Tuesday, February 5, 2019

State of the Union

Excellent speech, I must say. The best that I've heard. Ever.

Before the speech I read a comment from some dope who wrote, "what speechwriter can write anything for someone who wanders off script and extemporizes? You'd think after his approval ratings tanked after the last one that he'd learn. But he doesn't."

I've never seen the whole place go so far off script as to sing Happy Birthday, but they did tonight. The whole place did. [They're terrible singers.]

My favorite part was President Trump sticking it to the Democrats for supporting infanticide. Only half the room applauded, but they clapped so hard it made up for the 50% participation and surpassed the usual noise.

What do you think?


ricpic said...

It's strange. I find the Democrats hateful. That's not too strong a word. And yet at the same time I have to admit the Democrats have a way of rocking the house when they get revved up that Republicans, well, Republicans are just too staid to manage. This is one of the reasons the voters return to the Democrats time and again. At the end of the day Republican competence (and Trump has been more than competent in terms of the economy) can't compete with Democrat histrionics. That's what the people want.

MamaM said...

To my eyes and ears, he looked and sounded Presidential, speaking with clarity and sincerity, revealing leadership, commitment, vision and the vitality that helped him get elected.

It was a well written speech, and he delivered it with dignity and resolve.

MamaM said...

That's what the people want.

Drama is a huge attention magnet. Trump countered the desire for drama by providing real stories of human courage, resolve, endurance, loss and triumph with live faces to match. In doing he set a tone that went beyond the buzz and intrigue of drama"

"This is what making a real difference looks like! Do you want to engage in endless drama, or use the life you have and the position you are in to make a difference?"

That's the message I heard him present tonight. His sincerity in directly thanking each person whose life and the contribution he noted, by using their name, looking at them, and choosing different words each time may be right out of the Dale Carnagie handbook, but I saw it as a powerful, appropriate, and gracious acknowledgement that was personal and real for them and for him.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Missed it. I worked 12 hours.

Speaking of going off script. I just want to update you on what's going on. I've decided I have to work more hours if I'm going to achieve my goals of buying a vehicle (used minivan) and getting my Drivers License back. I'm only going to have Sundays off from now on. And I may have to do without cable tv and internet. If, and this is a big if, I go ahead and borrow money from a street lender, I'm going to need every penny I make, that doesn't go towards food and shelter, to pay that kind of debt off. I'm thinking about it; I haven't decided yet to go that route. It's a big fucking deal as Joe Biden would put it.

BTW, your helpful contributions have amounted to $910.10. I thank you for your generosity.

MamaM said...

I was also intrigued by the footage that followed his speech as he left the chamber, as the acknowledgments and comments he received from those he walked passed sounded came through to me as sincere and intense, beyond glad-handing or perfunctory acknowledgment. It was as if his words had stirred something in them.

The flock of women in white reminded me of leghorn chickens warily watching each other in their barnyard, while waiting for something to peck or a speck of blood to appear that they could attack together. Their upfluttering at the handful of grain thrown their way looked like the excitement I'd seen in the turkeys that used to frequent my yard when I'd toss out a handful of corn.

Dad Bones said...

leghorn chickens

Thanks for the laugh, MamaM. It wasn't hard to spot the new mother hen. She reluctantly stood up only when she realized that the other chickens weren't following her lead to remain seated. Too bad, AOC, you're just a chicken. Trump owns the hen house.

edutcher said...

Trump is a much better speaker than most people think.

Like Douglas MacArthur, when he has to deliver, he knocks it out of the park.

Lem said...

Missed it. I worked 12 hours.

Speaking of going off script. I just want to update you on what's going on. I've decided I have to work more hours if I'm going to achieve my goals of buying a vehicle (used minivan) and getting my Drivers License back.

Dude, that's been The Blonde's philosophy her entire working life.

Meade said...

"BTW, your helpful contributions have amounted to $910.10. I thank you for your generosity."

You're welcome. Lem, more "free" advice... more charity with "strings attached"...

If you will use the $1000.00 to purchase a certificate of deposit, I'll send you a further contribution of $89.90.
I'll send you a personal check this time (PayPal skims too much percentage).
Capital One is currently paying %2.70 on a 1 year term with $0 minimum. You might find even better rates.

Email me if you're interested.


Trooper York said...

Lem you gotta do what you gotta do but be careful about getting money "on the street."

Sometimes that causes more trouble than it is worth.

I know you know what you are doing and I really hope it works out for you.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sometimes that causes more trouble than it is worth.

I've decided against it. television and internet are impossible for me to part with for a year. that's how long it would have taken to pay that off.

Thanks Troops