Friday, August 9, 2019

Mötley Crüe frontman Tommy Lee warned Trump supporters will face payback if Democrat win back the White House

Thanks for the warning. We'll do our best to check Democrat voter fraud to make sure that doesn't happen.

Actually he said "We're going to pay you back so f'k'n hard for all this sh*t."

He's too dumb to realize the election of Trump was payback for the previous Democrat sh*t, but as it turns out Trump is much better for America and far more consequential than his supporters had ever hoped.

And Tommy Lee isn't imaginative enough to write his own diatribe. It's all lifted from Reddit user Tetranomic who posted his passionate curse filled speech last year.

Just another reason for staying off Reddit, another internet sh*thole.
Your comment will likely be removed if it: advocates or celebrates the death of another person; is racist, sexist, vitriolic, or overly crude. If it is unnecessarily rude or provocative. If it is a cheap and distracting joke or meme.

Then how is this tolerated?

Reddit user Tetranomic wants:
to turn Fox News offices into a “refugee family center,” rename all public parks “Rosa Parks” and paint the White House “rainbow.” 
Eh. That's not so bad. You know your interlocutor is a dope when they mention Fox News assuming you get all your information from Fox the way they get their own information from MSNBC and all the other discredited legacy media they accept as common received wisdom.
“You Trumpsters better pray that liberals never gain control of the [White House] again because we are going to pay you back so f***king hard for all this sh*t.”
Trumpsters. This signals we're reading someone serious.
“Planned Parenthoods on every damn corner. We’re going to repaint Air Force One pussy hat pink and fly it over your beloved Bible Belt 6 days a week, tossing birth control pills, condoms & atheist literature from the cockpit. We’re going to tax your mega churches so bad that Joel Osteen will “need to get a job at Chick-fil-A to pay his light bill.” 
It's obvious comedy.

Tommy L33's plagiarized message on Twitter. That 33 there, that's leet, which is short for "elite" when you're ten years old and just starting out on the internet. It's all one paragraph.

Compilation Democrat Underground.

It's a parody of liberals. While a few liberals think that it's real and Breitbart treats it as such. Of course Breitbart chooses the strangest photograph of Tommy Lee they can find to accompany their article. See Duckduckgo images, [tommy lee] you have to scroll down quite a way to find a photo this ridiculous. Most of his photos are rather nice. Especially if you like tattoos and chicken scratch ink.

The sentences are items on a list published on Democrat Underground posted by various users, arranged as a screed by a single individual out of their mind. Published on Reddit and coped by Tommy Lee a full year later.
Speaking of Chik Fil A, we're buying all those and giving them to any LGBTQ person your sick cult leaders tortured with conversion therapy. Have fun with the new menu you bigoted fucks. Try the McPence. It's a boiled unseasoned chicken breast that you have to eat in the closet with your mother. We're going to gather up all of your guns, melt them down and turn them into a gargantuan metal mountain emblazoned with the face of Hillary Clinton. All parks will be renamed Rosa Parks asap. We're replacing Confederate statues with BLM leaders and Mexican immigrants. Every single public school will be renamed after a child that was kidnapped by this regime. And after we fumigate the WH we're repainting the whole thing rainbow. 
You already said that, Mr. Repeaty.
Fox News will be taken over and turned into a family refugee shelter. We're turning Hannity's office into a giant unisex bathroom with changing tables and free tampons. And every single time a Trumpster complains about any of the changes we're adding an openly gay character to a Disney movie.
No single worked up loser Democrat crackpot is this entertaining. Believe me we prefer them this way, if only they were,  because when voters allow Democrats even a modicum of power they're even less considerate of genuine matters of national importance and all attention goes to extreme overregulation and the full range liberal conceits. Things such as employment, number of people on food stamps and numbers of people collecting unemployment, straight up invasion by illegal immigrants in extremely high numbers, sanctuary cities, layered justice system with knockouts for society's elite and for immigrants, and worse of all, international treaties and trade agreements that work against American interests. None of that matters. What matters is sex.

Breitbart. The right's own propaganda, whose writers and assemblers cannot make out the difference between comedy and a tweet by a rocker who copied the assembled ideas of other parodists.

Chosen because this piece on Breitbart generated 17,500 comments, far more than all other posts presently, and they all seem to think that it's real.


edutcher said...

The village idiot at another blog was making all kinds of noises about how the Demos weren't really going to go all ValJar on the country and I was wondering where it came from.

Given the great debates we've seen, I doubt it would be less than a generation before the Demos take anything.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Late stage syphilis does that to a brain.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Joel Osteen pays a shit ton of taxes on his income. That's how it works.

Churches don't pay taxes, people do.

I'm not defending Osteen - he's kinda odd and I'm no follower of him.

btw - most ignorant Christian haters have NO idea how most churches are incredible forces for charitable good in local communities.

Amartel said...

Empty words from a drug-addled moron with an unsavory variety pack of bad habits that need funding. Really not worth deconstructing.

Chip Ahoy said...

Egg zakly.

GermanMartin said...

Tommy lee is a LOSER who talks about “changing “ American ethics......when his own son KO’d him. Lee wants to empower women when it was he who used to beat his former wife, Pamela Anderson who slept with everyone and their father,Red,White,and Blue. Lee, his sons, and former Canadians whore of a “wife” all look like they belong in a circus for meth heads. Lee thinks he’s smart when he like his celebrity friends cannot count above 3. Zombies who have opinions but have other people who think for them. Like Taylor swift. She knows she had to suck even the door knobs in Hollywood to get the stupidest acting role. All losers who are slaves to Hollywood pedophiles, rapists, sexists, liberals. Lol Tommy, I usually don’t tell even a roach to go die, but in your case, a roach has more worth then not only you, but your stupid post. I swear, I shaved 140 points off of my IQ reading a post by a liberal retard!!!