"Things are getting to the point where it's not just sign changing and painting of buildings," said Linda Baumann, a real estate agent who has been on the board for 13 years. "It's a challenge with all these rentals going in."
"Yes, we have a signature look," said Arlene Owens, who has lived in Boca for all of her 68 years.
Although the City Council has the final say on what is ultimately built, the appearance board has a lot of clout. It's unique to Boca, and those who want to build in the city know they have to toe the line the board sets.
"Aesthetics is not something the law deals with very well, because it deals with different perspectives," he said. "What's one man's fantasy is another man's horror."
Boca's nice. My folks had a condo in DelRay Beach, just north of Boca. No reason why more apartments should spoil the look of Boca if they are built with sufficient landscaping around them. But if the builders are going for density and nothing but density the place will be ruined.
Taos has strict building codes having to do with aesthetics, materials, height, colors, style and so forth, and man, does it ever work. The whole place is pure charm. If that's your sort of thing and a thing you can live with if you choose to live or have a place of biz wax there. And why wouldn't you? Especially if it is the unique charm of the place that attracted you to begin with. Otherwise you're just another schmuck interloper imposing your own wanker rights to wank. Go splooge somewhere else. I realize that is a fascist attitude, fascist as all h-e-double bound faggot bundles, but fascists need a place too yaknow.
I find many HOA architectural committees to be the worst sort of aesthetic nazis (sorry to go Godwin so quick, but it is true), but certain towns do have an architectural look that is worth preserving. Nantucket is that way. Same for Boca (granted it is a derivative Bahamas look, but it still somewhat interesting compared to most of Florida). I find it boring that so many suburban towns look the same and with the only difference being the landscaping is controlled by what growing zone you happen to be in.
I like old Venice Florida too.
I agree with Chip about Taos. It is not like you can't find plenty of strip malls and double wides in Albuquerque if you need that sort of "freedom."
There used to be some sort of convention by which William Penn's hat on top of city hall had to be higher than any building within a certain radius.
That's your historical fun fact for the day.
Oh, that was in Philadelphia, I should mention.
Duh - and you remember who the sculptor was who made that bronze, right? And his son and grandson, too?
Mouth of the Rat!
Boca's nice. My folks had a condo in DelRay Beach, just north of Boca. No reason why more apartments should spoil the look of Boca if they are built with sufficient landscaping around them. But if the builders are going for density and nothing but density the place will be ruined.
Taos has strict building codes having to do with aesthetics, materials, height, colors, style and so forth, and man, does it ever work. The whole place is pure charm. If that's your sort of thing and a thing you can live with if you choose to live or have a place of biz wax there. And why wouldn't you? Especially if it is the unique charm of the place that attracted you to begin with. Otherwise you're just another schmuck interloper imposing your own wanker rights to wank. Go splooge somewhere else. I realize that is a fascist attitude, fascist as all h-e-double bound faggot bundles, but fascists need a place too yaknow.
I find many HOA architectural committees to be the worst sort of aesthetic nazis (sorry to go Godwin so quick, but it is true), but certain towns do have an architectural look that is worth preserving. Nantucket is that way. Same for Boca (granted it is a derivative Bahamas look, but it still somewhat interesting compared to most of Florida). I find it boring that so many suburban towns look the same and with the only difference being the landscaping is controlled by what growing zone you happen to be in.
I like old Venice Florida too.
I agree with Chip about Taos. It is not like you can't find plenty of strip malls and double wides in Albuquerque if you need that sort of "freedom."
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