Thursday, August 21, 2014


Sure, IS grabbed a lot of land viciously and successfully, but then what? Sure they grabbed the oil fields, now what? Yes, we see they snatched U.S. military equipment given to Iraq government, and we see what they do with it, then what?


It appears quite the martial success. The thing is, oil fields take engineers to manage or else they go straight to hell. They need upkeep, maintenance, management. Ideologic fierceness does not interpret directly to oilfield management.

Those vehicles need tires and continuous maintenance. Are they up to it?

What happens when the guns run out of bullets? Buy more from France? From Russia? From some place with the wherewithal to provide them? Some place like Iran? Iran couldn't build a nuclear reactor themselves without help from North Koreans. Saudi Arabia couldn't pull oil out of the ground without help from the West. Iran cannot even build a drone without back-engineering a downed American drone. And then proudly produce a goofball drone at that.

Russian consultants report Arabs MIG pilots are the worst. Utterly undisciplined. They just don't have the juice to fly Russian MIGs as Russian pilots train, too much praying required, there is a vast difference between Russian and Arab MIG pilots. Far more distance between maintaining, much more distance building their own planes.

All that stolen equipment requires constant upkeep, that is a huge part of owning it,  and jihadists just flat do not have the training and discipline and wherewithal to keep any of that up. Their so-called religion holds them back.

That is not saying they cannot do untold damage. Obviously they can, but they are like bulls in china shops tearing things apart. And it is possible to tack together a caliphate on tearing things apart, but then in the end there is a caliphate locked in the 6th century middle east and that's it, stuck there forever without outside assistance without any chance for evolution.

I awoke from a strange dream in the middle of explaining this to a group of Washington D.C. youngsters eager to become wrapped up in political affairs, we were moving through dangerous territory. Washington wannabes with no clear idea of their existential enemies. The eager avid young Washington political wannabes underestimated the viciousness of their foes, and their brutal cleverness, while overestimating the endurance-potential of their immediate military fierceness. Yes, they can cleverly build jury-rigged Kalashnikovs but they cannot  build turbine jet plane factories if their lives depended on them, and their lives will depend on them. They couldn't build and maintain rocket security systems if their lives depended and they will depend. They are good at one thing, slicing throats, and that's it. Beyond that they've got only their antique religion and imported psychopaths. That is the enemy. They are insufficiently clever to sustain themselves in an evolving world. Simply put, successful in the short run, they are doomed in the long run.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...
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Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Last night we watched that episode of Star Trek TOS where the mad scientist guy and his hippy cult take control of the Enterprise to go to the planet Eden, which turns out not to be the ideal place to live the good life.

No intimation in it at all (none that I could catch, anyway) that an article of hippy cult faith was that The Lord would provide.

Even if the writers were daring enough to put that in, it would have been scrubbed faster than that unpleasant burning sensation that frequently accompanies biting into a piece of space fruit chock full of battery acid.

The Dude said...

I reach, Herbert.

Of course the "hippie" went on to play many cop roles - kind of like real life, I reckon.

Michael Haz said...

Despite that, they have outsmarted Obama.

Or maybe not, since Obama has willfully left our southern doors open to them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I go to the 711 store on my way home from work almost every day. The guy who works there is maybe 30 and he is unusual because he is young and informed -during his shift, he reads all the newspapers they sell.

Yesterday, unsolicited, as he rang up my purchases, he said "we should just nuke those crazy bastards". I just smiled and nodded my head because his words were exactly what I was thinking.

The Dude said...

Did someone say "nukes"? Obama is here to serve them.

KCFleming said...
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KCFleming said...

Great thoughts, Chip.

Their ancestor's abilities in math and science and architecture must have been from some neglected side branch, long since breeded out, in favor of short term worldview narcissists with impulse control problems.

KCFleming said...

They should move to Ferguson.

Michael Haz said...

They are psychopathic killers. The book they follow has no moral code, and compels them to torture and kill others.

Their leaders are educated, sometimes in the middle east, and sometimes in Europe. And while they may lack the technical skills to maintain military equipment, IS has about a half-billion dollars of stolen money with which to buy services from the Norks, the Russians and the Chinese, all of whom are in-theater if for no other reason than to get their hands on abandoned US military equipment to reverse engineer it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

ISIS is now IS... depending on what the meaning of is is. It is either is or it is not... unless it is a penumbra a wave or something yet to be determined.

sakredkow said...

I remember how anything that had Made in Japan on it in the sixties was just junk to us. Man, that turned around in a hurry.

KCFleming said...

History, phx.
The Japanese have always made stuff. They get better at things over time.

Islam makes nothing that people want to buy.

Name three things the Islamofascists currently make for sale that doesn't rely on Western tech or non-Islam employees, phx.

Unknown said...

We defeated Japan and then helped them re-build. It's what we do in the name of freedom and security.

We haven't changed. We wanted to help re-build Iraq. Obama and Harry "this war is lost" Reid and the radical left, wouldn't let the US do what WE do best.

So, I doubt we will be driving Al Qaeda ISIS Hamas made anything in any near or distant future.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

They are doomed in the long run, but they can kill thousands getting there (millions with the right weapons).

Who would have thought the anarchist who killed the archduke would set off a chain of events that started WWI, but he did.

edutcher said...

To a certain extent, they do not have to be able to build technologically sophisticated weapons. All they have to do is learn to use what we have and exploit our weaknesses. That's what terrorists do.

Think Viet Cong. Think 9/11.

They can do a lot of damage.

Pogo: I never said I was a diplomat said...

Great thoughts, Chip.

Their ancestor's abilities in math and science and architecture must have been from some neglected side branch, long since breeded out, in favor of short term worldview narcissists with impulse control problems.

Most of that math and architecture, they got from their occupation of Inja.

As I say, they only have to learn to use our stuff.

Unknown said...

Their weapon of choice is kidnapping.

The radical Islamists are paid huge ransoms for the release of kidnapped citizens and journalists. New US reaction and standard policy is to play golf.

Unknown said...

It's time to go Hiroshima Nagasaki on their asses.

Unknown said...

I thought we'd start with Madison.

ndspinelli said...

When I am trying to truly understand a person I am investigating I project them back to high school, a seminal point in all our lives. It gives me a focus even if the person is in their 60's. We all can remember the duplicitous asshole that nobody liked or trusted but still always showed up and wanted to hang out.

Meade said...

"I thought we'd start with Madison."

Good thinking. That would eliminate 83,459 of us who voted for Romney in 2012.

Meade said...

No, nick. No one remembers you at all.

Unknown said...

It's not a political decision- It's basic target practice. Show some patriotism, man.

Unknown said...

To stop a war and save lives and end the killing, we must do something big and meaningful. Golf, luxury vacations, tired word salad, & bright smiles for the camera are not it.

Dad Bones said...

I'm wondering if it isn't too soon to be thinking about nuking them, however gratifying it seems. I can picture Russia helping them retaliate by supplying IS/al Qaeda/etc with some backpack nukes, so we'll be too busy to think about messing up their plans in Ukraine.

The Americans who went to Iraq to fight with ISIS could be returning with backpacks and on their way to targets near some of us.

That's the kind of stuff a retired painter thinks of who's inhaled too many fumes. Hope I'm wrong.

Unknown said...

Obama won't even help free a hostage from Cuba.

But the democrat left will travel to Cuba and eat up the official ruling class propaganda about how amazing the Cuban socialized health care system is.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ISIS will destroy itself in the long run, but that does not mean you don't shoot these mad dogs on sight when you get the chance and keep them contained from spreading their vile practices on others.

April Apple, talking about destroying themselves, the dynamic duo in Madison are not worth the time. They have to gear up to hawking their followers buying their Christmas presents through their Amazon portal anyway.

bagoh20 said...

If they nuke us someday, do you think we will respond in kind? If that did happen, I would support the Madison target. That would show the jihadis just what kind of crazy bitches they are dealing with. They wouldn't see it as the fat trimming it would actually be.

Unknown said...

Will we respond in kind?

The powerful Andrew Sullivan left hand-wring and heart-bleed
over a single water-boarded terrorist. So - I bet no.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

And you do not have to nuke (or even bomb whole cities) to attack ISIS. We go back to drones patrolling around Iraq and shooting their military emcampments and convoys. Target their leaders and kill them every opportunity we get. They are bullies and like all bullies they will lose.

We managed to defeat al Qaeda in Mesopotamia during the Bush's presidency by a combination of eavesdropping, on the ground intelligence with locals and targeted attacks with drones and special forces. We are way more limited in Iraq now but we can still do a lot to disrupt ISIS and keep it contained. It is in our interest to do so (beyond the humanitarian benefit to the people of that region).

bagoh20 said...

Of course I kid about Madison. I love them people, bless their hearts.

ricpic said...

Simply arming the Kurds would go a long way to keeping ISIS in check.

What's wrong with the Kurds? To Hussein the fact that they're not muslims.

Meade said...

"We managed to defeat al Qaeda in Mesopotamia during the Bush's presidency "

Did we? Didn't al Qaeda just blend into ISIS and hamas and other islamist terror organizations?

"We go back to drones patrolling around Iraq and shooting their military emcampments and convoys. Target their leaders and kill them every opportunity we get. "

No boots on ground? Hard to disagree with that. But who better was better at leading that approach — Bush or Obama? I'd argue that what we need is 100 years of the Obama approach.

Now, either watch this drive, go shopping, or listen to me finish reading my pet goat.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Good thinking. That would eliminate 83,459 of us who voted for Romney in 2012.

Eggs.....Omelets. Have to break some to get one :-P

Seriously. We could use much more force, devastating force in a target manner to reduce if not eliminate more of the terrorists. Will some innocent people die? Yes. They are dying now. War is messy and people die for no reason. If we can stop the terrorists sooner than later, less people, in the long run might be killed.

We don't use the force necessary or adequate (as the Russian Ambassador said) to stop the evil and we don't, it is because our government isn't really serious about winning. Plus they are a bunch of liberal puking pussies.

Chip Ahoy said...

You've seen the write ups on who the British jihadists are, what their bios look like. They all pretty much fail at making something of their lives in Britain. The same situation that drove immigration from Britain to America, the possibility of making something of oneself, to become a landowner, the possibility of doing that in a big way. Early on that was the attraction. One could end up owning hundreds of acres, and that is quite a pull for somebody stuck on a low rung in society.

This opinion was reinforced last night by seeing "Who Do You Think You Are?" featuring Reba McEntire. Her grandfather X7, I think, immigrated at age nine to become an indentured servant immediately and landowner of several hundred acres at death. His grandson owned thousands of acres and unfortunately also owned ten slaves. But it does illustrate success short and long term by getting out of Britain first.

These jihadists are finding success. Vicious success, but success nonetheless by their own lights. They immigrated to Britain and were failures. Then left Britain to become successful at killing and rampaging. They're full of themselves, but they and their so-called culture are doomed. They sow the seeds of their own destruction, and they sow madly, they can expect insane destruction. Sow the wind like mad, reap the tornados, hurricanes and tsunamis. It's in the Bible!.

Speaking of solid Bible comprehension...

Lydia said...

What's wrong with the Kurds? To Hussein the fact that they're not muslims.

The majority of the Kurds are Sunni Muslim.

Christy said...

This is why, a couple of weeks ago we heard that ISIS was recruiting in India for technicians. See Deborah's post

I remember reading a piece on the problems training Iraqi soldiers back during the Bush years. The trainer handed out maintenance manuals to the class. The Iraqi officers then came along later and collected them back. Our understanding was that information is not shared in the Middle East culture beyond what is absolutely essential, leading to a close holding of all learning.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

NYT etc. has been talking up their statecraft capabilities as a consequence of the jihad state being a low overhead undertaking. Not too much bureaucracy when your sole administrative function is finding heads to saw off. So apparently people are getting paid, for now. The question is how long it will keep up after the oil wells are off-limits.

Also discussed there, was the fact that they get significant funds from extorting coward countries like France and Spain in order to hand over their kidnapped nationals. They were so bold as to request a sum in excess of $100 million for James Foley. So who knows how many tens/hundreds of millions all the ransomed French and Spanish nationals garnered. What a bunch of week-kneed candy-asses. Their entire cabinets should be exiled to Iraq.

ricpic said...

I thought the Kurds were Zoroastrians. Well, even if most are Sunni Muslims there seems to no love lost between them and the other tribes that occupy the fiction called Iraq. All I know is that if the Kurds ever get to establish their own homeland business #1 won't be attacking the big or little satan. In other words they're not our enemy. A great rarity in the middle east. But schmucks like Schmendrick say that "everyone knows" we shouldn't support the Kurds. It's part of the pure and utterly predictable perversity of being a leftist.

Unknown said...

I too was only joking about Madison. Does that mead to be said?
I love Madison and all of its inhabitants. Except for the fake doctor note writers. They suck.

Meade said...

The doctors who wrote fake sick notes were disciplined.