Sunday, February 17, 2019

Reap as ye will sow

The Diocese of Brooklyn named more that 100 priests who were sex abusers. Most of them are dead or defrocked. Some still are in the priest hood. 100 priests. In an area as small as Brooklyn.

I personally knew ten of them. From them being in my parish or running into them at my high school or various weddings of my extended family where I was in the wedding party.

It is hard to talk about how I really feel about this.

When I was a kid we had four priests living in the Rectory on Summit Street. The church had burned down in the 1950's and had to be rebuilt from the contributions of the working class longshoreman who toiled in Carroll Gardens. And the Mafia wops who would be buried there and gave big donations.  Monsignor Del Vecchio was the pastor ever since I was born. He was known as the Mafia priest because he would give last rites and would bury them despite the protests of the bishop. The bishop at the time Frances Murgavero tried to discipline him and move him out of Sacred Hearts/St  Stephens. They had some epic battles. The only thing was that Monsignor Del Vecchio's best buddy since they were kids back in Italy was the Vatican Secretary of State under Pope Paul. He used to live in the rectory when he was in New York for the UN and eat peasant dishes from his old village with his best friend. So he could squash it. He stayed there until he was forced to retire with the iron clad backing of his parish. He lived on at the rectory until he died of cancer in 1986.

Bishop Murgavero had kept the pressure on and eventually put in a requirement that pastors had to retire at a certain age. Aimed directly at Father Del Vecchio. He named  one of his favorites to replace him. His fair haired boy. Father Fred Strianese. Unfortunately he didn't live long enough to be installed as pastor.

It seems that in the month before he was to be installed as pastor he was killed by a black yute who he had in his car who he wanted to pay for sex while in his car in the factory district in Dumbo between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges back in the days before gentrification. This was the guy they thought would be a good pastor for my parish. He was obviously part of the gay mafia because of his close association with a notoriously gay auxiliary bishop who was a leader of the gay infiltration and degradation of the Roman Catholic church. They couldn't wait to get out a priest who served his flock with love and dedication since 1950 and replace him with a finoock.

I had left the parish by that time moving over to St Agnes when I moved a few blocks away in 1976. You see there were four parishes in a thirty block radius in the neighborhood. So if you moved a couple of blocks away you are in a new parish. So I knew what had happened but I just shrugged it off. As most Catholics do with their Church. As long as they get the weddings, First Communions, Confirmations and funerals they don't care that much. We trusted the Church to do the right thing.

We were wrong. So very very wrong.

The Church has been infiltrated by the gay mafia that placed their members in positions of power. Young priests and seminarians were molested and lost their faith and left. Those that went along go along and got promoted. True priests are few and far between these days.

There is going to be a big meeting in Rome next week about the sex abuse scandals. That's why the Pope finally defrocked the Cardinal in Philly who is 90 fucking years old and spent his time fucking seminarians and putting his butt boys in positions of power.  So now is the time to stop him. After he did his damage and the pressure is on because it is all coming out. The people who were abused are coming forward. The Church is paying out millions.

All because they turned a blind eye to the gays and allowed them in the Church and into positions of power. Instead of treating as the sinners and perverts that they are. Sure they can get the help of the Church. If they repent of their sins and degradation and lead chaste lives. Otherwise they should be defrocked and dismissed and not allowed into the Church let alone allowed to be priests and bishops and the pastor of my childhood parish.

They are proving all of the terrible things that atheists and people who hate the church have been saying for decades. The church needs to be cleansed in the same way that Jesus cleansed the Temple of the Money Lenders. With a whip and a rod.

More than a 100 perverts allowed to prey on the faithful for decades. Where was the bishop? Where were the Popes?

(The photo is of Monsignor Del Vecchio and Pope John Paul on the occasion of the Pope naming him a monsignor  as instigated by the Secretary of State to protect him from the Bishop. Giants like this are gone forever. Now we are lead by perverted communist pygmies. Where are you Jesus? Why have you abandoned your church and left it in the hands of these people?)


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The moral decline continues...

The rule of Lemnity said...

The longer they put off cleaning house the more damage it does.

MamaM said...

For this people’s heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise, they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.
But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.

edutcher said...

I can imagine. Vatican II was the start of a lot of dumb things for the Church, but this was the dumbest.

The Dude said...

I am not a Catholic, so I can only observe what goes on as an outsider.

The other day there was a piece of news about the completion of the carillon over at the new cathedral in Raleigh. The bimbo reporterette clearly knew nothing of buildings or bell towers and would have been out of her depth in a mud puddle, but then she interviewed the priest who, well I have no idea who he is or what he does there, but all I can say is that it is a good thing that building is fireproof as that guy was flaming! Clearly the rot runs deep and since this guy is young he will be in power for decades.

Whips and rods are insufficient to the task at hand.

ndspinelli said...

There is a new book coming out, written by a gay man, Frederic Martel. It's titled, "In The Closet Of The Vatican. It gives a brutal account of the gay culture in those walls. The author claims ~80% of Vatican priests are gay.

Back in the early 90's I worked my first sex abuse case. From my professional and personal experience I knew this was a deeply rooted and covert cabal. Catholics here and elsewhere have called me, among other things, "anti-Catholic" for saying what I KNEW.

Searching for truth on a daily has honed my skills. There are the realms of what we think, feel, believe and know. Unlike most people, I am very conservative in stating I know something. This is something I have known for a real long time. First based on personal experience, and then professional. The DOJ could convict the Church on RICO statutes. It's way past time to clean the house.

Trooper York said...

I agree Nick. Rico is the way to go.

ricpic said...

Why don't they change the rules so priests can marry?

Amartel said...

The Church should have been fighting this tooth and nail from the get-go but they shuffled the perverts around to cover their tracks and pretended they were doing it for "Christian" reasons and to try to resolve the problem within the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy does not solve its own problems; it just files them in a different drawer. This has been an enormous betrayal and the only way to solve it is to get a new Pope whose sole mission is to cleanse the Church of this scourge. It better be a young Pope since it's going to take a long, long time to root out and get rid of all the perverts. Apparently, this includes nuns as well. I saw an article over the weekend that nuns got in on the act as well.

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, The fundamental problem is the Vatican is filled w/ gays, many abusers themselves. If the Church truly comes clean, if the whole truth is exposed, the Church would probably crumble. The first expose was in Boston back in the early 90's. Cardinal Law was moved to the Vatican for sanctuary. That sums up the Church's attitude. A truly reform leader would have to come from outside the cabal, and then purge the Vatican. But, the cabal elects Popes. I have thought for some time now that Francis was appointed to help keep the press @ bay. And, he did for awhile. But the bloom is now off that rose.

ampersand said...

Why don't they change the rules so priests can marry?

That could bring in a new set of problems. Pope Alexander VI was a family man of a very murderous family and spent a considerable amount of time and energy taking care of their fortunes.

There are a number of married Protestant ministers involved in all sorts of shenanigans.
Married ministers aren't exactly packing the pews either.

They could also consider castration. In old Byzantium Eunuchry was a career path. There were several high ranking Eunuchs who were Generals.

ampersand said...

There was one scandal when I was in grammar school. They hired a male teacher. Ugly little guy, but he caused two women to leave the convent. He married one,tall, statuesque and good looking. She looked like Julie Adams.

I looked up a list of abusers by states. My old parish had only one priest accused, but he was fooling around with a grown woman. I think it's unfair to lump this kind of case in with sexual abuse of minors. He left the priesthood.

I also wonder if they are lumping in accusations of physical abuse with sexual. I did half a term in a Catholic high school. It was a jock orientated school and the abuse was viciously medieval, one giant hazing ritual carried on by the staff of brothers and lay teachers. There was a movie about Catholic high schools in 1985 "Heaven Help Us. It's billed as a comedy but I only saw the last part and it resembled some of the stuff I experienced at that school.

Amartel said...

nd-the only way for the RC Church to solve this problem is to solve the problem which would mean a new head of the church devoted to solving the problem. I'm well aware that this is not going to happen because the church will never really acknowledge the full extent of the problem, the scope and the root of it, and will never admit to institutional complicity because it wants to maintain its position of authority over the laity and in the world. I've worked a few of these cases as well. Parallels to America's problem with its own massive unaccountable nontransparent institutional bureaucracies.

Amartel said...

Also, not picking on the RC Church. I attended an Episcopal high school. They had perverts in their ranks as well. It was the 80s so no one overly did anything until after the fact and then it was too late. Where there's kids, there'll be pervs. Also, we have an issue with pedo pervs hanging around in our local library to ogle and groom the children who go there. Its a gorgeous building, recently constructed at great expense to the taxpayers, and it's basically now a heated pervert fun house with books. They are having a huge problem getting them to leave.

ndspinelli said...

Amartel, I was often accused of picking on the church. That hasn't happened of late. I know you're not picking on the church. And anyone who says you are can go shit in their hat. The people most angry @ the church are not haters of the Church, but former lovers of the church.