Sunday, April 3, 2016

"Clinton aides unite on FBI legal strategy"

Politico:  Four former staffers have been using the same lawyer during the investigation

Hiring the same attorney allows Clinton’s advisers to have one gatekeeper for most of the DOJ's inquiries — and it likely indicates that they expect to offer substantially similar testimony if they're questioned. Lawyers are barred from simultaneously representing people who may have conflicting interests in an investigation, or who would say something negative or potentially legally harmful about the lawyer’s other clients, experts say, although some such conflicts can be waived by the clients.

Thus, the aides' decision to use a so-called “joint-representation” or “common-defense” strategy suggests the staffers believe they’re in this together and are unlikely to turn on each other. (read more)


Michael Haz said...

Having a common attorney also means that one of the Clinton aides cannot break rank, cop a bargain, and testify against the others.

That makes one wonder who is paying for that attorney, and who would benefit from an arrangement under which everyone tells the exact same story, and no one bolts out of the corral.

edutcher said...

The Ozark Mafia may think the fix is in, but the FBI seems to think different.

Imagine the fun if the Choom Gang decides to let them off the hook when the G-men start leaking stuff to the Trump campaign.

AllenS said...

legal strategy = coordinating lies

AllenS said...

Here is a must read on why the election of Hillary has to be opposed --

Bought loyalty

john said...

As the article said, that DOJ approving this setup may be strong indication that it is not serious about moving the case forward.

Which is probably the general consensus anyway.

edutcher said...

Whatever kind of a daisy chain they have, it may not be enough to win.

Hillary showed her gay side last night.

It may work in SoHo, but how many other places?

ndspinelli said...

There is, w/o a doubt, differing levels of coercion and intimidation getting these 4 people to agree to this. Turley has a good analysis on this. He hates Clinton.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

It's amazing how the Clintons always get people to fall in for them.

One, Susan Mcdougal, even sat in jail for months rather than testify in what one can only deduce was incriminating evidence against the Clintons.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

When you are already committed, jail is not a deterrent.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

These people could very well be saying to themselves, I can't be the cause of derailing Hillary's chances to win. I'm going to lie.

ndspinelli said...

I think it is as much fear as commitment that gets Clinton lemmings to fall in line. They are the consummate Machiavellian pols.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

In many ways, that people more steeped in the interest of law and order than I can surmise, this time around the allegations against Hillary are more damning than the perjury case against Bill.

I mean, sex can't nullify the wholesale circumvention of the security apparatus of the country on the premise that her privacy or some other personal convenience rose above the level of national security.

Hillary getting away with it, is akin to Bernie Madoff getting away with it.

ndspinelli said...

Absolutely. ANYONE who has a security clearance, ANYONE, knows Lady Macbeth committed a felony.

Methadras said...

The Cankled Harpy laid down for months her plausible deniability only to see it all shatter in her face at her released emails being anything but a figment of her imagination on their classifications which she said she never sent or received on that server. Her lies will catch up with her, but she has to lose in order for them to matter, but if she wins, she becomes untouchable and she knows it, which is why regardless if Bernie wins the popular vote, she wins the delegate vote. Another secure victory to her march on the Hillary Clinton Vengeance Train to the White House. Her collaborated lies in this interview with Comey are just another part of the Kabuki Theater for the masses. Nothing more. She will walk out of the federal building with a smile on her face, her lackeys surrounding her and more lies being told to the public. As long as the Zebra in Chief along with his stooge in the AG seat are running the Justice Show, she will never see a courtroom. I've told you this before, it will be more of the same. High drama, no money shot.

Chip Ahoy said...

This defines the adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely. She doesn't even have absolute power and yet it takes all this to keep the enterprise afloat. Everyone must coordinate their highly choreographed movements. This is better, much better than the hundreds of dance videos I've been watching.

See what you did? You gave me an idea for a post. It has to do with choreography and politics and stepping brilliantly, everyone at once, every step practiced by years of honing and experience at this precise stepping and it is a thing of wonder and beauty and joy to behold. I will show you, they are precise templates, one exchanged for another with no loss of purpose. It is life and death purpose. It is existential. I will show you in a post. Corruption and beauty and love of precision with life on the balance. It's beautiful.