Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Yeah I know but it is a good show

I hate the French. I bet you do too. But the wife loves the idea of Paris and wants to go to see the Mona Lisa. The best thing I can do for her is to binge watch this show.

It is in French with English subtitles. It is about a group of movie agents who seem to represent most of the stars of French cinema. Of course they are mainly older actors since those are the ones that are recognizable to an international audience.

The tone is fun and soap operaish and it is quite enjoyable. The best part is the scenery and the decor. The hotels and clubs. The gardens and the streets of Paris. Now you don't see the yellow jacket protesters or the Muslim terrorists or the problems they have over there. Just the good parts. Its a love letter to France.

It is as close as I am ever going to get to visiting Paris. Still and all it is fun. Recommended.


ricpic said...

Speaking of a love letter to France, by pure chance an episode from The Day Of The Jackal came up on Youtube so I decided to watch the whole film and what a film it is! Sure there's a lot of action in it but the film is really Fred Zimmerman's love letter to Europe, a Europe which is largely gone now. Europe high and low, but mainly high. What elegance! What style! Vey impressive piece of work if you have the time give it a view.

The Dude said...

I have seen Day of the Jackal several times. Pretty darned good movie. Duck, CdG, duck!

I was in Paris in the mid-90s and loved it. It wasn't too far gone then - you could still see French people walking around, not a burka in sight. C'est la vie.

Also, I spent so much time in the Louvre that I got to know the shortcuts through the tunnels that would allow you to skip all those tedious galleries full of impressionist paintings - don't show me the Monet!

ampersand said...

Better hurry before it's too late