Thursday, April 10, 2014

Video: Shoe Thrown at Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas


"A fictional depiction of the shoe thrown at President Bush during a press conference in Iraq in 2008. Photograph taken at the Museum in TriBeCa, New York City." (Wikipedia)


chickelit said...

She didn't "dodge" the shoe -- the shoe's flight path missed her. She reacted after the fact.

Compare this with George W. Bush's skillful dodge.

The rule of Lemnity said...


Synova said...

Throwing anything at a speaker is not okay.

If it's Bush or Clinton or Coulter.

Not cool.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I may be getting ahead of myself here, but, that shoe should be preserved and not destroyed the way the shoe thrown at Bush was destroyed.

Why show a replica when the original thing could be that much more instructive and enlightening as a historical artifact.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm guessing the action may have been compelled by Benghazi animus.

bagoh20 said...

That shoe had fire on it. Clearly not a Barack Mom Jeans slider. I'm glad it didn't hit her. She would earn a walk, and she already gets enough of those as it is.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You know something else struck me while comparing the Bush shoe dodging video and the Hillary video.

The shoe thrower in the Bush video was a man. While the shoe wild hurdler on the Hillary video appears to be a woman.

The man was a lot closer to hitting his target while the woman was not even close.

There appears to a shoe missile accuracy gap.

I know this is just a very small sample. But maybe president Obama should appoint a blue ribbon panel to take a look at it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I agree with Bags. Hillary has gotten enough free passes.

john said...

Hillary: steady under fire.

I want this in my president.

edutcher said...

One presumes all the propaganda has yet to work.

Lem said...

I'm guessing the action may have been compelled by Benghazi animus.

Charles Krauthammer notwithstanding, it would appear the idea the Os have "run out the clock on Benghazi" may be a bit premature.

Yet again.

The rule of Lemnity said...

jon gabriel ‏@exjon · 11m

Hillary dodges sniper fire in Bosnia.

rcocean said...

I just want to say that if its Clinton Vs. Bush again in 2016, I'm voting 3rd party.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You aren't going to wait for the other shoe to drop?

Unknown said...

Hillary Clinton Cancels Appearance Where Benghazi Victim's Mom, Protestors Await

She's ready to lead us just so long as she doesn't have to face responsibility.

Shouting Thomas said...

I hope the shoe was not Doc Martens.

That would mean that Hillary is losing the lezzie vote.

AllenS said...

The shoe could of had dog poop on the bottom of it. Did you ever think of that?

Darcy said...

I hadn't thought of that, Allen! lol The thrower could have put a little "mustard" on it.

AllenS said...

Have you ever watched girls fast pitch softball? If one of the girl pitchers throws something at you, you're screwed.

KCFleming said...

Maybe it wasn't a protest.

Maybe she threw sexy shoes,stilettos perhaps?, like women used to throw their panties at Tom Jones.

Has anyone seen Huma Abedin lately?

Titus said...

She's gained weight big time.

Methadras said...

This is why women suck at some sports. No accuracy. Throwing a shoe requires the understanding of the aerodynamics of the shoe. Once you know what those are, then getting it to hit the target becomes easier, but hey, you are a girl so you will most likely throw like one. We all know what that looks like.

Calypso Facto said...

She finally got to dodge that sniper fire she "misspoke" about in Bosnia ...

KCFleming said...

"We all know what that looks like."

Let Barry demonstrate the technique.

AllenS said...

It was probably a tennis shoe, or something like that. I have steel-toed work shoes. If you get hit by one of them, it'll be like wammo!

KCFleming said...

I had a box full of shoes fall on me once, from on a shelf in a closet.

Didn't dodge a one.

And then after it was done, one straggler conked me on the noggin, just like the cartoons.

KCFleming said...

Ow ow ow ow ow ow owowow.


KCFleming said...

It was like I was in Bosnia or something.

But a closet instead of war.

And shoes instead of bullets.

So, really, not like Bosnia at all.

KCFleming said...

But i still live in fear of large boxes full of shoes.

Darcy said...

I laughed out loud, Pogo. :)

KCFleming said...

And large librarians named Phyllis.

But that's another story.

AllenS said...

I hope I don't have nightmares, Pogo.

KCFleming said...

Hah! Now my day is splendid.

KCFleming said...

Thank God it wasn't a box full of large librarians named Phyllis.

Calypso Facto said...

Or Phylis the large librarian's box. Coulda been really scary.

deborah said...

"I laughed out loud, Pogo. :)"

So did I :)

deborah said...

If it hit her square in the face, she'd be a hero. She's polling very well against Republicans and Dems.

But she sounded squawky right after..."Was that a bat? Was that a bat?" She should have asked, "What the fuck was that?"

Amartel said...

I was interested in the vagueness of the Wikipedia description of the "fictional depiction of the shoe thrown at President Bush during press conference in Iraq in 2008." Why do we need a "fictional" depiction of the shoe? Why wouldn't a photo of the shoe in flight do the trick? Why is it important to see a depiction of the shoe? Does that fictional shoe actually look like the shoe that was thrown? If so, that's a big heavy projectile. Is it big and heavy because that's what lefties like to imagine being heaved at Bush?

So, for anyone else who thought that was weird, here's a link to "the Museum in Tribeca" with the Bush-thrown shoe.

<a href="http://>BushShoeMuseum</a>

Calypso Facto said...

Getting a shoe thrown at you in a barbaric foreign country like Iraq whose ass you just kicked in a war: understandable and slightly humorous.

Getting a shoe thrown at you in your own 1st world country in the home state of the Democratic Senate majority leader from a supposedly adoring crowd: embarrassing as Hell!

Amartel said...

Getting a shoe thrown at you while trolling for "campaign" contributions during your address to the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries at the Mandelay Bay Resort in Las Vegas:

Titus said...

You know she is scheming now, thinking, you know what would poll well?

Someone hammering me with a shit kicker that had the words "bitch, iron my shirt".

The scene has already been designed and performed flawlessly.

She will roll it out in October 2016.