Sunday, August 24, 2014

"Strong Earthquake Shakes Northern California"

"A powerful earthquake centered in the Northern California wine country hit a broad area early Sunday morning, injuring dozens, buckling roads and knocking out power for thousands of residents."
The 6.0-magnitude earthquake is the most damaging in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1989 said David Oppenheimer, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif., which is predicting a more than 50% chance of aftershocks of a magnitude of 5.0 or greater over the next week. 
"This illustrates what happens when a moderate earthquake hits where people live," he said. "It can be a quite serious."
I heard a report say this was the strongest since Loma Prieta.
How is our people in California doing?

Chip Ahoy edit:
Grapes Earthquake


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Well, I shouldn't presume to speak for our friends in California, so I'll speak only for myself, and say I felt the earth move, under my feet, I felt the sky tumbling down, tumbling down.

The Dude said...

I think your grammar shook them up worse than the quake.

Amartel said...

We is fine.

edutcher said...

They built that city on rock and roll...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Fine here. We are much to far away to be feeling anything from down there. My son in law's parents, however have a house at ground zero. We haven't heard yet if they are ok or if their house has been damaged. It is a pretty new house so probably not in much danger if built to earthquake standards.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As Rev Jackson would say...

Wine goes up... Ferguson is going down.

Paddy O said...

I teach an online class and have students who were affected. Technology being what it was, a student emailed to say everyone they knew was fine, but there was damage and the power was out.

NO EXCUSES!! I wrote back.

No.I'm very lenient. Partly because I know the earth could get to really shaking here too and I don't want to tempt God, fate, or whatever Principality or Power that might be in charge of LA county.

Chip Ahoy said...

Brother James lives in Concord, marked with a blue square near the cluster of blue squares on Drudge's map. He said his wife asked him he felt it shake during the night. He said, "No," but he did dream things were shaking. That counts.

Topic change.

My sourdough starters were so successful I shut one of them down so I don't have three of them active at once.

The one that was frozen foamed up like mad after two days of heat treatment. Right to the top of the jar. So now it is drying and will be turned back to powder again, and probably re-frozen.

The Maui is also successfully restarted. That is in sponge form ready to be baked tomorrow.

The new Denver is also in sponge form fermenting on the counter, also ready to be baked.

The two loaves are 30% whole wheat.

And today I started collecting again, since the new Denver is so impressive I'm training it on whole wheat exclusively and now I've got the idea lodged to go to Whole Foods and scoop out a whole lot of wheat grains, 10 or 15 pound or so and mill it myself.

I already have a sourdough starter cultivated directly from such wheat grain that I milled here at home. But now I want to try it again with a new Denver culture specifically for whole wheat and see how it works. I miss the flavor of that 100% whole wheat sourdough bread and I want to try my hand using my new techniques.

The ladies said they loved my beef bourguignon. They said they were mightily impressed and called it awesome. Wait untill they taste 100% whole wheat sourdough bread sandwiches. Nobody does that. It will blow their minds.

Whole wheat is different when you mill it yourself. Is flavor dissipates somewhat by exposure to air. It does have fat in it and apparently it doesn't keep all that well. The grains that I've milled myself are much more flavorful than the whole wheat flour I buy. Even King Arthur flour does not compare. I can pick the type wheat I want from four or so types. Hard Winter red actually mills differently than soft Spring white. You can tell by the speed it goes through the machine. The machine sounds like a powerful vacuum cleaner, very loud like a jet engine whining. And you can smell the fresh wheat throughout the whole place. That is what tells me its flavor will dissipate over time especially if not stored cold to protect its fat.

The Dude said...

Bread sandwiches, eh?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I have been though a few 6.0 earthquakes. You felt them but they were not huge events. The Richter scale is only part of the analysis. How deep the fault was, how it shook, the geological conditions where the shake happened and soil types, etc. all play a roll in how devastating a shaker is.

The Dude said...

"A roll" indeed - that reminds me of the 1983 Coalinga quake (a 6.4) - it was far enough away from where I was that it felt as if the ground was just rolling - like a boat in gentle waves.

Others were sharp jolts - one knew immediately what was going on.

We had a quake here in NC a couple of years ago - as soon as it started I said "Earthquake", and immediately got some argument - but we don't have earthquakes here.

Ah, but we do, and that day, we did.

It just shows to go ya...

Amartel said...

It woke me up.
"6," I thought.
(It did go on.)
Then I went back to sleep.

Earthquake insurance.