Sunday, February 24, 2019


A Flickr member favorited these photos for some unknown reason this morning. The subject is utterly mundane. The photos are locked in the old servers before Flickr moved. Hardly anyone marks "favorite" the photographs since the move. I don't even know how people find these. They're archived.

The thing about eating toast is, you want the preserves to cover the toast edge to edge so each bite gets the same amount of preserves.

But the thing about photographing toast is you want the butter to show, melted, being melted, so the heat of the toast come through the photograph.

And better yet, show a bite taken out of the toast, as if you're right there eating it, your toast, or your family member's toast that you're seeing right there at the table.

See, we food stylist types keep doing the wrong off-the-wall things to make food appear more sensual.

And that's how you make inanimate objects more sexy.

Another site search [toast]

1 comment:

The Dude said...

Damnit, now I want a piece of toast with jam on it. I didn't before, but now I do. Damnit!