Monday, January 11, 2016

"FBI's Clinton probe expands to public corruption track"

Fox News: This new investigative track is in addition to the focus on classified material found on Clinton’s personal server.

"The agents are investigating the possible intersection of Clinton Foundation donations, the dispensation of State Department contracts and whether regular processes were followed," one source said...

Fox News is told that about 100 special agents assigned to the investigations also were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements, with as many as 50 additional agents on “temporary duty assignment,” or TDY. The request to sign a new NDA could reflect that agents are handling the highly classified material in the emails, or serve as a reminder not to leak about the case, or both.

"The pressure on the lead agents is brutal," a second source said. "Think of it like a military operation, you might need tanks called in along with infantry."


bagoh20 said...

Really? You need all that just to investigate this? Maybe you need a lot of people around on the buddy system so nobody turns up missing or worse.

edutcher said...

Comey is serious.

Good for him.

Rabel said...

The report is from Catherine "Jaws" Herridge who gave up a promising career as a cracker at the walnut factory to go into journalism.

Methadras said...

The problem with Comey is that he answers to the USAG and Lynch ain't gonna do a damned thing as long as she knows that Urkle is running the show and I'm pretty damned sure he's throwing Hillary a bone here by not letting loose the hounds of prosecution on her cankled ass. She's protected right now. If she loses the election, then she loses that protection because Lynch will be fired. Comey might stay if he doesn't resign before hand. If Hillary wins, then Lynch will get the favor of staying on at the behest of POTUS Hillary and her pending prosecution evaporates while everyone will see another corruptocrat Clinton makes it to ultimate power again.

I'm telling you right now, if you vote for Hillary for president, you're an unpatriotic unamerican piece of shit.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Rabel... LOL

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

She could have been trolled by someone trying to make the investigation look like a hatchet job by Fox in cahoots with the Koch brothers.

That's how they stave off trouble before.

bagoh20 said...

If it ends up Sanders versus Trump, how perfect is that? The epitome of the stupid socialist against the ugly capitalist. Each a virtual caricature of their respective species. The American public will finally be asked the big question in clear unequivocal fashion. Both left and right would prefer a different representative of their ideology, but it's still a pretty good fight card.

While Bernie is definitely a real socialist, and will make an honest case for it - math and history challenged as it is, Trump is hardly the best to explain the Right's message and prescription. He is a capitalist though, even if a bit opportunist and uncommitted to the ideology. Amazing times we have here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton’s State Department

As Colombian Oil Money Flowed To Clintons, State Department Took No Action To Prevent Labor Violations

Titus said...

I got banned from grindr because some asian, who wanted to do me, complained because I told him asians have small dicks and are tentative drivers.

I was like bitch, you are on a site looking to hook-get over it.

My appeal was denied.

So I now used a new email address and am still waiting for them to publish my pics.


Titus said...

I also told the asian his drag name will be Ming Vase and I a called him Ming Vase and he was pissed.

He called me whitey Donald Trump supporter!

PC run amok!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Call him corruption supporter of Hildebeast.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...


Me worried?

I'm Hillary Clinton. Untouchable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Appearing on a day time pop-show makes all that corruption and law breaking go away?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Didn't Blaggo, who is now in jail, appear on Trump's show?

I rest my case.

bagoh20 said...

You wingnuts are going too far with this war on women.

Swifty Quick said...

The Clintons have both gotten away with so many crimes and otherwise escaped so many scandals completely unscathed over the last 20 years or so, and have never been held to account for anything, that I won't believe it until I see it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Now that would really break the internet - a headline at Drudge Report with the BIG RED SIREN blaring "HILLARY INDICTED".

William said...

The Clintons have brought a certain amount innovation and inventiveness into the stale old ways of bribery and corruption. Other politicians have solicited bribes, but the Clintons are the ones who invented and perfected the tax deductible bribe. The first somewhat crude vehicle was futures trading. The briber took the losing side of the futures bet and gave Hillary the winning ticket. The losing bet was text deductible, but, as noted, the vehicle was somewhat crude. How could Hillary be credibly expected to make a few hundred million dollars betting on hog futures? I suppose you could have prospective marks buy thousands of Clnton books at undiscounted rates, but such maneuvers are not tax deductible..........The Clinton Global Initiative is a work of sheer genius, a win win for everybody. The marks get to bribe the Clintons in an honorable way and get commended for doing so. The Clintons have a solid source of income for their hangers on and Chelsea. And don't forget that there are literally dozens of Haitians who got free bottles of water thanks to the Clinton Global Initiative......Trump writes The Art of the Deal, but the Clintons have mastered The Sleaze of the Deal.

AllenS said...

Even if Hillary is indicted, she will not drop out of the race. It's all she's got.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

William - excellent.

If it comes down to Trump v. Hillary - it comes down to -- The Art of the Deal v. The Sleaze of the Deal.