Thursday, August 28, 2014

Joan Rivers live at the Apollo, London.

Goodness comments to the articles on Joan River's medical emergency are vile. Yes. Not only are people stupid, way off base, they are actually malevolent in ways indicating a type of mental disorder. Must everything be about politics? They must. Because of the following. I wonder, "where in the world does a remark like this come from?" Out of the blue, disconnected with events. Divorced from fact. Here is a man spoon-fed his politics who then spits out his own vile worldly-knowledge onto his little baby bib, projecting his own disorder onto others.  

ArlingtonVA's Finest • 9 hours ago
Uh-oh. It's only a matter of time before hyperventilating GOP teebaggers begin shrieking uncontrollably, and blame this ugly woman's health problems on Obama, Hillary, Benghazi, gay marriage, atheists, or women using birth control pills.
Brace yourselves, folks.

Dumbass cannot even spell tea baggers, but he does have somebody's balls in his mouth. That is how he thinks he knows so much about people he does not even know, fancying himself knowledgeable while knowing nothing at all.  Shrieking about politics on an item about a comedian's health emergency, who herself is undoubtedly liberal Democrat while projecting that shrieking onto others.  If he knew the slightest whereof he speaks he would join tea party activists and not project his own serious mental disorder onto straight thinking people.

Joan Rivers is funny. Vile, yes. Rude, yes. un p.c., yes, yes, yes. That is what makes her funny. I see in my history I've viewed some 10 or so of her videos. I do find the humor a bit worn. Still she has me laughing outright here and there. And I cannot think of a single political activist who does. I keep imagining her when she is not "on" and still funny in ways that I find my own best friends funny, vile, rude, and un p.c., willing to transgress the things usually held sacred, at least sacrosanct. Willing to toss out the opposite for shock, just for an impolite laugh.

Or a groan.

Just as well a groan as a laugh.

Do you know what Beethoven is up to these days?


Awwww. Grow up! Her humor arises from a willingness to face directly life's abuses, to pull things right off the wall, a groan every bit as good as a laugh.

The LDS guy I mentioned earlier in the ice bucket challenge post was showing me around once his linebacker friend showed up, a huge black guy oddly named Harold both incongruently discussing a new marble countertop that is vast in a kitchen that sees only microwaved dinners. I honestly could not care less. I expected to slide one in unnoticed, my own little secret, my own private laugh, but surprisingly both of them caught it, "I do like marble countertops but nowadays they are used so extensively one tends to take them for granite." They both stopped dead and glared at me conveying silently, "you ass." I thought it was funny: an LDS stricken man  and a black linebacker discussing interior design. Who knew they were perceptive to puns?


chickelit said...

I hope she gets well. She brings a lot of laughs to our house.

chickelit said...

I'm not even going to look at the comments. Instead, I'll image a PC prude and an entire herd of ilk writing them.

Shouting Thomas said...

The determination to reduce people to nothing but their political opinions is appalling.

Rivers is a funny woman.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I heard she is in stable condition. Good wishes.

Thanks for a good post Chip... as usual.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In Spanish is so funny to hear the word for granite... Granite is a commanding word, it has gravitas right?

Well, in Spanish the word for granite is 'Granito'...
The accidental? diminutive 'ito' at the end, throws the majesty of the rock all off.

Chip Ahoy said...

Yes Lem, it sounds like Italian for flavored snow cone granita (without the cone).

Is it just me? Don't answer that. I cannot listen to Fox anymore. Every single one of those nuts has become a stammering dummkopf nucklehead. Every one. Except O'Reilly. The rest of them right down the line are making 3-syllable words out of 1-syllable words and it's making listening to them impossible.

Even their guests. It's not natural. It is an affectation.

The Dude said...

The ivy league stammer - it's not just a symptom anymore, it's a disease.

edutcher said...

Never a fan, but maybe this is a good time for her to retire.

(of course, I liked Jonathan Winters more when he was an actor than when he was a comic...)

Just sayin'.

Tank said...

I'm fine with politics. Rivers is one of the few celebs willing to speak out in defense of Israel and against Hamas. She took a bunch of flack for that, the threw it back at em.

Be well Joan.

Known Unknown said...

She needs to hire a stool-dragger.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I've decided to listen again to that lecture series on ecology. It's that interesting. Here, just in case.

The guy describes ecology as a science related to economics, the two words deriving from the same Greek root. Ecology studies how energy flows in various ecosystems as economics studies the flow of money, goods and services.

Anyway, I pulled into the parking garage just as he was talking about masting. It seems that oak trees synchronize their acorn production so there are years where there are far more acrons than can be eaten and years where there are so few acorns that acorn-eaters disperse.

Ecology cannot be well-understood except in the context of evolution.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Oh, I almost forgot. Regarding people and their asshole political opinions, I fully suspect a fruitful inquiry begins with the evolutionary uses of aggression, in general.

Sure haters gonna hate but why? Is it adaptive? If so then how?

I therefore recommend a lecture series on evolutionary psychology.

There might even be a book or two out there on the subject. It's possible.

chickelit said...

Well, in Spanish the word for granite is 'Granito'...
The accidental? diminutive 'ito' at the end, throws the majesty of the rock all off.

I'm pretty sure that the "ito" suffix in Spanish granito corresponds to the "ite" suffix in English which we attach to most any kind of rock or ore. The word comes from the Greek word "lithos" as described here. Thus "granite" is "gran" + "ite" so named because of its granular appearance.

How "ito" came to be a diminutive ending in Spanish (also Italian) and cf. "ette" in French, is a another story.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, Perfect! Growing up in New England I HATE the Ivy League stammer. It is pretentious and annoying. You hear it on Public Radio a lot.

Dad Bones said...

That was funny. I was pleasantly surprised because having only seen her on TV I never knew she could cuss like that.

Amartel said...

Unfamiliar with the Ivy League stammer. Does it sound like off-prompter Obama? (uh uh uh uh um)

Amartel said...

Hope Joan recovers and comes back to make a joke about this. She's an icon. The dreary dopes making fun of her are either heartless sanctimonious proggy scolds and social cons with no sense of humor. It's getting nastier by the day out there elsewhere on the webs. People are starting to panic and getting even more vindictive and entrenched than before. The mask is dropping.

ricpic said...

People, a little rachmones for Joanie.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

"A friend of mine asked his wife How old is @Joan_Rivers? His wife said Well, parts of her are 81."