Saturday, February 23, 2019

Somewhat satisfying observing Feinstein handle her crackpots

The teacher is the worked up crackpot poisoning the minds and emotions of America's precious youth with her worked up crackpot anxiety. She's teaching them first to have anxiety and second how to turn neurotic anxiety into activism.

I'd like to say to the teacher, "And when the world fails to collapse in twelve years as you insist will you come crawling to me in profound remorse for being so wrong and for spreading your wrongness from a position of trust? As Gore's dire predictions that were shoved into the heads of schoolchildren nationwide and repeatedly all failed to materialize." Of course not. She'll double down.

"The cost of the government programs is nothing compared to the cost of avoiding them." Not so. She doesn't comprehend anything about the cost of the proposed programs nor does she know anything about the cost of ignoring them. She doesn't know what she is blabbing about.

"We are the generation who will have to live with the disasters of not addressing these issues." And what are we, chopped liver? Do you imagine us all dead in twelve years? We do and don't do for ourselves as well as for you. You're special, precious precocious cupcake. But not that special.

Wrong, Stupid. This is how you approached Senator Feinstein, with smugness and disrespect. It is not a fight for survival, rather it's a fight for political power. Your bizarre claims show your desperate need for psychological help, and our desperate need to keep you away from children so they can have a childhood, one free of your irrational neurosis. 

1 comment:

ampersand said...

Odds are Feinstein's the only one in that group who won't be here in 10 years.