Thursday, August 28, 2014

Somebody fell asleep in the rain and I left the cake out... again


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It rained quite a bit here this morning.

Unknown said...

ah. the cuteness.

It's raining here right now. It has been a relatively cool rainy summer with much needed monsoonal moisture flowing into the region.
Sure would be nice if it would stop by CA on the way.

After a wet bike ride yesterday, the sun came out late and the dark clouds moved to the east. The rainbow was the brightest I've seen. Everyone was taking photos. Not me - forgot me phone. Plus, there was a puppy
in the back of a dark blue Malibu in the king soopers parking lot and the poor thing was crying. Nothing new to hear a dog whimper. this was different. (it was the sweetest German Shepard puppy) I assumed something bad because people suck. I had to make sure some idiot didn't leave the dog in the car all day while he(she) was working. Luckily some young girls emerged from Pho and claimed the pup. ('was she crying? yeah - she does tat - she's just a baby') I rode home in the rain and that rainbow was still going. Wow I wish I had my phone.

Unknown said...

If you're a dog with a cake in the rain, soon you will just be a dog in the rain with an empty dish. Because soggy cake is still delicious.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's not easy watching a four-legged member of your family hit the steep part of the slope at the end.

That's where we're at right now at 12 1/2 human years, liver disease, incontinence, and a kind of cognitive obliviousness to her surroundings.

She sleeps so deeply now that it's easy to imagine her sleeping through a light rain. It's easy to see her aging face in the aging face of that Golden Retriever mix.

She hasn't got long to live and I'll miss her more than words can say. The crying jag's have started already and it's still early.

Sorry to harsh anybody's mellow, but misery loves company.

Amartel said...

Aromatic post: Eau de damp dog
and sweet green icing

Aridog said...

Eric....the dogs and horses that have passed away in my lifetime have all taken a piece of me with them.

Your post was beautiful, and I fully understand.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Thank you.

Synova said...

I call photographic shenanigans on the dog pic. Does a dog really sleep through getting rained on, even if it's not much? Well, maybe I suppose. But I find it unlikely.

Worth the picture though...

deborah said...

Synova, dogs, especially elderly IMO, will sleep in a light, misty drizzle :)

Bat, been there many times. Am there now. My son and I are deciding if we should take one of our dogs, about 15 y.o., through another winter. The Magic 8 Ball says 'ask again later.'

Aridog said...

Synova....the photo is emotionally powerful to any of use who've spent a lifetime with dogs, training them, teaching them, depending on them, at time for our very life. Shenanigans is of no point.

One of my dogs died in my arms essentially doing the opposite of what he'd normally do, stare in to the setting sun,...e.g., why I knew he was about to die and ran outside to grasp him in my arms. He never ever stared at the sun, so I knew his vision was impaired and failing. I held him until he ceased breathing and his heartbeat stopped, yet he did twitch and move after that ( a deja vu experience from long long ago in a faraway land)...and I literally believe I saw a soul leave his body as he lay in my arms. Silly, or real? This was a very tough dog, one who loved all children under 10 like they were his own...yet he could be devastating to an adult he didn't like...which was most adults. He loved children.

Call me crazy, but the love expressed and then lost was without measure. To this day I recall that moment, and the dozens of young children who loved him traipsing in to our yard to lay flowers at his side, lying lifeless where I laid him down, to this day breaks my heart.

Amartel said...

Synova, that pup's at least part golden retriever. He doesn't care about a light rain. That's his spot on the porch and he's not going to move just because it's raining.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) I'm sorry to hear that, deborah. I wish you all well.

Maybe there's something I can say that will help, so I'll presume to tell you something you already know.

I say it to my wife pretty much every time she starts up with another anxiety attack and it's to help me just as much as it is to help her, because I'm prone to losing it myself.

"It's very important right now that we focus on the things we can do to make things better."

That said, sometimes you just have to cry.

(2) Aridog, I got all choked up reading your story. It sounds like you two made a great team.

And no, you're not crazy.

You're human. And a loving person.

And I think that's beautiful.