Sunday, May 8, 2016

"Kerry slams Trump's wall, tells grads to prepare for 'borderless world'"

Secretary of State John Kerry took a shot at Donald Trump during his Friday commencement speech at Northeastern University, by saying no wall is big enough to keep dangerous terrorists out of the United States.

"Many of you were in elementary school when you learned the toughest lesson of all on 9/11," he said. "There are no walls big enough to stop people from anywhere, tens of thousands of miles away, who are determined to take their own lives while they target others."

"So I think that everything that we've lived and learn tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from sound-bite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward," Kerry added. "And hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt."

Kerry didn't mention Trump by name, but Trump has repeatedly called for a wall on the southern U.S. border, and many Democrats, and some Republicans, have taken to calling him a carnival barker.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How will that border-less world shelter the Kerry-Heinz Family fortune from their fair share of taxes?

Will Kerry be able to park his yacht across the state border to save on taxation? What about all those tax shelters - hidden behind borders... ?


The Dude said...

Can we all move into his house? What's that? He has a wall around it, and security! How dare he!

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

This is the oddest ISIS strategery yet.

ndspinelli said...

He was singing Imagine in his head.

chickelit said...

A man's hassle is his comb makes a man's castle his home.

We need to take the effort to weed out the truly bad from the good. We did this in the past.

edutcher said...

Lurch has that image of a borderless world seared, seared, into his mind.

Fact is, people are building walls all over the world to keep out people Lurch sends their way.

ndspinelli said...

Trump is using Clinton triangulation. Ghetto black people are the most resentful in this country. They have seen waves of immigrant minorities pass them on the road to success. Black people despise the Middle Eastern, Asian, Latino, entrepreneurs who have accumulated some wealth in the cities. Black people own very little in their communities. The aforementioned immigrants do. Latinos, particularly Mexicans, are the most recent group to pass them by. As I've said, Trump will peel off some black votes. He ain't saying shit about the problems they create in our culture. He has wrongly convicted[LOL!] Mike Tyson endorsing him. Illegal immigration is a drain on our culture. It must be dealt w/. It would not be discussed if not for Trump. The ghetto black culture is exponentially worse. Crickets. Hey, his job is to defeat Hillary. This is smart. But, you have to know what he's doing. Wait, never mind. WALL WALL WALL!!

chickelit said...

Kerry's attitude can be stated succinctly as:

You want representation? Then pay for it dammit! I'm representing the people who need these people. We need these borders to come down now!

edutcher said...

Eyes on the prize.

PS Good one, nd.

ricpic said...

It's the Tower of Babel all over again. That's what "the image of a borderless world" boils down to. The "ideal" is a mad obsession. But why the obsession? It happens over and over again in human history that the so-called best and brightest are driven to erase all differences. So that what? So that all can be blended into an undifferentiated mass. A controllable mass. It's stupid. It's blindingly stupid and yet yet it keeps recurring, this mad power dream of...sadists.

Methadras said...

This is the agenda of the RMPC's. How much more could it be revealed. It's like conspiracy kooks who talk about 9/11 being an inside job, to which I've told them on numerous occasions, "Yeah, and so what if it was?" then they look at me dumbfounded like they just popped out of their hapless mothers wombs into a new world. That kind of dumbfounded. There could literally be a video showing GW and Cheney showing the entire plans and probably in crayon with stick figure men, stick figure buildings and stick figure planes going into a stick figure WTC and them admitting that it is the greatest plan ever and there isn't a god damn thing you or me or any one of those kooks can do anything about it.

Kerry is giving you the game plan. This is what the RMPC's want. They want a borderless world so that the indigent poor can invade the affluent west in their sick and twisted ideas that equalization will occur. You know why? Because they know that poverty is a contagious disease and if that poverty can contaminate whole swaths and whole segments of affluent populations, then you will see one of two things. The first is that the affluent will leave the area they are affluent in. This is great for the RMPC's because now they can annex territory without firing a shot. Just create legislation making it illegal to dissuade or even poo-poo the poor moving into your hood. The second is that the affluent try to believe they can change the poor by showering them with money or at the minimum tolerating their presence and in doing so will leave them alone and if they don't they go to their legislators with vast sums of cash to take care of the problem. Win win for the RMPC's.

Like Spinelli said, black ghetto culture is probably the worst. Blacks have had every opportunity to make themselves better and they don't. Why? legal and illegal immigrants that can't even rub two nickels together somehow seem to find opportunities in the maze of the regulatory quagmire of business and end up becoming successful to some degree and are not impoverished, but blacks in general, don't. They just sit back on their lazy asses talking about how whitey cracka keeps them down. No you fucking goblin, you keep yourself down by being perpetually stupid and making bad decisions on a minute by minute basis. That is your shackle. Not government. You are your own worst enemy. Illegal immigration is just as bad a drain on our economy because they too are some of the most uneducated that infiltrate this country and we have to support them. We have to pay the tab for their mistakes. Not just them, but the poor in general. We have to pick up the slack for their perpetually bad choices and errors. From crime to education to welfare to even their meager amounts of deportation. Every bad choice these people make we have to foot the bill for.

So when Kerry says, hey, prepare for a borderless world, he is basically telling you, hey you are fucked and there isn't a god damned thing you can do about it. We will take your money via taxes or jail you, comply or be jailed. We will equalize everything you have to those that don't then everyone can be equally miserable and we'll be there with our centrally controlled new government apparatus to 'fix' the problems for you while we live high on your hog peasant. See ya.

They are laughing in your fucking faces and admit it openly now how they are going to fuck you. And we just sit around flicking our dicks wondering how we are going to pay our bills instead of putting a bullet in this cocksuckers head and shutting him up once and for all. These people have for decades paraded and peacocked their way into power and now one stops them. Now look at them and what they are doing. This is our fault.

ampersand said...

He should have given his speech in Esperanto.

ndspinelli said...

meth, Great rant! As you know, San Diego has the lowest crime rate of the 10 largest cities. The demographics tell the story. The city is still predominantly white. Unfortunately, that will probably not be the case in our children or grandchildren's lifetime. The largest minority is Latino, almost 30%. San Diego has a quite small black population for big cities, just a little over 6%. There are almost more Asians[5%] than blacks. Now, I wonder if our low crime rate here has any connection to those demographics? In 2014 there were 32 homicides in San Diego. There are that many on a summer weekend in Obama's hometown.

edutcher said...

Methadras said...

Like Spinelli said, black ghetto culture is probably the worst. Blacks have had every opportunity to make themselves better and they don't. Why? legal and illegal immigrants that can't even rub two nickels together somehow seem to find opportunities in the maze of the regulatory quagmire of business and end up becoming successful to some degree and are not impoverished, but blacks in general, don't. They just sit back on their lazy asses talking about how whitey cracka keeps them down. No you fucking goblin, you keep yourself down by being perpetually stupid and making bad decisions on a minute by minute basis. That is your shackle. Not government. You are your own worst enemy. Illegal immigration is just as bad a drain on our economy because they too are some of the most uneducated that infiltrate this country and we have to support them. We have to pay the tab for their mistakes. Not just them, but the poor in general. We have to pick up the slack for their perpetually bad choices and errors. From crime to education to welfare to even their meager amounts of deportation. Every bad choice these people make we have to foot the bill for.

don't know how old you are, Meth, but the Civil rights fight was won at the same time as LBJ instituted the Great society. The Demos had a lot of black preachers start the grievance and entitlement business, along with the media and the rise of union teachers (the last half of the 60s - which some think was so cool - was the beginning of it all).

They've done everything they could to stifle black capitalism and education and pushed the thug (ie, rap, hip hop) culture as what blacks should want. Now you have young black males the leading cause of death of young black males and more black babies aborted than born.

So when Kerry says, hey, prepare for a borderless world, he is basically telling you, hey you are fucked and there isn't a god damned thing you can do about it. We will take your money via taxes or jail you, comply or be jailed. We will equalize everything you have to those that don't then everyone can be equally miserable and we'll be there with our centrally controlled new government apparatus to 'fix' the problems for you while we live high on your hog peasant. See ya.

That's what they thought in France 230 years ago. When it came, the revolution was not nice.

And the cool part is Trump doing to the Lefties what Lenin said would happen to us, When the time comes to hang the (Leftists), it is they who will have sold us the rope.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

In a scale of one to ten, this election's lesser of two evils is... eleven.


edutcher said...

You're not paying attention.

It's between an American and a Leftist. No two evils.

rcocean said...

Trump doesn't talk about 'Ghetto blacks' because the problem is insolvable. Or maybe someone has a "solution" that I don't know about.

Any significant change will only occur when blacks themselves decide to change. It won't come from the outside.

Meanwhile, any problem with immigration is - by comparison - fairly easy to solve. Simply stop the bodies from coming to the USA.

edutcher said...

rc, your point is well-taken, but I think blacks have begun to realize that.

We've had a mulatto PUS for 8 years and blacks are worse off than anyone else.

Trooper York said...

Race is an issue that can not be spoken about in the open. The last person who did so was John Derbyshire. He famously published an article about the talk he would give his son. In response to the fact that black parents famously have a talk with their children about dealing with the police. This caused a shit storm of epic proportion. It is interesting to note that the same exact people who are leading the #NeverTrump parade were the ones who had him fired from the National Review and drummed him out of the conservative movement.

Now if you read his talk it is blunt, realistic and reasonable. All attributes that are deemed racist these days. So for someone like Trump to address this issue is madness. He will pick up more then enough black support because of his friendships and attitudes towards black celebrities. There will be quite a few of them who will be on the stage with him. Some with street cred like Mike Tyson and P Diddy. Others with entertainment backgrounds. Even weirdo's like Latoya. They all know and like Trump. He will at the very least triple the amount of black votes that Romney got. Especially among men. But there is nothing to be gained to speaking honestly about race.

The Dude said...

So, three votes total?

AllenS said...

Kerry, he isn't one of us, is he?

ndspinelli said...

rc, It certainly does seem the inner city black culture is intractable. You have several generations of people w/ no work ethic. You have an outside marriage births approaching 80%. I had asked here previously why Trump was pounding Mexicans and silent on blacks. I got no answer. The comment earlier that you're called racist if you do call out black people is a great example of noncritical thinking. Has Trump shown to be afraid of offending ANYONE? Has he shown one iota of a problem being called racist, sexist, go down the line. I mean one of the few things I like about the buffoon is his non PC, it's real. Assessing people is my business. I have said here and elsewhere I often learn more by what people DON'T say than by what they do. So much of what people say now days, including here, is spin, embellishment, propaganda and outright lies. But, silence jumps out if you know how to listen.

NO other Republican candidate has the balls to say a peep about the depraved inner city culture. One of the reasons is as you say rc, WTF do we do? But, Trump is the anti-Republican, the anti-politician. He's not afraid to spout off on all types of topics w/ vague generalities on how he'll fix anything from immigration to trade to taco salads. Blacks hate whites, Hispanics, Jews, Asians and Muslims, pretty much in that order. Trump knows this. Black boxers truly despise Hispanic boxers. Trump was in that sordid biz. So, you blow that dog whistle about those dirty Mexicans. Whites hear it for reasons, blacks hear it for different reasons. But, they both respond. The press doesn't pick up on this because they're FUCKING stupid. I surmise they might soon wake up when they start seeing polling showing Trump doing well w/ blacks. Now, they might just chalk it up to the fact that blacks watch A LOT of TV. It's on in 'hood houses day and night, and LOUDLY. When I would go into houses as a juvenile probation officer the first thing I would do was just walk straight up to the TV, before sitting[actually in some houses it was prudent to stand or go out to the porch] and turn down the volume.

This has all the earmarks of shrewd triangulation. Trump is obtusely saying to resentful blacks, "I got your back niggers, I'm cracking down on these fucking spics."

ndspinelli said...

Allen, Remember that wind surfing photo? No, he's not one of us.

AllenS said...

Nick, how about this picture --

Mr. Idiot

ndspinelli said...

LOL!! I forgot about that one.

ndspinelli said...

rc, I'm just analyzing this guy. That's what I do. I don't think Trump is racist either. I cannot prove or disprove my hypothesis. But, this will play out over the next 6 months. If the Clinton people think what I surmise, they will bait him on black issues. The more his polls go up w/ blacks, the more the heat. They will also triangulate, manipulate, lie. This is the postseason and our guy needs to be ready. He ain't gonna be going up against ham n' eggers. I DESPISE the Clinton's. But only a fool would underestimate them. I could be flat ass wrong. And if so, I'll admit it. If this is what he's doing, I think it's smart. However, good chance we'll never know. You just look for clues, pieces to the puzzle.