Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Lois Lerner's emails aren't missing after all, lawyers say"

"Government lawyers have told a watchdog group suing over the Internal Revenue Service scandal that Lois Lerner’s emails aren’t missing after all."
Attorneys for the Justice Department surprised Judicial Watch, a right-leaning watchdog group, on Friday by saying that they have copies of every electronic message ever sent from Lerner, a former top IRS official who is a key figure in a targeting scandal involving conservative groups that sought tax-exempt status...

“So, the emails may inconvenient to access, but they are not gone with the [broken] hard drive,” Judicial Watch spokeswoman Jill Farrell told the Washington Examiner.

According to Fitton, the attorneys told him the backup system would be “too onerous to search,” but acknowledged that Treasury Department inspectors were investigating it.

“This is a jaw-dropping revelation,” Fitton said in a statement. “The Obama administration had been lying to the American people about Lois Lerner’s missing emails.”
Is it possible that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen didn't know about this backup system?

Update: Filing Reveals Lerner Blackberry Destroyed


The Dude said...

Those of us who have any knowledge of IT and backups, government or not, knew that.

But reporters are ignorant narrative pushers who never leave the bubble.

No worries, though, the backups will be lost in a terrible fire. Or flood.

Calypso Facto said...

"the backups will be lost in a terrible fire. Or flood."

Or, 18 months later, have already been sanitized ...

Unknown said...

What difference does it make?

The left are all-in for smothering transparency. All guided by his highness, the Attorney General. The court jesters in charge of our joke media are certainly not interested in the truth.

Holder promised Lois Lerner in backroom meeting that he will cover for her. to the bitter end.

Unknown said...

Lois Lerner will not go under the bus because that means the IRS was in fact politicized and weaponized on behalf of ONE political party.

That admission will never materialize.

Shouting Thomas said...

Is it possible that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen didn't know about this backup system?

Probably not possible.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You would think that some enterprising reporter would have investigated this and found out about this backup system.

This lack of curiosity about the content of those emails is not conceivable to my mind.

If somebody wants to hide something, that's what you and others like you go after?

It's like is not their job anymore.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Also, whoever is investigating for the congressional committees looking into this, didn't do their job.

Is the FBI hiding things from the committee?

Tank said...

The IRS? That happened a long time ago. It was dealt with back then. Why do you keep bringing up old news? Let's move forward, or lean, or something.

Paddy O said...

First step of a new Congress, if Republicans win, should be to radically reshape the IRS.

That would be a huge step. One, because no one likes the IRS, so there would be broad popular support.

Two, because that's the only way people who have done this are going to be punished, by making their positions obsolete.

The Dude said...

I would be surprised if republicans win anything this fall.

Even in NC, where our communist senator has tongue bathed Obama like a cheap Dominican whore, it's not clear that Tillis can win that seat.

My guess is - more of the same, good and hard. Ferguson writ large.

You read it here first, folks.

edutcher said...

In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle, "Surprahs! Surprahs! Surprahs!".

The next Moslem-piloted jetliner will be flown into the bunker where the servers are.

ricpic said...

That the IRS has been politicized should but doesn't enrage most potential voters. What I don't understand is the reelection of Obama in '12, given that the economy had been in permanent recession his first term. That normally does turn most voters against the incumbent. Or are the voting machines set up to keep the Left in permanent power?

KCFleming said...

Socialism has been the mantra for so long that there's hardly anyone left who remembers capitalism and freedom.

Now everyone (from the Preezy to Krugman to university profs to Medicare spenders to hipster baristas to the rioters in Ferguson) thinks it has only one tool, a hammer, and everything looks like a nail.

And you middle class working stiffs?

You're just one of the nails.

KCFleming said...

The problem is that there aren't enough IRS agents or cops to keep 350 million in line.

Now that we all know that the entire US gubmint is irredeemably corrupt, that everything they say is a lie, and that they will punish enemies, the corruption will spread to Joe Average.

Why be the only one left playing by the rules?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There may be more reporters looking into the background of cops at Ferguson than looking for the Lerner emails.

Granted, that may not be so, but that is the way it looks to me from here.

The Dude said...

Rules are for little people.

Don't be a little person.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There maybe more "journos" digging dirt on cops than digging for the Lerner emails.

The Dude said...

Just how many times did you vote for Obama, Lem?

ricpic said...

I'm corrupt in practice. But my heart is pure!

Amartel said...

Well, duh.

Rabel said...

I'd like to see the exact quote from DOJ. If this is correct, Uncle Joe better start loosening up in the bullpen.

The Blackberry destruction seems openly criminal. Might be time for Boehner to dig out the keys to the congressional jail.

The Dude said...

There will never be any investigation nor any punishment.

This is a gangster government, and Boner is not about to slow down the gravy train.

How many mixed metaphors are required to make an omelet?

Amartel said...

Prison time for multiple complicit individuals including but not limited to Lerner. Accept no substitutes. I'm not talking about some low level fall gals and guys in Cincinnati. The message to the unaccountable and openly political bureaucrats needs to be delivered, certified.

Aridog said...

Rabel said ...

The Blackberry destruction seems openly criminal.

Actually you are closer than you might think to the truth of the matter. The government does NOT own the Blackberry phones, or any other cellular phone type. Even old, they still have value to their owner, which is not the government. They LEASE them. When replaced or whatever, they are either returned to the cellular service, intact, with data scrubbed, or to a disposition service such as GSA or DRMS.

virgil xenophon said...


As bad as these revelations are for the prospects for a functioning representative government going forward, I would hold that the EVEN GREATER part of despair is that the MSM provided ZERO coverage of these revelations on the evening news or on the following morning am news shows. The MSM is naught but an arm of the Donkey party. The general public is being treated like nothing more than mushrooms by the MSM--kept in the dark and fed only horse-shit. The end of our Republic is near..