Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Question Is: Why Did They Let It Happen?

Since 9/11, the Department of Homeland Security has made a huge issue of keeping watch of who enters the country. The consequences of a weapon of mass destruction being detonated within the country in a major city are too horrible to contemplate.
However, since the children began showing up on the border and the Obama administration began relocating them across the country even without informing state officials, we now have thousands of individuals who are here illegally–and we don’t even know who they are!  The administration even recently admitted that many were flown across the U.S. without any proper identification at all.  Many of these children are now known to be violent gang members from Central America.  Many of them look like adults.  Many of them are very possibly terrorists who used the border crisis and the Obama administration’s refusal to secure the border as a way to enter the country.
Now let’s take this a step further.  We know the Obama administration has been hellbent on removing American troops from the Middle East since coming to power. Obviously, our intelligence services briefed the White House on the consequences of this action. The administration had to know that removing American troops would foster the rise of Islamic jihadism and terrorism in the region once our forces were removed.  President Bush always said, I’d rather fight them over there than here. Now we have a situation where a violent Islamic caliphate has been created in the Levant and Iraq.  The administration had to know this would happen.  The question is: Why did they let it happen?
General Tom McInenery warns of another 9/11 coming soon.

They'd be idiots not to exploit the Southern border.

DHS says ISIS is already in America, and being monitored.

EDIT: The video has been removed as the link now goes to a different and unrelated topic.


The Dude said...

That they are here is a certainty. That they are being monitored - well, I have my doubts.

Maybe if they flew the Gadsden the gubmint would pay attention to them.

An ISIS flag draws admirers and groupies. Far be it from me to name names, however.

Unknown said...

video: Now THAT is a feel good story. Thank you, Haz.

Re: our open borders and the administration's illegal actions regarding illegal border crossing: What's a few flattened dirty bombed US cities and dead bodies? The democrats must
harvest new welfare voters and the chamber of commence needs new slave labor.

ndspinelli said...

All Presidents, to varying degrees, become insulated. This guy is insulated by Valerie Jarret for chrissake. And, even supporters say he is completely detached. The hero worship is over and he can't handle that. So, he checked out a year or so ago when the Obamacare shitstorm hit. I think that's the more likely scenario.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh well when it's about children all bets are off! Hamas gets to have young meat shields and border infiltrators get to use kiddies.

Far be it from me to name names, however.

Let's just call him Grand Mufti Meade.

chickelit said...

DHS says ISIS is already in America, and being monitored.

It's like "let's coax the cancer here so we can fight it better" strategy. It seems like the "honey Pot" strategy all over except that the collateral damage this time will be American civilians instead of Iraqi civilians. Reverend Wright will be so proud of this coming home to roost.

OTOH, I thought that Obama's "Open Borders" strategy was to make amnesty a done deal. I guess that could backfire, huh?

Michael Haz said...

The question is: In the face of the known threat from ISIS and other terrorists, why has Obama chosen to (illegally) open the southern border to give them easy access to the US?

And why has ICE been ordered not to arrest illegals?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

EDIT: The video has been removed as the link now goes to a different and unrelated topic.

Yeap, the same happened to me about a month ago when I embedded a Breitbart video.

Michael Haz said...

ISIS threat in Chicago.

ricpic said...

It is of supreme importance to Obama that America get her comeuppance. It is not, it is never about strengthening America or doing her good. It is always the opposite. The exact opposite. That is the basis of both his action and his inaction. Simple and horrible.

edutcher said...

The Lefties know demographics are against them long run, so they have to import an underclass the way it was done in Europe. Of course, in the late 60s, the Moslems weren't revolting.

(pun intended)

I think the Choom Gang thinks the crazies won't go after them.

Kind of like Stalin on 6/21/41.

Michael Haz said...

ISIS threat in Chicago.

How would we know they'd done it?

Trooper York said...

Sunday night is not a good night to tempt fate. It never ends well. Just sayn'

deborah said...

It doesn't seem to be about getting reliable Dem votes in the future, that's already a given. It feels more like breaking the morale of conservatives. In your face hostility.

Synova said...

"Now let’s take this a step further. We know the Obama administration has been hellbent on removing American troops from the Middle East since coming to power. Obviously, our intelligence services briefed the White House on the consequences of this action. The administration had to know that removing American troops would foster the rise of Islamic jihadism and terrorism in the region once our forces were removed."

Doesn't follow. The administration did not "have to know" anything just because they were undoubtedly *told*.

Remember that Obama is smarter than everyone else in the room.


By definition nativism means the policy of protecting the interests of native inhabitants against those of immigrants. - Eva Mendes

The Dude said...

Hey, look - Meade has found his little butt buddy Crack a job and provided him with a new name - GOODSTUFF!

No doubt Crack will loot that site just as soon as he figures out how.