Monday, August 4, 2014

No Worries; It's Just Honduran Kids Who Want a Better Life Crossing the Border

That's what Americans have been led to believe.  Honduran families are scraping together money to pay coyotes to smuggle their kids through Mexico and across the US border.  There are no opportunities in Central America, see, and poor healthcare, and violence, and so forth, and what parent wouldn't want his or her children to escape to America?  We'd be crazy right-wingers to not welcome these children and young adults to our country.

It isn't true.  Americans are not being told the truth by our government, by politicians in both political parties. The truth is that open borders have drawn people from all over the world, according to this report leaked by Customs and Border Protection.
Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014.
The only ones who are counted are the ones who were apprehended, or who turned themselves in to authorities.  Isn't that comforting?
As of July 20, 2014, 1,443 individuals from China were caught sneaking across the porous U.S. border this year alone, with another 1,803 individuals either turning themselves in to U.S. authorities at official ports of entry, or being caught attempting to illegally enter at the ports of entry. This comes amid a massive crackdown by Chinese authorities of Islamic terrorists in the Communist nation
The list of nations from which those apprehended emanate includes: Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, China, Nigeria, Liberia, and Somalia.

Are we right to be angered?  Yes, we are.  And we should be.  The Obama administration's illegal lifting of laws and rules about immigration should make every American angry.  Every one of us.  Our nation is placed in danger by this administration's illegal activities.

Where are the politicians?  Where is the president?  If this is indeed a national emergency, why are they all on vacation?  True leadership would be the president staying in DC, and telling the leaders of both parties to do the same so they could sit down and hammer out a resolution to this.

Absent that, the opposition party should be in the courts everywhere they can be, petitioning for an order to tell the US government to enforce immigration laws now on the books.

There are no innocent sides in this argument.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Open borders.....wide open to everyone with no restrictions is a recipe for the death of a nation.

You can't even bring in livestock from another country without having a plethora of paperwork. The animals are quarantined and tested for diseases.

I guess the government cares more about the health of our cows and chickens than they do the people.

When people start dropping like flies in the urban areas bleeding from every orifice and your children contract tuberculosis from their illegal alien classmates: just remember to thank Obama for unleashing this horror on the United States.

I used to laugh at the people who said he was the Anti Christ. Now...I'm not so sure.

[Note to self. Buy more food supplies so that if there is an Ebola outbreak, we can shelter at home for at least 60 to 90 days. Also a better gate at the end of the driveway. More time to lock and load.]

AllenS said...

The beginning of the end.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

The welcoming signs at the border include Chinese looking characters.

The Dude said...

We had a good run.

Amartel said...

"Where are the politicians? Where is the president?"

Gaming the situation by calling opponents to comprehensive amnesty (60-90% of the population, depending on the poll) "racists" and "haters (then going on vacation). Carefully, so as not to upset "their" voters who might be having some unwanted thoughts on this topic. So there's a lot of "many" or "some" people (unnamed) saying that "some" are racist, or that is the "perception." Hey, didn't you just plant that perception? Yes, you did! The tea party is usually the big bogeyman but what else is new? Just bringing up the possibility of such a perception launches discussion on the topic. Then, of course, there's always Reid and Pelosi with their durrrrh, Republicans- hate-children approach. That keeps the topic on camera as well, in addition to being red meat for lefty retards. The political establishment wants comprehensive amnesty. The huge majority of the American people do not. The political establishment has the time, the funds, and the media resources, to chip away, little by little. They've been doing it since 1986, the date of the last comprehensive amnesty bill.
The American people do not. We are being slowly worn down and lied to by our public servants and so-called representatives.

ndspinelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

Is Twitter the same thing as Twitchy?

Shouting Thomas said...

The Republican hierarchy is just as committed to amnesty and open borders as the Democrats.

So, what do you suggest we do?

Michael Haz said...

Allen - Twitchy is a web site operated by Michelle Malkin. It aggregates tweets that she believes make a particular point. Pretty interesting reading.

Unknown said...

Hillary voters needed.

AllenS said...

Haz, I tried to use my Twitter account to comment on Twitchy about Nancy Pelosi wishing the POTUS a Happy Birthday. She said "Happy birthday, Mr. President! Hope today brings you much laughter, great joy & lots of cake... dark chocolate, of course!"

And I wanted to wish the POTUS a Happy Birthday also, with "Happy birthday, Mr. President! Hope today brings you much fried chicken... and a big watermelon, of course!"

Amartel said...

Allen, don't get sucked into the vortex of intra-race-baiter racial/nonracial semantics. They're wailing away like fools on their dog whistles. So be a wolf. Or a lion or whatever. But don't come a runnin.

AllenS said...

I don't blow on dog whistles.

edutcher said...

I'd quarrel with the headline.

It's not what they're being led to believe, not if 80% want them sent back.

It's what the media and the Demos are trying to con everyone into believing.


PS The news the chil'run are coming from places like Pakistan, Syria, Egypt, China, Nigeria, Liberia, and Somalia isn't exactly new.

The Border Patrol has been saying for years about 10% of those not Mexican who are caught are from the Axis of Crazy.

Methadras said...

You solve the humanitarian issue and stab democrats in the heart in one swoop. Stop all illegals at the border be they adults or children. Give them medical care, food, water, clothing, and process them. Then ship them to a plane and fly them back. Done. You took care of them, processed them, then did the humane thing and sent them back home. You simply denied them access to the country, but not to it's humanitarian heart. But as you see, Democrat open borders leftists have no heart.

The Dude said...

Axis of Crazy? Is that Madison-Berkeley?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Methadras has the answer. Unfortunately, that doesn't leave room to use them, the illegals, as pawns to force the other side to cave. Not much room for corruption either.

The chaos is on purpose. Obama is an evil evil man.

chickelit said...

Obama never told the truth about "open enrollment" in the ACA, did he.

rcocean said...

"It's what the media and the Demos are trying to con everyone into believing."

Yep. Obama is in favor of open borders because it will result in a USA that looks and votes like California.

In California, uber-liberals like Fienstein and Boxer are now Senators for life. Gov Brown is 100 years old and could be arrested for child porn tomorrow, and he'd still be re-elected.

rcocean said...

I must say I was shocked at Obama's absolute lawlessness. Whether its ramming through obamacare, thumbing his nose at Congress with executive orders, are discussing Amnesty for 3 or 4 or 5 or 12 million illegal aliens.

And where are the Democrats? They don't care. "just win baby" - that's their motto.

chickelit said...

And where are the Democrats? They don't care. "just win baby" - that's their motto.

They are nowhere to be found. Their presumptive next leader refuses to distinguish herself from lawlessness.

chickelit said...

And I do mean "herself" in a plural sense. HRC, Warren, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer, etc., -- they all seem on broad with open borders.

virgil xenophon said...

Open borders? "What? Me Worry?

Signed: Alfred E. :)

XRay said...


"...on broad..."

There's a message there somewhere.

JAL said...

This is a bit OT, but I need some help. I have an acquaintance on Facebook who is a typical lefty (MSW, therapist, recovering alcoholic, New Age Mormon, divorcee in progress who likes her personalized emails from The Universe) who puts up "posters" and pithy hit pieces from places like Democrat Underground, "Occupy Democrats," Everytown, etc, that drive me nuts because the facts are cherry picked or just plain wrong.

She reposts things like Stephen King's tweet: "Revised Tea Party Gospel 'Suffer the little children to come unto me, Unless they're undocumented kids from Central America.'"

The latest was: "97% of the poorest 100 counties in America are in Red States But tell me again how Republican policies grow the economy?" (From my perspective I note that that Southern States listed were punished after the Civil War and until recent years were predictably Democrat... But I would like to see someone / some site which responds to these tidbits of slander.) Nothing about the status of Detroit, Chcago, D.C. and the like ...

Is there a site (sites)which addresses this cr*p with equally pithy but reality based (not the Dem form) take downs?

She put up an Everytown 'poster' - "2/3 of Unintentional Shootings Took Place in the Home or Vehicle Owned by the Victim's Family."

Not sure if the Everytown folks would be less distressed if the unintentional shootings occurred in random locations ...

Note -- I have a FB account but don't post, I keep up with some family and friends ... two of whom are flaming female lefties.

Anyway -- anyone aware of sites which "fact check" the lefty propaganda?

Michael Haz said...

Your friend sounds like someone who cannot be taught. Bumper sticker sloganeering as a belief system is pretty difficult to overcome.

If you find a site that corrects liberal lies, she/he will presume it is false.

Ann Coulter wrote a decent book about how to argue with Dem lies, I recall.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Here is one to refute or discuss the poorest counties are in Red States

They are comparing "income" from area to area. This is apples to oranges and a false comparison.

Talking points

1. Most of those counties are in rural or very rural areas where the income is low. HOWEVER...if you account for the lower cost of living the poor people in those counties are not as poor as people in low income brackets in urban areas.

"the small income you make in a poor, rural Texas county is going to go further than it would if you lived in a poor, urban area like Detroit or Camden, N.J. This raises questions about how comparatively disadvantaged poor Americans are in rural and urban areas."

The urban poor are in worse shape than the rural poor, however they are encircled by Democrat/Blue more wealthy voters who skew the income level upward for the purposes of your friends talking point. Palo Alto. New York City.

2. Most of the poor counties are in Appalachia and other areas of the South that were historically dominated by Democrats until just recently. Conditions that make for poor counties LONG predated the Republicans gaining footholds and those conditions and policies were promulgated by Democrats. Jim Crow being one that the Democrats have to own.

3. The states with the most poor counties are Texas, Georgia and Kentucky. BUT... Those States have the most counties in them. "In fact, these three states rank first, second and third on the list of states that have the most counties. Texas has 254, Georgia 159 and Kentucky 120.". Because there are SO many counties in each State it would be likely that they would have more rural and poor areas as compared to a State that has large counties which contain a better mix rural and urban wealthier residents.

4. In addition in some localities it is a geographical condition that contributes to the poorer income. Appalachia is the prime example of such a geographically challenging area. This has nothing to do with politics but with geography, resources and the ability to utilize those resources. The Humboldt area of California is a prime example of this. Lots of resources and very difficult to get to them or market to the outside world. Also a rather poor in "actual income" level, but a fabulous place to live if you like the rural life.

So even though her statement is mostly true, it is more nuanced than your libtard friend wants to think about or is possibly capable of doing. Her head would explode if she had to let in some rational cogitation.

Statistics and math are very hard things for progressive loons to understand. They fall back on emotional arguments and sound like Pee Wee Herman.

Good luck.

William said...

If they're paying the coyotes several thousand dollars to take their kids across, can they properly be described as the most impoverished people in Central America. Also I understand that the majority of the "kids" are male teenagers. What you see on the news are little girls in pigtails clutching a teddy bear. I get the sense that I'm being manipulated......I don't blame anyone for seeking a better life, but I resent when my misgivings are characterized as racism. I'm pretty sure that if they were housed in the kind of UN refugee camps available for the Syrian and Sudanese and for an indeterminate period, then most of them would decide Central America was not such a god awful place to live.

JAL said...

As for the open arms for the children ... I find it bizarre (but understandable)that the lefties who want open borders (but would die, absolutely DIE if these kids were housed in an empty school in their neighborhoods) promote sustainability They want a solar, wind, no fossil fuel powered country which is organic and DOW, Monsanto, GMO, and chemical free, where entry level workers get paid a wage they can "live on."

News flash: What is going on on our borders Is. Not. Sustainable.

Who is paying for these "kids'" food, clothing, education, entertainment, transportation, shelter and healthcare?

When the black citizens wake up and realize they have been sold down the river, I hope they take it out on the people who did it to them. Same goes for the loopy lefties.

JAL said...

DBQ -- I was just in Humboldt a few days. LoInfo lefty sister lived in Arcata for several years.

deborah said...

For some reason this feels more outrageous than Obamacare. It feels like treachery and dereliction of duty.

It also feels like the shifting of populations like in the Middle Ages (invading hordes pushing people out of their areas) or refugees incoming from a war torn country.

deborah said...

"but would die, absolutely DIE if these kids were housed in an empty school in their neighborhoods"

So true.

Dust Bunny Queen said...


Quite the coincidence. My husband graduated from Arcata (many years ago). Grew up in a very small community near Blue Lake and went to a one room school house in a logging camp through his elementary years. We are very familiar with Humboldt County. He still has family and friends who live there.

Humboldt County will always be poor in income levels (for the purposes of your friend/sister's argument) because of the terrain. There are only a few highways into the area and those are constantly slipping off the hillsides because of the serpentine rock base. No railroads can connect the coast to the interior valley for transportation. Truck traffic is difficult, again because of the roads.

It has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat. It is the terrain which makes it very difficult to use the resources of the area.

HOWEVER....if you like. Make this argument. California is a blue blue blue state. You sure can't blame Republicans on the economy in California. The ridiculous rules and regulations from Sacramento have driven the fragile economy of the Humboldt (and other rural) areas into the ground. Restricting fishing, crabbing until that industry is almost dead. Strangling the timber industry. Squashing mining. The only real industry left is growing marijuana which is partly illegal and draws criminal elements. Thanks Democrats for the poverty in Humboldt.

If California were divided into 235 counties, instead of 58, we would have some of the poorest in the nation. All in rural areas. BUT remember point #1. Income does not always equate to actual poverty. Cost of living in rural areas is much lower so the low income goes much further and quality of living is much higher.

I love a good debate. :-)

Amartel said...

JAL - I have the same problem with FB/social media friends who are somehow fulfilled by hitting "like" on some Occupy Democranks or DUh ready-made propaganda. Parrots without an original thought in their heads.* My policy is to not respond if it's family. You have to at least be able to pretend to like those people. If it's a friend or acquaintance, I respond with a link to a debunking article. They usually respond with "well those lie-tellers at [conservative site] would say that." To which the obvious response is well, look at your sourcing, Silly Rabbit. Followed by additional debunking cite. Then they double-down and/or cite to their feelings and perceptions but at least you got them to read an alternative viewpoint.

* After the post the other day about the uninspiring Hillary! booksigning posters it occurs that lefty protesters are more slick and effective because they're more produced. They get handed pre-made signs to hold up and slogans to shout, like they hit "like" of FB. (Sometimes they even get bussed in, given color-coordinated clothing and paid.) That, along with being hyped by the media gives them a distinct advantage.