Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Hunt, trailer

The reaction videos with this trailer are stupid. They talk too much about irrelevant things like thier own hair. The young people providing them want to see the film to see the bad guys (the hunters) get it in the end. 

This Powerline article by John Hinderaker is smart. His take is that Trump is awesome by getting a film knocked out of its circulation by a single tweet. The discussion is about acknowledging the good guys are actually the deplorables and the arrogant leftists are the losers in the film but Democrat party being composed of wild-@ss crackpots the film could still be seen as a good idea in the way Animal Farm and 1984 are used as How To instruction books and not as dystopian warnings, along with two politicized crackpots James Hodgkinson's and Stephen Paddock for two current examples.
I will go out on a limb and guess that Universal executives shelved the movie because of Trump’s suggestion that film violence contributes to real violence, for which Hollywood liberals “then try to blame others.” The executives, I suspect, didn’t want to do anything that might compromise the Democrats’ ability to blame President Trump. 
Without actually seeing the movie, it is hard to know whether withdrawing the film isn’t a blunder. If it is true that the hunters are the bad guys—with an EU connection!!—and the hunted “deplorables” the good guys who win revenge in the end, then maybe this movie would have been slightly pro-Trump.
Comments over at PowerLine

* Davy Jones Locker
Trump the dragon slayer. Can anyone imagine a Bush, a Romney, a McCain, a Dole, etc., etc. to challenge these sanctimonious weasels and win? We have a champion and he is not afraid to enter the gladiator pit to slay the beast. 

* Gordon Powell 
"Satirical social thriller". I guess the liberals convulse with laughter at the satire of murdering those they disagree with.

* Big Al 
I look forward to very few movies, but after watching the trailer, was going to make a point of seeing this one. What a bunch of poulet de merds, those Universal executives! Stand by your idiot writer/director!

They pulled it because they figured out that it was going to redound to POTUS' benefit - that is the only reason. Some clever person needs to pirate a copy and put it out on the 'net.

* Gary Benson 
In a perverse way I was looking forward to the movie but then I thought of how a movie caused those deaths at Benghazi and thought better of it.

* Parker Shannon 
If the movie was to open next month it means the film is finished and that means it will be released -- somehow or some way.

Thanks to all the free advertising millions will pay to see it. It will become an underground classic.

And much more at the link.

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