Friday, August 2, 2019

Trump MAGA, Cincinnati

His tone is a touch more hardened and aggressive. He has a good segment on Pocahontas, nicely summarizing her professional life built on lies in a way the Democrat candidates do not dare in the Democrat debates. Presumably. You'd have to watch them to know, but if they did then we'd hear about it.

There are two incidents with protestors. One with signs about our country being built by immigrants, as if legal immigrants and descendants of legal immigrants themselves wouldn't know that. What we have here is a case of ignorant crackpots presuming to give people smarter than themselves a lesson in civics. The smarter people told the dumber people drove them out. U.S.A. ... U.S.A. ... U.S.A.

There is a bit of technical difficulty at the beginning but it passes quickly.

It's fun.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

He's getting fed up with the Demos' lies.

Chlamydia won't get past him the way she did Gropin' Joe.

If she lasts that long.