Tuesday, March 15, 2016

3091 Denver opinion poll takers say they're too stupid for politics.

It's not a matter of opinion. Journalism requires we learn who is paying opposition but instead Denver Post gives us a poll. 

Let's look at this differently We're too close. We're soaking in it. *dials new Galaxy phone*

Man from Mars, what do you say? 

Well it's none of my business but you asked. Look reversed. Say you're against straight up socialism with all of your soul. And you feel this quite strongly. And so you would never vote for Democrat candidate for high national office And now Bernie Sanders is leading the Democrats, he says the most atrocious things to your ears, you're deeply offended, so you decide to participate in a group organized to protest and use Alinsky tactics known and shown and practiced and observed including violence, then by Mars rules you do deserve whatever you receive in return. Force for force. You're not going there to protest as you say, you liar, rather, you're going there to disrupt. They are disrupting the disruption. In this present case then, ask, are Trump supporters appearing at opposition rallies and disrupting? No. Speech is speech. Disrupting is disrupting. That's how we see things on Mars. This is all very clear to us and frankly we surprised at there even being a question. That there is even a question is unreasonable, it's that clear. Apparently Denver is not like Mars at all. Sweet of you to call. Your elections are interesting. Goodbye.

The poll is ridiculous and so is the journalism. This is what we have when we go to Denverpost.com. Mars makes more sense. 


Amartel said...

A lot of paradigms and presumptions are being broken this election season (along with a lot of egos). Including, for example, "Democrats care about civil liberties." Or, "Democrats want peace." Or, "Democrats want a National Conversation."



It's taking a while for some people, especially those who rely on the media, to catch up. The media runs on tired old presumptions that no longer apply.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good post Chip. People where disgusted, and rightly so, when Westboro Baptist protest show up at soldiers funerals. They were being disruptive.

bagoh20 said...

Are people supposed to ignore when the leader of the group says stuff like: " I love the old days — you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks... I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”

Imagine if Trump supporters showed up at an Obama rally and Obama said that, and everything else happened exactly the same. The idea that people in here would not blame Obama is pure absurdity. Can you imagine saying the Trump supporters deserved it? Can you imagine what you would say about Obama fans who thought that it was cool for a black Obama fan to give a white Trumper that elbow in the face?

What a strange Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde thing we have going here.

Amartel said...

Better news, here: Wa Po Poll

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We don't have to imagine what Trump would do, because they don't. It's not a thing with them to to a Bernie rally and take his microphone and shove him aside like a wet paper bag.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What Trump followers would do... I meant to say.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The elbow in the face guy has no idea how his irresponsible self-indulgent sucker-punch is gonna be used by the media to hurt Trump. All the leftwing protests and their bad behavior will be tucked away and hidden behind that one incident.

" I love the old days — you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks... I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”

His supporters just laugh, Bagoh. They laugh. You are right, If Obama said the exact same thing - the same people would not be laughing or saying "no big deal" they would be outraged.

edutcher said...

FWIW, if we think polls are the end all and be all, here's something new to get a rise out of just about everybody.

After the weekend, looks like The Donald is at 53, according to YouGov*.

*Truth in advertising: I have yet to have any confidence in YouGov. This is a logical outcome of the past weekend, but I remain skeptical absent confirming data.

bagoh20 said...

Are people supposed to ignore when the leader of the group says stuff like: " I love the old days — you know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks... I’d like to punch him in the face, I tell ya.”

Well, we can always go back to, "Get in their faces. Punch back twice as hard".

Having seen what he and his supporters have peen putting up with, most Americans might not be as hoity-toity.

Amartel said...

Better news, here: Wa Po Poll

Sorry, we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for.

I guess the WaPo doesn't even trust their polls.

edutcher said...

And just to show the Whigs and the One True Ted can be just as crooked as the Demos, reports from Jupiter FL are Trump's name left off primary ballots.

Sounds like the One True Ted's campaign manager has signed off on another dirty trick.

Amartel said...

"Who is most to blame for the violence and confrontation at campaign rallies for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump?"

See how they do it? Who is "most to blame." Blame has been pre-apportioned for you; you have only to decide who gets the larger share of it. Also "campaign rallies" means you are asked to consider all of Trump's campaign rallies, not just the one in Chicago that was canceled due to organized swarms of violent and confrontational Democrat storm troopers. Since you, dude on the street, has probably only heard through the media about "violence" and "confrontation" at Trump rallies attributed to Trump or his fans you automatically tend to lean toward blaming Trump.

Amartel said...

The One True Ted removed Trump's name from the Jupiter FL ballots by mind-willing it away. Yes, he's just that awesomely smart.

edutcher said...

No, he isn't or he wouldn't have blamed Trump for Friday, but colluding with the Whigs to see Trump's name removed from ballots has less to do with his mind and more to do with his soul.

BTW a smart-mouth answer is beneath you. This is a serious matter or does one man, one vote only apply to followers of the One True Ted?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The One True Ted puppeteered the elbow in the face guy to make Trump and his supporters look bad.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Oh, yes, I forget, we're all "Trumpist thugs" now. Funny how the right of free speech becomes expendable when you claim to be defending the Constitution.

The One True Ted hasn't presented enough of a threat to be worth Dr Evil's time, which says much about how trivially most people regard him.

Especially since he's now working hand-in-glove with the Whigs

Rabel said...

Trump has won the Mariana Islands caucus with 73% of the vote.*

And because accuracy is important, that 80 year old Trump supporter did not elbow the protester in the head despite what April and the MSM say. That is a not true. It was actually more of a forearm shiver to the jaw. Good placement, but he used his shoulder as a base and really didn't get his lower body into it. I guess you lose a little form at his age.

*Here is your opportunity to make your own joke about Marco and the Mariana Trench.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Forearm shiver to the jaw." WELL - that makes it totally different. I'm sure the MSM will get right on that distinction.

deborah said...

Recent Ohio polling average has Kasich +3.4


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The One True Ted is trying to contact me thru my tin foil hat. shush up. Incoming marching orders and brain-washing transmission to commence.

Rabel said...

The worse thing about Trump Derangement Syndrome is the way it sucks the sense of humor right out of its victims.

Amartel said...

Of course it's serious, ed. What's funny is your automatic knee jerk blaming of onetrueted.

Chip Ahoy said...

Bagoh, Apple, you repeated this.

The point that you insist on missing is that there are no Trump supporters at Obama rally disrupting and storming the stage. So that reversal is not possible. It fails.

The point you two keep returning to is that they do.

Well they don't. They observably don't attend opposition rallies to disrupt that is a distinctly Democrat and Alinsky observable behavior.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We are all repeating ourselves until we are orange in the face, and talking past each other.

Chip, I get the unfairness. The Denver Post is horrible and always biased towards the Dems. I'm pointing out that Trump and his supporters make it too easy.
Instead of discussing the left's angry mobs, the media are focusing on Trump's crazy talk and that one old dude. Subtract Trump's crazy talk and that one old dude, and perhaps the media would be forced to report on the angry leftists who storm stages and stop on free speech in an organized fascist fashion.

(of course they wouldn't)

Chip Ahoy said...

As for the Breitbart reporter. Honestly. Now antitrumpites are down to the story tellers making themselves the story to inflict damage. That's part of the problem Trump supports reject. It's being force-fed on absolutely everything I read along with Trump's short fingers marking these two lines of attack as the exact same bullshit that drove the Trump supporters in the first place.

The attacks are all wrong. Repeaters of this do not understand a journalist getting shoved as they approach knowingly or otherwise, to the ground or otherwise, body contact or other wise, fully truthful about the incident or otherwise simply does not matter and insisting that it does matter fits the pattern of problem that Trump supporters are already reacting and none of this is cogent or salient to observers not interested. Was her face smashed in? Was she shot. Did he shoot her then lie about it? If not then please stop distracting. It's not convincing. And they're all so terribly typical and overproduced and desperate just as liberal media does. I GET the joke and its origin about the short fingers and how it's intended to vex Trump specifically and his supporters secondarily, believe me when I tell you this, it vexes non Trump supporters too and make them wonder just how all that is any different than the nonsense suffered through such things as this Denver Post ridiculous poll and MSM.

Rabel said...

If Trump had never said one mean word about protesters and none of his supporters had ever laid a finger on a protester, the increasingly organized disruptions would still be happening.

That's the big lie here - that the protests are reactions to Trump's careless words and not to his overall message and position as the Republican frontrunner.

Meade said...

Trump says "Islam hates us." Trump protester says, "Trump hates us."

“Yes, he [the protester] deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization." - John McGraw, 78 year-old Trump supporter charged with assault, battery and disorderly conduct. Trump has instructed his people to look into paying McGraw's legal fees.

Trump stated he does not condone violence. He has not, however, stated that he condemns violence.

Calypso Facto said...

The Progressive Sturmabteilung (how do you like that one, Chicklit?) has been practicing for years at campuses around the country for this very moment of silencing violence on behalf of the cause.

Meade said...

"Was her face smashed in? Was she shot. Did he shoot her then lie about it? If not then please stop distracting."

You have a pretty high bar there for assault and battery. I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in Colorado. North Carolina's bar isn't quite so high, I believe.

Trooper York said...

It is obvious that the protests were the result of a video. So that absolves the Black Lives Matters Criminals and the Communist Bernie Sanders Move On activists.

Look at what Trump made them do.

Meade said...

"Look at what Trump made them do."

Maybe Trump just wants to be entertained by a nice riot stew.

Trooper York said...

I hope Trump does pay that guys legal bills.

Activists don't have the right to shut down highways and block ambulances. Protesters don't have the right to shout down speakers and disrupt political rallies they disagree with. Protestors don't have the right to rush the stage and attack the candidate. Protesters don't have the right to kill cops the way that Black Lives Matters protester killed two cops in NYC a couple of hours after protesting.

The difference is that Trump supporters don't want to back down.

That is what is shocking the news media and the cuckservative conservative political establishment.

Trooper York said...

That old guy hit the mook. It is on tape. He was arrested and will be tried. He can just claim to be an illegal immigrant and they will let him go. Isn't that how it is supposed to go.

If he is tried by a jury of his peers he will walk.

Meade said...

Yeah, a jury of his illegal immigrant peers.

Meade said...

Trump might as well start blasting "Sympathy For the Devil" at his rallies.

Trooper York said...

The cops have to enforce the law. They arrested this old guy. Did they arrest the protesters who attacked Trump fans in Chicago or did they give them the chance to "vent."

The guy who bum rushed Trump was out of jail in hours after being bailed out by Soros money and was within minutes posing as a hero on CNN.

We know what is going on here.

Trooper York said...

Trump has to insist that the police enforce the law. The cops lied and said they had it under control and the rally could go forward. It should have went forward. Trump made a big mistake in canceling.

Black Lives Matters and the Communists of Move On do not control our public spaces. The police have to enforce the law or we need to get new cops. If Tiny Dancer orders them to stand down we should know that laws don't count in Chicago.

Oh wait. What am I thinking. Never mind.

Meade said...

4 were arrested in Chicago. 31 in St. Louis. Jury of their peers, right?

bagoh20 said...

"The point that you insist on missing is that there are no Trump supporters at Obama rally disrupting and storming the stage. So that reversal is not possible. It fails.

What you are missing is that my point wasn't about what happened, but how Trump support is so hypocritical. It's been my point for a while that what people just a short time ago found outrageous has suddenly become a beautiful thing.

There were disruptive protesters against Obama over the years, and nobody ever jumped to Obama's defense for saying "punch back harder". The exact opposite was what we got. Obama never went as far as Trump in calling for, defending, and praising violence and that's exactly what he did, and it will probably give the election to the Dems. Imagine how many people that will scare to Clinton. No nuance to it, no second person, in his own words on video, and there is more to come. Epic Fail.

Meade said...

Also epic fail on the part of the protesters. Stupid to go inside Trump rallies. Stupid to rush the stage. Stupid to commit battery on a Chicago police officer, to resist arrest.

Stupid of Trump to offer to pay for legal fees of thugs. At least Sanders hasn't done that.

Both Sanders and Trump should tell their supporters to follow the law and accept personal responsibility for their own actions.

bagoh20 said...

All the damning video and huge embarrassing mistakes once belonged exclusively to Clinton. The Republican's negative stuff had to be explained, and mostly it would be the usual scare stuff to convince moderates that the Republican nominee is mean and dangerous. They easily convinced plenty of them that was true of someone like Romney. How hard is it gonna be to convince them that Trump really is who he says he is?. Hell, you guys bought it hook, line and sinker. You just think it's a good thing.

Meade said...

Incidentally, the guy who knifed to death the stage rusher at the Altamont concert in 1969 was found not guilty due to self defense because the stage rusher pulled out a gun before getting knifed to death. It was all caught on film.

edutcher said...

deborah said...

Recent Ohio polling average has Kasich +3.4


The last 2 are irrelevant and I'd question the relevance of the others if only because they do not take into account Kasich's statement on Fox last Sunday that he'd send an amnesty bill to Congress withing his first 100 days in office.


Trooper York said...

Trump has to insist that the police enforce the law.

Tippytoes has been shown that he wanted the thing broken up by cutting police manpower that night and ordering no arrests.

Trump should go straight to suing the city and Tippytoes.

Meade said...

Bags is right though — right or wrong, this Trump stupidity will lead directly to a win for Hillary in November. Idiots. But maybe that's secretly what you truly want.

edutcher said...

Keep telling yourselves that. Although it won't kill the taste of the sour grapes.

A little something for Troop: The idiot who tried to pull The Donald off the stage will be prosecuted by the Feds.

bagoh20 said...

Chip, That Breitbart reporter wasn't upset about the shove, although she reported what happened, and what the WaPo reporter saw and was expecting the apology that the Trump people originally promised was coming. What got her and FIVE others to resign from Breitbart was that they did a smear job on her for no other reason than to defend Trump. They resigned because of the betrayal of their own reporter and the wholly in the tank position of the news organization. Both are things that Andrew Breitbart would never have done. The organization is now Media Matters for Trump. Breitbart is imploding, and that's the story with legs.

Meade said...

"Trump should go straight to suing the city and Tippytoes." for violating his safe-space.

Safe-space: "A place where anyone can relax and be fully self-expressed, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome or challenged on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, age, physical or mental ability, or Trumpiness; a place where the rules guard each person's self-respect, dignity and feelings and strongly encourage everyone to respect others, including Trump followers."

edutcher said...

For violating his civil rights.

Free speech, all that other stuff that Lefties think should be reserved only for them.

Meade said...

Wouldn't that risk discovery of the fact that Trump made up the idea that the police told him to cancel his event?

edutcher said...

They still tried to suppress his First Amendment rights.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

Apparently this is Bernie on his supporter who rushed Trump in Ohio from CNN:


As for the notion that we should not stoop to the left's level... well, here is what the college educated BLM folks are debating at Harvard (hint, its genocide):


I'm all for trying reason and being reasonable. Live at let live baby. But you have to remember the world you're actually living in has people that will use your fear of being called bad names against you. They will use it against you to make you their slaves.

All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Trooper York said...

Bags said:
"Obama never went as far as Trump in calling for, defending, and praising violence and that's exactly what he did, and it will probably give the election to the Dems."

That is simply not true Bags. You are either mistaken, have forgotten or bullshitting. Here are some of the things that Obama has said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

During a campaign stop on September 18, 2008, Obama advocated that his supporters “argue with [people], get in their faces.”

“If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard.”

This has been the lefts game plan. Your answer is to surrender. To pull the cops and set up a no go zone. To let them dictate if you can have a rally. You think standing up and giving back the same thing to them is wrong and a losing strategy. That following the Mitt Romney namby pamby take their shit because you are a better person. The same way you want to abandon the border and forget about immigration because we can't deport people or enforce our immigration law because any one who wants to come to America to steal the jobs of Americans has that inalienable right.

So this old white guy couldn't take it anymore and he popped a big mouth in the snoot. He is facing the consequences. Most of the demographics that the Networks are trumpeting is that Trumps supporters are old white guys. The conservative intellegensia wants us dead and our communities buried. It might our last stand. We have to decide it is going to be the Greasy Grass or Rorkes Drift.

Trooper York said...

Only Ed will get the reference.

Trooper York said...

Of course that might be terribly violent imagery might cause the news media and politicans to wet their panties.

Little Marco will cry.

John Kasich will not be able to tell his daughters.

Ted Cruz will say that it is not constitutional to deny the rights of protestors to deny the first amendment rights of rally goers or something. In fact I don't know what he will say except it won't be a direct denouncing of Black Lives Matters criminals or Move On communists. Because he is doing their work for them.

rcocean said...

The Brietbart reporters: Fields and Shapiro resigned because they were forced to. the video shows there was no criminal assault. She was not "yanked to the ground", her face didn't even register pain or surprise, she didn't even totter an inch. If she was assaulted, its must have been the quickest, lightest, assault in history.

Go look at the video. She & Trump's manager were literally surrounded by 20 people, most of them with cameras and sound booms - yet no one has recorded this criminal assault - that supports her story.

rcocean said...

this reminds me of the infamous "tea party" Nigger incident. Where some Black congressional leaders walked past - in public - a bunch of tea party members during a protest.

Despite, every other person have a camera phone, no one except the congressman heard some mysterious someone call them "Nigger".

Rabel said...

"Thomas DiMassimo, 22, has been charged in federal court with entering a restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so, according to court documents.

Court documents read that DiMassimo “did knowingly enter and remain in a restricted building….cordoned off and otherwise restricted area where a person protected by the Secret Service.”

Cool. One year max penalty.

Trooper York said...

Lets see if he is prosecuted. Or if someone pays his fine. I hope someone follows up this story.

Amartel said...

Regarding the reports of Florida ballots without Trump's name on them: Consider the possibility that the reports are from Dem and Independent voters and further consider that Florida has a closed primary.

What is more likely:

1. Florida Dems confused by ballot/politics in general
2. Magical ballot fu by OneTrue

rcocean said...

I hope they throw the book at this Left-wing freak. We can't have loonies charging Presidential candidates.

After the fact, he said he just wanted to "talk" to Trump.

Yeah, right.

rcocean said...

Imagine the freak out if a Trump supporter had charged Hillary. The MSM would've gone nuts, and we'd still be talking about Right-wing extremism and how those crazy conservatives need to be put under surveillance.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

Only Ed will get the reference.


bagoh20 said...

So Troop, why didn't you give Obama some love for that stuff back in the day? Doesn't that kind of talk make him awesome? As Rubio said, Trump never punched anybody in the face. I bet Obama could kick Trump ass in a fistfight. Michelle that is.

bagoh20 said...

rcocean, Six people resigned from Brietbart in the last week. They were not fired.

bagoh20 said...

A preview of the general election coverage.


bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Rubio suspends campaign. Says: "Trooper won't have me to kick around anymore."


edutcher said...

If I read Fox correctly, they've called everything but OH for Trump; like to see how much it was in OH.

If wrong on the others, I will happily stand corrected.

PS If Rubio is dropping out, what's Kasich's excuse?

bagoh20 said...

Kasich has the convention in his home state and will take his 200 or so delegates he has by then and drag them around like a plate of hors-d'oeuvres.

bagoh20 said...

Troop, As much as I despise the man, what Obama said were all statements of self-defense if attacked. He never suggested or defended physically attacking people just because they disagree, not to mention being clearly metaphorical. It's the difference between responding to an asshole and being one.

Jesus in a rickshaw, you have me defending Obama now. Just stop pretending your guy is not exactly what you want him to be - a thug calling himself a businessman just like every rapper. He's is the rap music of politics now. Embrace it.

Trooper York said...

You see bags you just don't get it. I do embrace. I keep telling you that. You refuse to listen. You think you are going to point to some thing he said or or some business failure or some policy as though I am going to slap my forehead and shout Eureka!

Trump is a flawed vessel. A very flawed vessel. But his flaws are all out front. His life is an open book. In fact a book is a good analogy.

Trunp is Judith Krantz or Jackie Collins or Stephen King or Tom Clancy or Mickey Spillane. Ted Cruz is John Cheever or John Updike. I have read books by all of those authors. I much prefer the first group. So do the readers who vote by what they purchase. Low class I know. But that is reality.

Try to stay in shouting distance of it.

Trooper York said...

Trump is the expression of every person who had to grit their teeth and listen to protesters stop them from eating brunch or do Christmas shopping or even drive home over the Brooklyn Bridge.

In fact you can think of him as a pressure valve. He is letting some of the pent up steam escape. If you remove it and let the pressure build up even more.....well you know what happens.

Trooper York said...

Obama telling his minions to get in peoples faces was not in reaction to an attack. And Trump was talking about reaction to protesters anyway. If the protesters kept to designated areas they can protest all they want. That was how Giuliani used to handle it. These protesters want to infiltrate an event and serially disrupt it so the speaker can not speak. The reaction is to that. It is just not the namby pamby reaction of bow tie Republicans. It is the working class reaction. Trumps people.

The one you get wearing a Yankee hat in Fenway or a Red Sox hat at the stadium.

rcommal said...

... Trump is a flawed vessel. A very flawed vessel. But his flaws are all out front. His life is an open book. In fact a book is a good analogy. ..

I will say this, Trooper: You have, in fact, not just been open about this but have been openly signalling this for months, and you have made no bones about it, and you also have been explicitly labeling your posts to publicly and honestly state and embrace your position. I agree with you on the point that there has been no dishonesty, none at all, in that respect, and that it is on others if they didn't take seriously what you stated right out, pretty much from the outset of your support:

Donald Trump is a douchebag, but he's our douchebag

rcommal said...

It's been clear for months that when you made your choice, that was a decision firmly made, and here's why I think that's so: You made it clear that you had already weighed out everything that could be brought to bear on/against/for your decision, and you then decided to embrace fully your decision and the candidate of your choice, no matter what. That was that, and the very fact of "that was that" you made very clear.

I agree that there's no point in bothering to engage you if indeed the point of the effort is to attempt to change your mind.

rcommal said...

At this point, Bagoh, I suggest to you that spending more of your time trying to convince those in your real life to vote your way makes a whole lot more sense than spending even nominal time here--in terms of electoral politics, anyway. : )

bagoh20 said...

rcommal, That was clear months ago. I'm just building my told-you-so monument at this point.

Trooper York said...

Closing off conversation is never a good thing.

But then some people have a conversation going on in their head so they don't need to hear opposing viewpoints.

I really enjoy hearing Bags and April's viewpoint. They present their side very well. I hope will continue to do so with all the vigor and stamina they can muster.

In the meantime the Donald will just keep winning primaries and delegates as many millions of Americans agree with me. Just sayn'

rcommal said...

Obviously, the overwhelming likelihood is Trump vs. Clinton in the general election. It seem to me that's been pretty clear for quite awhile. I'd like to see Trump start viewing himself as the general election nominee. Nothing has made me change my stance on the Clintons, and make no mistake about it I won't be voting for one. Never did, never will.