Friday, August 29, 2014

Mystery: Who is Senator Gillibrand protecting?

"Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has been called a “honey badger” and “porky” by an array of slobs in the hallowed halls of the House and Senate, but the New York Democrat has laughed off the sexist slights and pushed back at her boorish colleagues."

“Good thing you’re working out, because you wouldn’t want to get porky!” one of her older male colleagues said. Her response: “Thanks, a—hole,” she said in an excerpt from her book.


The Dude said...

Joe "The Groper" Biden.

ndspinelli said...

Is it me or does Mary Landrieux look just like Porky Pig?

The Dude said...

Post a selfie and we will let you know if you look like our favorite stuttering porcine cartoon character.

The Dude said...

Did I misunderstand your question?

YoungHegelian said...

Of course it's a fellow Democrat! Do you think she hangs around with the Republican senators in such close & intimate quarters that they'll just walk up & insult her this way? You gotta be kidding me!

No, the Senators who said these things probably consider her a friend, and they just said the jerky sort of shit that they say to their male buddies all the time. Except she's not one of their male buddies, and she took exception.

Remember when we were little boys & girls, and the boys pulled the pony-tails of the girls that they liked? Some things just don't change for some people.

Amartel said...

She needed a sad #WarOnWomen victim story for her book 'cause that's what being a powerful progressive woman is all about: Selling Permanent World Without End Victimhood.

P.S. "Honeybadger" is sexist?
P.P.S. Calling a same-ranking colleague fat is sexist?
Is the lack of a fainting couch in the Senate Cloak Room sexist?

Leland said...

"Honeybadger" is sexist?

It is when PC means to you politically correct and not popular culture or even personal computer (with ability to search). Then again, perhaps Gillibrand knows she isn't really tenacious, and thus assumes the remark is made by someone who is politically correct. More evidence she is protecting a Democrat.

edutcher said...

Gotta go with Sixty.

After all, Teddy Kennedy's dead.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It would seem that there is a goat named Jixxer who won some kind of a goat race at Sly Fox brewpub.


I think that's a cute name for a goat.

They named a beer after him, in his honor.

I think that's pretty cool.

I hope everyone here at Lem's is happy and healthy and doing well.

ricpic said...

Gillibrand services Schumer. Literally. That's how she got to be Junior Senator from NY. By servicing the Senior Senator. It's an unhealthy relationship (to quote a great line from On The Waterfront).

rcocean said...

She's just lying or protecting a Democrat.

Standard Democrat Operation procedure.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Chuck Shumer?

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, Yo' Momma!!

deborah said...


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I'm guessing Mitt Romney. The sexual force is strong with this one.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Romney is not in the Senate.

Chip Ahoy said...

Know what else is a mystery?

I took a cue from Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential where he describes Adam, a restaurant's bread-making employee. The point of the section was you can always tell when an employee is having trouble. He neglects his duties. Adam called his bread levain "The Bitch" because it is so high maintenance and requires daily attention, movement between rooms upstairs and downstairs and such to control temperature. It's quite large. A big blob in a 35 gallon container. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth with the levain. Oi, such a problem.

Thing is, Adam fed his levain all kind of rotten vegetable crap; overly ripe grapes, mushrooms gone off, various vegetative bits turning, things that would be compost.

Bourdain said Adam made the best bread that he ever tasted.

One of my own sourdough starters is languishing. At room temperature it lumbers along weakly, hardly bubbling at all, not powerful nor fast at all. So I added bits of bruised peaches. The bruised areas taste fine, in fact they taste better than unbruised areas, but once in the starter VOOMP it suddenly foamed to the top of the jar, and the peach disappeared.

And that goes to show you: quit messing around and throw rotten vegetable matter into your sourdough starter. The organisms in there will consume it like that *snap* and will become altogether better for it.

The Dude said...

@Nick - LOL!

Unknown said...

Arm's comment confirms that he is delusional.

'hey Obamacare is amazing - everyone loves it! The top 8 insurance mega-corps are getting rich and everyone has free health care! The quality of health care and access are amazing now! and it's all more affordable! '

You know- like that.

Unknown said...

Probably that scumbag harry Reid. Though, I doubt he has genitals.

The Dude said...

Oh, he has male genitals, it's just that they belong to young boys.

But enough about that.

How about the Lemster gettin' his tweet posted on Insty - way to go Lemmy!

JAL said...

You can bet if he / they were Rs we would all know.

deborah said...

Good point, JAL.