Saturday, August 30, 2014

"Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?"

"The Yorkshire town where 1,400 girls have been sexually abused by Asian men is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat."

The American theoretical physicist Richard Feynman said "the first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool" coupled with the bible quote "God will not be mocked... a man reaps what he sows." has given me a lot to think about, in the context of this story.

The story of what has happened to hundreds of children in Rotherham is too ugly for words. Yes, uglier than the almighty ugly racism. To just say the twenty-first century people of Rotherham failed the weakest among them, in unforgivable ways, is, in itself, a weak testament to the disappointment an incomprehensible apparent attempt at a higher calling has wrought.
You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
They used to say, in the days when the road of progress was not an autobahn, be careful what you wish for, you may get it.

May God have mercy on their souls... and ours too.


Unknown said...

I note they have turned "Pakistani" into "Asian."

Unknown said...

All but one of the perpetrators were Muslims of Pakistani heritage

No no no. Asian. Must confuse the idiots who barely care anyway and use the word "Asian".

YoungHegelian said...

I have a theory as to why Rotherham will never happen here, and it can be summed up in one word: guns.

If an outlier group such as an immigrant group had tried to perpetrate such an abomination on the girls of another group in the US, some of the outlier group would have ended up dead in short order. If a father discovered his daughter getting molested here as opposed to Britain, the molester would be dead & no jury here would convict him.

Also, here the police have guns. Lots of them. One of the reasons that the police in Rotherham never did anything: fear of a Pakistani mob riot, that they would essentially be powerless to stop. The mob would be better armed than the police. Not so here.

Remember, in many cities in Europe, there are NO GO zones for the police, lots of them. There are no such things in American cities.

edutcher said...

The last 40 years, the Left lied to get open immigration to Britain and then shut down criticism with PC.

Rotherham is one part of the result, another is the high number of Moslems from Britain fighting for IS.

It will happen here, too, if we let it.

YoungHegelian said...
I have a theory as to why Rotherham will never happen here, and it can be summed up in one word: guns.

I wish you were right, but, consider this item regarding where all the illegal children are.

I think it's already started.

YoungHegelian said...


I think those kids have disappeared into the 13 million strong illegal immigrant community, and the administration refuses to provide details because they know it's horribly unpopular with the voters, both locally where they end up & nationally.

Do I think some of those kids may end up abused? Yes, but I don't think they're being brought in for systemic abuse.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I woke up in a great mood this morning. And then somebody sent me a link of the other McCain link to the Instapundit link to this story.

I Retweeted it, but I didn't opened it until later... it kind of put me right back where I was when that journalist head was cut off.

I have to step back because what I want to say is driven all by the emotional tug of what I'm reading. Is so horrific. I had to stop and go back to it later.

You notice it in the phrases of the writer of the story. His weak efforts to convey the horror.

This writer was "fit to be tied" I think the saying goes, and yet you realize he is in such state not only because of what happened, but because there is a good chance little will change.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Remember how a bunch of British rock stars got together and did something for the drought stricken children in Africa over 20 years ago?... I'm thinking aloud... couldn't they get together and do something for these kids in their own country?... or would that run afoul of the pc police somehow?

William said...

The public Muslims will say a few pro forma denunciations, but none of them will do much fretting about the values that allow such scumbags to flourish and thrive. If you want to see outrage in that community, watch what happens if you ban the wearing of scarves in schools.......Ditto with the British civil servants. Try banning free contraceptives for underage girls if you wish to see real outrage........These girls are members of the rapable class. The British left intelligentsia never gave a shit about the working class. For a few years, they romanticized the proletariat, but they never had much liking for working class people. There's all this talk about white privilege, but poor whites are no longer privileged to have victim status.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"who is the racist now"... The writer was probably called a racist... At some point.

William said...

This is a lurid case with lots of prurient details. If these girls were the victims of, say, a biker gang or some skinheads, you can bet that there would be books, movies, tv documentaries, Parliamentary inquiries, and a long, persistent howl throughout the land. But these girls were victimized by the wrong bullies, and their sorrows will not be dramatized in any Helen Mirren Prime Suspect show.......I suppose a few more pimps will be arrested and, perhaps, a couple of civil servants will resign, but that will be the end of it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Playing the racism "reversal" game is not worth the time here.

Muslims are our enemies. They've announced this, many times. Islam is a backward, vile religion.

Evil must be opposed and defeated.

Getting down into the stupid racism BS only gets you stuck forever in quicksand.

It doesn't help.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
Remember how a bunch of British rock stars got together and did something for the drought stricken children in Africa over 20 years ago?... I'm thinking aloud... couldn't they get together and do something for these kids in their own country?... or would that run afoul of the pc police somehow?

Here's Roger Waters of Pink Floyd (and a present enemy of Israel) mocking a perceived rise in fascism in 1989 Britain:

Waiting for the Worms (Waters) 3:56

"Eins, zwei, drei, alle!"

Ooooh, you cannot reach me now
Ooooh, no matter how you try
Goodbye, cruel world, it's over
Walk on by.

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.
In perfect isolation here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.

We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton
Town Hall where we're going to be...

Waiting to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting to clean up the city.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to put on a black shirt.
Waiting to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting to smash in their windows
And kick in their doors.
Waiting for the final solution
To strengthen the strain.
Waiting to follow the worms.
Waiting to turn on the showers
And fire the ovens.
Waiting for the queens and the coons
and the reds and the jews.
Waiting to follow the worms.

Would you like to see Britannia
Rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.
Would you like to send our colored cousins
Home again, my friend?

All you need to do is follow the worms.

The Worms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road {.... ......} {Abbot's Road } {.....} twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter some {.....} by the way

Where is this seasoned voice of reason now? Has the wormed turned a bit for Roger?

chickelit said...

Roger Waters was psychologically damaged by his father's death in WW II. He took it out on his own countrymen.

chickelit said...

Don't get me wrong, I love Pink Floyd's music. But I'm interested in transcending Roger Water's message. Apparently, his band was too, because they fell apart after "The Wall."

Water's message sounds more and more anachronistic with the passage of Time.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

For many, many thousands of years our evolutionary forebears needed a system of social organization to take action to drive the other hominids away from the waterhole.

There were doubtless opinion leaders and opinion followers, even back in those days, a kind of commerce of anxiety.

But I don't think we'll be driving the Pakistanis out of Great Britain anytime soon.

chickelit said...

For many, many thousands of years our evolutionary forebears needed a system of social organization to take action to drive the other hominids away from the waterhole.

So what exactly changed to distinguish us from them?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yeah, Waters has really turned out to be quite the disappointment. I can't bring myself to disregard his music, which disturbs me since his moral outlook on life has become so damn abominating.

Regarding the rest of it, Britain is a basket-case. In the wake of the current kerfuffle with Caliph George Galloway, I noted this alarming discrepancy wrt his ability to fund terrorists, as a British parliamentarian, despite the fact that a fellow "Commonwealth" nation has the sense to ban his entry because of it. Does Britain have no law against funding terrorists? What a disgrace. How backward they are.