Monday, August 12, 2019

Immigration public charge laws on self sufficiency for green cards to be enforced

Ken Cuccinelli the Acting Director of US Citizenship and Immigration explains the laws have been in effect for a hundred years but largely ignored the last twenty-five years.

From Trump's point of view and of his supporters it's more campaign promises made, promises kept. From everyone else's point of view it's pure shock.

Do you mean to tell us the laws are going to be actually upheld? But what about ... and what about ... and what about ... and what about ... and what about ... and what about ... ?

One dim witted journalist in particular conflates the emotional art of Emma Lazarus cast in bronze on the base of the Statue of Liberty with actual government policy. "Do you mean give us your tired, your hungry, your poor has no meaning anymore?"

"Pull your head out of your butthole, silly journalist, that's art, not government policy." Is what I wish Cuccinelli answered back to him, but no, Cuccinelli is more reasonable, tactful, diplomatic than that.

What a bummer.

This key frame is funny.


Amartel said...

Running around with their hair on fire because common sense dictates that we don't want tons of immigres who are going to immediately start hoovering up free shit.

ampersand said...

They nabbed 600 illegals at a Mississippi processing plant. It would be better to arrest the owners of that plant and anyone else hiring illegals. Hefty fines first offense,jail time for repeat offenders. The illegal situation would clear itself up rapidly.