Saturday, March 19, 2016

I like you, do you like me? Check yes or no

"Just how obsessed isDonald Trump withMegyn Kelly? A lot.
Ever since the August Fox News debate, when Kelly committed the horrible sin of asking him a tough question, Trump has been obsessed with ranting and raving about her every opportunity he gets. He threw yet another fit before this week’s debateand it’s pretty clear that factored into his decision to bravely run away from the whole thing.
And all that doesn’t even factor in his nasty “bimbo” retweets.
Mediaite’s Joe Concha spoke to Entertainment Tonight about Trump’s obsession with Kelly and said, “Donald Trump is starting to act more like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. At least, from a social media perspective, he’s at stage 5 stalker status at this point with Megyn Kelly.”"

EDIT: aplogies, the previous is an old article from Jan. 29, 2016, followed from this article:

"Donald Trump has been intermittently bashing Fox News anchor Megyn Kellysince last summer. His followers have done the same, tweeting misogynistic messages at her as Trump has continuedto rail against her. Plenty in the industry have spoken out against his Kelly smear campaign, and some have been conspicuously silent.

After the events of this afternoon [March 18, 2016] Fox News is no longer among those being quiet. Today, Trump took to Twitter to continue harassing the lawyer and mother of three, calling her “sick” and demanding a boycott of her extremely popular and well-respected show...
This came only three days after he retweeted fans who were saying disparaging things about Kelly. He called her “Crazy Megyn.”
Read the statement from Fox here:
Donald Trump’s vitriolic attacks against Megyn Kelly and his extreme, sick obsession with her is beneath the dignity of a presidential candidate who wants to occupy the highest office in the land. Megyn is an exemplary journalist and one of the leading anchors in America — we’re extremely proud of her phenomenal work and continue to fully support her throughout every day of Trump’s endless barrage of crude and sexist verbal assaults. As the mother of three young children, with a successful law career and the second highest rated show in cable news, it’s especially deplorable for her to be repeatedly abused just for doing her job.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Megyn seems to relish the attention. Acting like a crushed teen.

Trooper York said...

Megyn Kelly uses her platform to bash Donald Trump unmercifully. Much the same way as Chris Matthews and Rachael Maddow do on MSNBC. The difference is that Trump is not going to sit back and take it the way Romney or Rubio would. FOX is not immune from a counterattack.

They have Rove and Steve Hayes and the Wheelchair guy attacking Trump nonstop. Her tone is ridiculous. If you are in the game you are gonna take a shot now and then.

That is what equal rights means sweetheart.

Trooper York said...

Now Bags is going to say Trump is whining. He's not. He is hitting back and treating Megyn Kelly the same way he would treat a male reporter like Jorge Ramos for example. The press is his enemy. It is our enemy. They have an agenda. Rupert Murdoch is a huge supporter of unlimited immigration. So he directs the coverage. Implicitly if not explicitly. Megyn knows what will make her bosses happy and she slants her program in that direction.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Deborah, all due respect, I dare you to watch a randomly selected 5 minutes of any Kelly show and I bet you will hear her dissecting, bashing, critiquing Trump, his supporters, his rallies, etc. She is obsessed too - and it is not flattering nor professional of her IMO.

God forbid she should focus some attention on illegals murdering Americans, or Hillary's emails, or Bernie's never having held a real job [like Obama] or Soros organizing the disruptions of Trump rallies.

At one time, I would have predicted Kelly would take top FNC billing when O'reilly steps down but now I think she will take some big net work deal, fail at that like Katie Couric did, and fade away [after having made $40-$50 Million so good for her].

edutcher said...

Since the Murdoch empire has come under fire for certain irregularities, Rupert has less to do with running the show than his 2 Lefty sons and the tone at Fox News has apparently changed as well, so Miss Megyn has been trying to please her new bosses and The Donald hasn't been letting himself be turned into a whipping boy.

And, yes, Troop's right, he's done the same with George Ramos when attacked.

It's why we love him.

G Joubert said...

Kelly thinks she's the center of the story.

deborah said...

It's funny you should say that, AJ. I wasn't a Megyn watcher until the election heated up. I have been watching her frequently and have never seen her dissecting or bashing Trump. Her critiques are limited to raised eyebrows and bland expressions that convey her thoughts lol.

Trooper, since Megyn's behavior is allegedly prevalant, please produce two links of her bashing him.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Well Deb libs like you and conservatives like me have different perceptions of reality. No biggie.

ricpic said...

"Vitriolic attacks." Trump is having FUN. Delicate flowers who can't stand the heat should you know.

deborah said...

I agree, ricpic, and Kelly is, too. At the last debate, he started his answer to her question with, something like, 'Thank you, Megyn, you're looking well,' and she had trouble suppressing a smile at the banter.

deborah said...

But unfortunately, his followers are taking him seriously and going over the top.

William said...

Harry Truman once threatened to punch a critic who panned his daughter's piano playing in the nose. His outburst was not considered a case of incipient fascism or a response unworthy of the dignity of the office of the President. It was rather viewed as a human response.....Trump's response to Megyn Kelly is over the top, but that response doesn't make him appear arrogant, but more like someone who's trying to get a little of his own back. In any event, his criticism of Kelly has certainly not harmed her in any appreciable way. In fact , she's the only Fox News commentator who has achieved respectability in liberal circles. Nor has his criticism, at least so far as Republican primary voters go, harmed him in an demonstrable way. But we shall see what we shall see in the general election.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

But unfortunately, his followers are taking him seriously and going over the top.

Examples, por favor?

Troop kids a lot, but I have yet to see anything over the top from his "followers" (supporters is the more accurate word, I think; you want to see followers, well, do the math...).

Now, if you want over top, try some of the anti-.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

It is weird from Trump's side, but this is just a tad OTT: Demon Trump

bagoh20 said...

Trump is fighting whining about being asked questions. He's fighting back by running away from a debate with Cruz. He's fighting by running away from fight after fight in business after business where he ran away with other people's money after giving up, often without even trying. Yea, he's a real fighter. Do you really want to watch this guy for the next four years walk away from every position you voted for, to watch him deal his way out of every single promise. He has a long history of doing exactly that to people just like you and me who were foolish enough to trust his brand as an alternative to proven results. Are you gonna splain away all the coming letdowns, and betrayals just like the Obamafans have. Is that gonna be you?

I could end up being completely wrong. I've been wrong more than once when I told someone that something was clearly a bad bet, or didn't make sense, only to have them jump off that bridge or take that drug, or drive home drunk and then they end up just fine anyway. It happens, but should I not have told them what I thought? Should I have joined them?

If Trump doesn't screw us over by losing to Hillary and he ends up by some miracle being a decent President, then I'll say "hey, great" - I'm glad I was wrong". But I'm still gonna warn you the next time if you say you want to take 5 hits of acid and go skiing.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Troop, attacking the press is smart. This is a bit beyond that. Obsessively focusing on Megyn Kelly seems more of Trump acting like spurred sixth grader.

But I agree the media is the enemy and by turning the attack back on them he changes the narrative. But I also believe in Tit for Tat. You attack when you are attacked. You stop attacking when the other side stops attacking. Megyn did not attack Trump at the last debate, so dredging this back up again makes no sense now.

Trooper York said...

Look you don't have to accept a bad business deal. The networks made a financial bonanza with the Republican Debates. A ratings bonanza. All because of Trump. When he skipped a debate the numbers plummeted. There have been plenty of debates. This was an extra one. You don't have to jump through the hoops that the media wants to put you through. Unless you are a lapdog.

Trooper York said...

I haven't been watching the Kelly file recently. But I tuned in yesterday. Her coverage of the protests in Salt Lake City was ridiculous. She did not discuss the fact that many if not most of the anti-trump protestors were from Black Lives Matters and Move On. They were just appalled at the "tone" of Trumps remarks but had nothing to say about the "tone" of protesters who want to shout down Trump and not let him have a political rally. Her snide and condescending attitude is par for the media course. It is what you get from Dan Rather or Chris Matthews or Jorge Ramos. Why should Megyn Kelly be exempt. Because she is a woman? Because she is on Fox?

If women want to assume combat roles they have to understand what that means. Or should we mark on a curve and use some sort of affirmative action code to mitigate our response?

Woman are strong and should be treated equally to men. Right?

bagoh20 said...

The Republican debates were not real helpful to the decision at hand because there were too many candidates fighting just for speaking time. The country needs to have two men: Cruz and Trump head to head prove who knows what they are talking about and who does not. Who has a plan and who does not. Despite the fact that only these two men have a chance at the nomination, and that it could easily be either one, and that the nation really does not understand the differences becuase there has been no such contest yet, that contest and comparison won't likely happen. We all know why: only one of them has something to lose from it, and he knows it.

rcocean said...

So trump tosses out a couple tweets every month and that means he's "obsessed" with her.

She's obsessed with attacking him. She doesn't play it straight like Hannity or Reilly. So trump counter-attacks.

Of course, Mitt would've just taken liken it - he's a complete Gentlemen, who'd rather lose, than insult a Lady.

rcocean said...

I've never understood Kelly's condescending attitude. She's just a pretty face, who reads what her producers writer for her. Most of the these talking heads on TV are good looking morons.

Trooper York said...

So bags let me get this straight. You say that having a debate is a losing proposition for Trump. So he has to do it. Do something stupid and counter productive because....why?

Look I could set up a debate with chickie about chemistry. Or Sixty about wood working. Or the Lawnboy about gratuitous douchebaggery. But those guys are experts in their fields. I have some knowledge about them. A laymen's knowledge. So I would not get in a debate with them.

Cruz is a professional politician. A professional ideologue. A professional debater and lawyer. Trump is none of those things. When you set up a deal you try to get everything in your favor. You play to your strengths not your opponents. That is negotiation 101.

I can always hire a chemist or a wood worker. Just as Trump can hire experts and make an informed choice. He can get someone like Jeff Sessions to advise him. You don't have to know everything. You just have to have the ability to choose to protect your interests. Our Interests. The interest of the United States of America. Not Mexicans. Not Muslims. Not Megyn Kelly's.

On the other hand I could handle the gratuitous douchebagery myself. That is in my wheelhouse.

Trooper York said...

Trump tweeted that Megyn is in fact obsessed with him. That her show is wall to wall Trump. There are other candidates. In both parties. How much of her show is dedicated to the email scandal? To Bernies communist plans to confiscate the wealth of the middle class? To the things that DBQ brought up about Cruz's financial ties to Goldman Saches? To the fact that John Kasich is good friends with that Subway Sandwich dude?

Trooper York said...

Ok I made up that last one.

bagoh20 said...

I think she's hot. I don't really care what she thinks about Trump or anything else. I think that's the point of having her on TV. What I don't understand is the success of O'Reily. I have to turn on the sound to appreciate him, and then I don't. I enjoy it when Kelly pisses me off.

Shouting Thomas said...

Where are the nude pics?

Of Kelly that is?

Shouting Thomas said...

How much to you think the public would pay for a porno threesome with Melania, Trump and Kelly?

Double penetration of Kelly featuring Trump and Cruz?

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Trump is fighting whining about being asked questions. He's fighting back by running away from a debate with Cruz

No, that's smart.

Why give the bad guys a free shot at you once you've made your point?

Cruz is a lawyer, trained to zero in on any kind slip, or make a big deal out of something that isn't. Lawyers are trained to twist words and make something sound like something else.

Why give him a shot at you when you don't have to?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

You play to your strengths not your opponents. That is negotiation 101.

It's Sun Tzu 101: The Art of Business I get that.

But Trump has to get rid of his negatives. That is his weakness. % of likely voters (Republicans) that have voted so far: 40%. His share of that amount: About 35-40%. How many people in the Country identify as Republican? About 25%. While he has done well, there is not a title wave of Trump yet. When the polls say he is 5-10% underwater with a head to head with Hillary, right now that is real. He needs to over come it. He can do so, but he needs to start doing so now.

Yes he is drawing working class people (primarily whites, as well as some blacks and Latinos from the Dems). He needs more. He is underwater with women. So you can dodge a Fox Debate without making it look like you have a weird crush on Megyn Kelly.

rcocean said...

"Ok I made up that last one."

Kasich only has one true friend - Jesus. Who also doubles as his policy adviser.

rcocean said...

You can quote polls all you want. Polls in March about what will happen in November are meaningless.

The election will be about who can get 270 electoral votes. For example, if Trump is hated in California - So what? he'll never win it anyway.

About 10 states matter. They decide the election. Nation wide polls are irrelevant too. Plus I heard all that "he'll never win" stuff about Reagan. Not to mention, we have to nominate Dole, McCain, Romney, cause 'they're the only ones who can win".

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

When I say % of Republicans (likely voters) who have voted so far, that is in those state races people who generally vote in the general elections. So of those only 40% have voted so far in primaries and even less in caucuses. There is a big well of people who haven't bothered to vote at all. There is a even a bigger pool of voters who are registered but only vote every now and again--both Democrat and Republican Can Trump tap them and beat whoever the Dems throw at him? Of course he can (potentially). But he can also alienate them too.

As for the media, they have hardly thrown everything at Trump yet. They think this is destroying the GOP (they don't get that damage was done long ago by Karl Rove, Mitt, Reince, Jeb and Co.). He needs to get in front of that.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

rcocean--ok, 10 states matter. I agree. So how does Trump win them? He can do it, but he needs to be doing it now.

Methadras said...

I like Megyn Kelly and I like Trump. I support neither. I still don't get why Trump started bashing her though, there must have been something that preceded all of the debates. A run in, a word or two at some party? Maybe he asked her to replace Melania and she said no.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Of course this "feud" with Fox is something Fox likes to promote too. It drives ratings for them.

Strangely enough Trooper "Banned from Restate" York might agree with this post: Fox Trump Feud

Meade said...

"When the polls say he is 5-10% underwater with a head to head with Hillary, right now that is real. He needs to over come it. He can do so, but he needs to start doing so now."

Nonsense. 1. She'll be indicted, 2. White men hate her, and 3. President Trump — he's the douchebag we've been waiting for.

Meade said...

"Now Bags is going to say Trump is whining. He's not."

Ridiculous. Just google "trump I am a whiner"

The Dude said...

Speaking of woodworking, I turned a lot of sweet gum this week. Hauled the chips out to the hole in the hollow stump where I cut down a silver maple a couple of years ago. The pile of chips and scrap was about 5 feet tall. I threw some cardboard on, too. Doused it with gasoline and tossed a match. Take that global warming fetishists.

Then I mowed the lawn, and when that was complete I drained the oil out of the John Deere. Then I tossed the used oil on the fire - oh my, that was nice - billows of black smoke that will fall as acid rain in Sweden. Hey, they deserve it, right?

But the point is - this, like used motor oil in a fire, is all just a smoke screen - the real action takes place in places like Davos and Ft. George G. Meade. So we can squawk about who trash talked some bleached blonde bimbo all we want, but meanwhile, the global economy is very close to the breaking point and the feckless bastards who sit in Washington are not the least bit concerned.

Now pardon me, I have to make some products that I can sell to the local commies. They may be reds but their money is green.

Trooper York said...

Megyn Kelly knows that all of these beta dudes are going to jump in there to be her white knight. That they are going to fight her battles for her.

Hey nobody ever did that for Helen Thomas. Why do you think that doesn't happen?

edutcher said...

I know some here will find a way to give us the "He's no Reagan" tap dance, but, for those who don't remember those thrilling days of yesteryear, here's what it looked like on the ground in March '80.

PS I distrust Al-Reuters implicitly, but this is perhaps food for thought (in light of the YouGov poll last weekend) that all the Whigs dropping out don't necessarily mean a bonanza of support for the One True Ted.

In fact, Marcomentum is not transferrable, it would seem.

But some just keep singing, "La La La La La".

deborah said...


"She's obsessed with attacking him. She doesn't play it straight like Hannity or Reilly. So trump counter-attacks."


Trooper York said...

Trump hasn't started on Hillary yet. There is nothing she can throw at him that he can not throw back at her twice as hard.

Yes Trump has a problem with women. Hillary has a bigger problem with men. And it won't be just white men. Once Trump unleashes his pimp hand many, many black dudes will sign on. Especially if he campaigns on bringing them jobs and arresting the Mexicans in front of Home Depot. That is going to resonate. Big time. Wait and see.

deborah said...

Trooper, I didn't see the show last night, I'll see if I can find it. Her show is not wall to wall Trump, but I will try to find a list of her line-ups, that would be interesting to see the percentage.

deborah said...

Sixty nails it; bread and circuses.

Trooper York said...

I can see a commercial running on BET with Trump, Snoop Dog, Flava Flave, Mike Tyson, Terrell Owens and Dr. Ben Carson. All sitting around hoisting a 40, eating wings and talking smack.

"Look bro. You really gonna vote for the old white lady? You know the one that looks like the principal that busted you for weed in the third grade. I am going to get you a good job. Well for your brother-law and your sons from your assorted baby mamas. You already be chillin and don't need one cause you got bank. Cause I am going to start construction projects all over the country. Cause construction is what I know. You know what Hillary knows? Running her mouth and being a cunt. Why do you think her husband has been stepping out on her since their wedding day. Do like Bill Clinton always does. Choose another woman instead of Hillary."

Meade said...

"Megyn Kelly knows that all of these beta dudes are going to jump in there to be her white knight."

What's funny is watching self-proclaimed "alpha" males trying to jump to be Trump's white knight. Jokes.

Meade said...

Hipster racist "alpha"male white knights for Trump. So cool.

Trooper York said...

Next thing you know you will have morons claiming that we are jumping in to be Imperial White Knights.

You know they are going to go there. It is just a matter of time.

Trooper York said...

Whoops there you go. That didn't take long.

Shouting Thomas said...

Meade is a civil rights hero, Troop.

He puts his life on the line every day.

Right after a nice lunch paid for by the wife.

So, obviously, you're KKK.

edutcher said...

For the record, The Donald, the One True Ted, and the other guy will all be on CNN Monday.

Trooper York said...
Next thing you know you will have morons claiming that we are jumping in to be Imperial White Knights.

Too late, Hillary's already been endorsed by the Grand Dragon of the KKK.

Trump hasn't started on Hillary yet

Oh, but he has. Or is this merely a "You ain't seen nuttin' yet"?

I can believe that.

Trooper York said...

Trump is doing just fine. He can take care of himself.

Of course we can still point out where the idiots are trying to destroy the process. And his family.

They sent white powder to his son Eric. To his house. They published Trumps social security number. That is certainly appropriate. Megyn Kelly didn't cover that for more than a minute. Instead she had to deplore the "tone" that Trump and his followers set. Because that is the problem.

I think I saw his "tone" looting a CVS? Didn't I see his "tone" kill two cops in their patrol car? Didn't his tone shit on a police car while occupying Wall Street?

Meade said...

Shouting Steve white knights for Trooper. It's a scrotumance!

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm going to vote for Trump just to enjoy watching Meade eat white guy shit for eight years.

Who says once you go black you can't go back?

There really is no such thing as race when it comes to shit, Meade. It all tastes the same!

Of course, the reach around thing is entirely different.

Meade said...

You're a Trump supporter, Steve?

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm a Meade loather.

Meade said...

A Meade loather who supports Trump, right?

Trooper York said...

FOX News, Megyn Kelly, the National Review and many other pundits have made a very bad miscalculation. They are attacking their audience. Of course they have contempt for their audience. They just made the mistake of showing their hand.

They did open an opportunity for someone to steal their audience.

Shouting Thomas said...

Any artist who does not support Trump's all out assault on PC censorship is an ingrate fool. Free speech is the lifeblood of the arts.

Unfortunately, most artists are leftist fools.

I'm grateful to Trump for having the courage to tear down PC censorship. Nobody else was literally willing to face taking a bullet for freedom of speech.

And, I'm hoping he brings an end to the idiot era of bigotry mania.

You're one of the idiots.

The 60s nostalgia act has to end. I'm in favor of whatever it takes to end that show.

Meade said...

"The 60s nostalgia act has to end. I'm in favor of whatever it takes to end that show."

Why not just ride your motorcycle and smoke dope then, easy rider? Explode into space.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump is right about Kelly.

She's selling tits and ass big time.

So, she's got to take the heat for that.

I like her personally and I like her tits and ass.

But, it's pretty dishonest to sell tits and ass and then get pissed of for being called on it. The cameras are lined up on her show ever night to give the impression that she might display a split beaver at any time.

Do I owe you money, Meade? When did I start asking a piece of shit like you for advice?

Shouting Thomas said...

There's nothing wrong with selling tits and ass, by the way.

I've got nothing against it. Flaunt it.

Just don't bitch about it when people notice.

Kelly is playing both sides. She's selling the hope that she might give you a peek at her pussy, then pulling out the feminist rant when you look.

Clever marketing.

Meade said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"How much to you think the public would pay for a porno threesome with Melania, Trump and Kelly?
Double penetration of Kelly featuring Trump and Cruz?"

You don't watch porn while babysitting your grandkids do you, Steve?

"Of course, the reach around thing is entirely different."

Not sure I understand. Can you explain?

Shouting Thomas said...
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Shouting Thomas said...
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Shouting Thomas said...
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Shouting Thomas said...

I've sent an e-mail to your wife advising her of that quote, Meade.

Looks like your not going to be satisfied until we hire lawyers and meet in court.

ndspinelli said...

What Fox and Trump have created is just another vapid "reality" show. And, that has carried over to this venue. If you want actual reality, watch live sports.

ndspinelli said...

Or, I have thousands of hours of surveillance video. It's pretty fucking boring.

bagoh20 said...

"So bags let me get this straight. You say that having a debate is a losing proposition for Trump. So he has to do it. Do something stupid and counter productive because....why? "

"Why give him a shot at you when you don't have to?"

I can't believe how far this downhill slide continues to go.

Sure he's smart to avoid it, but are we smart to think that's in our best interest? Publicly debating people who disagree with him and us whether here or abroad is the job he's running for. I think you simply don't want to find out that he's no good at the job. You don't want the rest of America to see that someone else might be a lot better at it. You don't want him to explain what he plans to do when someone else is there to point out the stupidity of it. You are abdicating your responsibility to this country, and so is he.

Americans don't want a lawyer's explanation, and would love a straight forward presentation of his fitness for the job like they got from Reagan. He certainly put some lawyers in their place, because that's not a real hard thing to do. 49 states to 1 type convincing. It's not being scored by the debating club. It's men arguing for a job in front of you. Are you afraid that even you might change your mind? That facts and logic might win you over, and that it might win over others too?

I understand running from that for him, but not why you think it's good for any of the rest of us. There are a lot of people who would have loved a skeptic on the stage during the sales presentation for Trump University, and all the other bullshit he got people to jump on board with over the years. Those failed businesses where all ones where he hired the right people to handle the work he wasn't best at. Maybe the one job where someone better was needed was his, but lets avoid looking into that. "Wouldn't be prudent. Not gonna do it."

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing bags. Trump is not a lawyer. He is a salesman. A reality show pitchman. That is why Spinelli scieves him. He admits that is what he is. He is selling himself. Millions of people are buying. Millions are not. Thats why we have an election and count the votes.

He doesn't pretend to be a lawyer or a debater or the be all and end all the way the One True Ted positions himself. You don't have to buy what he is selling. For instance I don't buy any rap music. Some of it is good. Most of it is dreck. But it is my choice to buy it or not. I don't try to take that choice away from anyone the way these protester are trying to do. They are attacking his family now. Sending white powder in envelopes and threatening his kids that he doesn't quit they will be killed. I am sure that happens all the time in politics. But I think it is going to get really bad in this election.

You see people loathe Trump and his supporters. The elities in both parties agree. It is not going to be pretty.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

@deborah: Megyn Kelly's problem is lack of accountability. Allow me to explain.

She developed (if not invented) what I call a "journalistic deposition." Have you ever witnessed or sat through a legal deposition? The attorney asks the witness questions (usually ones that have been asked before or ones that are in the public record). For example, take that fateful debate in which she opened by reiterating statements he had made regarding women and then asked him to respond directly to the charges of sexism. In the journalistic deposition, the new answers are compared/contrasted to the old answers and discrepancies are amplified. That's exactly what trial attorneys do. I see it all the time whenever I see Kelly or one of her junior associates interviewing. Have you ever noticed this or do you take it for granted?

Now, you might think that's all fine and dandy -- brava! and good for her and her "hard hitting" journalism. The problem is that the technique was developed and perfected in the courtroom environment -- an environment in which the "other side" gets to do the same style grilling. Moreover, an impartial judge oversees the whole thing to ensure that fairness prevails.

Trump has no advocate in these situations. He defends himself pro se. There is no judge overseeing Megyn Kelly and Fox News other than other networks (lol) and the army of bloggers and Trump fans.

Megyn Kelly is not infallible. She is learning that. Trial lawyers grow and mature by losing a few cases. That's exactly what she needs right now.

Trooper York said...

I think chickie is on to something. The press has never been accountable for its lies and distortions. Well except for dissing Hulk Hogan.

The difference with Trump is that he is everywhere. He answers questions from everyone. From Morning Joe to CNN to even MSNBC. He doesn't hide he way Hillary does. He is the one FOX needed for their debate to be a success. When he decided it doesn't work for him the debate went into the toilet. Instead he will be on CNN. Funny enough so will all of the other candidates.

The fact is these debates are really a farce. They shouldn't be called debates. They should be called "Press Preening Ambush Gotcha Question Time Theater." I actually saw every Republican debate. The last one on CNN and the FOX business one were by far the best. The FOX debates presided over by Megyn and Baier were horrible and a waste of time. Three hours I will never get back.

Trooper York said...

I do know this bags. There is nothing that Trump will say that will convince you or April or Lindsey Graham or John McCain or Mitt Romney or Black Lives Matters or Chris Matthews or Karl Rove. Trump has to sell himself and his program in the way he thinks will work best. Not according to what the media thinks. Not according to what Megyn Kelly thinks. Not according to
what you or I think. He seems to be doing pretty good so far. I think he will do even better in the general election. It remains to be seen.

But I implore you not to give up. You might still be able to deny Trump the nomination. I mean he will win the most states and have the most delegates and most likely will have enough for the first ballot. Millions of people will have voted for him. Not that it matters.

Certainly not to the Republican establishment. They have the great Paul Ryan warming up in the bullpen.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

@deborah: Regarding Trumps alleged sexism in that first fateful debate -- I recall that Trump appeared taken aback when Kelly charged him with calling women pigs or whatever. Trump attempted to be humorous - saying "I only meant Rosie O'Donnell." But of course Kelly's line of reasoning (once again the trial attorney in her) was that Trump was capable of calling any woman a pig. I don't think that one flies. To get at the question from Trump's point of view, you'd really have to delve into the sordid back and forth between Trump and Rosie O'Donnell. Who insulted whom first at the very beginning. I'm not prepared to do that. I do know from years of casual observation that O'Donnell has certain porcine character. I bet many men concur. I'd also bet that many women bought Kelly's advocacy that Trump is able and willing to call any woman a pig. Thus we have an example of journalist advocacy.

chickelit said...

Trump has no advocate in these situations. He defends himself pro se. There is no judge overseeing Megyn Kelly and Fox News other than other networks (lol) and the army of bloggers and Trump fans.

I should add other candidates also face similar one-sided scrutiny. None of them have advocates present. I'm convinced that that's partly why we've evolved/selected candidates who have attorney-like character. They must all defend themselves in these journalistic debates/depositions.

Would we really be worse off if the major networks and especially their "star" attorney/journalists lost a bit of their power? We are perfectly poised at this time to be informed by a countless smaller players in the field of journalism -- some of whom will outshine others as always and as always should be.

The Dude said...

Back when I had a working radio I used to listen to Jim Rome. Not everyone's cup of tea, I get that, but I found some of his bits very funny.

Years ago he played a clip of Trump blasting Rosie O'D, and he ran that in heavy rotation. "Rosie is disgusting, both inside and out - you take a look at her, she's a slob, she talks like a truck driver, Rosie attacked me personally and I was very happy when her talk show failed..." and on and on, and precious little Meggie thought that was a good quote to use to attack Trump. For her to think that most men, humans, anyone with eyes or a brain would side with Rosie over Donald on that quote shows just how out of touch and PC little Miss Peroxide is.

Donald told the truth. You don't like it? Tough.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Meade, I am sure you are eager to vote for Hillary #NeverTrump and all of that. Just like you and Ann voted for Obama. Twice.

chickelit said...

@Evi: I don't get the impression from her writing that Althouse is a nevertrumper. Meade is though but it's probably just virtue signaling.

Meade said...

It's too bad Trump and Kelly can't both lose.

chickelit said...

I've said all along that if you virtue signallers want to take down Trump, go after Hillary in a serious way.

Crime-in-Italy, there are indictable crimes about to be ignored there.

Meade said...

I wish I could vote for Obama three more times. Seriously though, can anyone honestly argue that Obama has been worse than what you expected when he was first elected? Tell the truth — you thought 8 years of Obama would be way worse than it has been.

I'm not a nevertrumper but I will admit that if Hillary and Donald, together, at their advanced age, were to both die peacefully in their sleep next week, while wearing matching "Good Night" pajamas, I won't shed a single tear.

Rabel said...

Unless you're one of the cruel neutral type who claims to be above the fray you eventually have to choose a side.

Here are a few people on the anti-Trump side.

"You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies."
- some gay guy.

chickelit said...

@Rabel: I watched that clip. What exactly did Trump do that is anti-gay? Was it as bad as Sarah Palin's anti-gay stance?

Rabel said...

That's a good question, Chick. I heard it and assumed it was just a "throw the kitchen sink at him" thing. Maybe one of the "nevers" can enlighten us uninformed reprobates.

Titus said...

I am curious about old is a man when he stops jizzing?

I can blow a load a day but I am so scared of the day when I am dry.

What will I do?
What will become of me?

I don't have any hobbies.

Maybe I will just move to the farm and have tons of dogs.

Just jerking and getting blown are my hobbies.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So Meade - are you a Hillary fan now?

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Titus said...Maybe I will just move to the farm and have tons of dogs.

I thought you had plans to wrest control of your parent's farm from your conniving sisters and to open a huge doggie day care camp/resort & spa called "Clumberland"?

Would you have to evict some illegals to do that?

Titus said...

I think about it and my parents already put it in the will-I get the farm. But my sister's house is on the land.

I don't think I could live in Lodi, Wisconsin though chick.

A farm in Vermont-definitely-like by Stowe or Montpelier. But in Sauk County-probably not.

Lake Wisconsin is kind of pretty-and very pricey now. But it aint Lake Champlaign which borders Canada-fab.

I would be great at showing rare clumbers though.

My rare clumber is 15 now-they generally live to 10-12. He is still pretty healthy.

tits and Meggies waxed pussy.

Lastly I go to a straight gym on the weekends in Revere which is basically Jersey Shore. Tons of muscled italians-and straight.

I don't shower but I do use the toilet and they all have completely shaved bushs with tats on their asses and around their cock. hot. They are all taking selfies of themselves shirtless in front of the full length mirror-so erotic.

They all drink their creatine and protein powder and their bodies are incredible.

Weekdays I go to Boston Sports Club in Cambridge. Everyone is average, with some gays-so not hot.

Some of the gays don't even work out-they just head to the sauna-they are called sauna iguanas.

I can arrive at the same time as them, work out for 2 hours, and they are still fucking there. They are shriveled up prunes by the time they leave that sauna.

Also, my parents go to 5:00 Saturday mass and then the Waun-A-Bowl for cheesesteaks, fries, and a brandy old fashioned-so Wisconsin.

chickelit said...

I am thinking she just dances around him naked while masturbating and then explodes all over him.

You're implying that the Donald enjoys golden showers? Where do you get off on that, Titus?

Titus said...

I just started a 12 week cycle of roids-winstrel which is a a steroid that really gets you cut.

Just in time for the beach and Ogunquit and Ptown.

It is very cut throat and competitive being a fag.

Straighties don't have the demands on body and money and career like fags do.

Fucking brutal being a fag.

One not toned muscle, or unacceptable clothing, or job choice, or loft, and you are fucked forever.

rcocean said...

"They should be called "Press Preening Ambush Gotcha Question Time Theater".


edutcher said...

Troop mentioned the white powder sent to Trump's son.

Now some yutz has threatened his sister.

The one that's a Federal judge.

We may see Dr Evil RICOed yet, thanks to the Trump Administration and Her Honor, Maryanne Trump Barry.

rcocean said...

"So how does Trump win them? He can do it, but he needs to be doing it now."

Well, he can't do it, when A-holes like Romney, Ryan, NR, Beck, etc. are attacking him 24/7 and trying to keep him from getting the nomination.

Once he gets enough delegates, he can pivot into general election mode.

rcocean said...

"Troop mentioned the white powder sent to Trump's son."

Don't you understand? When Lefties threaten those to their right, its no big deal. Just people having "fun".

When someone on Left gets threatened, its the 2nd coming of Adolph Hitler.

edutcher said...

rcocean said...

So how does Trump win them? He can do it, but he needs to be doing it now.

Well, he can't do it, when A-holes like Romney, Ryan, NR, Beck, etc. are attacking him 24/7 and trying to keep him from getting the nomination.

Once he gets enough delegates, he can pivot into general election mode.

He's in it now.

And all of those Whigs dropping out of the race don't seem to be boosting anybody but Trump.

In other news, The Donald, Sen. Jeff Sessions, and Trump's campaign counsel will meet Monday with Republican leadership to discuss the party's capitulation, the focus to be on "party unity".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Titus said...

The Penthouse 1, across from me is for sale. The Chinese Broker, who lives next to me had an open house today, and is a broker to the Chinese rich MIT/Harvard students.

He recevied over 20 offers above asking price, which was the highest priced place ever in my building. Purchased in 2014 for 820k, for sale today for 1.2 million. Location, Location, Location muffins. 1200 square foot loft which is rare in this hood. Most homes are redone trippledeckers. I purchased my unit 10 years ago for 550k-should I sell? There are new restaurants, coffee shops, and fab stores opening monthly.

Do you know Cambridge is number 7 in the country for millenials who make over 350k a year? You know why? Harvard and MIT.

Republicans like to talk about failing democrat cities, which there are many, but Boston and Cambridge are loaded. The cities are safe and building like crazy. We are actually in the middle of the country in terms of taxes too! Cambridge's mayor is a black lesbian, before her was a black fag.

We have juliet balconies which can fit a tiny table and chairs for summer candlelit dinning.

I use my juliet balcony to go out and sing Don't Cry For Me Argentina. I loved Evita the person and the play.

My sister just retired from the state of Wisconsin at the age of 55. She worked at the state for 35 years. She has like years of sick and vacation time and she will have full pay and benefits until she reaches retirement age, and then receive full pay. State workers suck.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...


Is this in context to something else?

edutcher said...

For those interested, some background on Hillary's problems with Rust Belt blacks.

Conversely, the largest Border Patrol union says Trump has their backs.

Trooper York said...

She just wanted to say it.

No means no.

To Trump of course.

edutcher said...

Then that third degree a couple of weekends ago, asking if we would support the nominee, was only if the nominee was the One True Ted.

We all knew it, of course, but she should really be ashamed of herself.

And a little something from the Last Refuge laid it out. I have called them sorehead Conservatives since Pat Buchanan. This explains them.

The Canadian Clinton realizes the exposed scheme has the potential to reveal his true character so he goes immediately to the old reliable “I didn’t know” routine.

Oh look, another “accident”, another “mistake”, another inadvertent “misstatement”. (referring to the dirty trick played on Ben Carson the night of the IA caucus)

He didn’t know he was Canadian. He didn’t know he was voting for TPA. He didn’t know the money he gave the NRSC was used to attack Chris McDaniel. He didn’t know he missed the Goldman Sach’s FEC filing on campaign finance. Notice a pattern?…

The campaign manager, Rick Tyler, and all other participants in the campaign team, then immediately begin obfuscating and manipulating events – belittling Dr. Carson. It’s just how they roll.

The important aspect most people do not internally emphasize or accept is that Ted Cruz’s followers are approximately 15-20% of the Republican primary electorate. They are about 5% of the national electorate…

The Cruz Clan will never vote for any other candidate in a general election. If they don’t get to vote for the messiah they stay home. It’s all Ted Cruz at all costs, and nothing else matters. That allows them to disconnect from the deception that stands as a necessary foundation for the Cruz campaign.

Hence the psychological manipulation, the need to rely on Cambridge Analytica, and the constant need to go back to the captured audience for money. The plate is passed around the same congregation over-and-over-and-over. Throwing the ju-ju-bones is a familiar technique amid all of the snake handlers and most professionally religious constructs.

However, there is an upside to acceptance. If Ted Cruz does not win the GOP nomination, none of the Cruz Clan will vote in the general election, they never do. They have such a short-sighted narrow view of issues, if they don’t get “their leader” they stay home.

There are a few other pithy remarks, but Lem wants it civil.

Meade said...

Wisconsin is an open primary do I'll vote for Sanders in 2 weeks. I endorse an open Republican convention and I hope Romney will be the eventual nominee with Carson or Rand Paul his running mate.

bagoh20 said...

" Seriously though, can anyone honestly argue that Obama has been worse than what you expected when he was first elected? Tell the truth — you thought 8 years of Obama would be way worse than it has been."

I was surprised at how bad he is. Who expected the first Black President to fuck up race relations so bad? I expected him to be a mostly incompetent do noting, but I was surprised that he became an incompetent do everything. Nobody put anything on the line to try and stop him but Cruz. Meanwhile our fighting champion was so concerned about the course of the nation that he went on TV to play pretend businessman and insult some B-list celebrities... just in time.

chickelit said...

Meade said...Wisconsin is an open primary do I'll vote for Sanders in 2 weeks.

I think Sanders could do well in Wisconsin. Milwaukee actually had 60 years of socialists mayors and an even longer and concurrent run of thriving industry. But something happened along the way. Also, pro-Hillary FIBs can easily meddle in Milwaukee politics.

That Sanders should do well in Madison is a given.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

I was surprised at how bad he is. Who expected the first Black President to fuck up race relations so bad?

A good many did.

Case in point.

Nobody put anything on the line to try and stop him but Cruz.

You mean voting for the Corker amendment? Or voting to pass the spending bill to fund Ocare (after making a show of speaking against it)? Or TPP?

Are we now talking the Colossus of Ted?

Nobody, not Sessions or Lee or anybody else. Just the Colossus of Ted.


bagoh20 said...

Ed, Bills are complicated messes with conflicting amendments and poison pills often designed specifically to make them impossible to pick a winning side on. No Senator is able to navigate that without voting for something you can criticize. Cruz is best in the field according to my preference which is smaller government. Cruz is rated first, second,or third most conservative Senator by everyone doing that. There is simply nobody more conservative running. That's his rating in the job of government, doing the work with all it's compromises and uneasy choices having to actually vote, and not just criticize others who do. It's a hell of a lot more substantive than suddenly changing every position just in time to go for a new trophy for your ego, and changing positions back within the hour if needed.

Trump's record and even current stand on issues would make him a big government Democrat by any measure, so how could someone like me prefer that? I'm not looking for the next president to solve my personal problems or avenge some imagined personal slights against me by people I've never nor ever will meet. I'm not looking for a bigger, louder, more ambitious President continuing his lifelong pursuit of fame. I'm looking for the opposite with the intelligence to handle the limited responsibilities the Constitution gives him. You may be looking for something else. I don't expect you'll get it no matter who wins. We may both be hoping for the unattainable.

deborah said...


"@deborah: Megyn Kelly's problem is lack of accountability. Allow me to explain.

She developed (if not invented) what I call a "journalistic deposition." Have you ever witnessed or sat through a legal deposition? The attorney asks the witness questions (usually ones that have been asked before or ones that are in the public record). For example, take that fateful debate in which she opened by reiterating statements he had made regarding women and then asked him to respond directly to the charges of sexism. In the journalistic deposition, the new answers are compared/contrasted to the old answers and discrepancies are amplified. That's exactly what trial attorneys do. I see it all the time whenever I see Kelly or one of her junior associates interviewing. Have you ever noticed this or do you take it for granted?..."

From first Fox debate transcript:

"KELLY: Mr. Trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter. However, that is not without its downsides, in particular, when it comes to women.

You’ve called women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.”


Your Twitter account…

TRUMP: Only Rosie O’Donnell.


KELLY: No, it wasn’t.


Your Twitter account…


TRUMP: Thank you.

KELLY: For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

TRUMP: Yes, I’m sure it was.

KELLY: Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks. You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.


I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don’t win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody.

And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it’s fun, it’s kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that.


But you know what, we — we need strength, we need energy, we need quickness and we need brain in this country to turn it around. That, I can tell you right now"

Chick, I don't see that Kelly's questioning followed your characterization: "In the journalistic deposition, the new answers are compared/contrasted to the old answers and discrepancies are amplified." This was a debate; she asked about things he had said, and how he would respond to questions about these statements in the general.

chickelit said...

@deborah: Genus vs. species, deborah. Since you doubt, I shall illustrate again by amending what you think are Trump's damning remarks with amended questions

Kelly: You’ve called individual women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.”


TRUMP: Only Rosie O’Donnell.


KELLY: No, it wasn’t just she. You've singled out other women for invective.

[applause deleted]

KELLY: For the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

TRUMP: Yes, I’m sure it was. [I have denigrated other individual women]

KELLY: Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about [some] women’s looks. You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president, and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct. Plus, you're lecturing about Presidents having women on their knees?


I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don’t win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody.

And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it’s fun, it’s kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that.


But you know what, we — we need strength, we need energy, we need quickness and we need brain in this country to turn it around. That, I can tell you right now"

Deborah: My objection stands that Kelly attempted to smear Trump by insinuating that he derides all women via his remarks regarding a few.

You are falling for feminist sisterhood rhetoric: "smear one woman, smear them all."

chickelit said...

@deborah: But believe me, I get the whole sisterhood/brotherhood loyalty thing. It's as ingrained as individuality is ingrained; in extreme form, each is dangerous to the herd as a whole.

deborah said...

Chick, please note that in her first statement Kelly specifies "individual women."

Also, please note I don't care to have words put in my mouth, i.e., "You are falling for feminist sisterhood rhetoric: "smear one woman, smear them all.""

deborah said...

'Night :)

chickelit said...

@deborah: Sleep well. You did well today.

You wrote: Chick, please note that in her first statement Kelly specifies "individual women."

No, she didn't. I inserted that word "individual" but failed to boldface it (check your own original cut and paste of Kelly's words). I don't think she ever used the word "individual." That's my point (sort of).

I hate fighting with you over words. :(

We have tons in common!

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

Ed, Bills are complicated messes with conflicting amendments and poison pills often designed specifically to make them impossible to pick a winning side on. No Senator is able to navigate that without voting for something you can criticize

Then you vote against it. The Ocare spending omnibus passed 100-0. If he was that dedicated, his name was not necessary. Yeah, he's got an excuse for TPP, but "I don't want Barry to have it, but future Presidents should get it" (a point many Conservatives found wanting) just doesn't wash.

Cruz is best in the field according to my preference which is smaller government. Cruz is rated first, second,or third most conservative Senator by everyone doing that. There is simply nobody more conservative running

Going by voting record, or speeches isn't always all there is.

Rubio is also one of the most Conservative.

Cruz seems to talk a better game than he actually runs. As I say, there's a lot of go-along-to-get-along in his record. There's also the fact he doesn't publicize his history with the Bush family or that he and his wife are not the outsiders he likes to present himself as being.

Trump is who and what he is and I can live with that. He also fight and knocks the Lefties on their ass. Cruz is big on gestures, but shutting down the government for a couple of days cut the budget how, exactly?

Trump's record and even current stand on issues would make him a big government Democrat by any measure, so how could someone like me prefer that?

Being against abortion makes him a big government Democrat? Wanting to shut down illegals makes him a big government Democrat? A lot of those stands you push are old ones and you know it. Just like the bankruptcy thing, it's a lot of propaganda put out to make Cruz look good because some of the people "supporting" him, like the Libertarians, have another agenda.

I'm not looking for a bigger, louder, more ambitious President continuing his lifelong pursuit of fame.

That can apply to the Colossus of Ted as much as anybody else.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

What's funny is watching self-proclaimed "alpha" males trying to jump to be Trump's white knight. Jokes.

What the fuck do you know about Alpha males other than you're married to one, gamma?

deborah said...


"No, she didn't. I inserted that word "individual" but failed to boldface it (check your own original cut and paste of Kelly's words). I don't think she ever used the word "individual." That's my point (sort of)."

Okay, but it still stands that she said "women you don't like," i.e., not all women:

"You’ve called women you don’t like “fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals.”


KELLY: For the record, it was [individuals] well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

Now here, she puts words in Hillary's mouth:

"...and how will you answer the charge from Hillary Clinton, who was likely to be the Democratic nominee, that you are part of the war on women?"

To which he replies:

"TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.


I’ve been challenged by so many people, and I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either. This country is in big trouble. We don’t win anymore. We lose to China. We lose to Mexico both in trade and at the border. We lose to everybody.

And frankly, what I say, and oftentimes it’s fun, it’s kidding. We have a good time. What I say is what I say. And honestly Megyn, if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. I’ve been very nice to you, although I could probably maybe not be, based on the way you have treated me. But I wouldn’t do that."

I highlighted that last bit as it comes across to me as a threat, smarmy and bull-shitty.

Methadras said...

Deborah, you are right, but really what it comes off as is cheap. The man is a multi-billionaire. The inherent idea that Megyn Kelly has not been nice to him, should really be beneath him, but in reality what you are seeing is a moral equivalence argument: you weren't nice to me, but I was nice to you, so i can be mean to you, but I won't because that's not me. It is bullshit. For a guy who doesn't like political correctness and believe me when I tell you that I detest political correctness, he confuses it with being rude and not realizing that it isn't about labeling people with name calling, but calling things as they are, not as they are relabeled by the left in neutral-speak.

His New York upbringing and linguistic acumen is his detriment in this larger arena of political theater. You can see it in the way he talks in circles, repeats his phrases, and never finishes a sentence or a point.

Trooper York said...

Here the thing. That is his New York Values coming through. We are rude and crude and often vulgar.

The opposite of political correctness.

Megyn Kelly sells the sexy. That is why she has her job. She would not be on TV if she looked like Helen Thomas.

Trump is not going to take the attacks of the press lying down. Even from FOX news. He hits back. He hits O'Reilly back. He hits Hannity back. He hits Scarbourgh back. So Megyn has nothing to complain about. Except that she wants special treatment because she is a girl.

Which was the essence of her question by the way.

deborah said...

Spot on analysis, Meth.

deborah said...

Trooper, it's reality TV hyped up for sure, sexy sells Of Course. But she's not just a pretty face, she knows her stuff. And yes, one of the men could have asked the question. She and Trump both benefit from this 'feud.'

To answer your first two sentences, I will quote Meth, abbreviated, from directly above you:

"For a guy who doesn't like political correctness...he confuses it with being rude and not realizing that it isn't about labeling people with name calling, but calling things as they are, not as they are relabeled by the left in neutral-speak."

Trooper York said...

People consider it rude when you name people by what they really are. Rosie is a pig. Some people are ugly. Some people are stupid. Political correctness comes in when you can't say it even if it is true.

Politeness is overrated. Mitt Romney was very polite. Paul Ryan is super polite. Good luck with that.

I will take my chances with the rude vulgar New Yorker.

deborah said...

In the Rosie/Donald fight, they can say whatever they want to each other.

Going full vulgarian may not take him as far as he'd like. Then again, Carson endorsed him.

deborah said...


"I hate fighting with you over words. :(

We have tons in common!"

We are not fighting, we're engaging in verbal one-upsmanship!

Yes, we have tons in common, and I appreciate it :)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Notice the absence of rudeness and vulgarity.

Oh touche! Snap! King George III thought those words to be very RUDE and VULGAR!

Today's GOP elite and their admirers in Larry the Lentil Pod are reacting for much the same reason. Not against the supposed rudeness and vulgarity of his language, but the supposed rudeness and vulgarity of challenging their stranglehold on power and unwillingness to stop looking down upon working Americans.

chickelit said...

Occasionally, vulgar just means taking it to the people. That sounds very democratic to me. We're undergoing a political umpolung.

Meade said...

"But Trump’s real problem isn’t his tone, it’s the fact that he would utterly disdain the founders’ vision of government and humanity if he knew enough about it to comment. Trump’s identity politics isn’t just ugly because of its tone, it’s ugly because it suggests that Americans have group rights rather than individual rights, and that those group rights can be exercised at the expense of other groups. Trump’s constant lying isn’t a problem because it makes us distrust politicians – it’s a problem because we already distrust politicians, and as a non-politician, Trump is therefore allowed to skate on his lies."