Wednesday, April 20, 2016

To beat Hillary Trump channels Obama

Link to Trobama source


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Did you know that Trump(D) criticized Governor Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes on Wisconsinites? Yeah - he did that. Trump likes to use the left's standard issue criticisms against the evil and dreaded_______ .(fill in the blank with standard issue poo fling)

Trooper York said...

April you should check out Legal Insurrection. You will find a bunch of like minded people there. Very pleasant bunch I must say. Real Ted Cruz fans. The arguments are quite persuasive in a certain kind of way.

bagoh20 said...

The perennial fantasy of pussies everywhere:

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm not so much a Cruzzer, as I am a realist when it comes to Trump.

Are you actually glad he hurls criticisms from the left?

I'm waiting for something substantial about Trump to help inform me about him other than - he's our douche-bag, and the wall. or mindless cheering about his latest poo-fight.

edutcher said...

The only one flinging anything is you, April.

WRT Walker, what Trump said, "Ariel Cohen Donald Trump on Tuesday accused Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker of ruining his state's economy because he was afraid to raise taxes. "You had a $2.2 billion deficit and the schools were going begging, everything was going begging because he didn't want to raise taxes because he wanted to run for president so instead of raising taxes he cut back on schools, cut back on highways, cut back on a lot of things".

(emphasis mine)

Make up your own mind.

Be aware this is the big line of attack on the Cruzist media. Google trump walker taxes and see all the hits:
The Guardian
Newsmax Media
The American Spectator
Hot Air

As the man says, consider the source.

I'm not so much a Cruzzer, as I am a realist when it comes to Trump.

Oh, of course, you are, dear. And before that, you were for Rubio. You love the Mambo Kings. They're sooo establishmente.

And the fight is all yours.

It sucks to lose.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"You had a $2.2 billion deficit and the schools were going begging, everything was going begging because he didn't want to raise taxes because he wanted to run for president so instead of raising taxes he cut back on schools, cut back on highways, cut back on a lot of things".

-Donny Trump (D)

That criticism, which is not accurate, could just as easily come out of the mouth of Obama, Hillary or Chuck Schumer.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"You had a $2.2 billion deficit and the schools were going begging, everything was going begging because he didn't want to raise taxes because he wanted to run for president so instead of raising taxes he cut back on schools, cut back on highways, cut back on a lot of things".

-Donny Trump (D)

Latest Wisconsin budget numbers dispel left’s ‘deficit’ narrative

The liar left's false narrative is the same as Lyin' Donny.


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"You had a $2.2 billion deficit and the schools were going begging, everything was going begging because he didn't want to raise taxes because he wanted to run for president so instead of raising taxes he cut back on schools, cut back on highways, cut back on a lot of things".

-Donny Trump (D)

That could be Matt Damon talking. Cool.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It warms my heart that winner Donny is for Big-Government.

edutcher said...

Try again.

Trump charges Walker with neglecting the state for politics. Kasich did raise taxes, to the tune of a lot of grumbling, but he did fix the mess in OH.

Who's more responsible as a governor?

The whole thing was a mess, but, depending on whom you want to believe, Walker's adventures in Budget Land garnered mixed reviews.

But let's take a look at April's latest Latin lover.

Teddy is in FL, trying to convince the RNC to make some more of those rules that help him cheat.

And the headline - Ted Cruz Seeks to Mend Fences with Republican Elites.

Oooohhhh, what happened to that gay caballero? That outsider, that One True Conservative Shining on a Hill?

Amartel said...

Orangebama throws mud at successful conservative Republican governor
who endorsed Cruz. That's the key part, there. Walker didn't toe the orange line. Not like lapdog Chris Christie who now has the privilege of standing behind Orangebama at press events, with nervous rictus smile. Even Rudy seemed a little hesitant about his endorsement. “There’s no question I believe he is the best candidate. “And if people want to interpret that as an endorsement, it is, but it doesn’t require any obligation on my part to have to defend every single thing they do.” Lawyerly.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ed is for big government and high taxes and lies. ed agrees with the left's criticisms of Scott Walker. Got it.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Orangebama - lol. I'm stealing that.

Amartel said...

Orangebama Superfan Echochamber Supercutothechase so you don't have to: LyingayRINOneTrueConservativeCheatingonahillStoleMyNYValuesVoTED.
You're welcome.

edutcher said...

More Cruzzer bull.

A couple more takes on the Walker deficit story.

From the WaPo and

Spare us the party line and the lies. Teddy is sinking by the bow and Trump at least shows some responsibility.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's Trump own quote.

Now Trump's quote are "Cruzzer" Bull? oh - brilliant ed.

"You had a $2.2 billion deficit and the schools were going begging, everything was going begging because he didn't want to raise taxes because he wanted to run for president so instead of raising taxes he cut back on schools, cut back on highways, cut back on a lot of things".

-Donny Trump (D)

Nancy Pelosi could have said that. Russ Feingold, too.

Amartel said...

WaPo Analysis: Unexpectedly Suddenly Reliable! Other Liberal Watchdogs Posing as Media, Too!
In other news: SNL is Totally Hilarious, Suddenly and Unexpectedly!

edutcher said...

Never said it wasn't.

You're trying to make a political attack into a statement of policy. I can see why, however, the Cruzzer media wants to change the subject.

Let's see what brilliant thing the One True Ted said, "America has always been best when she is lying down with her back on the mat".

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Politifact says Trump's statement is "Mostly false."

Amartel said...

What party line and lie does ed spout today? Depends on what hole Trump is currently digging himself out of.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"Our rating"

"Mixing apples and oranges, Trump said that under Walker, Wisconsin "projected a $1 billion (budget) surplus and it turns out to be a deficit of $2.2 billion."
A shortfall was never a deficit -- and some of the surplus was consciously spent by Republicans, as tax cuts.

For a statement that contains only an element of truth and ignores critical facts that would give a different impression, our rating is Mostly False.

and politifact is on the left.

Trooper York said...

Rudy is saying what I have said all along. Donald Trump is far from perfect. He is an imperfect vessel. But he is an agent for change. Fundamental change. He is not beholden to the usual power brokers who finance the rest of the candidates. He has a chance to make some changes. He is unpredictable.

Ted Cruz is none of those things. He can not get agreement even within his own party. He tried to lead. Nobody would follow. Even people who should be his most ardent supports like Jeff Sessions and Sarah Palin went for Trump.

I would be happy to put Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court. That is where he belongs. Fighting the good fight. Where he doesn't have to deal with people.

Amartel said...

Need to take a cheap shot at an inconvenient Republican governor?
WAPO to the rescue.

Trooper York said...

I noticed what Cruz said. What the hell was that about.

"America is best when it is flat on it's back with it's legs spread!"

That boils down the election right there.

Ted wants America in the Missionary position.

Trump wants America on top.

See it all goes back to sex.

It always does.

Amartel said...

Call 1-800-Obamahelpme and get the free community organizing handbook for the low low price of $2,500.00. Trump's imperfect vessel filled with nuclear waste and raw sewage and he keeps driving it up on sandbars. But ya love the big lug and feel more comfortable with his everyman approach. That, I get. The one persuasive thing about Trump. This leap of faith you call an argument, OTOH, Ted has no friends at work but Trump is an agent for fundamental change, is not persuasive ... at least not as a pro-Trump argument. Obama was also for change and it's not working out as forecast in his campaign publicity. Also not persuasive are any of the other pro-Trump arguments i've heard so far, including but not limited to (1) NY Values are SACRED, (2) Megyn Kelly is a huge bitch for asking a debate question, (3) white tribe's turn at the table, (4) class election, (5) delegates are there for decoration, (6) he's "our" douchebag. It's all wish fulfillment.

Unknown said...

Anything not pro trump is junk.

Anonymous said...

Trump only got 525,000 votes in New York. How's he going to win New York over Clinton who got slightly over a million votes? Trump will lose big, Ed and Trooper will cry big tears.

ndspinelli said...

LOL! I hope our Trump butt boy doesn't have a stroke.

Methadras said...

AprilApple said...

Did you know that Trump(D) criticized Governor Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes on Wisconsinites? Yeah - he did that. Trump likes to use the left's standard issue criticisms against the evil and dreaded_______ .(fill in the blank with standard issue poo fling)

So i guess he won't be calling him for a VP nod?

ndspinelli said...

LOL. I see Herr Goebbels has made some frantic anti-Cruz post. Nothing even close to this telling montage. Trump is a just like Nelson Rockefeller. Cruz is just like Nixon.

edutcher said...

I love it.

Youse two want to take any line at random, but you can't stand up to a rebuttal. Hint: find something that refutes my sources.

Especially when it's only purpose is to misdirect from Teddy's Habanero-flavored foot in his mouth.

Giovanna said...

Trump only got 525,000 votes in New York. How's he going to win New York over Clinton who got slightly over a million votes? Trump will lose big, Ed and Trooper will cry big tears.

Closed primary, more Demos registered than Rs, so all the Reagan Democrats have to wait until November (notice how they were complaining no R ballots in Harlem?), but, as Troop likes to note, the open environment is where The Donald shines.

PS I think that guy who got deleted is back.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

LOL. I see Herr Goebbels has made some frantic anti-Cruz post. Nothing even close to this telling montage. Trump is a just like Nelson Rockefeller

When did Rocky ever make a dime on his own?

ndspinelli said...

This Trump hard on by Herr Goebbels is not so much about politics or Trump. It's about HIM. He sees a very good post by Lem getting some traffic so he needs to throw his propaganda shit up quickly. This is a good thread. Why can't we just hash it out here? Because it's not the NYC bighshot's thread, that's why.

ndspinelli said...

Kudos to Lem for finding and posting this devastating montage.

Trooper York said...

For the genius who is talking about total votes please note that New York has a closed primary. I personally know many Democrats who wanted to vote for Trump but could not in the primary because they are registered as Independents or Democrats. So the number of total votes are as meaningless as Ted Cruz's wedding vows.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Politifact says Trump's statement is "Mostly false."

Let's define mostly, shall we?

Amartel said...

What party line and lie does ed spout today? Depends on what hole Trump is currently digging himself out of.

The only one digging out is the Anointed One, from a 15% finish and from, "America is best when it is flat on it's back with it's legs spread!".

Yeah, I can see why the Cruzzer media freaked out.

Notice, por favor, nobody else even cares.

Trooper York said...

Boy you really like to read into things that aren't there. I put up a couple of posts because I finally had time to do it. Not to step on Lem's post. I am enjoying Trumps big win. I just have to laugh at Ted's idiocy and want to have some fun with it. You know fun. Something you never bring to a post.

Hash it out here by all means. Whose stopping you? Why to you want to dictate what happens in these threads? What's with the Nazi stuff all the time?

Plus I have webbed toes but not a club foot. If I have to be a Nazi I want to be Herman Goering. He's a fat fuck who loved his chocolate cake and beer. Get it right pally.

Trooper York said...

Most of the hispters here in Brooklyn are freaking out because they wanted to vote for Bernie and De Blasio voided the rolls and knocked them out so they couldn't vote. They are pissed big time.

I must have heard about twenty people complain about it today.

edutcher said...

What was it, 125,000?

My God, they must be dragging the East River.

PS Der Reichsmarschall also loved big blondes and role play.

Kinda like Ted.

ndspinelli said...

I don't dictate. Where did I dictate? I merely observe and comment. You disagree w/ my comment. So be it.

ndspinelli said...

I do see many of Bernie's supporters sitting out the general election. I don't see any of Cruz or Trump voters sitting it out. That bodes well for the Republican nominee as long as it is Trump or Cruz.

chickelit said...

Blogger Giovanna said...Trump only got 525,000 votes in New York. How's he going to win New York over Clinton who got slightly over a million votes? Trump will lose big, Ed and Trooper will cry big tears.

What a startlingly Titus-like comment (see last night's Althouse post) for a first comment, Giovanni. It figures you went all eye-talian for a new sock puppet moniker as well.

chickelit said...

Why to you want to dictate what happens in these threads? What's with the Nazi stuff all the time?

I think Nick just wants to play big dog here like he tries to over at Turley's.

Remember a year or so ago when he was over here disparaging Lem's and practically begging people to go over to Turley's? The sabotage was downright Meadean.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha, so true Chickie.

Chip Ahoy said...

Webbed toes would be very helpful with swimming.

You could flatten your arms against your body held straight and spread your toes for flippers and shoot through the water like a rocket.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Doesn't matter if Trump's party-lines are democrat party lines. Ed will trash anyone who stands in the way of OrangeObama

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

via HOtair:
Exit quotation from Ben Shapiro, summing up last night’s outcome for anti-Trumpers everywhere: “The Smartest, Toughest People In The World™ voted overwhelmingly for a loudmouth braggart liar con man who whines about how mean Ted Cruz is to New Yorkers for suggesting they are leftists who vote for loudmouth braggart liar con men.”

Trooper York said...

The post was kind of needlessly divisive. It was just meant to torment dissent among the people who blog here. Exactly what the other guy would do. Has done. A page out of his playbook.

We all know that Lem is a kind and generous leader. He never questions what the contributors post. Mostly because he doesn't have much English. But still give the guy some credit!

Trooper York said...

Hey I hope Ben Shapiro at least got a hand job for losing his job for defending that lying skank.

I wouldn't quote old Ben about antthing to do with Trump. You need to consider the source.

ndspinelli said...

Small people look upon expanding their horizons as an "either or." It's girly, political horseshit. I NEVER left this place. I NEVER said anyone should leave this place. Many people offer suggestions on other venues. That's all I've done. Some have enjoyed going there, others haven't. It's no skin off my fat ass. C'est la vie. To each their own.

deborah said...


Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

I don't dictate. Where did I dictate? I merely observe and comment. You disagree w/ my comment. So be it.

Thank God you don't dictate spinelli. No one likes the hair in the back of their throat. Well, unless your Titus or the Wino Fetcher.

ndspinelli said...

So, Herr Goebbels, is annoyed. He doesn't like being called for what he is, a blatant propagandist w/ some ego issues. You are a propagandist by any metric. But, OK. You don't like being called Goebbels. You see, most all the propagandists are lefty, like Michael Moore, Oliver Stone, etc. I knew you wouldn't like that analogy and rightfully so. Let's see what moniker we might be able to agree on. Of course, your reply will be, "I'm not a propagandist." All evidence to the contrary. But, I'll give it a shot. Lay one on me.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Doesn't matter if Trump's party-lines are democrat party lines. Ed will trash anyone who stands in the way of OrangeObama

I just rebut.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of Hell's Kitchen.

Trooper York said...

Goebbells is fine with me. It is just silly.

I just don't think it is cool to try and start trouble between Lem and me. That's a dick move that our friend pulls all the time.

Plus people didn't stalk you. They went there at your request and found it distasteful.

Get over yourself buddy you ain't Bethenney Frankel.

ndspinelli said...

I am not trying to "start trouble." I am truly saying what I think, which is what I always do. Often times what I think and say is kind, empathetic, supportive. Sometimes it is rough, angry, nasty. But, it is ALWAYS what I think. I don't propagandize. I don't play politics. I don't play favorites. I shoot straight. One never has to read between the lines w/ me. And, for you to tell me to "get over myself" is classic projection. Finally, your Cheesehead buddy is the consummate stalker. He reads everyone, everywhere. A busybody if ever there was one.

ndspinelli said...

Trump is popular, above and beyond all other horseshit, because of his attack on PC. Well, within the last 24 hours Andrew Shaw of the Blackhawks[that's hockey for those who don't follow the great game] was suspended for saying "fag" and Curt Schilling was fired for posting a photo of a tranny on his Facebook page. There are substantive issues that get passed over because people are too busy propagandizing and watching Reality TV.

Trooper York said...

I know buddy. You are perfect. Thank God you will always remind of that. Where would we be without you to set us straight?

I just wish you would refrain from trying to start trouble between Lem and me. I don't appreciate it. That is someone's else's go to move. Why copy him? Why not come up with something new?

ndspinelli said...

Like Laura Bush's Diary?

ndspinelli said...

And where did I even intimate I'm "perfect." See a shrink!

chickelit said...

ndspinelli said...And, it is a bit sad how people stalk me @ Turley's just like Inga did. Get a fucking life!

I haven't clicked on Turley's page for several months. Are you still there? Your BS was a major reason not to read there.

ndspinelli said...

Maybe I should learn to chirbit.

chickelit said...

So interesting that Chirbit was something that put Titus over the top viz. me.

He absolutely hated it.

deborah said...

Refresh my memory.