Friday, April 8, 2016

"State trooper fired for proselytizing on-duty"

The ACLU of Indiana filed a lawsuit this week against ISP Trooper Brian Hamilton on behalf of Wendy Pyle.
The lawsuit claims Hamilton gave Pyle a warning ticket for speeding, then asked her what church she attended and whether she was saved.
She says she did not feel free to leave while the questions were being asked. She filed a formal complaint about the stop. (news video story at the link)


edutcher said...

It's no lawsuit, but the cop was wrong.

Her religion is none of his business.

(I could say something else here)

(but I won't)

Trooper York said...

I don't think that is fair.

This cop is just a regular working joe. The elites and the scumbag politicians get away with doing whatever they want and then they come down on the regular guy.

I mean look at Ted Cruz. He isn't getting fired for prostituting on-duty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Switch to Islam, dude. The government will give you a prayer rug and full approval.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I read it at the check out stand: Trump is mad at Megyn because he tried to slip her the sausage and she said no.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

His sin was being a Christian. A muslim would get a promotion.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

He let the woman go with a warning... No warning for him.

Methadras said...

Fascinating, so under the color of authority, if you have a religious conversation with someone, you can be fired? Is that what I'm understanding?

edutcher said...

It's no lawsuit, but the cop was wrong.

Her religion is none of his business.

(I could say something else here)

(but I won't)

That's true, her religion is none of her business and she could have stated it as such, but what about this conversation prompted his firing?

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

I don't think that is fair.

This cop is just a regular working joe. The elites and the scumbag politicians get away with doing whatever they want and then they come down on the regular guy.

I mean look at Ted Cruz. He isn't getting fired for prostituting on-duty.

Droll, sir.

AprilApple said...

I read it at the check out stand: Trump is mad at Megyn because he tried to slip her the sausage and she said no.

She should be so lucky. The Donald likes intelligent, independent women.

But, if you buy that, you also Daddy Cruz is in the DC Madam's book.

Trooper York said...

You have to be kidding April. The problem was that Trump tried to coopt her before the debate the way he usually does. He sent her info and offered access and was willing to go on her show to boost her ratings the way he does with Morning Joe and O'Reily and Greta. At the first opportunity she hit him with a bullshit gotcha question in the debate to sandbag him. He wasn't going to take it. He doesn't have to. He is not dependent on her for exposure. She is trying to ride this fight to a bigger job off of FOX. All the while demanding that other people fight her battles for her.

She is the Yolonda Foster of FOX News.

That is a reality show reference. You can ask nick what it means.

Trooper York said...

Oh I agree that he has no business asking her about her religion. If he actually did that. Someone who has such much supposed experience should know that perps often lie. People who get tickets often lie. They will say whatever they can make up to get out of a ticket. They claim the cop made sexual advances. Or he used a racial epithet. Like that whore who was fucking on the street and claimed the cop arrested her because she was a black girl with a white guy. We would need to have a tape to know what actually happened,

Of course if your vaunted experience comes from peeping in windows to film the pecker tracks on cheating couples you have to leap to a lot of conclusions. Waddayagonnado?

Trooper York said...

There have been many cases recently where religious people have been targeted because of their beliefs. How do we really know what went on here. I think it needs to be adjudicated. If this cop did this then this woman would not have been the only one who had such an encounter. She might have been on her way to a Christian Bakery to order a cake for her Lesbian wedding. I think we need more facts before we really make up our mind.

But then I man not Sure as Shit About Everything Sherlock Holmes.

Trooper York said...

I have to apologize. When I read the article and researched other articles on the same subject it is clear that this cop has done this before. So I guess they were justified under their rules and regulations to terminate his employment.

It is just that I am not a frustrated security guard who couldn't get into the police academy so I don't have an automatic animus to the police on every issue. Don't get me wrong. They are generally lazy fucks but they are the only thing standing between us and the savages.

I was wrong to take the religious persons side without investigating all the facts. I must admit that I was horribly, irredeemable, tragically wrong and I apologize.

(Please note that we don't have to have a parade because I apologized and admitted I was wrong. That is other peoples rice bowl. Lets move on and talk about the new season of the Real Housewives of New York.)

Methadras said...

Troop, Yolanda Foster is pretty hot.

ndspinelli said...

LOL! Our resident NY propagandist never lets facts get in the way of his propaganda. Indeed, perps lie, just like propagandists. So do cops, docs, priests, well EVERYONE! Even those vaunted NYers lie. OMG, am I a Jew hater for saying that? Am I a cop hater for calling out a cop? I made my living obtaining evidence and testifying in court proving people lie.

If one were to take the time to read the reports on this. This cop you love HAS DONE THIS BEFORE AND BEEN WARNED. So, there's that. if you want to have an accurate avatar, maybe Goering would be appropriate.

ndspinelli said...

I made a mistake. I meant Goebbels, not Goring. I do make mistakes and I do apologize.

ndspinelli said...

And, I have to laugh. When I have just presented damaging video evidence that a plaintiff is a lying sack o' shit in saying he is disabled, the ham n'egger ambulance chasers do the "peeping in window" questions. Juries see right through it and nail their clients even worse. Juries like me. They are just regular folks who can tell I am honest. And, they come to hate the lying plaintiff and his shitbird attorney. Now, the SMART attorneys after having their clients ripped a new asshole do the SMART thing. They get me off the stand by saying the SMART words, "No questions, your honor."

Trooper York said...

I admit I spoke out of turn. I did not read the source document. Not a smart thing to do. Unlike some people I do not know everything and can not tell every one what to think and how to behave. That would be someone with some control issues. Also some anger issues which is always evidenced BY SHOUTING IN CAPITAL LETTERS IN ALL OF MY POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trooper York said...

That's the kind of guy who has Perry Mason fantasies while he whacks his bag to a photo of Raymond Burr on a lazy Friday afternoon.

Meade said...

ndspinelli said...
I do make mistakes and I do apologize.

yeah you make mistakes, andy. So wheres the apology? Or are you a mistake maker and a LIAR? LOL!!!


Meade said...

ndspinelli said...
Juries like me.

yeah I bet they do. To laugh at cause you can't remember the diference tween a Hitler and a Hotelier. LOL!!!

ndspinelli said...

We do have something in common. That little dick, abused child, wife beater, stalks both you and I. I guess that's something to build on?

Trooper York said...

Thank you for the free reign on my posts. I was worried there for a minute.