Monday, January 11, 2016

Angeles Crest Highway

What a stunningly beautiful place to go over a cliff. Dashcams are great. After it crashes, that's it, end of dashcam yet the story continues. You have to wonder how it switches from reporting inside the car to reporting outside the car, does the driver take the cam with him or switch to his phone, or what? 

The YouTube description is a lengthy and detailed explanation and precaution. The driver says he was grooving on the sound of his engine inside the tunnels. Surrounded by breathtaking beauty his gearhead prevailed. 

Comments at YouTube begin with God warning people not to do this.

Was that scary? That's both my brothers, but don't tell my dad. Both of them pulled this crap all the time before they were married. They love cars. The driver liked sound, and he's not so impressive a driver as this Orangebuzz crashing out his Ford Escort in style. Very good driving until that bit at the end


bagoh20 said...

Ironically named the Islip Saddle area. It's been one of my regular hiking and backpacking places now for decades. Although it's about 80 miles and 2 hours away, I can see it from home, and right now it's all covered in snow and looks great from here. Backpacking with a friend there once in winter, I slipped and fell down a shear face for about 200 feet of what was a 1000 ft drop. I was sliding uncontrollably on my backpack expecting to die when I suddenly hit a large log that stopped me. My buddy wanted to go back and get a helicopter rescue, but that would be too embarrassing, so I cut up my hammock and a blanket to make a rope long enough to climb back up. It took a couple hours, but I eventually made it, with frozen hands. Even the fifth of Captain Morgan we had along didn't quite deaden the pain enough to allow me to sleep much on the foot of snow where we ended up that night. It's a great area with a lot of memories for me. My best friend who was with me that day, and many others like it, suddenly died a couple years ago. I miss him and those hikes. Much of the area has been burned up over the last decade of wildfires, nearly all of which were a result of arson by senseless assholes. Get off my mountains!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

What a story Bags... Thanks for sharing it.

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...

wow. That guy is lucky to be alive and in once piece. So are you, Bagoh.

chickelit said...

He seemed to drive off the road for no reason.

Dad Bones said...

I think he panicked when he found himself on the shoulder and over corrected. At that speed it wouldn't take much of a twist on the wheel to reach the point of no return to a straight line.

I always cringe watching YouTube dash cam videos knowing something bad is going to happen but I can't resist them.

Known Unknown said...

I'm amazed it doesn't seem as awful as I thought it would.

He is very lucky that he went off in that particular spot.