Sunday, August 31, 2014

Exit question

Allahpundit asks in his post titled "Scarborough: Obama saying he has no strategy against ISIS is a tactic straight out of “The Art of War
Which chapter of “The Art of War” mentions dithering on whether or not to rescue a hostage who later ends up being murdered by the enemy?
That is Allahpundit's exit question. There is no chapter that address dithering concerning the rescue of a hostage who later ends up being murdered by the enemy. So it cannot be said as Joe Scarborough does say that Obama remarking that he (Obama) has no strategy is a tactic straight out of The Art of War.

Exit answer:

That is a ridiculously specific circumstance to expect to have been addressed by Lao Tsu in 500 bc, however more generally in chapter three, Attack by Stratagem, Lao Tsu does say,
Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting. Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy's plans; 
Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field. 
What Scarborough had in mind most likely is found in chapter 1, Laying Plans. This is among the most familiar quotations from The Art of War.
All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Condensed as:
All warfare is based on deception.
These observations made by a general applying to enemy forces can be understood as applying to allies as well. It can be asked, rightly or not, by a so-called superpower, "why must we always reliably assume the role of policeman for the whole world? Why set up ourselves for 'damned when we do, damned when we don't' attitude by our own allies? Presently this affects you as much and possibly more than it affects us. Pull your own weight." Indeed, why must a U.S. president automatically assume responsibility for forming an international coalition and be the center of that activity, and further be responsible for holding it together to the end? To determine the end, when we see ourselves attacked by our own allies, as we inevitably are. You do it this time.

All the while formulating plans.

We are always formulating plans. To say otherwise is ridiculous. That is what generals do. That is their job all day long. Plans within plans about plans. Twenty-year plans, ten-year plans, five-year plans, one-year plans, six-month plans, next month plans, next week plans, plans for lunch. Layers of generals, all sides of the pentagon, planning every hour of every day, every week, month of the year. They are nothing if not planners. To say "we do not have a plan" is to say "we have not decided conclusively just yet." The elected president may not have settled on his personal plan for immediate action but his generals certainly do have plans, and Lao Tsu was an ancient general not a emperor. The book being referenced is for generals not necessarily for political leaders, heads of political parties. Even so, Scarborough could be correct. Bush II was always similarly underestimated.

Then again...

On the other hand,  search images [Obama eating] There's your guy with a plan. Is it even possible to underestimate this man?


No wonder people have no confidence in his ability for war planning. All his wars occur to his immediate right. All his wars are with his own citizenry.

Unfair? Try [Reagan eating] you get jelly beans and other monkeyshines, Photoshopped parody images.

[Bush II eating] corn on the cob and Photoshop images of that single photo with a kitten in place of the corn, ha ha, very funny, a crow in place of the corn, eating a baby's head, just more mean-spirited Photoshops, pudding, but not the proper images of adolescent junk food that fills the whole screen as it does with Obama. Both of the Obamas. No, Scarborough is wrong. There is no serious geopolitical planner present in those images, merely a community organizer provided the paraphernalia of high office, the full resources of both supporters and non supporters, and quite active on a national scale.


The Dude said...

He has a plan, he is at war, problem is, he is siding with Iran against the US.

Time for the citizens to dream up a plan.

edutcher said...

Nicely put, Chip.

Iran told the Choom Gang to drop dead some time ago, but they're not taking it as an answer.

What in military terms is known as a forlorn hope.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I really liked Rashomon and Seven Samurai. I found his later films like Kagemusha and Ran kind of tedious.

Watched them at home on a 40 incher so maybe that's part of it.

It's also possible I'd had too much to drink and needed to go to bed early but we'll never know for sure.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


See (read more)

bagoh20 said...

ISIS is large and organized enough now to provider clear available targets for the type of attacks we excel at without getting involved in direct battle. We should destroy every such target, and double up on the attacks in response to kidnappings. We should continue to whack that mole while we continue to develop cheaper ways of doing it. We should hire private business people and engineers in charge of those developments. Who doesn't want a job figuring out how to wipe out this disgusting human refuse. Pay people for success and you will get it. Use our strengths: innovation, production, technology.

When it comes to will, motivation and discipline, they clearly outclass us. We are trying to fight disciplined warriors with lazy aloof lawyers, and professional liars. That's just stupid, unless we use these posers for actual hand to hand combat, which I would support no matter how many we have to send and regardless of it's effectiveness.

bagoh20 said...

Or we can leave it up to people who can't build a website in 2014.

Unknown said...

What matters is free health care for all and growing the corrupt welfare state so we can all sit and watch Ellen in our floaty chairs.

Christy said...

I called the dithering over the Foley rescue when we missed him by days, and now the Pentagon confirms. Is the Pentagon confirmation a payback for Obama claiming the generals have no plan for ISIL?

Is our intelligence community as clueless as depicted, or is it grossly mis-managed? The Tsarnaev info not followed further, targeted Tea Partiers, Putin's invasion.... Or are they simply not telling Obama what he wants to hear? I genuinely think the man does not believe anything outside the preferred narrative.

AllenS said...

The only thing Obama understands about The Art of War is the drive-by. That's why he has no problem with the use of drones.

Fly/drive by, and shoot 'em up, and then get out of the neighborhood.

He can always say: "It wasn't me."

William said...

Outside of MSNBC, are there any people left on earth who consider Obama's hesitations, equivocations, and lofty platitudes a sign of brilliance? I knew we were doomed when he replaced the Churchill bust with his own private collection of Hello Kitty paraphernalia..

ricpic said...

Remember Egypt? Hussein was gung ho to get rid of Mubarak and give aid, hundreds of millions of OUR dollars, to the Muslim Brotherhood. As soon as the Egyptian military, with the strong support of most Egyptians, ousted the Muslim Brotherhood the U.S. aid stopped. That's Hussein's plan. ALWAYS side with the most radical most bloodthirsty Islamic dreck he can find. His strategy regarding ISIS is not to have a strategy so ISIS can remain unopposed by effective power and WIN.

bagoh20 said...

It appears that many former fanboys and Tiger Beat Obama swooners among Dems and the Press are just now starting to realize he is clueless, feckless, gutless, and less. They are beginning to criticize his policies. Unfortunately these people are the same ones who are wrong on nearly everything long term, so that leads me to suspect that Obama might be on to something no matter what it is. He might just be an idiot savant operating beyond the horizon of our lowly perception.

rcocean said...

Yes, I believe that's David Broder, who despite his thinness was a bigger bag of wind than Jack G.

JAL said...

So you think Obama has read The Art of War?

I don't think so.

But it sure seems like the bad guys have.

Revenant said...

I wish people would stop complaining that we didn't rescue that reporter. He chose to travel to Syria and got killed -- it's all on him.

Dad Bones said...

Bill Clinton said he's luckier than a dog with two dicks. I'd like to think his luck will run out before his term does but I wouldn't bet on it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yes, I believe that's David Broder, who despite his thinness was a bigger bag of wind than Jack G.

I tipped them to the mistake. As of today they still have not fixed it.

The probably have an algorithm picking the photo.