think the VP should be either Tom Cotton, Tim Scott, Condi or as a real curve ball how about Bobby Jindal?

Trooper York said...

I think ed is spending to much time watching "Deep Space Nine."

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...


Missed that one, as I saw "Deep space" maybe twice.

But I could dig Bobby Jindal or Condi Rice as Veep

Tim Scott, however, would be the good in-the-ballpark choice.

PS Cruz would be a sacrificial goat as SCUS nominee, unless Trump gets his hands on all the dirt the Choom Gang has.

bagoh20 said...

I guess the "blow it all up" went down the memory hole then, because it is in these archives if you want to see who was for that before they were against it. Like everything Trump, it's bullshit, or an opening bid, or whatever the euphemism of the day is. New con - same as the old con.

Trooper York said...

Boy bags there is no satisfying you.

We blow it up by electing Trump. To elect Trump you use the tools you need. Including picking a conservative VP. Look you said you hope Trump is not a liar. Not a flim flam man. You don't believe that. You keep telling me that you are trying to save us from Trump.

But if Trump runs and governs as a conservative Republican than he is what exactly?

Don't you see his reliance on Jeff Sessions reassuring.

Blowing it up means not bowing down to the establishment Republicans like Bush and Romney and Lindsey Graham.

Talk about your bullshit. Lindsey Graham is ready to endorse Ted Cruz. Think about that one.

Trooper York said...

Ed you misspelled the name of the Kardashians. You called the Cardassians. The Kardashians are the ones with the STD's. The Cardassians are the ones with the giant ridges on their head on "Deep Space Nine."

I thought you were making a funny.

edutcher said...

No, the Cruz guys were the ones talking about that stuff. It was all you heard from the "I hate trump" crowd for months/

What the Trump campaign was and is about is getting rid of the Uni-Party and the Fix Is In crowd.

Making things better for the people.

For some, that may constitute as blowing it up, but I recall argiung here, as well as other places, about how Cruz would govern, having burned all his bridges behind him.

bag, of course, sees any kind of governance, with laws and stuff, as a betrayal of that - and, yeah, sooner or later that means an "I'll come down a little, you come up a little" deal as some sort of betrayal. He's said so.

But, unless you do want to blow it up, how do you govern the country?

bag is great for complaining; he knows all about how bad Trump is, but what's his replacement? He doesn't want to hear anything bad about the One True Ted, but he knows all about The Donald and, because Trump said nice things about Hillary because he had brains enough to know what Hillary, as a US Senator, could do to him if she decided he had to be made an object lesson, that makes him eeeevvvviillll. Never mind CNN was describing him in '88 at the Republican Convention as a Conservative Republican. Never mind that until the One True Ted came along, Conservative could mean a lot of things applied to different people, but now we have to be told want a Conservative is and anybody who isn't the One True Ted kind of Conservative won't be allowed in the clubhouse.

If anything qualified as unConservative, that's it.

bag is a great idealist, but we do not live in an ideal world.

Cruz had his shot. So did Jindal and Walker who, sad to say, didn't make it. You want your own country run your way? Good luck, I have to live in this one and take the best deal I can find.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Ed you misspelled the name of the Kardashians. You called the Cardassians. The Kardashians are the ones with the STD's. The Cardassians are the ones with the giant ridges on their head on "Deep Space Nine."

I thought you were making a funny.

I was. The Kardashians' upholstery has already been inflated so big, they qualify as otherworldly.

bagoh20 said...

I always thought leftist and Democrats pretty much had corned the market on ignoring history and falling for this stuff, but populists have a similar history I guess. They all think the government is gonna solve their problems, and make things just and fair if we just get the right people running it. Their jobs will return, even the ones they never had, their enemies will be smited, and glorious victory will be at hand because they won. Sheese!

If Trump did what he promises, you'll be in poverty, but luckily he won't, because much of it is asinine, even he knows it, and his history is that he rarely delivers on promises. It's kind of his thing. He does close on suckers consistently. The best thing about Trump is he's not Hillary, and that's about it, although he is close.

edutcher said...

No, you just like being mad at the world. You want it all your way and nothing less will do. I'm sure the people who work for him would disagree that everybody who believes his promises ends up in poverty, but you remind me of all the Lefty movies of the last 50 years that always have the businessman as the bad guy because he wants to build a mall or something.

No single individual saves the world (except for that guy who walked on water) and, just because you hate Trump, for whatever reason, it doesn't make him evil or whatever you think is going to work - if you're talking about people using their own initiative, I agree 100% - any more viable, but we do need a government and that government needs to be changed. Unless you want war in the streets, this is the way you do it.

As I've said a hundred times around here, I have my reservations about Trump, but I know I don't trust Cruz and I know he isn't the Shining Conservative On A Hill that you're looking for. You don't want to listen to anybody because we're all wrong.

Maybe, but all the other choices are gone and he looks like the best game in town.

William said...

I'd like to get a full list of the Trump University students. Some rich pickings there. If you knew the right people in Nigeria, you could sell that list for a pretty penny. But don't bother. Trump has probably already closed that sale.........The elite of the world welcomed Obama's election. America had finally chosen a President who shared their distrust of and aloofness from America. The world is a better place when French intellectuals can cheer for an American President. All those wonderful things that have happened in Paris since Obama's election are no coincidence. It would be a great tragedy if Trump's election should bring an end to all the harmonies that Obama has let loose upon the world.

Meade said...

He's their douchebag, bags. Try to understand that. I can't explain it but for some reason they feel they need a douchebag. Their very own douchebag. They've been waiting for all their lives to have their very own institutional douchebag and now finally Trump is here and this their one shining moment. He's the one who has what it takes to make Trooper's and Ed's and all the other's vaginas finally feel fresh and clean again. It's a big job. A job for big government. And Trump will be the big government douchebag who can finally fix their vaginas. Try to be happy for them. Try, bags. Try.

Chip Ahoy said...

He distracts himself about himself when he talks about himself. He interrupts himself to interject about himself.

He made deals in Manhattan that nobody else could make, negotiating with the City of New York, It's like negotiating Israel and Palestine, I'm not saying they're the same thing, but that's a thing we're going to get into, a a lot of people got into it and it ruined them, but we're going to pick that up too a and get into, like I said the laws of New York and all the people involved and all the agencies, that's not so big as the Middle East, but like that, it's what I'm good at, I need somebody to negotiate the Senate and House and all those people that I'm not so good at.


And we all follow that. It's like Cien Años de Soledad, the meanderings that contribute by stacking in progression vignettes of characterization of mood and surrealism.

deborah said...

Chip, that's one hell of an analysis of his speaking style. Are you punking us?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I weep for the future. Actually I am just drinking more...If I keep up I might end up like my doppelgänger. God, that is depressing.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am not sure Tim Scott would run with Trump as Veep, but that would be a good choice.

A Cruz-Scott ticket would be awesome.

bagoh20 said...

Pick someone smart who knows what they're talking about. There should be at least one on the ticket.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

bagoh20: Ivanka?