Wednesday, March 16, 2016

WKRLEM: Little Marco suspends his campaign and explains why Donald Trumps rhetoric is so terrible and hurtful to the protesters who want to disrupt and destroy his rallies!


edutcher said...

Rubio had said early yesterday he was going to stay in no matter how badly he got creamed.

One presumes his donors weren't willing to go any farther.

And a couple of other notes: Boehner endorses Ryan(!) for POTUS (they must be kidding) and some idiot says the base chooses nothing.

Morissey thinks the One True Ted hasn't apologized to the McConnell crowd. They just want the Full Court Alinsky so he can stay in the Senate. He's already proved he's cut a deal.

Trooper York said...

They are already angling to get Paul Ryan the nomination.

How do they possibly think that will stand. Between them Cruz and Trump have the majority of delegates and votes. Ryan didn't have the balls to run. He was a horrible national candidate the last time. How did he improve? By getting stuff handed to him?

If they try this the Republican party is over.

edutcher said...

As we know it, it's over anyway.

As things stand, Trump has a bit over half the delegates needed to get the nod (Cruz has just under a third){I don't think any of the counts include MO yet, but it appears it's Trump's, too}, but look at the schedule - next week is UT (a caucus, so it might well go to Cruz, but we are talking UT) and AZ (primary, so the odds are it's Trump's) and then there's May - WI, NY, PA, RI, CT, MD, and DE - not much of which looks like Cruz country (Kasich has a better shot - if I were him, I'd stay in).

If Trump comes out of May with something like another 500 delegates, he's got it. It would be this side of insanity to pull anything.

Of course, look at the crowd involved

edutcher said...

FWIW, it's on.

Dr Evil's paid thugs are vowing biggest protests of the century.

Too bad the morons don't realize the century's only 16 years old.

And, on another front of the same war, Trump goes after Hillary, “I think she’s an embarrassment to our country. She’s under federal investigation. She doesn’t have the strength or the stamina to be president, frankly, as far as I’m concerned.

“She talks about ‘defeat our enemies.’ Where has she been the last year? We can’t even beat ISIS. She isn’t defeating our enemies. She wouldn’t know how to defeat the enemies.”

Hey, is he being a Trumpist thug there?

And will the One True Ted back him up or tell us The Donald's no gentleman?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Leave Little Marco Alone!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

While I still say Ted would be a better President than Trump, it is Trump's to lose at this point.

I suspect Trump will start to pivot to take on Hillary, who is horrible and who Trump could definitely beat (no guarantee since the media will start getting real hostile to the Donald when he is the nominee). But Trump has shown he is good with hostile media folks.

Trooper York said...

Trump has dealt with hostile media this whole time. He charms them and disarms them. What exactly are they going to do that is worse than they have already done?

To say that the media is going to turn hostile is bullshit.

You see Trump is not afraid to go there. He will put out Hillary's dirty laundry to the point that the media can not ignore it. They can't sweep it under the rug because Donald is going to hit them over the head.

deborah said...

Prediction: true or not, there will be a rape allegation(s) surface against Trump, Cosby style.

deborah said...

Ryan gives me the creeps.

edutcher said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

While I still say Ted would be a better President than Trump

I wonder. Troop's made the point Trump has more of a feel for the working stiff, having had to deal with unions, crooked politicians, etc., than Cruz who's been pretty cloistered in the more exclusive echelons of society. That could give The Donald a perspective valuable in a President.

The One True Ted has shown that, when expediency knocks, he really doesn't seem to have the courage of his convictions; what else has impressed me is that more than a few people here have made the point that they might have gone for him, but for his tone on the stump as Nanny(or Parson)-In-Chief and they found his evangelism "off-putting", a phrase I saw here more than once.

In a sense, it may be why the Republican party went with Eisenhower over MacArthur as the 50s dawned.


ampersand said...

There goes the Conquistador-American vote.

edutcher said...

BTW, we all know Kasich bailed out of the debate after Trump walked, right?

Listening to Kasich and Cruz rip each other might have been fun, but Miss Megyn wouldn't have much to say.

ricpic said...

Hey, tomorrow's St. Paddy's Day. Where's the Quiet Man Post?!

I actually have a top quality pullover in green to wear tomorrow. Not that horrible Kelly green either. A classy green.

deborah said...

I was disappointed Trump didn't take Ohio, but as usual, I'm slow on the uptake. Someone on TV said last night that with Kasich still in, it divides the Cruz/Kasich vote.

My spidey sense says Trump will make the needed x amount of delegates and short-circuit a contested convention.

deborah said...

Kiss me, I'm Irish...and Scotch-Irish and Polish and German, and just found out, based on my mother's maiden name, I may be northern Italian!

Trooper York said...

There will never be a rape allegation against Trump. Unlike Cosby he always paid them off in one way or another. Either a job or a spot on the Celebrity Apprentice or another shift at the cocktail table.

Cosby and Clinton's problem wasn't that they were horn dogs. It was that they were cheap horn dogs.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The whining I hear comes from one direction. *ahem*

Everyone, including Rush, thought Rubio's speech last night was a home run.

Trooper York said...

I saw the commercial where these woman qouted Trump saying stupid things about women. The one that made John Kasich drop his Kotex on the Evil Blogger Ladies walkway.

Megyn Bloody Kelly played it and said how effective it will be in the general.

How about this for a commercial? Trump can have all the female executives in his organization talk about the millions of dollars he has paid them. How despite his rep as a ladies man he never sexually harassed them. Only gave them equal pay for equal work unlike the staff in Hillary's operation. Then Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broderick and Paula Jones can all talk about how Hillary's husband treated them. How Hillary dragged them through the mud and tried to destroy them. How will John Kasich explain that to his daughters?

John Kasich is full of shit.

Trooper York said...

A home run. You misspelled that there Miss April.

And it is not whining baby. It is laughing.

deborah said...

Prolly Trooper, but I'm thinking that's one of the skeletons, real or not, the oppo/MSM will try to pull.

Trooper York said...

They can try.

But we can counter with Willey and Broderick and Jones.

They are going to be as prominent in this election as Willie, Mickey and the Duke.

deborah said...

Rubio gets this plaintive whine to his voice when he gets emotional, like he's going to start crying. Kasich gets all aw-shucks, which I detest.

deborah said...

That's correct. A very dangerous strategy considering Broderick, et al.

deborah said...

So yeah, I bet they won't go there now I see your point.

Trooper York said...

Trump could also bring up Bills ongoing friendship and travel plans with Jeffrey Epstein. Maybe he can shake loose a young underage girl who had sex with Bill for money. That's a better bet don't you think?

And have not doubt. Trump will go there. Cruz wouldn't. Rubio wouldn't. Kasich wouldn't. Jonah Goldberg and Megyn Kelly and Karl Rove and Brit Hume wouldn't. They think it wouldn't be sporting or something.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

I was disappointed Trump didn't take Ohio, but as usual, I'm slow on the uptake. Someone on TV said last night that with Kasich still in, it divides the Cruz/Kasich vote.

My spidey sense says Trump will make the needed x amount of delegates and short-circuit a contested convention.

Kasich finessed the ballot so you had to vote for delegates twice - people found out and were complaining last weekend. Love to know how much that brought him. Here's the pdf, so you can see.

According to AP, Trump has 660, better than halfway there - next week is UT (a caucus, so it might well go to Cruz, but we are talking UT) and AZ (primary, so the odds are it's Trump's) and then there's May - WI, NY, PA, RI, CT, MD, and DE - not much of which looks like Cruz country.

BTW, we all know Hillary was endorsed by the Grand Dragon of the KKK, right?

Kiss me, I'm Irish...and Scotch-Irish and Polish and German, and just found out, based on my mother's maiden name, I may be northern Italian!

Quite the smorgasord, you are.

My father's family came over from the Netherlands in the 1640s and my mother's from Ireland at the start of the Potato Famine (must have been one of the first).

And I'm still only Dutch and Irish (and, no, not even related to Cleavon Little)

AprilApple said...

The whining I hear comes from one direction. *ahem*

Everyone, including Rush, thought Rubio's speech last night was a home run.

Rush also called him a Reagan Republican a couple of weeks ago.

In the immortal words of Charles Hardin Holly, "That'll be the day".

And that farewell speech doesn't mean much, he threw away his career to the point governor is a pipe dream now.

He is, of course, pretty, and that wows a lot of women.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Drudge has this link up. OK Trump... bring it!


edutcher said...

FWIW, the rape or aggressive sex thing seems to be a gambit the Lefties reserve for blacks.

I guess that's where the Klan comes in.

Hey, I thought we were the racists.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I think Rubio is articulate and young. Who do the democrats have? Old, tired, sad, pathetic, criminal...
The nation doesn't want articulation right now. The nation wants Idiocracy and Hunger Games with a splash of Mad Max.

edutcher said...

You're right about what the Demos have, but Rubio's really hurt himself. He'd do well to sit out a couple of elections and think about reinventing himself.

PS For those keeping score,
Trump's now at 673 delegates
, Cruz at 433 (they must have started apportioning the MO delegates).

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

rules #1-1,000,000,000 in politics. Never crawl into bed with Chuck Schumer.

deborah said...

Ed, re ballot, was that unusual? Wouldn't the computer kick out a double vote? I know, I know...

edutcher said...

Very unusual, supposedly something to do with the changeover from proportional to winner-take-all (if the article makes any more sense to you, you're a better man than I).

I've voted in OH since '98 and I never saw anything like it. The first I heard was that it was Kasich's doing and that it was something to watch out for, so I did some research. I'm guessing they figured people might only do one, but those in the know would get the word, etc.

I marked both.

AprilApple said...

rules #1-1,000,000,000 in politics. Never crawl into bed with Chuck Schumer.

I'm with you.

I'm sure his wife feels the same way.

Trooper York said...

The only thing that could be worse in crawling in bed with Amy Schumer.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

David Harsanyi wants the to form a new party. He admits it would hand this election to Hillary, but he doesn't care.

edutcher said...

They tried this in '80 with John Anderson and for the exact same reason.

How many actually might defect is up for grabs, but it needs to be remembered that the faint-hearted by might well be replaced by new constituencies. This is what happened not only with Reagan, but also with Lincoln.

Voters don’t decide the nominations; delegates do and preferably in smoke-filled rooms where rational decisions about the future of a party can be hashed out.

The smoke-filled room went the way of the buffalo years ago and justifiably so. Voters have been deciding nominations for decades and it worked no worse than the smoke-filled room, which, dare I add, gave us some truly ghastly people. This is the McConnell crowd desperate to save themselves after the party faithful have let it be known they won't tolerate this betrayal of their trust and it will blow up on them. The base has followed the rules and this is their choice.

A weakened and corrupt Democrat that Republicans would unite against in Congress is a far better reality than allowing a charlatan to hollow out a party from within.

They've had their chance for 2 years and we've seen the results. Trump at least will fight back.

BTW you notice Ryan wants no part of it. And wisely so.

Good catch, April.

bagoh20 said...

According to exit polls in the primary, 39% of Republicans would support a third party if Trump is the nominee. In related news, Obama approval is at a three year high.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If ALL the GOP voters vote for Trump-- (Cruz, Rubio and Kasich voters) - Trump will win. GOP turn out is strong this year. But that's a big IF.

Trump has a lot of work to do if he wants to win the general.

bagoh20 said...

The political opportunity of a lifetime is blown for the sake of venting anger. In return we get Obamacare, Democrats, Clintons, stagnation, taxation, and a liberal Supreme Court for the rest of our lives.

At least bitching will be too futile to waste any more time on. Woohoo!

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

According to exit polls in the primary, 39% of Republicans would support a third party if Trump is the nominee. In related news, Obama approval is at a three year high.

Which primary and what Republicans; registered, likely voters, who? The primary season has about 3 months to go and the nets need to generate some drama.

Last time this happened, Ross Perot had a grudge against George Bush. I have yet to hear of anyone saying something similar about Trump, only a few party hacks trying to sound important. Nobody's going to vote to save Mitch McConnell's position as Senate Majority Leader and that's the only justification there would be.

Believe it when you see it.

BTW, Pissy's approval is up some because he hasn't been heard from in a couple of months.

AprilApple said...

If ALL the GOP voters vote for Trump-- (Cruz, Rubio and Kasich voters) - Trump will win. GOP turn out is strong this year. But that's a big IF.

Trump has a lot of work to do if he wants to win the general.

He's already started, but he's also reminding the gray hairs that an attempt to steal the nomination would be as disastrous for them as anybody else.

What the Whigs need to worry about is if Trump brings in enough people to make the country club set superfluous. Enough blacks, Hispanics, blue collars, and kids, and this year's John Anderson can go take a flying leap for himself.

edutcher said...

bag, what else are elections for except venting anger?

How do you think we got Pissy?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Forget the "gray hairs" - Trump has a large swath of voters he needs to appeal to.
To count them as in the bag? - risky.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The whigs might peel off and start a new party and leave Trump with the GOP. If you only count Trump voters as Trump voters - Hillary wins in a landslide. Trump needs all GOP voters. so you can mock them as "whigs" dear ed, but you need those whigs. Trump needs whigs.

bagoh20 said...

Which Republicans? It's exit polls if that's any clue, and from all the primaries that happened yesterday. But you don't really ask out of curiosity, but opportunity. How can I discount what I don't like to hear?

bagoh20 said...

How do you think we got Pissy?

A bunch of people didn't listen to conservatives. They didn't care to, because they just wanted him to win no matter what, but they were a majority.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Look at CNN's final tally of voters for Trump v Hillary in Florida. (I use Florida as an example)

In Florida, Hillary got more votes than Trump.

BUT if you add all of Hillary and Sanders, (assuming Dem voters stay loyal to the party) you get a total. If you add all GOP votes (Trump+Rubio+Cruz+ Kasich) (assuming they stay loyal to the R party) you get a total. The GOP vote turnout was much higher.

Assuming Trump gets all those votes? He's burned a lot of bridges.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If 44% of non-Trump voters stay home, we are screwed. Say hello to president corruption.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

**Drudge had the CNN link this AM and I punched numbers into my calculator.

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

Forget the "gray hairs" - Trump has a large swath of voters he needs to appeal to.
To count them as in the bag? - risky

Never said to count anybody in the bag. The issue is the Whigs want to have things under their control and the public seems to be against it. As you yourself said, the 2 biggest vote getters have been Trump and Cruz, who are the anti-establishment candidates by universal reckoning. All the others have won a grand total of 2 states

Clearly something is happening here and the mood of the party is for a better group than we've got.

And, yes, Trump is already working on the unity thing.

The whigs might peel off and start a new party and leave Trump with the GOP. If you only count Trump voters as Trump voters - Hillary wins in a landslide

First, I'd keep an eye on Hillary, clearly much of the Democrats don't like her.

Also, as I say, if you're looking for somebody to head an effective third party effort, you want somebody like Ross Perot. A zero Congressman like John Anderson is going to excite nobody.

bagoh20 said...

Which Republicans? It's exit polls if that's any clue, and from all the primaries that happened yesterday

How many are the faithful of people like Boehner? Exit polls can be manipulated like anything else. He tried to start an insurgency and Ryan couldn't back away fast enough. I know you desperately want somebody who will meet your litmus test of Conservatism. The Republicans tried that in '64 and it didn't work out.

A bunch of people didn't listen to conservatives

No, the vote fraud machine had to be kicked into gear to save him.

But, who, exactly, would you have wanted to be the one?

Bachmann? Santorum (get real)? Perry, maybe, but he flamed out. I liked Herman, but he was smeared.

Who? The Conservatives had their shot

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

If 44% of non-Trump voters stay home, we are screwed. Say hello to president corruption.

Won't happen any more than the 4 million blowhards who tried to con people they stayed home 4 years ago. The party's already starting to calm down, a few of the hysterics are making the usual threats.

You guys must like being depressed, I swear...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Found it: Florida primary totals (you can switch over to GOP at link.)

Trump = 1,077,221
Rubio = 636,653
Cruz = 403,640
Kasich = 159,412

Hillary = 1,097,400
Sanders = 566,603

GOP = 2,276,926 total votes in FL
Dems = 1,664,003 total votes in FL

Trump has work to do. Will his scorched earth work? The anger goes both ways.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm cautiously optimistic, ed. but I'm not ready to fling confetti just yet. I wish Trump were a better candidate. I want to feel confident that we can defeat the most horrible corrupt creature to ever run for office. She needs to go away and soon.

edutcher said...

Hon, you never fling confetti until it's over.

How many people are really that mad is up for grabs, a lot of this is politics as always.

You think what they did to Herman Cain was gentlemanly?

Dubya got in in '00 because he didn't take Gore's nonsense lying down. Reagan had to fight plenty to win in '80.

I think Trump is a better candidate than most because he will fight.

But, yes, keep your eyes on the prize, although I must say people have noticed a severe cough and Tuesday, everybody remarked on her voice.

The Blonde says she has something severely neurological wrong with her and there's always the question George Ramos asked, "If indicted, will you drop out?".

A lot can happen, but I agree, leave nothing to chance.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Again - Hillary beat Trump in North Carolina. BUT, if Trump can capture the Kasich,Cruz,Rubio vote - he can narrowly beat her. In North Carolina - a state the GOP should be able and needs to win.

edutcher said...

According to AP, she beat Trump's total by about 150,000 votes - 616,383 to 458,151.

Another 600,000 votes went to Cruz and Kasich and we don't know how mad the Bernie people really are (there have even been some theories of Bernie voters going to Trump or staying home - who knows?). So beating her in a place like NC is eminently doable.

Never forget, Democrat turnout is way down. Again, celebrate after the election.