Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Family charged with assault and hate crime after discovering a teen in a bedroom closet

Weird story.

This story is primarily racial.

A fifteen-year-old Latina girl invited a seventeen-year-old black boy into their home while her parents were out.

Her parents returned. Her mother, her step-dad and her biological father. So, odd group right there.

The three parents discovered the teen boy hiding in their daughter's closet. They tied him up and pelted him with racial slurs. Then untied him and the boy fled. The parents did not call the police.

I didn't catch how the police were called and I'm unwilling to reread the story.

The children tell the story differently. They say the teen did not punch the mother. And they say there were no racial slurs.

I don't really care. The teen has his story, apparently he knew the parents would object and that's why he was hiding, the girl is guilty as the boy for setting this up, she has her own story, the parents have their own story, and the other kids have their story.

This is a clash of subcultures within my own culture. Subcultures in which I have little knowledge.

I do know the comments to this story on SFGate are 100% obnoxious. People do go on positioning themselves as racial experts and everyone else as racists.

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