Sunday, August 31, 2014

Marshmallow man finds out he gets into heaven


Rabel said...

Speaking of marshmallows, I just want to throw this out there in the spirit of cooperation.

It might be time for you Yankee fellows, especially those of you in the midwestern north, to reconsider the wisdom of trying to compete against the SEC in football.

Now, God bless y'all for accepting the challenge and giving it the old college try, but it's just not working out. In fact it's getting to be a little embarrassing and that's just no good for anybody.

I'd recommend looking east or west or maybe Canada for suitable competition because, while the South ain't gonna rise again, we do pretty much beat y'all like a red-headed stepchild on the gridiron. Regularly.

Sure, every now and then the blind hog will find his acorn, but what LSU did to the Badgers in the second half last night was not something children should be exposed to. It was just sad.

Bucky's tears taste so, so sweet.

ricpic said...

I wonder what percentage of SEC athaletes graduate...2%?...5%? They're just doing minor league time till a pro team drafts 'em.

Rabel said...

In football it's 69% per the NCAA. That's 6% below the Big 10.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

One of my favorite moments in music is near the end of "Astral Weeks" when Van Morrison is singing "I've got a home on high" and he stretches it out and feels it so we all can feel it too:

Waaaaay ... up ... in . . . heh . . . ehv . . . ehv . . . ehv . . . aaaahn . . .

I can't do it justice, but I thought maybe I'd pass it on.

You know, in the spirit of love, peace and persuasion.

Rabel said...

I see now that I need to work on my shit stirring skills.

john said...

We had a mini Richard Attenborough film festival at our house last week, as a memorial. Saw, for the first time "Séance on a Wet Afternoon", with Kim Stanley. Amazing movie, I couldn't recommend it higher.

For her outstanding performance in this role, we unanimously awarded Ms. Stanley the prestigious Pancho Barnes Club Lifetime Achievement and Membership Award. (As well as for a later movie role in which she played, ahem, Pancho Barnes.)

The Dude said...

I have no idea what you were trying to photograph here, Lem, but I see what you succeeded in getting pictures of - poles and signs.

Learn to look at the picture before you take it - what is the subject, how is it framed, what is in the center of the picture.

Those pictures are absolute crap.