Saturday, August 30, 2014

"The Dirt on Your Sponge"

"Tod Maitland, 56, is a sound mixer and 30-year veteran of the film and television business, having worked on more productions than there is room here to list.... Matthew Flannery, 43, a cameraman and photographer, is also an inventor (his first contrivance, he said, was a cordless phone base station “repeater,” or range extender, which he thought up when he was in high school)"

"In the ’90s, the two crossed paths on the set of “Sex and the City.” More than a decade later, they are presenting their first product, a kitchen sponge cleaning device called SpongeBath that is more akin to a plot thread in a “Seinfeld” episode than anything the “Sex and the City” writers would have dreamed up. Scheduled to go on sale at Bed Bath & Beyond in early September, and Amazon later in the month, it was not available to test. But its YouTube video reveals a sleek, toasterish object and asserts that your kitchen sponge, a smelly, disgusting bacteria magnet, is 200,000 times dirtier than your toilet seat." (read more)


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Our local Bed, Bath and Beyond is fully stocked with an impressive selection of men's underarm deodorants, well-maintained, so I'd say that'd be the right place to try to sell this product.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The world is a funny place. I gave my brother a set of jumper cables even though he is in his late 30s.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm gonna buy that gizmo. I hate dirty sponges.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rmember to use our Amazon portal. Thanks

bagoh20 said...

The cleanest sponge is the sponge you never bring home. This rule also applies to people who sometimes emulate sponges in many respects.

bagoh20 said...

Use paper towels and brushes. One you throw away with the dirt, and the other can be cleaned well with a spray of beach or vinegar. Sponges are evil matrices that harbor and protect bacteria like the borg mother ship. They just sit there on the counter laughing at you and pointing at your naked ass.

Rabel said...

Paging chicklit! Paging chicklit!

Web site says they use citric acid and silver as their cleaning solution. Is that this? They're a little evasive about the details.

It might kill you, but at least you'll die healthy.

Paddy O said...

I came from a paper towel and brush family. My wife came from a sponge family.

I'm fairly disgusted by sponges, how they are used, and when they finally get replaced.

Unknown said...

I came from a dish-rag and paper towel family. & that dish rag was washed often.

I sometimes use a scrubber sponge. The moment it hints at gross, it goes toss. Sorry environment.

I use white vinegar in the dishwasher. I use it along with basic white powder dish soap as a additive to keep the inside of the dishwasher clean, aid in sparkly glasses, and end the need for that fakey blue "jet dry" stuff.

Lem- I did use your portal to buy some Vyco. Yummy vyco.

Rabel said...

Eight comments and still no reference to this.

Let's get on the ball people.

Rabel said...

Oh, I see now. Everybody's glued to the NFL website waiting on the Rams roster cut news.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The propitiousness of the sponge has gained a foothold on the language.
Where would be w/o the relative characterization of a good memory with the absorption of a sponge.

So, even knowing how dirty it could get, and it can get ugly dirty, I predict we will continue to have a soft spot for it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"PAPER: Putin has absorbed West's 'consequences'..."

There is no doing away with the sponge... It's loved by women (as Rabel pointed out) and children of all ages.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A tweet I reconsidered not sending instead...

#MichaelSam has been cut... Police in riot gear have started arriving at Stonewall bar in NYC @GayPatriot

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My brother and I came to the conclusion that the NFL probably picked him, knowing he would likely not make it, so as to dissuade the average gay from trying out in the future.

The message from the NFL is... if you are not the gay Jacky Robinson, (by that I mean a top notch quality prospect) don't even try.

Chip Ahoy said...

The sponges with the scrubby patch and the dish rag sit in bleach water all day.

A friend came over to cohost a party. The first thing he did was smell the dishrag. Ha!

I smelled of bleach and proceeded to use it. Apparently it passed the smell test.