“I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” DeAndre Smith told The Post. “St. Louis — not going to take this anymore.”
Meanwhile, in NYC...
Minnie Mouse and the Penguin from Batman huddled together, looking concerned. They were soon joined by Super Mario, Elmo, Hello Kitty and Goofy, who was carrying his big, plush head in his hands. After a few minutes of talking, they lined up in a row and began to clap and cheer: “Si se puede! Yes we can!”
“The city created a new Times Square for tourists, and when the tourists come, people come to do business here,” he said.
“Now that they’re here, the city doesn’t like them anymore. The city created a Disneyland here, and now they’re upset that it’s Disneyland.”
Last month, a Spider-Man refused to accept a dollar bill from two tourists in exchange for a picture, saying the tip was too small. A police officer stepped in to tell the couple that they could tip whatever amount they wanted. Spider-Man told the officer, “Mind your own business.” The police officer asked for identification, which Spider-Man did not have. When the officer moved to arrest him, the web-slinger punched the officer in the face, the police said. He was later charged with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest.
Other characters have had run-ins with the law in recent years: An Elmo was taken into police custody for shouting obscenities in 2012; another Spider-Man fought with a woman over a photo in 2013; a Cookie Monster was accused of shoving a toddler last year; and a Super Mario was said to have groped a pedestrian in 2012.
Welcome to De Blasio's Idiocracy. I know this is small potatoes, but - Should there be concern on the part of Disney and other various comic book creators about the use of these costumes and images?
OT: my progressive sister-in-law was taken in by a phone scam. The scammer was so good, my sister in law actually thought she was in trouble with the IRS. Coincidently, I heard a radio show mention the IRS scam and how it was targeting huge numbers of people. He actually gave out the 800# so that people could call the scammers and tell them off. (a brilliant idea.) All this made me think - with the actual IRS political targeting - how scams like this are made easier. Hey - thanks democrat party. You help aid scammers!
That professor guy who did the lecture series on evolutionary psychology disagreed with the "social sciences model" (that's what he called it, IIRC) claim that warfare began with agriculture.
He said that there's archaeological evidence of raiding warfare that predates agriculture by scads.
He also said that the common chimpanzee conducts raiding warfare to this very day and that implies that our primitive forebears did likewise.
I doubt the Republicans will have the gonads to offer a Law & Order candidate, which would be RACISSS, so we'll continue to devolve toward Hobbes' state of nature, where life is nasty, brutish and short.
It's unfair to stereotype, but Spider-man does seem to have a proclivity for violence. Smurfs are the model cartoon figures......,Ferguson is now dead as a community. They should reinvent themselves as a kind of civil rights Williamsburg. In the afternoon, you can bring the family and peacefully protest. Later on in the evening, the younger, more adventurous crowd could come to throw bottles at the police. For a special fee, you could be allowed to loot a liquor store. Those on a budget who want the full riot experience could pay a nominal fee and loot a health food store. Fun for everyone.
Yes, a theme park is clearly needed where the young can relive the Civil Rights era, complete with a tear gas and rubber bullet police attack on rioters.
Instead of going to Disney, blacks can keep it real at Six Flags Over Selma!
The perfect way to honor the memory of Michael Brown is to break into a Quickie Mart to steal some beer and snack cakes and to rough up Apu when he protests. Think to yourself "What Would Michael Do" and act accordingly.
If this bothers the tender sensibilities of some residents of Ferguson I would suggest they just go and hang out at the library. The protesters do not know where that is located.
The photo taking characters who dress up in Times Square are almost exclusively illegal immigrants. That is why they think they can attack cops with impunity.
De Blasio will always take the side of the illegal immigrant criminal and not the cops. So they know they will just get a desk disappearance ticket and be back harassing tourists the next day.
"If you should decide not to indict this police officer, the rioting we witnessed this past week will seem like a picnic compared to the havoc that will likely occur."
Who said that?
Missouri state senator Jamilah Nasheed.
Threats and intimidation works, otherwise she wouldn't have said something like that.
The logic is impeccable. NYC created Times Square for the tourists,
When the tourists came ...
Then the people came to do business with them.
Just like Mexico.
Hotels are built on beaches to attract tourists
When the tourists come, the people come to do business with them.
Mexican beaches are impossible. Intolerable. Utterly unpleasant. Go to Hawaii instead, they speak English there.
Here is what your beach experience in Mexico is like:
No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you.
Wearisome to read, isn't it? It's much worse on Mexican beaches.
No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you. No thank you.
For you see, the people come to do business. And you are their mark. You will say "No thank you" to the same vendedor fifteen times a day as hundreds ply the beach back and forth. It doesn't matter you've said "No thank you" already to the same person repeatedly, they are there to wear you down.
I talked to the urchin who was peddling carved wooden knick knacks on the beach at San Jose del Cabo, asked him what kind of wood he used "Que?", did he carve it himself "Si!", all the while I was carving a grizzly bear out of a piece of mahogany scrap I had brought with me.
"Ju carb dat?" the dimwit asked, as I sat there carving it right in front of him. Si, you idiot, now get away from me before I cutchu!
As for graciousness, it would suit me just fine if they would grace their home country and leave ours alone.
So... Russia is sick of the United States acting like we have the right to nanny lecture everyone else on their bad behaviour and how they run their countries. John Kerry, shaking his boney finger in their face and Obama all righteous and indignant about other countries and both of them failing completely to look at our own failures.
“We think US authorities should pay closer attention to burning internal problems, including those related to ethnicity and race that still exist in the United States. Try to solve them via legal constitutional practices rather than unjustified and inadequate violence,” Dolgov said.
I bolded "inadquate" and had to ponder this a bit.
Does he mean that even if we/the government solves things in an unjustified or illegal way, we should at least be "adequate" in the amount of violence or force. In other words:If you are going to try to fix a problem (squash the racial violence) DO IT with enough force to actually fix it instead of these namby pamby apologetic measures that we have been taking? I like that. It does seem like a very Russian way of thinking. Ends....Means....Adequate....Justified
OR...is he saying that the violence by the rioters and protestors, while maybe not justified, they are not using "adequate" violence to get their ends accomplished (whatever those are). Again, kind of the same thing. If you are going to do something effing DO IT. Accomplish your goal for crying out loud.
This explains why we are such total failures in our Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan wars and every other one since WWII. Inadequate. Wimpy. Namby Pamby. If you are going to war...for God's Sake....WIN IT and get it over.
Mexico has some beautiful beaches and Mexicans are gracious people.
Have you ever sat on the beach in a touristy area? The vendors are like locusts or sand fleas. They won't leave you alone for a moment. Buy this!!!! Shoving shit in your face.
Chip is too nice with his No Thank You.
A strong NO! Quitate!!!!..... and a glare casting daggers.
My stupid sister in law made the mistake of trying to be nice to one vendor, a cute young boy, and tried to get into a conversation with him. I told her to ignore him or tell him to go away. But....noooooo....bleeding heart liberal that she is. She invited him to sit on the blanket. Within moments she was surrounded by vendors all talking at once and shoving their wares in her face.
I said: I told you so...(you dumb c*nt silently to myself) gathered up my stuff and left her there to move to a more peaceful place where I could read my book.
rc, I hate vendors who come to my house. Vendors going up and down the aisle incessantly @ the ballgame I really dislike. Vendors on the beach in Mexico? I shake my head no and they move on. On the Jersey shore vendors walk the beach hawking the Philly Daily News and ice cream. Mexican vendors hawk ice cream on the Chicago beaches. I like those Jersey and Chicago vendors.
I like the idea of Looting Tourism, although to properly folk it up, it should be Lootin' Tourism.
I also have called it Recreational Rioting.
Okay if we set up a bench to steady our aim?
The democrat party is a criminal enterprise. This is a satellite operation.
My brother is marathon watching Rome, from 2 to 3 hours a night, when he come home from work.
I wander, if we were near Ferguson, would we go for a gander.
Last month, a Spider-Man refused to accept a dollar bill from two tourists in exchange for a picture, saying the tip was too small. A police officer stepped in to tell the couple that they could tip whatever amount they wanted. Spider-Man told the officer, “Mind your own business.” The police officer asked for identification, which Spider-Man did not have. When the officer moved to arrest him, the web-slinger punched the officer in the face, the police said. He was later charged with assaulting an officer and resisting arrest.
Other characters have had run-ins with the law in recent years: An Elmo was taken into police custody for shouting obscenities in 2012; another Spider-Man fought with a woman over a photo in 2013; a Cookie Monster was accused of shoving a toddler last year; and a Super Mario was said to have groped a pedestrian in 2012.
Welcome to De Blasio's Idiocracy. I know this is small potatoes, but - Should there be concern on the part of Disney and other various comic book creators about the use of these costumes and images?
OT: my progressive sister-in-law was taken in by a phone scam. The scammer was so good, my sister in law actually thought she was in trouble with the IRS.
Coincidently, I heard a radio show mention the IRS scam and how it was targeting huge numbers of people. He actually gave out the 800# so that people could call the scammers and tell them off. (a brilliant idea.) All this made me think - with the actual IRS political targeting - how scams like this are made easier. Hey - thanks democrat party. You help aid scammers!
That professor guy who did the lecture series on evolutionary psychology disagreed with the "social sciences model" (that's what he called it, IIRC) claim that warfare began with agriculture.
He said that there's archaeological evidence of raiding warfare that predates agriculture by scads.
He also said that the common chimpanzee conducts raiding warfare to this very day and that implies that our primitive forebears did likewise.
I have a right to love and hug your children and assault you then steal your stuff. This is America!
I doubt the Republicans will have the gonads to offer a Law & Order candidate, which would be RACISSS, so we'll continue to devolve toward Hobbes' state of nature, where life is nasty, brutish and short.
It's unfair to stereotype, but Spider-man does seem to have a proclivity for violence. Smurfs are the model cartoon figures......,Ferguson is now dead as a community. They should reinvent themselves as a kind of civil rights Williamsburg. In the afternoon, you can bring the family and peacefully protest. Later on in the evening, the younger, more adventurous crowd could come to throw bottles at the police. For a special fee, you could be allowed to loot a liquor store. Those on a budget who want the full riot experience could pay a nominal fee and loot a health food store. Fun for everyone.
Yes, a theme park is clearly needed where the young can relive the Civil Rights era, complete with a tear gas and rubber bullet police attack on rioters.
Instead of going to Disney, blacks can keep it real at Six Flags Over Selma!
The perfect way to honor the memory of Michael Brown is to break into a Quickie Mart to steal some beer and snack cakes and to rough up Apu when he protests. Think to yourself "What Would Michael Do" and act accordingly.
If this bothers the tender sensibilities of some residents of Ferguson I would suggest they just go and hang out at the library. The protesters do not know where that is located.
Brilliant idea William.
I stealing it for use on another blog - just to stay with the spirit of it all.
The photo taking characters who dress up in Times Square are almost exclusively illegal immigrants. That is why they think they can attack cops with impunity.
De Blasio will always take the side of the illegal immigrant criminal and not the cops. So they know they will just get a desk disappearance ticket and be back harassing tourists the next day.
"If you should decide not to indict this police officer, the rioting we witnessed this past week will seem like a picnic compared to the havoc that will likely occur."
Who said that?
Missouri state senator Jamilah Nasheed.
Threats and intimidation works, otherwise she wouldn't have said something like that.
The logic is impeccable. NYC created Times Square for the tourists,
When the tourists came ...
Then the people came to do business with them.
Just like Mexico.
Hotels are built on beaches to attract tourists
When the tourists come, the people come to do business with them.
Mexican beaches are impossible. Intolerable. Utterly unpleasant. Go to Hawaii instead, they speak English there.
Here is what your beach experience in Mexico is like:
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
Wearisome to read, isn't it? It's much worse on Mexican beaches.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
No thank you.
For you see, the people come to do business. And you are their mark. You will say "No thank you" to the same vendedor fifteen times a day as hundreds ply the beach back and forth. It doesn't matter you've said "No thank you" already to the same person repeatedly, they are there to wear you down.
Don't worry DeAndre Smith, the Washington Post is proud of what you are doing as well.
WTF? Mexico has some beautiful beaches and Mexicans are gracious people. If you make even the slightest attempt to speak Spanish they are delighted.
I talked to the urchin who was peddling carved wooden knick knacks on the beach at San Jose del Cabo, asked him what kind of wood he used "Que?", did he carve it himself "Si!", all the while I was carving a grizzly bear out of a piece of mahogany scrap I had brought with me.
"Ju carb dat?" the dimwit asked, as I sat there carving it right in front of him. Si, you idiot, now get away from me before I cutchu!
As for graciousness, it would suit me just fine if they would grace their home country and leave ours alone.
So... Russia is sick of the United States acting like we have the right to nanny lecture everyone else on their bad behaviour and how they run their countries. John Kerry, shaking his boney finger in their face and Obama all righteous and indignant about other countries and both of them failing completely to look at our own failures.
“We think US authorities should pay closer attention to burning internal problems, including those related to ethnicity and race that still exist in the United States. Try to solve them via legal constitutional practices rather than unjustified and inadequate violence,” Dolgov said.
I bolded "inadquate" and had to ponder this a bit.
Does he mean that even if we/the government solves things in an unjustified or illegal way, we should at least be "adequate" in the amount of violence or force. In other words:If you are going to try to fix a problem (squash the racial violence) DO IT with enough force to actually fix it instead of these namby pamby apologetic measures that we have been taking? I like that. It does seem like a very Russian way of thinking.
OR...is he saying that the violence by the rioters and protestors, while maybe not justified, they are not using "adequate" violence to get their ends accomplished (whatever those are). Again, kind of the same thing. If you are going to do something effing DO IT. Accomplish your goal for crying out loud.
This explains why we are such total failures in our Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan wars and every other one since WWII. Inadequate. Wimpy. Namby Pamby. If you are going to war...for God's Sake....WIN IT and get it over.
Very interesting way of him phrasing it anyway.
Mexico has some beautiful beaches and Mexicans are gracious people.
Have you ever sat on the beach in a touristy area? The vendors are like locusts or sand fleas. They won't leave you alone for a moment. Buy this!!!! Shoving shit in your face.
Chip is too nice with his No Thank You.
A strong NO! Quitate!!!!..... and a glare casting daggers.
My stupid sister in law made the mistake of trying to be nice to one vendor, a cute young boy, and tried to get into a conversation with him. I told her to ignore him or tell him to go away. But....noooooo....bleeding heart liberal that she is. She invited him to sit on the blanket. Within moments she was surrounded by vendors all talking at once and shoving their wares in her face.
I said: I told you so...(you dumb c*nt silently to myself) gathered up my stuff and left her there to move to a more peaceful place where I could read my book.
Wow. Hatin' on Mexico. We'll be in Puerto Vallarta in December. I'll send you folks postcards. This has been an eye opener for me.
Nick, People don't seem to like Beach vendors. But you do?
Mexico is fine, and will be even better once the last Mexican moves here - dibs on the good beaches!
rc, I hate vendors who come to my house. Vendors going up and down the aisle incessantly @ the ballgame I really dislike. Vendors on the beach in Mexico? I shake my head no and they move on. On the Jersey shore vendors walk the beach hawking the Philly Daily News and ice cream. Mexican vendors hawk ice cream on the Chicago beaches. I like those Jersey and Chicago vendors.
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